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Author: OttoVonBismark

Sejarah Yahudi Diusir Dari Eropah

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 Author| Post time 25-2-2019 04:59 PM | Show all posts
pokaibanktokyo replied at 25-2-2019 01:11 AM
Pengusiran yahudi dari England 1290

The Edict of Expulsion was a royal decree issued by King Edwa ...

ok dapat satu info. lagi lagi lagi

@winamp05 sila kreditkan dia


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Post time 25-2-2019 06:36 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Pengusiran yahudi dari Sepanyol 1492

The Alhambra Decree (also known as the Edict of Expulsion; Spanish: Decreto de la Alhambra, Edicto de Granada) was an edict issued on 31 March 1492, by the joint Catholic Monarchs of Spain (Isabella I of Castile and Ferdinand II of Aragon) ordering the expulsion of practicing Jews from the Kingdoms of Castile and Aragon and its territories and possessions by 31 July of that year.[1] The primary purpose was to eliminate their influence on Spain's large converso population and ensure they did not revert to Judaism. Over half of Spain's Jews had converted as a result of the religious persecution and pogroms which occurred in 1391.[2] Due to continuing attacks around 50,000 more had converted by 1415.[3] A further number of those remaining chose to convert to avoid expulsion. As a result of the Alhambra decree and persecution in prior years, over 200,000 Jews converted to Catholicism and between 40,000 and 100,000 were expelled, an indeterminate number returning to Spain in the years following the expulsion.[4]:17

The edict was formally and symbolically revoked on 16 December 1968,[5] following the Second Vatican Council. This was a full century after Jews had been openly practicing their religion in Spain and synagogues were once more legal places of worship under Spain's Laws of Religious Freedom.

In 1924, the regime of Primo de Rivera granted Spanish citizenship to the entire Sephardic Jewish diaspora. In 2014, the government of Spain passed a law allowing dual citizenship to Jewish descendants who apply, to "compensate for shameful events in the country's past."[6] Thus, Sephardi Jews who can prove they are the descendants of those Jews expelled from Spain because of the Alhambra Decree can "become Spaniards without leaving home or giving up their present nationality."[7][8]

In 2015 the Spanish Parliament passed a law recognizing as Spanish those presumed to be descendants of the Jews expelled in 1492, thereby annulling the consequences of that expulsion.



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Post time 26-2-2019 08:39 AM | Show all posts
OttoVonBismark replied at 25-2-2019 08:59 AM
ok dapat satu info. lagi lagi lagi

Pengusiran yahudi dari wilayah Bretagne di Perancis 1240

(Fr. Bretagne), region and former province of western France and ancient independent duchy. Canon 12 of the ecclesiastical Council of Vannes in Brittany (465) forbade clerics to partake in meals with Jews. At about the same time, Nunechius, bishop of *Nantes , welcomed a newly converted Jew. Jews are again found in Brittany from the end of the 12th century living in Ancenis, Clisson, Dol, Guérande, Lamballe, Nantes, and Rennes, and probably also in some other places. By an agreement of Feb. 23, 1222, Pierre Mauclerc, duke of Brittany, confirmed the jurisdiction of the bishop of Nantes over the Jews living in his see. In 1236 many Jews in Brittany were massacred by Crusaders. The remainder were expelled in April 1240 by the duke Jean le Roux who declared a moratorium on all debts owed to Jews and ordered them to return all pledges of chattels or real estate. The duke bound himself and his successors to uphold the decree in perpetuity. For several centuries, therefore, only converted Jews are found living in Brittany. A problem is presented, however, by the Hebrew tombstone (dated 1574) of Solomon b. Jacob Semahes found in Quimperlé. From the beginning of the 17th century, numerous *Marranos settled in Brittany, mainly in Nantes; their Christian competitors failed to have them expelled. During the 18th century, Jewish traders from Bordeaux, Alsace, and Lorraine began to visit the fairs and markets. In 1780, as a result of an isolated incident, they were all expelled. Immediately after the French Revolution, they are found again, notably in Nantes, Brest, Rennes, and Saint-Servan. In 1808, when the*consistories were established, the total number of Jews living in Brittany was only about 30. In the late 20th century there were communities in Nantes, Brest, and Rennes.



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Post time 26-2-2019 08:53 AM | Show all posts
Nah lagi.
Pengusiran yahudi dari semua wilayah di bawah pentadbiran secara terus Raja Perancis 1182.
Orang kristian perancis zaman itu sekadar jadi babu dan jongos di rumah yahudi

THE Jews had already been settled in France for over a thousand years when Philip Augustus came to power in 1179. This brilliant but unscrupulous ruler, then about fifteen years of age, needed money and help to strengthen his hold on the throne and to fight the powerful feudal barons. He gained these objectives, in part, by confiscating Jewish wealth; thus he secured not only money but also the goodwill of the Church and of the Christian debtors. That he himself actually believed that Jews committed ritual murders is difficult to determine. It is sufficient to say that, in taking drastic action against his Jewish subjects, he had recourse to such accusations.

Four months after taking over the reigns of government he imprisoned all the Jews in his lands and released them only after a heavy ransom had been paid (1180). The next year (1181) he annulled all loans made to Christians by Jews, taking instead a comfortable twenty per cent for himself. A year later (1182) he confiscated all the lands and buildings of the Jews and drove them out of the lands governed by himself directly. It is difficult to determine if his decree affected the Jews in the baronial lands.

Several years later (1198) Philip Augustus readmitted the Jews and carefully regulated their banking business so as to reserve large profits to himself through a variety of taxes and duties. He made of this taxation a lucrative income for himself.

The following account describes the events leading up to the expulsion in 1182. It is taken from the Gesta Philippi Augusti, a contemporary Latin history by the monk Rigord who first began this chronicle about 1186. Rigord, who was rather naive, tells his story from the point of view of a devoted son of the Church. He died some time after 1205.

[Philip Augustus had often heard] that the Jews who dwelt in Paris were wont every year on Easter day, or during the sacred week of our Lord's Passion, to go down secretly into underground vaults and kill a Christian as a sort of sacrifice in contempt of the Christian religion. For a long time they had persisted in this wickedness, inspired by the devil, and in Philip's father's time, many of them had been seized and burned with fire. St. Richard, whose body rests in the church of the Holy Innocents-in-the-Fields in Paris, was thus put to death and crucified by the Jews, and through martyrdom went in blessedness to God. [Louis VII, then king, held the Jews guiltless in this death.] Wherefore many miracles have been wrought by the hand of God through the prayers and intercessions of St. Richard, to the glory of God, as we have heard.

And because the most Christian King Philip inquired diligently, and came to know full well these and many other iniquities of the Jews in his forefathers' days, therefore he burned with zeal, and in the same year in which he was invested at Rheims with the holy governance of the kingdom of the French, upon a Sabbath, the sixteenth of February [1180], by his command, the Jews throughout all France were seized in their synagogues and then bespoiled of their gold and silver and garments, as the Jews themselves had spoiled the Egyptians at their exodus from Egypt. This was a harbinger of their expulsion, which by God's will soon followed. . . .

At this time [1180-1181] a great multitude of Jews had been dwelling in France for a long time past, for they had flocked thither from divers parts of the world, because peace abode among the French, and liberality; for the Jews had heard how the kings of the French were prompt to act against their enemies, and were very merciful toward their subjects. And therefore their elders and men wise in the law of Moses, who were called by the Jews didascali [teachers], made resolve to come to Paris.

When they had made a long sojourn there, they grew so rich that they claimed as their own almost half of the whole city, and had Christians in their houses as menservants and maidservants, who were open backsliders from the faith of Jesus Christ, and judaized with the Jews. And this was contrary to the decree of God and the law of the Church. And whereas the Lord had said by the mouth of Moses in Deuteronomy [23:20-21], "Thou shalt not lend upon usury to thy brother," but "to a stranger," the Jews in their wickedness understood by "stranger" every Christian, and they took from the Christians their money at usury. And so heavily burdened in this wise were citizens and soldiers and peasants in the suburbs, and in the various towns and villages, that many of them were constrained to part with their possessions. Others were bound under oath in houses of the Jews in Paris, held as if captives in prison. [Germanic law permitted a creditor to hold a debtor prisoner.]

The most Christian King Philip heard of these things, and compassion was stirred within him. He took counsel with a certain hermit, Bernard by name, a holy and religious man, who at that time dwelt in the forest of Vincennes, and asked him what he should do. By his advice the King released all Christians of his kingdom from their debts to the Jews, and kept a fifth part of the whole amount for himself.

Finally came the culmination of their wickedness. Certain ecclesiastical vessels consecrated to God-the chalices and crosses of gold and silver bearing the image of our Lord Jesus Christ crucified -had been pledged to the Jews by way of security when the need of the churches was pressing. These they used so vilely, in their impiety and scorn of the Christian religion, that from the cups in which the body and blood of our Lord Jesus Christ was consecrated they gave their children cakes soaked in wine. . . .

In the year of our Lord's Incarnation 1182, in the month of April, which is called by the Jews Nisan, an edict went forth from the most serene king, Philip Augustus, that all the Jews of his kingdom should be prepared to go forth by the coming feast of St. John the Baptist [June 24]. And then the King gave them leave to sell each his movable goods before the time fixed, that is, the feast of St. John the Baptist. But their real estate, that is, houses, fields, vineyards, barns, winepresses, and such like, he reserved for himself and his successors, the kings of the French. [Some of this wealth may have been used to build the Louvre.]

When the faithless Jews heard this edict some of them were born again of water and the Holy Spirit and converted to the Lord, remaining steadfast in the faith of our Lord Jesus Christ. To them the King, out of regard for the Christian religion, restored all their possessions in their entirety, and gave them perpetual liberty.

Others were blinded by their ancient error and persisted in their perfidy; and they sought to win with gifts and golden promises the great of the land-counts, barons, archbishops, bishops-that through their influence and advice, and through the promise of infinite wealth, they might turn the King's mind from his firm intention. [The lords appealed to were the political enemies of the king.] But the merciful and compassionate God, who does not forsake those who put their hope in Him and who doth humble those who glory in their strength so fortified the illustrious King that he could not be moved by prayers nor promises of temporal things. . . .

The infidel Jews, perceiving that the great of the land, through whom they had been accustomed easily to bend the King's predecessors to their will, had suffered repulse, and astonished and stupefied by the strength of mind of Philip the King and his constancy in the Lord, exclaimed with a certain admiration: "Shema Israel!"[that is, "Here O Israel"] and prepared to sell all their household goods. The time was now at hand when the King had ordered them to leave France altogether, and it could not be in any way prolonged. Then did the Jews sell all their movable possessions in great haste, while their landed property reverted to the crown. Thus the Jews, having sold their goods and taken the price for the expenses of their journey, departed with their wives and children and all their households in the aforesaid year of the Lord 1182.



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Post time 26-2-2019 09:24 AM | Show all posts
Dan lagi..

Pengusiran yahudi dari Austria 1421

On March 12, 1421, the surviving Jews of Vienna – those who had survived the past year’s incarcerations, tortures and drownings, and who had not already chosen suicide over conversion – were set on fire, thereby “rid[ding] the city of all injustice,” as a plaque erected on Vienna’s Judenplatz read until only recently.

There had been a Jewish presence in Vienna, on the Danube, since at least the 12th century. By the 15th century, their population was probably between 1,400 and 1,600. At the time of the Easter holiday in 1420, rumors began circulating in the town of Enns, west of Vienna, that a wealthy Jew named Israel had bought Communion wafers from the wife of a church official, and that they were now being desecrated by members of the Jewish community. (“Host desecration” was a common medieval charge leveled at Jews, somewhat like the blood libel.)

Albert V, also known as Albrecht, the archduke of Austria, ordered the arrest of Jews from all over the country. They were brought to Vienna, where the wealthy among them were forced to give up their property (and tortured so that they would reveal where any treasures might be hidden); the impoverished were put on rafts on the Danube and set adrift without oars.

At the time, Albert was engaged in an ongoing war with the followers of Jan Hus, the Protestant reformer who had been executed in 1415. The Jews were taxed to finance the war, but were also widely suspected of being sympathetic, if not in league, with the Hussites. Personally, as well, Albert was indebted to Jewish moneylenders, lacking the means to repay them. Killing them seemed to be a reasonable alternative.

Remains of Vienna's oldest synagogue, destroyed in 1421.
Remains of Vienna's oldest synagogue, destroyed in 1421. Gryffindor
Jewish children were taken from their parents and sent to Catholic institutions for conversion, a practice that continued even after Pope Martin V mandated that anyone who forced conversion on a Jew would face excommunication.

The final measure used against those Jews who refused baptism came on March 12, 1421, when those who had survived – 92 men, 120 women – were brought to the so-called Goose Pasture in Vienna’s Erdberg section, and burned alive.

All remaining Jews in Austria were banished, and the archduke took possession of their property. The stones from what had been the synagogue at the Judenplatz were hauled across town for use in construction of the University of Vienna. Thus, as a contemporary document at the university relates, “In a miraculous manner the synagogue of the old laws was transformed into a virtuous place of learning devoted to the new laws.”

The edict ordering the expulsion of the country’s Jews is referred to as the Wiener Geserah (gezera is Hebrew for “decree”), although the term is often used to describe the entire year’s-worth of abuses. It is also the name of a contemporary chronicle that serves as a source of information about the events.



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 Author| Post time 17-3-2019 03:01 AM | Show all posts
bahasa melayu tadak ka ?

ilmu itu haruslah disampaikan dalam bahasa yang mudah kita fahami

aku tatau bahasa inggerih

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Post time 17-3-2019 07:40 AM | Show all posts
OttoVonBismark replied at 16-3-2019 07:01 PM
bahasa melayu tadak ka ?

ilmu itu haruslah disampaikan dalam bahasa yang mudah kita fahami

Melayu mana nak gigih buat liputan nasib yahudi bangsa hamba abdi, bangsa tikus makmal, bangsa hamba seks tuh ?

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 Author| Post time 21-3-2019 08:47 AM | Show all posts
ni aku kopi pes :::

Orang-orang  yahudi bermusuh terhadap Nabi Isa, ibunya Siti Maryam dan pengikutnya  Hawariyun yang beriman kepada Allah dan Nabi Isa sebagai rasuL  SEbagaimana juga mereka bermusuh terhadap Islam dan Nabi Muhammad serta  orang-orang Istam yang taat kepada ajaran syariat Allah.

Mereka  mengkafirkan Nabi Isa bin Maryam sebagai seorang rasul dan mendakwa  bahawa mereka masih menunggu Nabi Isa yang lain yang khususnya untuk  mereka melaksanakan penguasaan terhadap semua bangsa-bangsa di muka bumi  dan memerintah dengan syariat Nabi Musa. Mereka menjadikan syariat Nabi  Musa sebagai satu ketaksuban, kekejaman dan kemusnahan.

Siapakah Nabi Isa yang mereka tunggukan itu?
Mungkinkah Masihi Dajjal?

Sebelum  kedatangan Nabi Isa, kemusnahan telah berlaku di kalangan orang-orang  Yahudi dangan pelbagai kejahatan dan penyembahan emas. Mereka telah  menyimpang daripada kabenaran. Kerana itu Allah telah mengirimkan Nabi  Isa bin Matyam untuk menyembahkan kehormatan umat manusia yang  diperkotak-katikkan oleh orang-orang Yahudi : mengembalikan orang-orang  Yahudi kepada kebenaran, memperbetulkan akhlak, mengajarkan bagaimana  mencintai manusia dan menjauhkan mereka daripada perasaan ketaksuban,  Perdayaan, kezaliman, kejahatan dan penyembahan emas. Tetapi,  tidakbanyak orang Yahudi yang beriman melainkan segolongan kecil sahaja.

Ketika  melawat kota Orshalim, Nabi Isa bin Mariam terkejut besar melihat  orang-orang Yahudi telah mengubahkan tempat ibadat Haikal kepada pasaran  bursa perdagangan dan tempat pelacuran.

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 Author| Post time 21-3-2019 08:48 AM | Show all posts
Orang-orang  Yahudi yang tidak mengenal erti dosa merasa tercabar apabila Nabi Isa  bin Mariam melakukan seruan dakwah dan memperingatkan  perbuatan-perbuatan mereka yang ingkar dan hina. Mereka merasa sedang  mendepani bahaya-bahaya Yang akan mengancam cara hidup dan  upacara-upacara keagamaan syaitan mereka. Lantas mereka merancang untuk  membunuh Nabi Isa bin Mariam. Ketua-ketua Yahudi yang kafir berkumpul  untuk merencanakan satu komplot dengan tetiti.

Mereka  telah selesai mempersiapkan satu komplot. Mereka menghubungi seorang  agen Yahudi yang munafik dalam perkumpulan Hawariyun Nabi Isa bin  Mariam. Mereka mahu Nabi Isa yang tidak dikenali itu diperkenalkan  ketika menghadapi kumpulan orang-orang Yahudi yang sedang dalam  kemarahan. Yahudha, seorang Yahudi, yang berpura-pura menjadi pengikut  Nabi Isa telah mengkhianati dirinya dengan menerima rasuah wang beberapa  dirham. Tetapi beliau tetah menjadi mangsa perkhianatan kepada golongan  orang’orang Yahudi sendiri yang kafir, penuh dendam dan benci kepada Nabi Isa. Beliau telah dibunuh dan disalib. Allah telah menyelamatkan Nabi Isa bin Mariam.

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 Author| Post time 21-3-2019 08:49 AM | Show all posts
Kitab  AI-Quran menerangkan: Bahawa orang-orang Yahudi telah gagal untuk membunuh dan menyalib Nabi Isa bin Mariam.
Tetapi mereka telah membunuh dan menyalib Yahudha, orang di kalangan mereka sendiri, yang menyerupai Nabi Isa bin Mariam.
Nabi Isa bin Mariam telah diselamatkan dan diangkatkan oleh Allah ke langit.

Setelah  tugas dan misi Nabi Isa bin Mariam berakhir, maka pengikutnya yang  beriman kepada allah dan mengakui Nabi Isa sebagai rasul, mulai  menghadapi keganasan dan penentangan daripada orang-orang Yahudi. Orang-orang  Yahudi yang kafir pula mengambil kesempatan merosakkan ajaran syariat  Nabi Isa dan menghapuskan agama Tauhid daripada pengikutnya yang benar  benar beriman.

Antara jenayah terbesar orang-orang Yahudi  terhadap orang-orang Kristian sebelum kedatangan Islam ialah pembunuhan  yang mereka lakukan yang disebut Pembunuhan Akhdud (Parit-Parit).

Seorang  Raja Yahudi yang bernama Du Nawas telah membunuh puluhan ribu  orang-orang Kristian dengan melemparkan mereka ke dalam parit-parit yang  berapi pada tahun 524 Masihi. Sebagaimana juga mereka telah berkompiot  menentang kerajaan-kerajaan Keristian.

Apabila perang  berlaku antara Parsi dan Rom: (641- 611 Masihi), orang-orang Yahudi  megambil kesempatan menolong orang-orang Parsi dan mengkhianati janji  dengan orang-orang Rom Kristian. Apabila mereka berjaya menguasai Syria  pada tahun tahun 615 Masihi, lantas mereka menawan ribuan orang-orang  Kristian. Mereka menyembelih dan membunuh orang-orang Kristian atas nama  syariat agama mereka.

Setelah enam kurun berlalu, Allah mengirimkan Nabi Muhammad sebagai rasul yang terakhir.
Semua  misi para nabi yang lalu adalah bersifat sementara dan ditujukan kepada  golongan bangsa tertentu. Sedang misi Nabi Muhammad bersifat sejagat  dan abadi. Ia tidak ditujukan kepada golongan bangsa tehentu seperti  bangsa Arab tetapi ditujukan kepada semua golongan bangsa sebagai rahmat  kepada seluruh umat manusia.

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 Author| Post time 21-3-2019 08:49 AM | Show all posts
Apabila Nabi Muhammad dibangkitkan,  orang-orang Yahudi mendiami utara Hijaz, khususnya di sekitar Yathrib  (Kota Madinah). Mereka datang daft Palestin setelah diusir akibat  peperangan yang berter~san antara mereka dengan orang-orang Rom yang  beragama Krisitan dan orang-orang Kristian Palest’in, bermula pada tahun  70 Mhsihi di tangan Taithas dan pada tahun 132 Masihi di.tangan Ha~!yun  hingga ke tahun 1917 selepas Perjanjian BalfoUr yang terkUtuk itu.

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 Author| Post time 21-3-2019 08:50 AM | Show all posts
Pelarian  orang-orang Yahudi itu hidup dibantukan orang-orang Arab Hijaz. Hingga  mereka bersaingan pula dengan orang-orang Arab Hijaz. Sewaktu-waktunya  mereka berkelahi. Sewaktu-waktunya mereka berperang. Sewaktu-waktunya  mereka berdamai.
Orang. orang Yahudi mengerjakan ladang  dan mengenakan riba berlebihan dalam pinjamannya. Mereka  gemarmencetuskan perpecahan dan persengketaan antara Arab Kota (Aus dan  Khazraj). Hasilnya kedUa puak Arabitu berperang sesama sendiri. Ini  memberikan kesempatan kepada orang-orang Yahudi untuk mencapai  matlamatnya: menguasai ekonomi orang-orang Arab melalui perdayaan,  kerakusan, kebencian dan kefitnahan’mereka,

Walaupun  orang-orang Arab bermusuhan sesama Sendiri, tetapi mereka sefahaman  mengenai keburukan akhlak orang-orang Yahudi. Kerana itu mereka benci  dan tidak menyukai orang-orang Yahudi. Mereka lebih suka menyembah  berhahi daripada:menganut agama Yahudi.

Sebelum Nab?  Muhammad dibangkitkan, para paderi kha kham Yahudi telah memperkatakan  bahawa seorang nabi barnakan dibangkitkan di Semenanjung Arabia.  Sifat-sifat nabi itu telah
disebutkan dalam kitab-kitab dan diperkatakan oleh para nabi dan rasul mereka.

Namun  demikian orang-orang Yahudi tidak mengakui kerasulan Nabi Muhammad.  Apabila Nabi Muhammad berhijrah ke Madinah dan menjadikannya sebagai  pusat dakwah untuk mentauhidkan Allah, orang-orang Yahudi melihat bahawa  agama baru itu merupakan ancaman yang merbahaya terhadap kekuasaan dan  kepemimpinan agama yang mereka terajui selama ini. Mereka memandang  kepada Nabi Muhammad, agama Islam dan penganut-penganutnya dengan  perasaan dendam, dengki, marah dan kurang senang.
Permusuhan mereka terhadap agama Islam makin ketara apa-bila melihat penganut-penganut agama Islam makin berkembang.
Mereka mulai mencabar agama Islam dan memperdaya orang-orang Islam dengan pelbagai tuduhan, hasutan dan kepalsuan.

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 Author| Post time 21-3-2019 08:50 AM | Show all posts
Apabila  ditanvai mengenai sesuatu dalam kitab mereka, mereka mencampuradukkan  sesuatu itu antara kebenaran dengan kebatilan untuk mendapat sokongan  daripada golongan musyrikin dalam menentang agama Islam dan Nabi Muhammad. Mereka ini disindirkan oleh kitab Al-Quran yang bermaksud:
Alangkah  buruknya mereka itu menjualkan dirinya dengan mengingkarkan kitab yang  diturunkan Allah kerana iri hati, disebabkan Allah melimpahkan kurnianya  kepada sesiapa daripada hamba-hamba-Nya yang disukai. Maka mereka itu  akan mendapat kemarahan yang berganda. Bagi orang-orang kafir adalah azab yang hina. (Surah AI-Baqarah: 90).

Orang-orang  Yahudilah yang memulakan permusuhan terhadap Nabi Muhammad walaupun,  Nabi Muhammad telah berikrar untuk menyamakan hak mereka dengan  orang-orang Islam dengan membenarkan kebebasan beragama dan menjaga  kepentingan harta benda. Orang-orang Islam dan orang-orang Yahudi  dijadikan sebagai satu ummah, satu kemenangan dan satu tetadan kepada  orang-orang lain daIam hal-hal perpaduan, kebajikan dan perkhidmatan.

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 Author| Post time 21-3-2019 08:51 AM | Show all posts
Tetapi  orang-orang Yahudi sedar bahawa mereka tidak dapat mempertahankan  Sifat keangkuhan dan slogan mereka sebagai “Rakyat Pilihan Allah”.  ‘Mereka tidak dapat mempertahankan kePentingan dan kekuasaan baik  bersffat kebendaan mahupun kerohanian melainkan dihapuskan Nabi  Muhammad, pengikutnya serta agama Islam hingga ke akar umbinya.

Lantas  mereka mengambil kesempatan untuk meracuni Nabi Muhammad dan  mengkhianati perjanjian dengannya. Mereka terus menyokong golongan kafir  Quraisy penyembah berhala.

Mereka berkata bahawa golongan kafir Quraisy penyembah berhala adalah lebih baik daripada agama Islam.
Mereka  berpura-pura menganut agama Islam dan melakukan pelbagai sabotaj,  fitnah dan hal-hal yang meragukan orang-orang Islam seperti tercatat  dalam sejarah dengan peristiwa-peristiwanya yang terkenal.

Dalam  sejarah zaman moden, sikap berpura-pura orang YahUdi menganut agama  Islam tel~ terbuk-ti apabila setengal.setengah orang Yahudi daripadh  Pertubuhan Donmat Turki ber-jaya menyusupi pemerintahan Empayar  Otlunaniah dan berhasil menghancurkan Khalifah Othmaniah melalui  seorang pemlmpim Yahudi yang berpura-pura menganut Islam iaitu Mustafa  Kemal Ara turk yang bergelar Bapa Kemerdekaan Turki!!!

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 Author| Post time 21-3-2019 08:51 AM | Show all posts
Apa yang diperlihatkan oleh orang-orang Yahudi menunjukkan perwatakan orang-orang Yahudi berkurun yang cukup dikenali dalam sejarah perkembangan agama-agama seperfi’ yang diceritakan dalam halaman-halaman yang lalu dan dalam sejarah kehidupan bangsa-bangsa yang akan diceritakan dalam halaman halaman akan datang.

Orang-orang Yahudi merupakan satu bangsa yang keras kepala, ingkar terhadap Tuhan dan memandang rendah serta pendendam kepada bangsa-bangsa lain. Kesan yang dapat dirasakan:

Mereka takut menghadapi mati dan tidak memberi sepenuh kepercayaan atau keimanan kepada Tuhan.

Apabila menghadapi peperangan, mereka lebih suka menggalakkan cliff, bergantung kepada orang lain dan mempergunakan tipu helah serta perisikan. Kita dapat melihat perwatakan itu apa-bila Nabi Musa menyeru mereka supaya memerangl orang-orang kafir di Palestin. Mereka berkata: “Wahai Musa, kami sama sekali tidak akan memasuki kota itu selagi mereka berada di datamnya- Pergilah anda berperang dengan Tuhan anda. Kami akan duduk di sini.”

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 Author| Post time 21-3-2019 08:52 AM | Show all posts
Dengan perkataan yang sama tetapi dalam bentuk yang berlainan, ia berulang setelah 30 kurun berlalu, apabila mereka berkata pemerintah Inggeris, Russia, Amerika dan Perancis di permulaan kurun kedua puluh: Behkan Palestan kepada karm. Perintahkan Palestin untuk memudahkan jatan kepada kami. Kami mahu Palestin kosong daripada penduduknya orang-orang Arab!”

Apa yang dilakukan oleh orang-orang Yahudi terhadap para Nabi dan Rasul dari zaman Nabi Musa, zaman Nabi Isa, hinggalah kedatangan Nabi Muhammad dan sesudahnya, secara jelas memperlihatkan bahawa pertarungan antara orang-orang Yahudi dengan orang-orang Islam akan berterusan hingga ke akhir zaman.

Perwatakan agama Islam berbeza dengan perwatakan agama Yahudi. Agama Islam mengajak umatnya kepada kemuliaan dan pengorbanan, sedang agama Yahudi menjadikan umatnya keras kepala dan melakukan kezaliman. Agama Islam dapat diikuti oleh semua manusia, ajaran dan undang-undang syariatnya dapat dilaksanakan dan disesuaikan dengan semua zaman dan tempat.

Berbeza dengan agama Yahudi, ajaran dan undang-undang syariatnya khusus untuk bangsa Yahudi sahaja. Agama Islam mengakui semua kitab Taurat, Injil dan Al-Quran, mengakui semua Nabi dan Rasul termasuk Mu,sa, Isa dan Muhammad. Sementara agama Yahudi tidak mengakui kitab Injil dan AI-Quran kecuali kitab Taurat dan Talmud. Agama Yahudi tidak mengakui Nabi Isa dan Muhammad kecuali Nabi Musa.

Agama Islam menyeru semua manusia kepada kasih sayang, kebaikan dan menolak kejahatan sesama umat manusia. Sedang agama Yahudi menyeru bangsanya supaya melakukan kebencian, bersikap angkuh dan kezaliman sesama umat manusia.

Singkamya: Agama Islam telah menghancurkan kebatilan agama Yahudi dengan meletakkan asas taqwa sebagai dasar keadilan dan persamaan hak antara semua umat manusia seperti termaktub dalam AI-Quran yang bermaksud:

Wahai manusia, sesungguhnya Kami jadikan kamu lelaki dan perempuan, dan kami jadikan kamu pelbagai bangsa dan golongan supaya kamu berkenal-kenalan.

Sesungguhnya orang termulia di sisi Allah ialah orang paling taqwa. Sesungguhnya Allah Maha Mengetahui Lagi Maha Mendalam Pengetahuan-Nya (AI-HUjurat:13).

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