best giler kot citer ni...seronok betul scene lawan2....meletop kebabom...rasa puas je bila penjahat2 semua ala2 mampos...gedik sgt....harap ada sequel...nak tengok Alita lawan nova kat zalem
Post time 26-3-2019 03:40 PMFrom the mobile phone|Show all posts
Aku heran kenapa kritik filem nak sgt filem ni gagal? James Cameron ada kutuk Social Justice Warrior ke? Kat Rotten Tomatoes dpt 59% markah dari kritik tapi markah dari penonton dapat 93%. Star Wars The Last Jedi terbalik pula markah kritik jauh lebih tinggi daripada markah penonton. Aku tgk ok je filem ni. Ayat2 ada yg agak skema tapi keseluruhan mmg bagus lebih2 lagi part berlawan.
jap u..advance projection tu ape?..
honestly manja x minat movie ni sbb
1- watak2 ala2 hallmark disney
2- watak utama completely CGI..
( rs emotionally disconnected with Alita beza dgn Major Motoko [Ghost in the Shell] & Officer K [Blade Runner 2049] i terus fell in love with these 2..)
3- hasil karya2 terbaru James Cameron cth filem Avatar & Alita..dah lari sgt dgn style old school beliau cth filem Aliens & Terminator..4EVER my Fav 80s & 90s Sci-fi Action Thriller Horror movies.
now please don't hate on me..citarasa kite berbeza that is hari tu i tgk jgk movie ni sbb..just curious cause of all the hype..then terkejut sbb i had NO IDEA Mrod buat cameo appearence..i dengar je sore she all terus google.....just to make sure & i was wondering jgk la mcm mana they all buat filem ni...mesti menarik..and the inline skating scenes...was WILD..superb!...ade la jgk 90s vibes kat situ..overall it was good entertainment..