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Author: Anne.W

Malaysia dah nak gawat ke?

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 Author| Post time 6-5-2020 03:08 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
gigahertz replied at 6-5-2020 02:01 AM
Negara kita di bina dengan hasil wang cukai. kerajaan beri rakyat dalam bentuk sumbangan. yang rak ...

Mana tau presma ada exemptions up to 1.5M?

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Post time 6-5-2020 06:02 AM | Show all posts
Edited by gigahertz at 5-5-2020 10:15 PM
Anne.W replied at 5-5-2020 07:08 PM
Mana tau presma ada exemptions up to 1.5M?

ada keluar kat TV. selepas keluar kat TV ( persatuan ni bising bising ) terus jadi RM 1.5 Juta.
i tak jumpa pulak video tu. tapi i jumpa ini :


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Post time 9-5-2020 02:48 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Edited by nefnefnef at 9-5-2020 02:52 AM
gigahertz replied at 6-5-2020 02:15 AM
Sesiapa yang meniaga online siap sedia la krisis selepas June 2020. Sebab Tahun 2020 ni Raya Cina  ...

Cantik, gigahertz. Ailaikk your thorough explanation and observation. Makanya, we can expect lotsa promos for online shopping after Raya hehehe... Sesuaiiii untuk orang mcm iols yg selalu shopping after raya

On a more serious note, thanks to TT Anne yang hottie sebab bukak thread ni. Now we can conclude the current economy scenario
1. Moratorium and MCO facilitates purchasing power of marhaen macam iols. So, consumption still jalan walaupun slow therefore economy berjalan
2. Savings pun boleh dilakukan sebab dah 6 bulan exemption from bayar loans kan.
3. Bila OPR (interest) turun, loans kita pun dikenakan faedah yang kurang. Satu lagi jenis bantuan untuk marhaen mcm iols
4. Gomen and profit based entities memang tak boleh buat untung banyak dalam masa terdekat ni. So the main aim is to survive recession and covid19. Nanti2 kita pulihkan ekonomi. Macam phoenix bangkit dari abu, Insya Allah

Sekian my 2 cents



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Post time 9-5-2020 03:23 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
nefnefnef replied at 8-5-2020 06:48 PM
Cantik, gigahertz. Ailaikk your thorough explanation and observation. Makanya, we can expect lot ...

i dah komen bende ni since disembee tahun lepas. tapi isu covid memburukkan keadaan. melainkan ada cuti sekolah atau cuti festival macam hari merdeka. kalau cuti merdeka jatuh pada hari sabtu situ peniaga dah rugi besar.kalau jatuh pada hari jumaat peniaga kenyang.

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Post time 9-5-2020 03:27 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
gigahertz replied at 9-5-2020 03:23 PM
i dah komen bende ni since disembee tahun lepas. tapi isu covid memburukkan keadaan. melainkan ada ...

Yeeaahhh... I remember ada baca sebelum ni pasal online shopping bakal down after raya. It was you!!! Hehe... And yes lah kan.. Covid make it worse. Hmmm...

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Post time 10-5-2020 06:02 AM | Show all posts
nefnefnef replied at 9-5-2020 07:27 AM
Yeeaahhh... I remember ada baca sebelum ni pasal online shopping bakal down after raya. It was you ...

Ni dah masuk 2 minggu puasa. bisnes online dah start slow. tapi pasaraya offline start ramai.

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Post time 12-5-2020 09:09 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Rega property pun dah jatuh since last year... and this is just the beginning... its gonna be another 3 yrs.. bertabah lahhhh

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Post time 12-5-2020 09:22 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
gigahertz replied at 10-5-2020 06:02 AM
Ni dah masuk 2 minggu puasa. bisnes online dah start slow. tapi pasaraya offline start ramai.

dah habis PKP.. dulu takde choice maka kena hadap online shopping.. beli barang sampai 2-3 minggu lag time.. pegi mampos laaa

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 Author| Post time 12-5-2020 01:32 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
nefnefnef replied at 9-5-2020 02:48 AM
Cantik, gigahertz. Ailaikk your thorough explanation and observation. Makanya, we can expect lot ...

Most welcome dear

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 Author| Post time 12-5-2020 01:35 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
nefnefnef replied at 9-5-2020 03:27 PM
Yeeaahhh... I remember ada baca sebelum ni pasal online shopping bakal down after raya. It was you ...

For me.. Tgk sector online jgk la.. For essential still demand tinggi sbb pkpb ni mungkin ada smpi hjg thn. Plus online biz xtinggi overheads dia.. Ok2 jela kot

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 Author| Post time 12-5-2020 01:36 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
gigahertz replied at 10-5-2020 06:02 AM
Ni dah masuk 2 minggu puasa. bisnes online dah start slow. tapi pasaraya offline start ramai.

Mana pula slow.. Laju sgt smpi backlog kt opis poslaju tu haa.. Hihi

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Post time 12-5-2020 02:10 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
green~tea replied at 12-5-2020 09:09 AM
Rega property pun dah jatuh since last year... and this is just the beginning... its gonna be anothe ...

Ye kan... Siapa ada fulus banyak boleh beli rumah la kot time gini? Harga property jatuh. Iols fulus takat2 hidung je huhu

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Post time 12-5-2020 02:13 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Anne.W replied at 12-5-2020 01:35 PM
For me.. Tgk sector online jgk la.. For essential still demand tinggi sbb pkpb ni mungkin ada smpi ...

Oohh ya hoh.. Betul jugak. Iols bukan apa, selalu shopping baju sepasang dua lepas raya hehe.. Biasa ada diskaun

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Post time 12-5-2020 03:26 PM | Show all posts
nefnefnef replied at 12-5-2020 02:10 PM
Ye kan... Siapa ada fulus banyak boleh beli rumah la kot time gini? Harga property jatuh. Iols ful ...

i pun tk beli la kot properties... dah takde keperluan nak simpan byk2 residential properties buat apo.. pening lah nak jaga... kitorg dpt let go a few sebelum gawat, and during gawat ni.. ada 2 yang turun harga sikit dari market value last 2 years, tp still worth letting go lah...

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Post time 12-5-2020 04:43 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
green~tea replied at 12-5-2020 03:26 PM
i pun tk beli la kot properties... dah takde keperluan nak simpan byk2 residential properties buat ...

Yes iols read somewhere sis ada resort kan? Ke iols salah orang

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Post time 13-5-2020 11:11 AM | Show all posts
Edited by green~tea at 13-5-2020 11:31 AM
nefnefnef replied at 12-5-2020 04:43 PM
Yes iols read somewhere sis ada resort kan? Ke iols salah orang

oh... lol.. resort tu takde income langsung right now... iols dgn my brother fork out our savings, jual tanah and dia ada buat loan jugak tak silap i... plannya kitorg nak balik kampung nnti dah retire and operate resort tu laa tua2 sok2... for now, ayah je operate amek income dari situ sambil2 heols duk rehat2 kat kampung, tp ayah idok le mengharap income situ ponn, sbb ayah ada pencen gomen.... takde plan nak sell off pun resort ni... mmg simpan sbb kenangan tanah arwah ibu... ayah and my brother mmg design and construct sendiri resort ni...

yang i taknak simpan is residential properties... skang ni tinggal 2 je rumah kitorg (husband and myself) own... satu duduk and satu sewa.. yang lain2 dah jual sbb dah tak larat nak manage tenants... properties kitorg tak bleeding, tp rental income tu ngam2 dpt kambus installment, cukai, maintenance fee, quit rents, repair costs... tak baloi dengan letih managing the properties.. setiap properties, all bills, documents mmg kitorg simpan record elok2 dalam file masing2... and masing2 ada accounts bank sendiri... contoh, rumah sewa 1 ni loan pakai RHB, so rental ni akan masuk akaun RHB tu utk manage expenses and serve installment, supaya tak bercampur aduk dgn akaun gaji kitorg dlll... another one CIMB, so kita bukak acc CIMB utk manage that property pulak... nampak cam senang... but kena start the right way dari awal lah... setiap property tu ada laa untung RM50- 100 sebulan je kot hahahah.. now husband dah jual 3 residential properties, i plak jual 1 landed.. i rasa owning residential properties ni penat....

commercial tenants lain cerita... ada one of our tenants, yang bukak pre-owned luxury items... bankrap (nak close shop) disebabkan MCO ni, so kebetulan contract nak expired dah lagi beberapa bulan (tahun ni jugak)... tp nasib baik yang lain2 tu essential services so tak affected MCO ni

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Post time 13-5-2020 11:25 AM | Show all posts
nefnefnef replied at 12-5-2020 04:43 PM
Yes iols read somewhere sis ada resort kan? Ke iols salah orang

masa i dengan husband start jual  (letgo) residential properties kitorang in 2018, kitorg bukan consider sbb recession is coming... tp semata2 sbb nak ubah investment type kitorg to something yang more liquid, low risk.... and selling properties ni bukan makan masa sebulan dua... makan tahunnn... nak tunggu ada buyer la, pastu nak negotiate SPA la... etc.. siap ada satu property tu, tengah2 cari buyer, harga makin jatuh (last year).. so redha je laa kurang margin dpt (dalam 30k jugak kitorg lost potential margin).... nasib baik ada website macam brickz tu, so kita pun paham laa properties tengah turun rega...

my husband mmg ada buat thesis something to do dgn housing bubble phenomena... so, mmg anticipate jugak property makin sakit sejak 2017... so that was one of the reason why kitorg decide utk let go properties... then datang plak recession 2020, worsening plak dgn MCO Covid ni... alhamdulillah we decide it earlier...

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Post time 13-5-2020 11:26 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
green~tea replied at 13-5-2020 11:11 AM
oh... lol.. resort tu takde income langsung right now... iols dgn my brother fork out our savings, ...

Nice info, sis green tea. You must be very well versed with properties ni semua now tat u hv experience owning residential and commercial props.

Betul kata sis, kalau tenant tak make profit, prop owner pun wont be able to rent out. It's a vicious cycle.

Sis, I'm wondering... Kalau prop value will drop lepas covid, do you think kos nak renovate rumah pun turun? Or sama je?

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Post time 13-5-2020 11:41 AM | Show all posts
Edited by green~tea at 13-5-2020 11:50 AM
nefnefnef replied at 13-5-2020 11:26 AM
Nice info, sis green tea. You must be very well versed with properties ni semua now tat u hv exper ...

i dont think renovation cost will drop that much... sbb cost bahan mentah for renovation masih sama harga dia... kalo ID companies, yang charges dia mark up disebabkan harga IP or ideas dia, mungkin laa jatuh sikit sbb competition kan... tp renovation cost, tak jatuh sgt cam properties tu...
residential properties kat malaysia ni byk driven by SPECULATIVE market je.. sbb tu boleh drop harga gila2 skang ni... pastu new township

the speculators of these properties ni tak lain tak bukan, is the property gurus la... ada sesetengah tu dibayar oleh developer utk speculate property market... kalo BURSA, any insiders info boleh kena tangkap sbb ada akta yang govern pasal speculation/ insiders info ni... tp speculators dalam properties, takde sebarang AKTA  ye.. so diorang senang2 je bleh masuk gua bila property down...

kalo uols perasan... all property gurus skang semua masuk GUA kan... can u imagine cemane student2 diorang yang ada 20-30 properties hasil preach penjimatan lifestyle tak masuk akal diorang tu... rasa ada lalu FB feed i, ada sorang mangsa pengikut property guru tu hutang RM6 million.. sangkut.. nak jual dah too late... AKPK pun taknak bantu kalo kes camni.... i hope takde laaa yang sampai bunuh diri nnti.... huhuhuhuuh.....
kalo u usha properties in new township, macam bandar saujana putra, gamuda cove, eco grandeur, eco majestic, setia ecohill, dan banyakkkkk lagi lah, skang dah mula kena lelong... subsale jauhhhhhh lagi murah dari launching price... contoh... launching 990K... tp lelong single bid je RM700k, rumah corner lot plak tu.. can u imagine berapa rugi 1st owner, just to dispose the property?


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Post time 13-5-2020 11:49 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
green~tea replied at 13-5-2020 11:41 AM
i dont think renovation cost will drop that much... sbb cost bahan mentah for renovation masih sam ...

Wuuu... These are all good info lah sis. Yeah iols ada follow jugak few prop /financial experts on fb. Mulanya follow sebab dia start tulis isu moratorium, then dah scroll up to earlier postings ada jugak they shared pasal how to buy props. Properties ya. Plural. Seronok baca je lah untuk knowledge dah iols marhaen sajork takde duit lebat huhu

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