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Author: chipmunk

[MERGED] biography -Novel dari adaptasi kisah sebenar (by chipmunk & intan)

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Post time 25-11-2005 11:05 PM | Show all posts
Semalam beli  My Life - The presidential Year Bill Clinton.  Baru sampai halaman 45 sahaja. Bill focused  on domestic affairs  and  the  US deficits. RM 33.90.

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 Author| Post time 29-11-2005 10:31 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by thamrong at 25-11-2005 11:05 PM
Semalam beli  My Life - The presidential Year Bill Clinton.  Baru sampai halaman 45 sahaja. Bill focused  on domestic affairs  and  the  US deficits. RM 33.90.

eemm tgh baca buku tue..dah beli 3 bln lepas baru baca suku je hehe maklumlaa bz ngan study manjang...dah cuti nie baru sempat baca, aku lg suke baca autobiography sebab cite lebih real wlpun maybe the author try to hide something bad on him, tapi aku tetap suke baca authobio...

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Post time 29-11-2005 12:31 PM | Show all posts
My  Life- The Presidential Years Bill Clinton

Baru sampai muka surat 116. Bill is not a puritan. My interest are on the issues of US defecit reduction (as promised during the presidential campaign) and the handling of the Balkan crisis.

[ Last edited by thamrong at 29-11-2005 10:13 PM ]



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Post time 29-11-2005 10:07 PM | Show all posts
Good reading for Asian Study-Biography
POL POT- History of a Nightmare by Philip Short

Pol Pot (May 19, 1925



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Post time 1-12-2005 02:32 PM | Show all posts
General Douglas MacArthur -Reminiscences
A very popular book among the military officer corps.

Douglas MacArthur (January 26, 1880



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Post time 1-12-2005 11:05 PM | Show all posts
Biografi Agatha Christie

kesah hidupnya sejak kecil sehingga dewasa terutama pasal perkahwinan pertamanya yg tak bahagia.



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Post time 2-12-2005 12:50 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by DanaScully at 1-12-2005 11:05 PM
Biografi Agatha Christie

kesah hidupnya sejak kecil sehingga dewasa terutama pasal perkahwinan pertamanya yg tak bahagia.

[img] ...


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Post time 2-12-2005 02:31 AM | Show all posts
Something different......try buku on Phoolan Devi, the Bandit Queen of India. It is a real eye opener. There is also a movie on her. Bollywood punya ...

Here is an excerpt :

Her life reads like a morality tale. She was considered by some to be a modern-day Robin Hood, others a blood-thirsty murderer; who, nevertheless, managed to achieve immortality rarely seen.

Born in to a family of lower-caste Hindus, her life was a wretched existence from day one. Married very young and to an abusive husband, she managed to escape, only to be kidnapped by bandits. She later joined them, robbing and looting the countryside. She was eventually captured by a rival gang, and with her lover killed, she was held in their village, where she was repeatedly abused and raped. She managed to escape, vowing vengeance

And what vengeance she wreaked.

Over a year later, she returned to the same town and rounded up and killed all upper-caste Hindu males. Over twenty were eventually killed, and the event took on the moniker of the Valentine's Day massacre. From then on, she became a fugitive from justice, managing to evade capture by police for several years.

By the time she was captured, there was a sizable myth already swirling around her. Her exploits were magnified to the extreme. She became the symbol of not only low-caste Hindus, but woman as well. Nevertheless, she was jailed.


About the movie:

Genre: Drama, Revenge, Society, Thieves, Biography, Epic, True Story, Political, Prison, Kidnapping, Experimental

Plot: "Bandit Queen" tells the story of Phoolan Devi, a lower-caste woman who achieved notoriety when she fought back against sexism and India's abusive caste system.
At just 11 years old, Phoolan was forcibly wed to a man who purchased her from her family (cost: a bicycle and a cow). When her new husband beats and rapes her, the traumatized Phoolan runs away. Once she steps off the narrow path that poor women must follow, however, she becomes easy prey for the upper-class and powerful Thakurs. One of their clan, enraged when Phoolan fights off his advances, arranges to have her abducted and raped by a cruel band of outlaws. When the sympathetic bandit Vikram rescues her, the two form their own gang and Phoolan sets out to revenge herself... in the process becoming a heroine to many of her people.

Years later she was given amnesty. She joined the ranks of politics and ran for a seat in the Lok Shaba and won. Though her political career was not as colorful as her life as a bandit, she still managed to wow people with her passionate oratory and her intelligence. Hampered by illiteracy, she still managed to be a force to be reckon with.

[ Last edited by hamizao at 2-12-2005 02:52 AM ]



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Post time 6-12-2005 09:43 AM | Show all posts

Che Guevara: A Revolutionary Life -Jon Lee Anderson
'Che' Guevara was born Ernesto Guevara de la Serna on 14 June 1928 in Rosario, Argentina, into a relatively upper-middle class family. His father was a construction engineer. He was the first of five children.

  Develops a severe asthmatic condition at the age of two, prompting his family to move to the drier climate of Alta Gracia, Cordoba.

   Most of his early education was provided by his mother at home. He is reported to have read widely and deeply from his father's library, encountering Marx and Freud in his early teens.   

  Enrolled in the University of Buenos Aires in 1948, studies medicine, becomes interested in leprosy. His asthma disqualifies him for military service.Makes a 4,000 mile long journey through Northern Argentina alone on a moped, encountering many indigenous tribes and experiencing first hand the impoverished conditions of their lives.

  In 1951, he takes off on a motorcycle journey with his good friend, Alberto Granado. They travel from Buenos Aires, down the coast of Argentina, through the Andes into Chile, and then north into Peru, Columbia and Venezuela. The diary Che kept during this time has been published as: The Motorcycle Diaries: A Journey Around South America.

  He qualifies as a doctor in 1953, specializing in dermatology. Around this time he was exposed to the attempted worker reforms following the National Revolution of 1952 in Boliva. Walks and hitchhikes to Guatemala, witnesses the overthrow of the radical socialist government of Jacobo Arbenz by USA-supported Castillo Armas. He could not help but note the vital role that the CIA played in the counter-revolution. Establishes connections with Peruvian Apristas and other Latin American radicals.

  In September of 1954, he moves to Mexico City, finding work in the General Hospital. Through Hilda Gadea, a Peruvian Marxist, he meets Fidel Castro and involves himself in the planned invasion of Cuba. He marries Gadea. They have a daughter, Hildita. After the Cuba Revolution he stayed in Cuba helping Fiedal Castro to set up a revolutionary socialist  goverment.

In November 1966, he leads a group of guerrillas through southeastern Bolivia, hoping to inspire the peasants and workers into a revolutionary movement that would spread all throughout Latin America, sparking off "twenty new Vietnams". Dispirited by casualties, illness and depression, the ragged group is cornered by a Bolivian battalion (which had been trained by US Special Forces in anti-guerrilla warfare) in a gorge on October 8. Two jets and a helicopter provide air support. Che is taken to the nearby town of La Higuera.

  He refuses all attempts at interrogation by CIA and Bolivan officials. The Bolivian president, General Rene Barrientos, orders the execution of Guevara as soon as possible. He died on  9 October 1967.



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Post time 24-1-2006 10:42 AM | Show all posts

Novel-novel dari adaptasi kisah kehidupan sebenar atau sejarah sebenar

salam semua
maaf kalau telah ada topik seperti ini sebelum ini.

kita paling suka baca kisah-kisah kehidupan sebenar/kisah hidup seseorang seperti kisah kehisupan Waris model yang berasal dari kaum nomad diafrika yang akhirnya berjaya mencipta nama dipersada antarabangsa. Ataupun kisah tahan perang dan bagaimana pengalaman yang dilalui mereka.

Selain dari buku2 biography, ada juga novel2 yang dikarang sebegitu rupa bagi memberikan impak lebeh emosi seperti yang diharapkan oleh pengarangnya.

Contohnya Novel Memoir Of Geisha karangan Arthur Golden

Kisah memoir geisha bernama Sayuri. Bagaimana beliau dengan nama asal Chiyo-Chan dan berasal dari sebuah perkampungan Nelayan di Yoroido mengalami perubahan dalam kehidupan sehingga menjadi geisha yang terkenal. dan kisah ini dibenarkan diterbitkan hanya setelah beliau meninggal dunia pada 2004.



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Post time 24-1-2006 10:56 AM | Show all posts

Novel seterusnya : Empress orchid:

"Empress Orchid" by Anchee Min

Empress Dowager Tzu Hsi
The Concubine and the Emperor

Buku ini digarap dari sejarah Pemerintahan Kerajaan Manchuria di China. Empress orchid merupakan salah seorang Wanita pemerintah yang terkenal diseluruh dunia kerana pemerintahan nya yg paling lama iaitu hampir setengah abad. Novel ini hanya menceritakan sebahagian kecil sahaja dari kisah kehidupan maharani Tzu Hsi. Namun penceritaannnya sangat menarik tambahan lagi kalau kita mengetahui sejarah Empress Dowager Tzu Hsi (The Concubine and the Emperor) ini dan bagaimana bijaknya beliau mengatur strategi pemerintahan dan mendapatkan sokongan kuat dalam era dimana wanita tidak dibolehkan berada ditahta pemerintahan.

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Post time 25-1-2006 08:03 PM | Show all posts
Some notes on this type of writing...

Slice of Life
(Realistic Fiction)

  story could really happen
describes real life events
set in modern times
  characters are fictional but the situations are real that real live people experience
lots of information about the characters
often deal with school, real life problems (divorce, death, disease), friendship, family, romance
brings out emotions of characters and makes the reader identify with what is happening in the story - they care what happens to the characters

[ Last edited by seribulan at 25-1-2006 08:04 PM ]

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Post time 6-2-2006 12:15 PM | Show all posts
Cuba try baca Le Prisonera, which is abt Malika Oufkir and Raja Morocco. Bacalah, mmg best sgt! It's a true story..mcmana Malika yg masa kecik jadi teman sepermainan anak raja, bila remaja, dia, mak and adik2 kena hantar ke penjara2 di padang pasir coz bapak dia (2nd man to the King) cuba rampas kuasa raja. Mcmana dia suffer 20 thn dlm penjara...macamana dia korek tunnel hanya guna tangan and sudu..escaped and contacted media..Kes ni bagi impact sgt besar terhadap human rights di Morocco.Sgt menarik!



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Post time 7-2-2006 09:29 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by waterlily8475 at 6-2-2006 12:15 PM
Cuba try baca Le Prisonera, which is abt Malika Oufkir and Raja Morocco. Bacalah, mmg best sgt! It's a true story..mcmana Malika yg masa kecik jadi teman sepermainan anak raja, bila remaja, dia, ma ...

Terima kasih saudara/i waterlily

Intan dah baca kisah Malika Oufker Le Prisoner beberapa yang lalu.
memang sangat menarik bila dapat membaca pengalaman seseorang mengharungi kepayahan hidup sebagai tahanan politik dan bagaimana beliau dan keluarga beliau yang ditahan dikawasan yang terpencil di padang pasir yang bukan sahaja jauh dari orang lain malahan juga tanpa sebarang kemudahan asas. Hinggakan malika sebagai wanita telah dipenjara sehelai sepingggang bertahun2 lamanya tanpa bekalan keperluan yang patut diberi kpd seorang perempuan. bayangkan bagaimana beliau mengahadapi kitaran bulannanya dengan keadaan sedemikan. Itu belum lagi kemudahan asas lain.
dan bagamana reaksi masyarakat. juga bagaimana beliau berjaya melepaskan diri setelah berbe;as tahun dipenjarakan jauh dari orang lain.

Juga dengan membaca buku ini kita juga mendapat pendedahan budaya masyarakat lain. bagaimana kehidupan istana raja morocco..bagaikan membaca sebuah dongeng lama. tapi itulah hakikat. sama juga setelah intan membaca kisah empress orchid. ...disamping kehidupan mewah seorang empress dan keadaan kehidupan yang penuh tekanan masa itu...menjadikan intan berasa kagum terhadap kewibawaan beliau sebagai wanita pentadbir sebuah neagar besar selama hampir setengah abad.



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Post time 7-2-2006 02:11 PM | Show all posts
bestkan buku tu...tak de filem ke ttg ni? lepas baca buku ni saya sibuk search pasal this woman dlm internet...ada satu lagi buku tajuk Stolen Lives kalo x citer almost the same.

Intan, Empress Orchid tu sapa author? Teringin nak carik gak....

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Post time 7-2-2006 03:20 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by waterlily8475 at 7-2-2006 02:11 PM
Intan, Empress Orchid tu sapa author? Teringin nak carik gak..... ...

Anchee Min

Yang berkulit nipis...caver dia kaler merah.
kat Kedai2 MPH ada jual

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Post time 7-2-2006 03:21 PM | Show all posts
Anchee Min
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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Anchee Min (閔安琪 born 1957) is a painter, photographer, musician, and author who lives in Los Angeles and Shanghai. Min's memoir, Red Azalea, and her subsequent novels are either semiautobiographical or reflect a particular time in Chinese history with an emphasis on strong female characters.

Born in Shanghai, Min was sent to a labor camp at seventeen where she was discovered by talent scouts. She worked as an actress at the Shanghai Film Studio and came to the United States in 1984 with the help of actress Joan Chen.



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Post time 7-2-2006 03:40 PM | Show all posts
TQ Intan! Surely weekend nie nak pegi selongkar mph carik buku nie...he..he..

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Post time 8-2-2006 02:32 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by waterlily8475 at 7-2-2006 03:40 PM
TQ Intan! Surely weekend nie nak pegi selongkar mph carik buku nie...he..he..

u r welkam. :bgrin:

harga kat MPH RM34.90

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mrs~solis This user has been deleted
Post time 9-2-2006 04:39 PM | Show all posts
hie waterlily he heee

i suggest baca buku "RINCESS" by Jean Sasson... Nie pasal princess kat Saudi Arabia punye life... Jean Sasson ada a few books, yang i dah baca Princess dengan Daughters of Arabia
i memang suka baca buku2 ala2 biography nie... besssttt.... Bila baca Princess ni macam tak percaya kekayaan royalty Saudi nie... bukan kaya sesikit, tapi gala2 punye!!! Bayangkanlahhh..... Bapak princess nie dahlah ada 4 bini (which is like, a must there).. and mak dia nie 1st wife. So untuk first wife nie dia ada 4 palace kat Saudi aje. And then all palace punye barang2 semuanya sama..... right down to the children punye clothings and underwear!! And....... untuk anak jantan dia yang sorang tu ada 4 FERRARIs for each palace! mak aiiii......
Tapi underneath all these wealth, pempuan2 dia memang macam hidup dalam penjara emas la....
Baca laa, i think it's a good book.

Ada another one i read masa zaman2 student dulu, tapi ini criminal punye biography. Pasal ada satu serial killer nie namanye Pee Wee Gaskins. Diorang interbiu masa dia dalam jel.... eeeee... ngeri sungguh dia cerita dengan penuh detailnye brutality dia tu.....

And.... teringin gak nak baca Victoria Beckham punye Learning to Fly, ... ada sapa2 penah baca tak?



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