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Author: Greenbottle3

Potter Hater

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Post time 5-8-2005 10:47 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by drBaBy at 5-8-2005 22:07:
dear blackmore...
thanks for pacifying me. i sound like too carried away?
well, actually i dont feel belittled ka apa...sbb i takde pun beratur subuh2...i mmg dah preorder my book. am ...

...heyya sis...

...carried away tu tak arr...but i sense that u felt insulted by his comments...

...what i would like u to do actually is to view things in a different matter how negative it may be...when we wanna analyse and critise things...we have to do it with an open mind...eerr...cuba lapang kan dada kita...bukak mata kita besar2 sikit...heh..dan cuba kita lihat dari perspective yang positive...

...anyway...i noe..i's easier said than mature adults...i think we can do it...discuss things amicably...without hurting each other's pride and feelings...but...i do admit...i can be sarcastic at times u noe...:kerek::bgrin:

...apa2 one can make u feel inferior without your cool ok...

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Post time 5-8-2005 11:17 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by blackmore at 5-8-2005 10:47 PM:

...heyya sis...

...carried away tu tak arr...but i sense that u felt insulted by his comments...

...what i would like u to do actually is to view things in a diff ...

heheh...act abg/kak blackmore...
tak, i dont feel insulted.
coz i tak rasa inferior pun baca buku nih...
maybe my reaction is more to indignant..heheh,,, or maybe too passionate kot...mempertahankan bukuku yang dikata org utk bukuku itu sangat tak berkualiti. tapi takdela berkualiti gegila sangat jugak. tapi berkualiti juga pada pandangan mataku.

noted..i will try to be less passionate and be abit coollll....

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Post time 5-8-2005 11:20 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by drBaBy at 5-8-2005 23:17:
heheh...act abg/kak blackmore...
tak, i dont feel insulted.
coz i tak rasa inferior pun baca buku nih...
maybe my reaction is more to indignant..heheh,,, or maybe too passionate kot...memp ...

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Post time 6-8-2005 12:11 AM | Show all posts

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Post time 6-8-2005 12:13 AM | Show all posts
to potter's haters, get over it dear

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Post time 6-8-2005 02:48 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Greenbottle3 at 3-8-2005 07:04 PM:
Ni mesti buat sesetengah pelawat di sini naik angin...

but it must be said....

anybody who is above 15 , OK make it 20...has no business going crazy over harry potter..saya tak faham mengapa ...

jap.. nak tanya.. kat mana yang beratur sebelum subuh nih? kat mesia ke? mcm tak logik jek.. beratur sebelum pukul 5:50-ish.. ke beratur sebelum syuruk? tuh logik sket.

ala.. org minat potter nih, mcm org minat star wars, lotr. the thing is, what i noticed kat mesia, mana org tau buku lotr.. if not for the movie. padahal dah ebrpuluh2 tahun buku tuh published, la nih, baru nampak org sibuk beli/baca. kalau takde movie, yg bukan bookworm for sure tak kenal tolkien. come on, be honestla.

why i like potter? i just like to read. just like reading grisham's, brown's, crichton's or any other books. kalau fav author release new book, i'd be the first to buy.

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Post time 6-8-2005 04:47 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by rasyid at 6-8-2005 02:48 AM:

jap.. nak tanya.. kat mana yang beratur sebelum subuh nih? kat mesia ke? mcm tak logik jek.. beratur sebelum pukul 5:50-ish.. ke beratur sebelum syuruk? tuh logik sket.

ala.. org minat po ...

Huish En Rasyid... since 2003 kuar H.Potter diorang dah berpijama tunggu Kinokuniya encik oiii..... others bookstore pun ....this year tambah satu lagi... Borders

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Post time 7-8-2005 02:16 PM | Show all posts

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 Author| Post time 8-8-2005 05:29 PM | Show all posts
Dear drBaby et al;

Dah agak dah pinggan mangkuk melayang's a joy to read drBaby's excited and robust defense of potter...  but the point is NO ADULT should go bongkers over potter... this POTTER boy is MEANT for CHILDREN!!!... ok...nobody can prevent you or anybody liking potter...but JUST DON'T GO BONGKERS over it!!...Question: why on earth do you go bonkers over potter?...Answer..very simple... you guys fall for the silly hype... much like some time ago people go crazy over RUBIK's cube, or TAMAGOCHIE ...remember?'s just silly's a funny thing when a kid of 8 yrs and an intelligent working adult worship JK's potter books in equal measure... something is not right...

Also it's not that i'm not reading my books... but i'm buying more than i can read...greediness i suppose...but more correctly..i think... is my love for books...i buy books like some silly girls going crazy buying clothes...

you talk about quality... well this book room I suppose should educate readers to read GOOD books...

it is of course very difficult to quantify "goodness"...or "quality"....
I'm far from qualified to adjucate what constitute 'quality books"..
but i suppose one should learn how to grow over reading less 'quality' books...books for airheads (now I'm getting into dangerous water again...)
i suppose, if you're crazy over ought to wean yourself from reading fluffy stuff and move over to more well crafted and critically acclaimed books...

i suppose nobody has a right to say somebody should stop reading err.. Doeremon for example ...but if you're already say 20 and still hooked on doeremon, it's clear that you've somewhat a lot to catch up on your reading...same thing applies to err...POTTER!!!...

i wish there's a potter hater club...i want to be a member!!!!

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Post time 8-8-2005 05:56 PM | Show all posts
U buat la Green potter hater club. Kita pakat tengok sapa daftar jadi members.

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Post time 8-8-2005 07:40 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Greenbottle3 at 8-8-2005 05:29 PM:
Dear drBaby et al;

Dah agak dah pinggan mangkuk melayang's a joy to read drBaby's excited and robust defense of potter...  but the point is NO ADULT should go bongkers over potter... ...

well, dear greenbottle..u may have ur theory...and ur opinion. since it is ur opinion, i wont say u are wrong...but u may not be correct either...

but i guess i cant say much...since u have a firm unshakeable opinion about ppl..the way u look at ppl and their choices...then be it...

and maybe u are just trying to provoke ppl. becoz of that. i shall ignore.

i dont need ppl  to tell me what kind of materials i want to read,though. thank you very much for the effort.
ii choose myself.
i rest my case.

[ Last edited by drBaBy on 8-8-2005 at 07:49 PM ]

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Post time 9-8-2005 02:01 AM | Show all posts
This is the product of a consumer society. Creating something out of nothing. I believe that Harry Potter is product of shallow or spiritually empty author who manifest her fictions into the market. As always, a consumer society consume as a fad.


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 Author| Post time 9-8-2005 12:42 PM | Show all posts

you're's not wholly up to you what you want to read.... i think a country, a government, parents, a FRIEND me... have the obligation and moral responsibility to educate their loved ones...and i dearly love my fellow book worms...why ? because they are doing something really good...reading...but i am not too happy if i feel that fellow readers are err..uncultured, unsophisticated in their choice of reading material...

and if you love somebody, you care for them... in this respect i feel we all should advise each other what are good  to read...and what are just for fun...and what are "to kill for"...

in this respect i sincerely believe anybody least of all NON-ENGLISH people should not go crazy over this potter thing....becuase you're just succumbing to cheap hype....

i'd love if people who thinks all the world for say dan brown da vinci code, or all those crichtons, grishams etc would realize that these books are well...for fun...light reading... don't get you to a higher plane of reading to speak...( i think i'll get flamed again saying all these...)...

i think for people who dearly love books and stories... they should err...progress towards classics, and literary fictions....books with deep characterization, great writing , where words can mersmerize you, where words can dance and jump like fleas right out of pages... where a mere paragraph can almost transport you to realm of esctasy ....

stop wasting time reading  pulp fictions and junks.......

readers who read say grisham,or potter or danielle steele are totally different to people who read say kafka, gogol, doestoyevski, maugham, Henry James or Ian Mc Ewan, or ....or JD Salinger...and i wish people improve their resding taste....for the sake of themselves and also the country.....

why i say country?... because a country without a good reading culture will never produce a truly civilised people....people with deep understanding of human nature, people with fine appreciation of arts and a nation which can produce good art in whatever forms....

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Post time 9-8-2005 01:52 PM | Show all posts
dear greenbottle,
the way i look at ur statements now...there is no real attempts of educating ppl of reading good materials...rather u are more of demoralizing ppl, and criticising their choices. and maybe enforcing  ur belief, on other ppl.

please greenbottle, u are saying i am wrong? u may try to air ur views, i dont say u are wrong completely...yet u have guts to tell me i am wrong. do u have any ounce of respect for ppl? u are so full of urself...

i am disgusted..really...

and y attacking potter in particular? u could have generalized all the low quality books..yet u dont...

i am tired and sick...i felt sick...

[ Last edited by drBaBy on 9-8-2005 at 01:56 PM ]

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Post time 9-8-2005 02:17 PM | Show all posts
alamak..apa gaduh2 nie...relaks. fenomena beratur panjang2 tu cuma berlaku setahun sekali (takpon 2 tahun sekali bergantung kpd bila JK publish buku).

fenomena yg berlaku hanya sekali setahun nie yg korang gaduhkan. fenomena AF beratur panjang2, tunggu di stadium dr waktu zohor sampai ke awal pagi, fenomena org berkampung depan cinema nak tunggu pembukaan filem Star Wars, fenomena peminat fanatik bolasepak untuk menonton piala akhir world cup. Semuanya sama saja, yg beza adalah ia berkenaan apa. Kalau kata bodoh le buat tu semua kerana buku Potter, tak ke bodoh juga org2 yg buat begitu kerana penyanyi World yg asik lupa lirik, ataupun 2 kumpulan manusia yang berlari kesana kemari merebut sebiji bola. sama aje konsepnya.....

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Post time 9-8-2005 03:05 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Greenbottle3 at 2005-8-9 12:42 PM:
because a country without a good reading culture will never produce a truly civilised people

Cuba teka apa yang menjadi bahan bacaan pegawai-pegawai tentera yang menjaga kem konsentrasi di zaman Nazi Jerman - GOETHE!

Dan kau kata membaca karya 'berkualiti' itu bertamadun.

Mungkin betul apa kata Goering* (sic) Bila aku dengar perkataan budaya, aku capai Browning aku.

*Bukan dia yang kata sebenarnya, tapi dia yang femes amoskan frasa ni. Frasa ini milik Hanns Johst, penulis drama /penyair Nazi.

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Post time 9-8-2005 03:06 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by sherrina at 9/8/05 02:17 PM:
alamak..apa gaduh2 nie...relaks. fenomena beratur panjang2 tu cuma berlaku setahun sekali (takpon 2 tahun sekali bergantung kpd bila JK publish buku).

Kalau kata bodoh le buat tu semua kerana buku Potter, tak ke bodoh juga org2 yg buat begitu kerana penyanyi World yg asik lupa lirik, ataupun 2 kumpulan manusia yang berlari kesana kemari merebut sebiji bola. sama aje konsepnya.....

actually, it is just a healthy debate...I won't call it discussion:kerek:
and it actually a debate on reading the book, rather than queueing

I highlighted in red the statement which can be called a fallacy...if
you analysed the performance of others who forgot also...esp. during
the finale:cak:who are the ones who 'asyik' forgotten the lyrics, actually?...even the previous champion...who had to read the lyric on his palm:cak: just wanna righting a gadoh2...:bgrin:

[ Last edited by seribulan on 9-8-2005 at 03:07 PM ]

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 Author| Post time 9-8-2005 04:50 PM | Show all posts
aduhai mak ooi....'re one tough lady....don't get too mad... don't get disgusted...i fear for your husband... with a girl as opinionated as's exiciting and forbidding in equal measure...

it's clear l that some malaysians wish to be be it...nothing new....
i'm just trying to get some sense into all of us...including myself....

it's typical of malaysians...proud of even  doing or appreciating stupid things.... nobody should be proud of reading fluff...trash...or potter...

and my dear serigala (sorry...serikaya)...

no...your analogy is completely wrong....we can not compare people going crazy over football to people going crazy over potter...

people who line up for football say, they'll line up  not just for one team!!...some line up for Man U, some Chelsea, some for selangor team etc... they are mad over football in general...similarly for movies, or concerts... yes some people go bonkers over AF or MAWI ...this is  exactly the same  with those going potty over potter...both succumb to silly HYPE!!!...

as i say, if those who go bonkers over potter also go bonkers over other books, then, that's fine...but why just potty over potter??

..and mr marquez ..

i'm not familar with your quotes...but you see, that's the point... good books MOVED people ...may be in a bad or good way...but it CHANGES people....

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Post time 9-8-2005 05:20 PM | Show all posts
kalau dah semua org nak potty over semua buku yg dia baca, beratus2 lah thread dlm nie. kebetulan di sini ramai peminat potters. tu yg lain2 dok potty over buku alaf21 ada satu thread, yg peminat Dan brown pon ada, yg minat sophie kinsella pon, tak salah le potty over potter. maybe sebab peminat star wars and LOTR tak ramai disini tu yg green marah sgt kot.....:lol

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Post time 9-8-2005 05:55 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Greenbottle3 at 2005-8-9 04:50 PM:
aduhai mak ooi....'re one tough lady....don't get too mad... don't get disgusted...i fear for your husband... with a girl as opinionated as's exiciting and forbidding in equ ...

Faktanya dari zaman Plato, justifikasi untuk seni sudah cuba diberi. Tapi sampai hari ni?

Takrif apa itu sastera pun tak boleh nak dipersetujui, habih camne?

Bukankah lebih arif kalau memilih yang universal sa-perti bolasepak dan Mawi (atau Marsha bagi yang ada taste, ha ha) daripada buku yang tiada sapa boleh beri takrifan hujung pangkalnya?

[ Last edited by marquez on 9-8-2005 at 05:59 PM ]

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