Originally posted by harkktuih at 19-7-2006 03:32 PM
td saja je surf internet n terjumpa lak web opps Asia (www.oops-asia.com) then nmpk la ads nih, aku cut n paste...
Jac & Ju in Australia
Juwita will be hitting Australia again this July. This time she'll be touring with Jaclyn Victor, our very first Malaysian Idol! They are scheduled to hit churches in Adelaide & Melbourne. One of their stops would be Paradise Australia. Click here to check out the promo flyer Paradise has been circulating. Do pray for both Jac & Ju as they perform and minister to the Australian church. Thanks all of you!
korang nikan....jadilah panatikus yg berfikiran terbuka. Realistiklah. Ada org suka ngan penyanyi kesukaan kita ada yg tak suka.
tp mamak....coba ko bg tau kat kita org apa yg ko musykilkan? Adakah ko musykilkan contribution Jac pada church? atau apa? Lain kali kalau bukak thread biar terang2 supaya fanatikus cam JDF tak le meraba-raba & predict yg bukan2...(JDF jgn mare tawwww)