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Author: kaypo

buku yang boleh mengalirkan airmata/memberi kesan

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Post time 25-10-2005 07:51 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by KRUfan at 24-10-2005 10:26 PM
5 people u meet in heaven..nak beli..

KRUfan, should be treasured... mmg patut sgt beli..
it makes us realise about the interconnectivity in life..
which we think we are not important at all in the world, but actually we contribute to big things in our life

this story makes us realise that no matter who you are, what you do, and what mistakes you have done, your life is really worth living..

the hero works as a maintenance worker in amusement park.. he realised he did nothing in contribution to the world, but after he died, his journey to heaven.. he meet 5 people along his way, and that people will tell him how his life is interrelated with them..

mitch albom dedicate this story to his uncle, which his uncle said " he contributed nothing to the world.."

touching, and the movie, really inspiring :pray:



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Post time 25-10-2005 09:44 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Hana at 23-10-2005 12:25 PM

cerita la full sinopsis..:cak:

sinopsis ringkas..
Mohd Izat Effy jejaka tampan dan kaya yang sering menjadi rebutan. Kekayaan dan ketampanannya menjadikan dia ego. Keegoannya luntur apabila dia dipertemukan dengan Nazira seorang gadis yang degil, lincah dan periang. Pertemuan atas dasar kebencian itu akhirnya membenihkan rasa cinta. Apatah lagi keluarga kedua belah pihak amat merestui hubungan suci itu. Di saat Izat ingin melamar princess hatinya, Nazira menarik diri. Izat kecewa dan menderita dengan tindakan itu. Tertunaikah impian Izat untuk mereka ..



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Post time 25-10-2005 12:15 PM | Show all posts
The time traveller's wife by Audrey Niffenegger

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Post time 25-10-2005 05:05 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by periwinkle.. at 25-10-2005 12:15 PM
The time traveller's wife by Audrey Niffenegger


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Post time 26-10-2005 01:22 AM | Show all posts
A Walk to Remember tu sedih ye? aiseh, dah lama tak baca. cuti raya nie bleh baca balik. dah lupa langsung kisahnya.

bagi sherrina, yg menitiskan air mata bila membacanya ialah:

Kasihku Abadi- Shanika Latisha
Sampai Hati - Mama Juwie
Lagenda Budak Setan - Ahadiat Akashah
A boy called It - Dave Pelzer

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Post time 26-10-2005 07:52 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by sherrina at 26-10-2005 01:22 AM
A Walk to Remember tu sedih ye? aiseh, dah lama tak baca. cuti raya nie bleh baca balik. dah lupa langsung kisahnya.

cik mod, yup very touching.. even mak saya yang baca pun nangis.. hehehe
the best part is, the language is very very simple, the setting of the story is also very simple, but the story.. masya Allah, make us want to cry.. the love story between the hero and heroine. how the heroine coped with her sickness.. even tho she died in the end, but that makes the hero realised there are important things in this world, and he has strengthen his faith to God because of Jamie (his gf which later turned to be his wife)/



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Post time 26-10-2005 09:37 AM | Show all posts
Hi seribulan,

Buku time traveller's wife tu memang sedih, tapi best sangat..kisah dia pelik,confusing & mengarut sikit, some people might not like it.. tapi once dah paham jln cerita, memang rewarding...Kisahnya, Henry ni ada penyakit yang buat dia boleh time travel, tapi not at will, tiba-tiba je dia akan ada at somewhere else, at different time... dia jumpa wife dia masa dia Clare masa time travel, masa tu wife dia kecik lagi.. so, Henry actually watched his wife grew sampai besar, and eventually kahwin.. wife dia sorang je yang tau pasal sakit dia ni.. every moment dia dengan wife dia memang precious, sebab anytime je dia boleh just hilang... dia selalu get in trouble bila sampai at other times, sebab dia kat tempat tu naked, so terpaksa mencuri utk dapat baju, food, etc.. penyakit dia makin lama makin teruk & buat dia rasa sakit bila time travel...  

buku ni kisah kehidupan henry & dia punya sufferings, kisah wife dia punye patience, sacrifices and her great love and devotion to henry... and also kisah orang-orang sekeliling mereka yang tak faham..

kat bawah ni comment dari readers yang dah baca...

Ahhh . . . one of my all time favorite books. The ending was so moving that I think I cried for at least 15-20 minutes. I'm also looking forward her next novel. (NT) -- TessaA, 17:05:42 09/18/05 Sun

One of my favourites, too. I read it last year, couldn't put it down and yes, I did cry... *g* (NT) -- Pat, 21:16:12 09/18/05 Sun

Also one of my favorites. Granted, there were times that I would have to reread sections to understand the time/age thing. It was a little thought provoking, but definetely worth it. The ending also made me cry. I lent this book to my Aunt and never got it back. Just reminded me that I should ask (NT) -- TheresaSt., 21:49:03 09/18/05 Sun

I too loved this book even though at times I was very confused about time and place etc. No matter, it was such a great love story. One of my all-time favorite books. (NT) -- Liz, 04:00:10 09/20/05 Tue

Loved it!!!!!!!!! (NT) -- AmyGirl, 07:31:48 09/22/05 Thu

I read TT Wife, and bawled at the end, which I rarely do. Took a bit to get into it, but once there, it was very touching. (NT) -- Cathryn L., 11:04:20 09/27/05 Tue

Have never read anything like it before! -- Banshee, 18:34:46 09/29/05 Thu



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Post time 26-10-2005 07:50 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by limau_nipis at 25-10-2005 07:51 AM

KRUfan, should be treasured... mmg patut sgt beli..
it makes us realise about the interconnectivity in life..
which we think we are not important at all in the world, but actually we contribu ...

Insya Allah.. I'll buy it..

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Post time 26-10-2005 10:40 PM | Show all posts my list

1) Dave Pelzer's trilogy - A Child Called 'It', The Lost Boy and A Man Named Dave.
2) Mitch Albom - Tuesdays with morrie



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Post time 27-10-2005 01:25 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by limau_nipis at 25-10-2005 07:47

penulis novel 'bukan puteri lindungan bulan' tu liana afiera malik kan? ;)

aah dia lah tu...

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Post time 28-10-2005 02:10 PM | Show all posts

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Post time 6-11-2005 12:40 AM | Show all posts
Novel melayu yang berjaya membuat aku hiba - Tangisan Bulan Madu 1 & 3.. nie mmg aku terisak isak gilos. Sedey nak mampos time mak dier meninggal tu [3]..huwwwaaaggghh......Masa Bogatt mati [1] aku lagi pilu & hiba....



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Post time 6-11-2005 10:40 AM | Show all posts

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Post time 7-11-2005 02:22 AM | Show all posts
Bukit Kepong (form 4 punye) sedih sgt....Peperangan antara komunis n askar melayu....



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Post time 30-11-2005 08:39 AM | Show all posts

Buku Sastera/Fiksyen yg meninggalkan kesan (merged with SHAHKAMIL)

hi.. pertama kali sara berposting di thread nih...

sara suka sgt buku novel sastera "Ombak Bukan Biru" karya Fatimah Busu .... citer remaja tapi gaya penulisan mmg trade mark fatimah busu... novel nih le mengajar sara jatuh cinta terhadap karya2 sastera di malaysia...

seterusnya sara suka juga novel popular spt "Ombak Rindu" karya Fauziah Shaari .... novel yg membuat sara berfikir akan kesetiaan perempuan dan persoalan bermadu...

bagaimana dgn korang? apakah buka yg mengesankan kalian... cer citer kat sini.. kita berkongsi info yek..

[ Last edited by  seribulan at 3-8-2006 10:24 AM ]



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Post time 1-12-2005 04:04 PM | Show all posts
...buku Khadijah Hashim...Badai Semalam...buku pertama meninggalkan kesan (feminis) dalam diri saya ....

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Post time 1-12-2005 04:18 PM | Show all posts
ehhhh sama lah kita pon bulan
badai semalam mmg buku citer pertama saya baca waktu skolah dulu
brapa ulang pon dah tak ingat dah....
tp mmg berayor ler mata ni tiap kali baca
lagi satu buku adalah salah asuhan tapi ingat2 lupa ler jalan cite nyer



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Post time 1-12-2005 10:56 PM | Show all posts
Salina - A Samad Said.  

Baca semasa sekolah menengah.  Memang dalam kesannya sebab sebelum tu hanya baca Nancy Drew..Hardy Boys etc..sahaja.



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Post time 2-12-2005 01:03 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by DanaScully at 1-12-2005 10:56 PM
Salina - A Samad Said.  

Baca semasa sekolah menengah.  Memang dalam kesannya sebab sebelum tu hanya baca Nancy Drew..Hardy Boys etc..sahaja.

cerita Salina nih berat plot dia... tabik ler kalu masa sekolah menengah dah baca.. sara pon nexr sem wajib baca buku nih .. sbb kena analisis.. hehehe

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husz This user has been deleted
Post time 2-12-2005 01:14 PM | Show all posts
hmm...:hmm:...jrg baca buku sastera....buku fiksyen lak....ntah la kalo ikutkan sume buku yg aku baca ada kesan...cuma aku takleh nak ingat...mungkin sbb byk sgt baca dr kecik sampai skrg dah berapa tahun tu....:stp:

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