hehe..filem 2012 tu entah saya rasa tak rasa kesannya..entah ler..
tak kisah..saya pun harap tak delah berlaku apa2 benda yg buruk....lagi lega kalau jadi mcm hari biasa je..sekadar sharing news saja..sbb benda2 mcm ni takkan keluar dlm local media pun... |
Reply 22# nour2001
yup,btol tue len org len pndapatnye... truskan post klo ade cite2 mnarik...
teleskop awk pn mnarik jgk... bpe tue eh? kt malaysia nie mahal gler... xbnyak kdai plak tue... sori off topic... hehe{:1_115:} |
sesapa pun boleh post articles pasal comet/planet yg jarang didengar etc...saya ni malas sikit nak tempek articles..nanti kalau jumpa yg menarik saya letak sini...
OT..telescope tu saya beli off ebay, dlm 140 bucks..cuba lah cari kat ebay..berlambak ada telescopes ni.. |
Post Last Edit by alphawolf at 26-9-2011 16:08
Local media banyak cerita artis aje...hahaha
OK balik pasal subjek matter...mula2 saya nak mintak maaf pasal saya teramat skeptikal pasal all this brouhaha about Nibiru/Planet X. Sebabnya..
1. 'winged planet' - sebelum ni ada yang dok jaja gambar ilustrasi tu sebagai Nibiru...sekarang ni dah dijaja sebagai komet elenin pula....satu petanda hoax
2. Ada planet lain belakang Nibiru - sorry guys this is spin control. Sebab sebuah planet yang sebesar Nibiru (kononnya) sepatutnya dah boleh dilihat dengan mata kasar...tapi sebab masih tak kelihatan somebody tukar cerita dengan mengatakan yang 'ada planet lain yang tak boleh dilihat dengan teleskop biasa'..I mean come on la!
3. Gempa bumi disebabkan pergerkan kerak bumi. It has nothing to do with cosmic objects. Just think back, were there any damn objects coming near earth in 2004?
3. Apa, pemimpin dunia berada di Denver? Kenapa PM kita tak join sekali? Atau apa rationalnya CEO letak jawatan semata2 pasal 'collision' ni?
4. Guys, kalau u nak libatkan Nabi kita, please bagi hadis berkenaan...bukan semata2 letak 'Nabi dah kata dah'
OK lah I've put my case...I know I can't change your stand on this matter...but let's hope that you guys tak jadi Chicken Little (cerita asal bukan kartun Disney tu)
Oh astronomy is a very interesting subject...just don't get the sensational, unsubstantiated parts get in the way huh? Anyway, if you guys want to get really scared shrekless...how about reading up about the REAL cosmic threat to our existence such as GRBs, blackholes, NEOs,supernovas..... |
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yup,sokong alphawolf... mcm aku ckp mnde2 cmnie aku xrse bleh wtpe2 kt bumi... xde mnde pn... aku pn xphm ape kne mngena galactic alignment ke ape ke ngn bumi...
even klo mnde2 nie btol2 ade xpyah pkai telescope,binocular pn dh bleh nmpak... cm aku ckp la smpai msenye " Loh!!! xde pe2 pn...!!!" "Argh, cis aku kne kencing rpenye...!!!" maka toya la mke msing2...
hehe... ok... lg2... sbarang pndapt sila tepek kn kt snie... klo ade ape2 artikal ke sila2 jgn malu2... tulisan anda amatlah di hargai... hehe  |
believe what you want to believe...kalau tak berlaku apa2, alhamdulillah..prediction will always be a prediction, the one who is going to execute it is HIM...Hanya Allah swt saja yg Maha Mengetahui.... |
yup,sokong alphawolf... mcm aku ckp mnde2 cmnie aku xrse bleh wtpe2 kt bumi... xde mnde pn... aku pn ...
shinnoezuke Post at 26-9-2011 18:00 
haha..tak habis2 dgn muka toya dia... ... |
haha... toya la... jgn marah yerk TT... hehe
x gie mncerap ker mlm nie...? snie langit x bpe nk lawa la... ade pe2 gmbar hasil cerapan please la tepek kt snie... share2 la sket xkn kderk kut? hehe... |
but i have to say tgk night sky di sini mmg sgt beza dgn kat malaysia...sgt2 clear... |
our member group tgh buat observation psl alignment ni..masing2 ngadu tak dpt tgk matahari lah, grey sky, chemtrails,bizarre cold weather..ni yg rata2 di us east coast, uk n europe...we're the first to get the sun, but nothing happen, yet..aduh..rasa over lah pulak derang ni.... |
mencerap tue bhs melayu la @ observe dlm bhs omputihnye...
tue la klo ade gmbar2 tue tepek la ...
shinnoezuke Post at 26-9-2011 19:27 
oh ok..serious lah bnyk ayat2 baru saya dpt di forum ni...mcm teruja, terkesima, cerap... |
bhs Jawa bngsa tau... eh,silap bhs JIWA bngsa... hehe
ko ade ckp psl alignment tuk ari sok eh tgk klo ade gmpa bumi ke x? yea kn?
oh,bru la aku phm ape ko ckp sbb aku ade tgk youtube td... hehe
xpe kte tgk ari sok cmner... kt tmpat ko la... aku cbe tgk ape yg blaku kt malaysia nti... hehe
Post Last Edit by andria at 27-9-2011 01:23
but someone disputed the prophecies that world ends in 2012 because the mayans was invaded by spain, hence their last calender being teh2012... nour2001 Post at 13-9-2011 18:39
Yes, some people believe that the Mayans calendar will end in 2012 - but some believe it ends October 28th, 2011, such as Carl Calleman. But to argue that the Mayans calendar ended because they were invaded by the Spanish, is utter BS (pardon me). Mereka yg mengkaji sejarah purba, pasti tahu betapa bijaknya kaum Mayan, yg mana mereka mampu menterjemahkan perjalanan bintang2 & planet2, jauh sebelum munculnya teknologi moden, sebelum munculnya sesuatu yg dinamakan teleskop, sebelum munculnya sesuatu yg dinamakan modernisasi. Pukul rata adalah kerja org malas yg bukan saja malas membaca, tapi juga tidak pernah mahu membuat penyelidikan sendiri.
i think something is behind elenin, that is not told by nasa..of course nasa will have to cover their ass, can't believe them 100%..brown dwarf planet?..nour2001 Post at 13-9-2011 18:39 
Again, yes. Your belief seems to coincide with the belief of some others - that Planet X is behind Elenin. And you are also right in not believing in NASA totally.
even predicting japan is going to vanished (that's too far fetched and i don't believe thi bs)nour2001 Post at 13-9-2011 18:39 
Actually, there was a seer named Edgar Cayce who once predicted that Japan will one day vanished into the sea. He also predicted that part of US will go down as well. And did you know there was a movie in 2006 called Sinking Of Japan (Nihon Chinbotsu)? Makes you wonder where did THAT come from?
in the us pulak, 2 underground nuclear were reportedly being destroyed, one at washington the other one not sure, hence the tremors.....nour2001 Post at 13-9-2011 18:39 
You might wanna read the report by Ben Fulford regarding 60,000 Americans who died (underground) when that happened...
and the emergency drills around this time will of course raise suspicious for those who is following this elenin kan...and coincidently Obama will be at denver but whether he is going to be at DUMB remain to be seen..nour2001 Post at 13-9-2011 18:39 
Actually, Obama is expected to be in Denver today, 27th September (tomorrow for US). What does 81 agencies have to do with an emergency drill, in a city like Denver? When Denver is rumored to have D.U.M.B? Such a nice coincidence, eh? Makes one wonders...
meanwhile The Russians is building thousands of bunkers since last year...nour2001 Post at 13-9-2011 18:39 
Russia plans to build 5000 bomb shelters BEFORE 2012. China as well. And think of Norway - why the seed vault before 2012? Dah mcm bahtera Nabi Nuh... bahtera ganti dgn vault. Animals ganti dgn seeds... interesting, isn't it?
what about our govt? in oz is very quiet too, scary shit...i nour2001 Post at 13-9-2011 18:39 
Did you know that the Church of Christchurch (NZ) if I'm not mistaken, has issued a warning prediction that on the 28th/29th September, Christchurch could be torn into pieces (sort-of) due to a very large expected earthquake? Apparently, some members had received precognitions (dreams) and they were shown vision/voices/signs/clues.
adoi..mmg rasa seram takut pun ada...we have been stocking up foods and some other emergency survival kits..sound paranoia, i know... nour2001 Post at 13-9-2011 18:39 
Kita yg dewasa ni, klu lapar berhari2 pun ok lagi. Bayangkan kalau anak kecik. Atau bayi? It's the after-effect yg jarang org fikirkan.
apa2pun as a muslim kita kena berserah pada Allah swt, He knows the best what is going to happen...hampir semua tanda2 besar akhir zaman sudah ada....beramal lah like we are going to die tomorrow.. nour2001 Post at 13-9-2011 18:39 
True, we don't know what's gonna happen tomorrow, but some people can feel it. It's just that they don't know exactly what it 'is'. Sedihnya, dlm thread ini, masih ada yg tidak mahu mengkaji lebih jauh tentang hadis2 Nabi s.a.w berkaitan perubahan cuaca, wlupun dah ada clue.
"Tidak akan terjadi hari kiamat sehingga tanah Arab KEMBALI menjadi subur makmur dengan padang-padang rumput dan sungai-sungai." (Sahih Muslim)
Dlm hadis ini saja, sdh merangkumi cukup bnyk clue kalau saja kita tidak ego dan tidak malas utk berfikir dgn lbh jauh. Perkataan KEMBALI itu saja sdh cukup memberikan clue yg sgt besar. Segalanya ada di situ - paksi bumi, perubahan cuaca, perubahan kutub...
But who am I to lecture? I'm just a nobody. Sekadar berkongsi info yg mana terpulanglah kpd pembaca utk merungkaikan misteri itu sendiri, jika mahu.
Allah knows best. |
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thanks andria for your input...
those who have children will only think about their kids rather than for themselves..i always thought, what would happen if disaster struck and we are left with nothing (electricity,gas,telecomunication etc all gone).if we are depending too much on technology we could be dead within a week..you ada tgk movie THE ROAD? Viggo mortenson & charlize theron,kodismit..its about father n son journey in an apocalyptic time, how they survive without any foods for days..kalau ni berlaku what would happen to our kids..i don't want to die and they survives, kalau hidup sama2 hidup, kalau mati sama2 mati...
so today is 27th, so far it has been quiet..i could not see the sun but it is there behind thick grey clouds..it is too early to say or see anything...but i do hope the prediction will remains prediction...
life is as usual and i'm going to watch the movie with my kids....i know many of our group members are taking leaves and bunkering somewhere...i won't go to that extend, hidup mesti diteruskan.... |
Bumi Arab mmg dah subur balik......walaupun melalui tangan manusia...tengok kat Arafah udah le..... |
You know I always wonder why people believe those who aren't even amateur astronomers but put forth their claims merely on the basis of 'contacts' with so-called aliens...when virtually all pro and also many private/amateur astronomers disagree. I mean come on...nobody ever show the actual photo of Nibiru (CGIs/artworks don't count) and that for a planet larger than Jupiter on it's final two years' leg of its 3600 year orbit, it's still not visible! |
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