teringin gak nak guna since galaxy yg 1st kluar..tapi asyik terbantut je..aku cuma nak cari yg screen besar skit..bleh buat keja online..nak menaip senang.mls nak pki netbook.klu yg 10.1 tu boleh ada semua function 7.1", aku amek tu.. |
teringin gak nak guna since galaxy yg 1st kluar..tapi asyik terbantut je..aku cuma nak cari yg scree ...
firdaruddin Post at 2-11-2011 07:18 PM 
masalahnya 10.1 mmg takleh nak wat call....hanya leh sms ngan sumbat simkad broadband jer ...dan itulah penyebabnya haku tak tinginn sgt nak beli 10.1 ..{:4_185:} |
kalau boleh buat call skali kan best?kan?kan?kan? |
kalau boleh buat call skali kan best?kan?kan?kan?
firdaruddin Post at 2-11-2011 07:22 PM 
kalau udah beli nanti update kat sini k DIn..
Pe2 pun......kalau ikutkan spec yg ko nak tu...better beli SGT P1000 je la Din.... |
lek lu..skg wife kelam kabut nak cekau iphone plak.adesss |
lek lu..skg wife kelam kabut nak cekau iphone plak.adesss
firdaruddin Post at 5-11-2011 01:04 AM 
Din.....haku rekomen ko amik Switch Droidpad CSL 7" .....leh wat call...RAM 512MB....touach skrin respon baik...aku dah belek2 ( dekat 1/2 jam )....terbaik jugak la.....rasa macam aku main ngan TAB P1000 aku dulu jer....harga RM899...termurah diladang... |

Like I mentioned before in the earlier part, the GPS map installed (with free 1 year service) is one of the most horrible looking software I have ever seen. The User Interface is archaic and does not give much information for the user. I ended up using Google Map as my default GPS map navigator. The GPS performed adequately. It is not fast by any means, requiring more than two minutes to get a solid fix (within an accuracy of 5 meters). It is not terribly slow either. However, if you want a cheaper and yet better alternative (only applicable for Asian users), download Ndrive. It is almost similar to Garmin’s GPS navigation app. I found that using Ndrive was a breeze, and because of the screen size, navigating in the car becomes less of a hassle. The only problem is to get a proper mount for the DroidPad since it would be a pain to hold it one hand for long.
Data Connection
One of my other gripes that I find with the DroidPad is the inconsistent WiFi connection. Every time it comes out of the lock screen, the WiFi connection will not re-connect itself automatically. To solve this, one must turn it off (via the power control widget for fast access) and turn it back on again. It is irritating, and I wonder whether I am the only one facing this issue. Besides this one issue, there is nothing much to complain about the WiFi. It is fast. I managed to update all 17 applications from the Market in less than 15 minutes. Not bad right? Some of the apps were big sized ones (mostly games like Zenonia which clocks in at over 10MB).
I have not tested the 3G connection on this (I cut my data connection some time back) but based on feedback, it seems to be performing adequately.
The Pros of this device are:
Capacitive screen (beats all the generic resistive android tablets out there)
It is small enough to be portable (at 7″ inch)
It is big enough to read websites without much problem (Sorry Mr. Jobs, but 7″ does work)
GPS equipped
USB On-The-Go
Expandable MicroSD slot
2 Cameras – Video Calling
Large RAM space
Sturdy Build
Relatively cheaper than Samsung Tab
The Cons for this device are:
Screen is only average and has too low resolution
Bulky and not slim enough
CPU is too low for the price point
Multitouch problems
Accessories included are redundant (car charger given is the wrong voltage, headphones are of poor quality)
Redundant applications included (merely shortcuts to website based applications)
Developer support uncertain
Buggy software experience
Price point a bit expensive
Stock Interface not friendly (this is solved by installing ADWLauncher or LauncherPro)
Some of these things may not be a dealbreaker for you, but for myself personally, I find that the price is the biggest problem for such a device. Will it come down? Eventually, but by that time, there would be newer products (maybe even the next iteration of the DroidPad with Snapdragon chip). The current price at RM1,599 (USD507) is not convincing enough, especially when the experience is not as polished as the iPad (even though it offers more functionalities than the iPad). However, when you compare this device with the Samsung Tab, especially with its price point (which is around USD700 and above) then you may have a good deal on hand. I find that that if one or two weaknesses were solved (particularly relating to the screen resolution), the USD507 might just be a good steal! I reckon that USD400 would be the best price for this device to sell like hot cakes.
Based on a simple survey and feedback from people who have already bought the device, the general opinion seems to be pretty positive. Most people were quite satisfied with the purchase (especially after Samsung Tab’s price was revealed). As usual, make sure you test the unit out for yourselves before making that call!
All the best!
Source :http://erlern.wordpress.com/2010 ... ne-the-rest-part-3/ |
Din.....haku rekomen ko amik Switch Droidpad CSL 7" .....leh wat call...RAM 512MB....touach ...
medangmru Post at 6-11-2011 20:53 
tab idaman... sblom decide beli xperia.. |
tab idaman... sblom decide beli xperia..
cmf_death Post at 7-11-2011 10:53 PM 
moh ambau satupppppppppppp Pok Det...{:4_185:} |
moh ambau satupppppppppppp Pok Det...
medangmru Post at 8-11-2011 11:08 
aku plan nk amik yg ni la.. nk jual tablet china aku tuh..huhuhu |
aku plan nk amik yg ni la.. nk jual tablet china aku tuh..huhuhu
cmf_death Post at 8-11-2011 11:15 AM 
idea yg bernasssss |
terbaikkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk |
tengs momod.... |
medang, yg kat atas tu adalah review utk csl punya pad tu....mmg ada prob skit2.. |
medang, yg kat atas tu adalah review utk csl punya pad tu....mmg ada prob skit2..
firdaruddin Post at 8-11-2011 02:24 PM 
Itu masa rega dia dlm RM1599 Din....aku baru je usha kat Loyat tadik.....RM699.....dan siap ada diskaun dan last price kedai tu bg dlm RM629.....Pasal Cons tu aku rs boleh diabaikan sgt sbb mostly ..most cons tu due to the exorbitant price ( dalam 1 1/2 tahun lepas )....biut konpom spec dia much better than Apad china....somemore...CSL ni kan ada cawangan2 dia...so rsnya kalau ada problem leh je pergi outlet dia....
The rest Tab/Pad ...rsnya ada festures2 yg bagus tp tak memenuhi kehendak ko DIn.... |
tengs momod....
cmf_death Post at 8-11-2011 11:32 AM 
Sesama Pok Det.. |
Itu masa rega dia dlm RM1599 Din....aku baru je usha kat Loyat tadik.....RM699.....dan siap ...
medangmru Post at 8-11-2011 17:51 
uihhhhh........ rm629.. ok sgt la tuh..
spec low skit je dr galaxy tab |
uihhhhh........ rm629.. ok sgt la tuh..
spec low skit je dr galaxy tab
cmf_death Post at 8-11-2011 06:00 PM 
tp mmg hangin satu badan tokei kedai...udahla aku berekesperimen dekat 1./2 jam...tp tak beli...tokeri kedai udah siap kuarkan resit dan skrin protector lagi... |
tp mmg hangin satu badan tokei kedai...udahla aku berekesperimen dekat 1./2 jam...tp tak be ...
medangmru Post at 8-11-2011 18:02 
hahaha... sbb tu aku x suka belek lama2 hp kt kdai |
| |