lukisan muka jesus jadi monyet ...kini karya sensasi paling lawak
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OsHiN_hOnEy posted on 24-9-2012 01:10 PM
it's a sad fact that such images only comes to appear after the backlasheshat those innocent non-m ...
Oh come on...it's not a matter of 'before or after', and talk about what those innocent non-Muslims had to endure is nothing comparing to what innocent Muslims including kids & babies are still enduring in Palestin....due to the ruthlessness of those people you know who.
Please moderator, please do something to bring this discussion to a halt coz some ignorant people are trying to spark unwanted inter-religious debates here...
PitMie posted on 24-9-2012 12:57 PM
Puak2 yg suke persenda agama & sunnah Rasulullaah ni mmg ada di mana2 & perangai lebih hodoh dari Na ...
sama tapi tak serupa
from words, spoken or written, image will be formed in human mind
dan dari situ bermula tindakan
gambar ialah kata hati or kalo omputeh nya picture is the word of heart (hati or heart disini merujuk fikiran bawahsedar or subcon)
nabi isa a.s yang di rejek oleh kaumnya sendiri yakni kaum yahudi itu adalah nabi isa a.s yang di pungut oleh kaum nasrani dan ada sesetengah depa mengatakan nabi itu adalah god only begotten son dan ada yang masih tetap percaya nabi itu hanya nabi dan nabi isa a.s itu adalah nabi yang di lahirkan miraculous tanpa ayah, di panggil dengan baik oleh quran sebagai PUTERA MARYAM
manusia ni ada sifat or fitrah ingin tahu , depa gak ada fitrah always want to improve or improvise i.e to excell , to become insan kamil..sempurna
so depa susah nak puas hati esp berpuas dengan apa yang depa telah ada i.e the past , maka itu depa keep on striving
tu pasal manusia kene ajar diri depa bab limitasi or batas, disini gak ruang ujian untuk diri depa i.e muhasabah
makin kenal diri sendiri , manusia nanti akan makin kenal siapa tuhan depa dan seiring itu gak nanti baru depa kenal macam mana rupa sebenar so called AGAMA YANG TUHAN REDHO
baru last2 tuhan pangey wahai jiwa tenang, kembali ler kepada tuhan kamu
kita seme datang dari tuhan dan akan kembali pada tuhan, tapi ramai kita sembah MANUSIA ..btui dak akhi?
ronin posted on 24-9-2012 01:17 PM
lukisan tu dari orang Islam ke?
Maybe he/she still thinks that the painting was made by some terrorists....when in fact the painting was a result of an attempt by a very old Christian lady (80 something) in Spain to restore the damage of a faded image of Jesus...
Or maybe she guesses Osama or Saddam did it? lol
Ini adalah penghinaan terhadap Nabi Isa. Bila kita mau demo? |
ajinomotonosuga posted on 24-9-2012 01:29 PM
sama tapi tak serupa
from words, spoken or written, image will be formed in human mind
Btul...well said & sy setuju.
Maideen. posted on 24-9-2012 12:43 PM
Kelakar plak bila tengok gambar Nabi Isa A.S. jadi cenggitu....
bngsat pnye totok umno, ni la dia pnyokong umno, krgnye didikan agama smpai smekan nabi isa ngn jesus.. bodo la ko ni
ronin posted on 24-9-2012 01:17 PM
lukisan tu dari orang Islam ke?
kat mana yg shin kata orang muslim yg buat
shin kata pacify, tahu apa tu pacify?
and are Muslims that easy to be pacified?
PitMie posted on 24-9-2012 01:28 PM
Oh come on...it's not a matter of 'before or after', and talk about what those innocent non-Muslim ...
unwanted inter-religious?
muahahahahaha |
ajinomotonosuga posted on 24-9-2012 01:29 PM
sama tapi tak serupa
from words, spoken or written, image will be formed in human mind
ya akhi mabuk tuak lar abg aji
PitMie posted on 24-9-2012 12:54 PM
Dude, so ko percaya ke gambar asal tu gambar Nabi Isa A.S? Bro, our al-Maseeh Prophet Isa of ISLAM ...
While your're at it, could you also confirm that Adam was not Nabi Adam, Noah was not Noh (though both seems to have been on a boar ride during a big flood), John was not Yahya, Abraham was not Ibrahim o wise one? Prrrrrrrrrrrpfffftght
Maideen. posted on 24-9-2012 01:47 PM
While your're at it, could you also confirm that Adam was not Nabi Adam, Noah was not Noh (though ...
muahahahaha lagi pusing kepala akhi mabuk tuak tu deen. |
PitMie posted on 24-9-2012 01:36 PM
Maybe he/she still thinks that the painting was made by some terrorists....when in fact the painti ...
dia semangat tinggi nak kutuk tapi lupa pula nak selidik fakta sebenar...akhirnya malu dgn perbuatan sendiri.....
OsHiN_hOnEy posted on 24-9-2012 01:43 PM
kat mana yg shin kata orang muslim yg buat
shin kata pacify, tahu apa tu pacify?
in what sense those drawings could pacify muslims? Please don't make your own assumption...
ronin posted on 24-9-2012 01:55 PM
in what sense those drawings could pacify muslims? Please don't make your own assumption...
well, some weak minded and slow minded muslims would surely jump up with joy for such tit-a-tat |
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