cube u allz teka sape sebelah lindsay lohan....??
thats real fat..bukan yg jenis tampal2 kat badan tu...

annehuda posted on 13-11-2013 08:06 AM 
lupita nyong'o ni katenye bakal menang. sbb lakonan superb gitu. tp kalau bleh sape2 lah menang tp ...
thanks sayam bagi tacang
actually american hustle tu tak tayang lg. bulan depan kat US br tayang. tayangan premiere pun x buat. tp ni citer David o.Russell. filem dia 2x masuk oscar (the fighter dgn silver linings playbook.) so blogger dah predict awal2 citer ni bole bolot byk pencalonan oscar ala2 mcm tahun lepas silver linings playbook.
manjalara_01 posted on 13-11-2013 07:11 PM 
alamak..teringat "transamerica"...
the butler tu..pulak..mcm "the help" ke??..
bau mcm same jek. ...
the butler tu based on true story. the help adaptasi dr novel. pengarah citer ni sama citer Precious. citer precious tu si oprah jd producer.
eddlisa_uyuk posted on 13-11-2013 08:04 AM 
labour day....yg ada kate nih dah tayang ke???
belum lg, next month ke bulan 1 thn depan. tp dorang dah bagi rating based on toronto international fim festival.
manjalara_01 posted on 13-11-2013 07:21 PM 
cube u allz teka sape sebelah lindsay lohan....??
thats real fat..bukan yg jenis tampal2 kat badan ...
jared leto astaga gumukya |
hanakikan posted on 13-11-2013 08:46 PM 
the butler tu based on true story. the help adaptasi dr novel. pengarah citer ni sama citer Precio ...
manja ingat The Help tu true story..
sbb ceritanye..watak2..semua mcm hidup jek..
mmg la kan..penulis novel..dpt inspirasi dari kisah hidup die or org lain..
guess what i found??..dekat wiki....
walaupun movie The Help..menang Oscar bagai..
& auther..Katheryn Stockett...dpt mcm2..dh millionaire la skrg kan??..
dpt best seller d New York..sold in 35 countries novel tu..
Abilene Cooper, a maid who used to work for Stockett's brother, has criticized the author for stealing her life story without her knowledge and sued her for $75,000 in damages. Cooper also criticized her for comparing the character's skin color to a cockroach.[10] A Hinds County, Mississippi judge threw the case out of court, citing the statute of limitations.[11] Stockett denies her claim of stealing her likeness, and says she only met her briefly.[11][12]
Last edited by manjalara_01 on 13-11-2013 10:03 PM
Kes Kontroversi hollywood ni mcm2 yea..??
ni kes same mcm movie "Slumdog Millionaire" kan??...
org yg sebenar dlm cerita ni..x dapat 1 sen pun..
masih papa....is that true??...
Ruthless org buat filem ni...Its all business baby... |
byk nya citer based on true story thn ni :
- captain philips
- dallas buyers club
-12 years a slave
- fruitvale station
- the butler
- saving mr banks
- the wolf of wall street
manjalara_01 posted on 13-11-2013 09:55 PM 
Kes Kontroversi hollywood ni mcm2 yea..??
ni kes same mcm movie "Slumdog Millionaire" kan??...
org ...
ekceli bkn producer tu taknak tolong. yelah dah bebudak tu pun dah byk tlg diorg kan? yg menjadi masalah makbapak bebudak tu. team producer sbnrnye nk tanggung bebudak tu persekolahan diorg, mcm biasiswa la, tp makbapak bebudak tu tamak diorg nk hadiah dlm btk cash, dh diberi rumah tp demand nk rumah lg besar la. produser pun smpi malas nk layan dah. nih yg akak baca dlm reader digest thn lepas.
hanakikan: yang lain2 akan menyusul. mintak mod  @annehuda  kaler kan tajuk 
julia roberts!! |
annehuda posted on 14-11-2013 08:42 AM 
ekceli bkn producer tu taknak tolong. yelah dah bebudak tu pun dah byk tlg diorg kan? yg menjadi m ...
owh ...kisahnye...
manjalara_01 posted on 13-11-2013 02:48 PM 
ape movie favourite korang yg pernah menang oscar sblum ni??
1- Boys Don't Cry...
brokeback mountain, hahaha..
bagus cite tue walaupon cam bosan..
manjalara_01 posted on 13-11-2013 07:21 PM 
cube u allz teka sape sebelah lindsay lohan....??
thats real fat..bukan yg jenis tampal2 kat badan ...
jared leto kn..
kurus kering, gemuk sume ade..
cilake ape berlakon jared leto jadi bapok??? agak weird....btw aku agak minat dia dalam band 30 second to mars... |
skystrike posted on 15-11-2013 12:15 PM 
cilake ape berlakon jared leto jadi bapok??? agak weird....btw aku agak minat dia dalam band 30 seco ...
share la pe2 lagu yg best..
tepek sini...
cowey posted on 15-11-2013 01:24 AM 
brokeback mountain, hahaha..
bagus cite tue walaupon cam bosan..
terkedu...sbb jack..kena bunuh...
bile cite superhero nk masuk oscar nie...
yg trilogi dark night batman x pernah tercalon best picture eh 
manjalara_01 posted on 13-11-2013 07:21 PM 
cube u allz teka sape sebelah lindsay lohan....??
thats real fat..bukan yg jenis tampal2 kat badan ...
jared leto tu kan..
plakon holiwood ni badan diorg x rosak ke..
semata2 utk film, kurus gemuk selamba jer..
teringat keanu reeves dlm lil budha and xtian bale dlm apa ntah...kurus mcm tengkorak semata2 nak hidupkan watak..
tu matthew canoughey dlm dallas buyers club..cengkung giler..
tabik la dorg ni
nashrudean posted on 16-11-2013 02:33 PM 
jared leto tu kan..
plakon holiwood ni badan diorg x rosak ke..
tu la..die org pelakon2 extreme..
bahaya tu..kalau diet ke gain weight..cara x betul...
tahun yg ade Lord of the rings je yg aku sgt excited ngan oscar,,, hahhaha
neeway... for 2014 oscar... hanye Garavity je yg aku nengok.... yg lain tuh banyak lagi yg belum masuk mesia kan... |
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