citer ni P13 ke...18 ke....
aku nk book tiket utk anak2 skali
hrp2 best la cite ni |
yeke aaron ada
mmg nak gi tgk sok lusa ni |
aah mmg btul la aaron aziz berlakon dlm filem ni
THE MOVIE: Directed by Ding Sheng (Little Big Soldier), Police Story 2013 follows the relationship between Jackie and his daughter; from the sounds of it, a gang kidnaps Jackie’s daughter and holds her at a club, where Jackie and his police force must rescue her. The film co-stars Liu Ye,Huang Bo, Jing Tian, Zhang Lanxin, Wang Zhifei, Zhang Xiaoning, Guli Nazha and Aaron Aziz.
Police Story remains arguably the most popular series of films that Jackie Chan has ever done, with the 1985 original solidifying Jackie’s status as an international action icon. Jackie would return to the series intermittently over the years, adding bigger and more dangerous stunts with each entry.
The last installment in the series was 2005′s New Police Story, which may not have achieved the acclaim of past movies but was undoubtedly a damn fine Jackie Chan flick.
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annehuda posted on 28-12-2013 08:38 AM 
aah mmg btul la aaron aziz berlakon dlm filem ni
betul ke???
tak nah dibgth pun AA kat mana2 sebelum nih
aku dh tgk....memula mmg bosan tahap cipan byk sgt berckp nya...
lelama jd best plak...byk suspen dlm citer ni...smpi ilang ngantok aku...
JC tetap mantap cam dulu tp kurg action drp dia...
tua dh dia kan...
lps muvi abis...korang jgn terus kuar...
ada tayang masa dorang shooting....JC byk buat lawak dgn pelakon yg lelain....
fyi xde pon muka si aron ajis ni...propa jek...
kalo ada pon maybe sbg polis yg ramai2 tu kot...pakai full face...mn nk nmpk si aron ni  |
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Dah tgk smlm....saya tertido wkt klimaks 
Cerita dia byk flashbacks dan berckp. Scene lawan2 tu kurang la...jackie chan nampak abah2 sgt...tak larat dah. Kalau ada scene yg senyap sket kan, blh dgr org2 sekeliling dok ckp cite ni boring dan mengantuk...dunno why padahal fullhouse smlm...ada jgk yg keluar tgh2 cerita.
For me, cerita dia agak slow... |
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Kebanyakan cerita honkong/china skrg memang membosankan. Tak mcm cerita era 80an-90an. |
Bole laa layan utk hlgkan bosan..
3/5 bintang! |
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