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Author: whitepig

A financial storm: Bankruptcy Of a Nation !!!

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putablade This user has been deleted
Post time 4-1-2004 01:15 AM | Show all posts
methinks SFe is out of his depth here!:re:

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SFE talk This user has been deleted
Post time 4-1-2004 10:53 PM | Show all posts
me think putablade is overwhelmed by the economic realities facing Msia.


[ Last edited by SFE talk on 4-1-2004 at 10:56 PM ]

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whitepig This user has been deleted
 Author| Post time 6-1-2004 07:21 PM | Show all posts
Watch How They
Choreograph The News
By Marjorie Tietjen
[email protected]

The fact that there are nefarious motives behind the all pervasive, ever increasing media propoganda, is becoming so obvious that if it were not so serious and effective, it's transparency would be laughable.
Once a person begins to discern the manipulation then one emerges into a whole new perception of reality. The public is continually and intentionally being set up for the expectation of certain future events. When these orchestrated events actually come to pass, many accept them as natural or even inevitable.....after all, they were predicted.
David Icke termed a form of this covert manipulation as Problem - Reaction - Solution. Those in control intentionally create a problem, expect a certain reaction from the public and then offer a solution which was really the controller's original goal. Many times the public is made to believe that the solution was their idea which often results in the public demanding that their solution be implemented. This makes it all very easy for those in power. These methods are very deeply embedded into our media structure. It's really amazing to me how they can keep all the lies from tripping over each other.
Take 9-11 for example. Looking back on things I'm sure most people will remember the media informing us that terrorism in the United States was inevitable. We were firmly told that it was not a matter of "if" but "when". Before this tragedy even occurred many were aware of a quote by Henry Kissenger which stated that an incident of this magnitude would be needed to convince the people of America to accept a One World Government. His exact words were.....
" Today, America would be outraged if U.N. troops entered Los Angeles to restore order [ referring to the 1991 LA. riot ]. Tomorrow they will be grateful! This is especially true if they were told that there was an outside threat from beyond, whether real or promulgated, that threatened our very existence. It is then that all peoples of the world will plead to deliver them from this evil. The one thing every man fears is the unknown. When presented with this scenerio, individual rights will be willingly relinquished for the guarantee of their well being granted to them by the World Government." Dr. Henry Kissenger, Bilderberger Conference, Evians, France 1991
Informed and intuitive citizens knew that it wouldn't be long before an orchestrated catastrophic event would occur. It was no surprise to many when immediately after the Trade Towers were hit, our government already had an immediate plan of action. We were going to fight a war on terror....a war that would have no forseeable end in sight. This of course sets up the opportunity for future attacks on any country which has the slightest possibility of harboring "supposed" terrorists. Almost immediatley the names of all the terrorists were known. We knew exactly what leader and country was responsible. Bills severely restricting our rights, such as The Patriot Act, were furtively and quickly pushed through. One clause in this ridiculously named bill, concerns the FBI and it's access to all our library records.
A local library I visit regularly had a sign up sheet for computor use. In order to use a computor one was required to sign their name, along with other information. One day I went to sign up for a computor and the sign in system was totally changed. One no longer had to sign their name. I asked the librarian if this change had anything to do with The Patriot Act. She told me that yes it did. This particular library had decided to change their system so that if the FBI did demand computor records, there would be none to hand over. I then spoke to the library manager who told me that if the FBI came and confiscated all the computors, for the purpose of investigating people's computor habits, that he would not even be allowed to tell the public where the computors went. If he did mention that the FBI took them then he could be jailed without a trial. He was horrified that such an Orwellian law could be passed through in America. He stated that we live in very frightening times but that it is not some fictional terrorists that we need to fear, but instead we need to be questioning our own government. All the librarians I have spoken to feel that this law really has nothing to do with protecting our country. The War On Terror is being used as an excuse! If we allow this deception to continue, it will result in the demise of The United States Of America, The U.S. Constitution, and The Bill Of Rights. The process has already begun.
George Bush had all the answers. He knew who all the "evildoers" were and exactly where the "axis of evil" resided. As I mentioned in another article, the actual culprits are often those doing the fingerpointing.... and or those supporting them behind the scenes. The whole War On Terrorism seems much too pat and choreographed to be believable. The media coins specific buzzwords such as "evil doers", "weapons of mass destruction", "axis of evil", etc, in order to create fear and to sculpt our views of the supposed enemies. Many of the past "evil" rulers or dictators have actually been installed in different countries by our own government.
Many Americans realize there is something very wrong with the media. It is admitted by quite a few that the news is very sensationalized but it is felt that this is because T.V Networks are competing against each other for ratings. People don't want to go any further with the reasoning. The media and other corporations are really meshed with our government structure and until people acknowledge that the public is being manipulated by the media/government for political goals, we will continue to be enslaved and controlled.
The following quotes reinforce the idea that the past and present administrations are pushing for One World Government and that the media is the essential tool to bring this about.
"We are grateful to The Washington Post, The New York Times, Time Magazine and other great publications whose directors have attended our meetings and respected their promises of discretion for almost forty years. It would have been impossible for us to develope our plan for the world if we had been subject to the bright lights of publicity during those years. But the work is now much more sophisticated and prepared to march toward a World Government. The supranational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferrable to the national autodetermination practiced in past centuries." David Rockefeller, founder of The Trilateral Commission, in an address to a meeting of The Trilateral Commission, in June, 1991
"The most powerful clique in these groups (Council On Foreign Relations), have one objective in common: They want to bring about the surrender of the sovereignty and the national independence of the U.S. They want to end national boundries and racial and ethnic loyalties, supposedly to increase business and ensure world peace. What they strive for would inevitably lead to dictatorship and loss of freedoms by the people. The Council On Foreign Relations was founded for "the purpose of promoting disarmament and submergence of the U.S. sovereignty and national independence into an all powerful One World Government." Harpers, July 1958
George Bush senior was the first president to speak publicly of One World Government. Now his son seems to be moving us further in this direction. George W. Bush was quoted at least twice saying "Things would be much easier if this were a dictatorship, as long as I was the dictator."

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SFE talk This user has been deleted
Post time 6-1-2004 08:03 PM | Show all posts
Wah so long one. But too bad the Ringgit is pegged to the USD and if US sinks, so will Msia.


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whitepig This user has been deleted
 Author| Post time 7-1-2004 07:17 AM | Show all posts
>>Wah so long one ..

truth is not for those with short attention spans.

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Post time 8-1-2004 12:26 PM | Show all posts
Truth is, if the USD collapse, so will Msia. Hahahahahahahahaha..........


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whitepig This user has been deleted
 Author| Post time 9-1-2004 09:46 AM | Show all posts

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Post time 9-1-2004 11:08 AM | Show all posts
What has that got to do with Msia receiving less FDI & RM collapsing with USD? Hahahahahahahahahahahaa................


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whitepig This user has been deleted
 Author| Post time 9-1-2004 01:04 PM | Show all posts
the title of this thread is '..Bankruptcy Of a Nation !!!'

nothing to do with rm.

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Post time 9-1-2004 02:40 PM | Show all posts
Then stick to the topic.

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whitepig This user has been deleted
 Author| Post time 16-1-2004 01:52 PM | Show all posts
another nail..

US Plans To Recruit
1 Of 24 Americans As Citizen Spies
By Ritt Goldstein

The Bush Administration aims to recruit millions of United States
citizens as domestic informants in a program likely to alarm civil liberties groups.
The Terrorism Information and Prevention System, or TIPS, means the US
will have a higher percentage of citizen informants than the former East
Germany through the infamous Stasi secret police. The program would use
a minimum of 4 per cent of Americans to report "suspicious activity".
Civil liberties groups have already warned that, with the passage
earlier this year of the Patriot Act, there is potential for abusive, large-scale
investigations of US citizens.

As with the Patriot Act, TIPS is being pursued as part of the so-called
war against terrorism. It is a Department of Justice project.
Highlighting the scope of the surveillance network, TIPS volunteers are
being recruited primarily from among those whose work provides access to
homes, businesses or transport systems. Letter carriers, utility
employees, truck drivers and train conductors are among those named as targeted

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Post time 16-1-2004 02:10 PM | Show all posts
Firstly this detracts from the topic.

It does look like an over kill on the part of the Bush administartion but if thats what it takes to weed out terrorists, so be it.
Its basically a good idea but needs refining. I would suggest that they recruit informants from among the Arab Muslim community and monitor all activties in mosques, para mosque and madrasahs. That would be more effective.

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whitepig This user has been deleted
 Author| Post time 16-1-2004 09:36 PM | Show all posts
time for a regime change

"It's not the votes that count, it's who counts the votes."-- Josef Stalin

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Post time 16-1-2004 10:44 PM | Show all posts
sorry 2 disapoint yu WP. no regime change coming. Bush will win by a landslide for sure. Just mark my words.

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whitepig This user has been deleted
 Author| Post time 18-1-2004 08:11 PM | Show all posts

The Year Of The Fake
By Naomi Klein

"This was the year when fakeness ruled: fake rationales for war, a fake President dressed as a fake soldier declaring a fake end to combat and then holding up a fake turkey."
Don't think and drive.
That was the message sent out by the FBI to roughly 18,000 law enforcement agencies on Christmas Eve. The alert urged police pulling over drivers for traffic violations, and conducting other routine investigations, to keep their eyes open for people carrying almanacs. Why almanacs? Because they are filled with facts - population figures, weather predictions, diagrams of buildings and landmarks. And according to the FBI Intelligence Bulletin, facts are dangerous weapons in the hands of terrorists, who can use them to "to assist with target selection and pre-operational planning."
But in a world filled with potentially lethal facts and figures, it seems unfair to single out almanac readers for police harassment. As the editor of The World Almanac and Book of Facts rightly points out, "The government is our biggest single supplier of information." Not to mention the local library: A cache of potentially dangerous information weaponry is housed at the center of almost every American town. The FBI, of course, is all over the library threat, seizing library records at will under the Patriot Act.
The blacklisting of the almanac was a fitting end for 2003, a year that waged open war on truth and facts and celebrated fakes and forgeries of all kinds. This was the year when fakeness ruled: fake rationales for war, a fake President dressed as a fake soldier declaring a fake end to combat and then holding up a fake turkey. An action movie star became governor and the government started making its own action movies, casting real soldiers like Jessica Lynch as fake combat heroes and dressing up embedded journalists as fake soldiers. Saddam Hussein even got a part in the big show: He played himself being captured by American troops. This is the fake of the year, if you believe the Sunday Herald in Scotland, as well as several other news agencies, which reported that he was actually captured by a Kurdish special forces unit.
It was Britain, however, that pushed the taste for fake to new levels. "Her main aim is to meet as many Nigerians as she can," the Queen's press secretary, Penny Russell, said of the monarch's December trip to Nigeria. But just as Bush never made it out of the airport bunker in Baghdad, the Queen's people decided it was too dangerous for her to mingle with actual Nigerians. So instead of the planned visit to an African village, the Queen toured the set of a BBC soap opera in New Karu, constructed to look like an authentic African market. During the "fake walkabout," as the Sunday Telegraph called it, the Queen chatted with paid actors playing regular villagers, while actual villagers watched the event on a large-screen TV outside the security perimeter.
But 2003 was about more than embracing fakery and forgery - it was also about punishing truth-telling. The highest price was paid by David Kelly, the British government weapons expert who killed himself after he was outed as the source of a BBC story on "sexed up" security documents. Katharine Gun, a British intelligence employee, faces up to two years in prison for revealing U.S. plans to spy on UN diplomats in order to influence the Security Council vote on Iraq. And in the United States, Joseph Wilson, who told the truth about finding no evidence of Saddam's alleged uranium shopping trip in Africa, was punished by proxy: His wife, Valerie Plame, was illegally outed as a CIA operative.
While truth did not pay in 2003, lying certainly did. Just ask Rupert Murdoch. According to an October study conducted by the Program on International Policy Attitudes, when it comes to the war in Iraq, regular watchers of Murdoch's Fox News are the most misinformed people in America. Eighty per cent of Fox News watchers believed either that weapons of mass destruction have been found in Iraq, that there is evidence of an Iraq-Al Qaeda link or that world opinion supported the war

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whitepig This user has been deleted
 Author| Post time 22-1-2004 10:16 AM | Show all posts

Virgin no more. . .

Branson offers to help 'bomb joke' student

Sir Richard Branson has offered to help British student Samantha Marson, who found herself in jail after joking that she was taking a bomb on a plane.

A spokesman for the Virgin boss said he telephoned Samantha's 74-year-old father Jim to offer money or flights after reading of her plight.

He said: "Richard called as a father having seen the press reports just to see if he could help with flights if the family decided to go over and visit Samantha while she was awaiting trial. He has a daughter of the same age as Samantha and understood what the family must be going through while they are so far apart."

He said Sir Richard understood that "young people do say stupid things from time to time, it's almost part and parcel of being young. While it was stupid what she did, she is a 21-year-old who has just spent three nights alone incarcerated in Miami which must have been a terrifying ordeal."

Marson, 21, faces 15 years in jail after joking to airport security officials that she was taking bombs aboard a BA flight from Miami to London. She spent four nights in jail before being freed on bail, pending a court appearance on February 6. She has been charged with making a false bomb report.

Speaking from his home in Poland, Mr Marson said: "Richard Branson is a very important guy and it's amazing that he can take an interest in my daughter making a silly remark in America. I think that is fantastic. I think he must be a wonderful humanitarian."

Mr Marson denied the allegation that his daughter had made the bomb comment three times, saying: "She said the guy asked her what was in the bag and she said 'oh only a bomb', and laughed. And she said everything then went crazy. He did not ask her three times.

"In actual fact he looked in her bag and she only had her own personal things that women carry. Some silly little girl makes a mistake, says the wrong thing and suddenly finds herself handcuffed, charged, in jail and may go to prison for 15 years."

He said his daughter wanted to come home. It is understood that lawyers and officials are trying to negotiate a deal, so she does not break the terms of her bail by leaving the United States.

"She has had enough, she wants to come home. But even if she overcomes the legal problems, she doesn't know if her air ticket is valid, so I may have to get back to Richard Branson," Mr Marson said.

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whitepig This user has been deleted
 Author| Post time 23-1-2004 09:02 AM | Show all posts

The U.S. debt bubble soared to $36.1 trillion,
by the end of the third quarter of 2003,
according to figures just released
by the Federal Reserve Board of Governors
(the "Flow of Funds Accounts")
and by other government agencies.

The debt bubble contains the seeds of its own destruction:
the three principal sectors of the economy --
households, businesses and government --
have taken on gigantic levels of new debt,
to make minimal levels of purchases of household and other goods,
to prop up the U.S. economy from experiencing a far deeper,
more severe phase of breakdown collapse.

The Bush-Cheney administration has been totally dependent on it
for the past three years. Yet it is a cancer,
which by eating at and shrinking the U.S. physical economy,
especially household living standards, renders the economy
less and less able to pay the debt,
and thus hold up the growing bubble.

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Post time 25-1-2004 06:45 PM | Show all posts
Its ok guys, but sorry to disapoint yu, those figures  don't scare Americans just like it didn't scare them in the 80s. Bush is still high on ratings.
If US economy falls, Msia will be dragged down too.


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whitepig This user has been deleted
 Author| Post time 4-2-2004 06:01 PM | Show all posts

the modern day ROMAN empire is cracking and crumbling internally.. with out external forces invading

Illegal Aliens' Unstoppable
Third World Crime Wave In US
By Frosty Wooldridge

Last summer, in Boulder, Colorado, eight illegal aliens raped eight American women. The aliens fled back to Mexico. One was caught. In a nearby city of Longmont, a used car dealer was driven out of business because he suffered so much theft from his lot that he bankrupted. An illegal alien killed a California cop, John Marsh, last year. Robberies and break-ins have become the norm in California. They've become the pattern in Florida, Georgia, North Carolina and dozens of other states. But the sobering realities concerning these crimes point to one fact--they are illegal aliens. They are importing themselves into this country with a vengeance. They are deadly, pernicious and organized. They represent the worst of what is common in the Third World.
In her recent scathing report, 'THE ILLEGAL ALIEN CRIME WAVE' by brilliant investigative reporter, Heather MacDonald, our country is being assaulted by a crime wave that grows steadily and viciously.
A full 95% of all outstanding warrants for homicide, which totaled 1,500 last year in Los Angeles, pointed to illegal aliens. Soberingly, two thirds of all fugitive felony warrants, totaling a horrifying 17,000, were for illegal aliens. To make matters worse, in 1995 a report showed that 60% of the 20,000-strong 18th Street gang in southern California was composed of illegal aliens. That gang collaborates with the Mexican Mafia on drug distribution schemes, extortion and drive-by assassinations. They commit assault and robberies every day of the week. A night of crime to them is like a day of work for American citizens.
How did it come about and why is it spreading? In 1979, Los Angeles Police Department Chief Daryl Gates enacted Special Order 40. Astoundingly, as if insanity took the front row seat in their minds, leaders of dozens of cities from San Francisco to Miami and New York City adopted this special order. This law prohibits police officers from arresting illegal aliens. In reality, it?s a carte blanche invitation for crime to grow in our country, putting citizens at risk for their lives.
"If I see a deportee from the Mara Salvatrucha prison in El Salvador crossing the street in LA, I can't touch him," said a Los Angeles police officer. "I can't arrest him for an immigration felony."
Boulder, Colorado practices the same 'sanctuary' policy for illegal aliens. The mayor of the city openly encourages illegal aliens by making sure the police chief does not arrest illegals. Some of Boulder's immigration lawyers were so bold as to offer publicly announced classes for illegal aliens on how to avoid arrest, detention and deportation by immigration agents. The result in that town shows a tripling of the illegal alien population as well as jobs taken away from citizens and the eight violent rapes.
Not far away in Denver last week, an illegal alien, Javier Cruz-Caballero, purposely ran down police officer, Robert Bryant, while the officer operated a radar gun in a school walk zone. Witnesses saw the Mexican national rev up his engine while taking dead-aim at the officer. Bryant flew 30 feet through the air while suffering a broken leg and head lacerations. He could have easily been killed.
At a greater level, New York's Mayor Bloomberg supports illegal alien crime by maintaining a 'sanctuary policy' in that city. Last year, four illegals raped and killed a New York jogger. That crime was one of thousands of crimes committed by illegal aliens who are protected from the law. But more horrific in impact of this loss of the rule-of-law, former Mayor Guiliana practiced Special Order 40. Several illegal aliens protected by the Order participated in 9/11. The death toll reached 2,800, but the impact on our nation reverberates today. Yet, Special Order 40 continues full force in protecting the estimated 10 million illegal aliens in our country.
However, thousands of them are killing, raping, robbing and driving illegally in our country. Over 400,000 deportees continue walking around free in our country. The ones that commit crimes and are caught make up a full 29% of our prison populations. They cost American taxpayers nearly $1 billion annually to feed, house and care for them in our prisons. And, yet, Special Order 40, continues as if it was a fig leaf for welcoming hardened alien criminals.
These examples of illegal immigrant crime depict a growing menace to our functioning society. While a sleepy American public watches idly and a Congress refuses to enforce our borders while mayors adopt the 'sanctuary policy', we citizens receive an average of 2,200 illegals every 24 hours, seven days a week, 365 days per year. Since the Amnesty policy was announced, the invasion intensifies with greater numbers.
Where does that leave you? If you're in California, you're planning on moving to Idaho or Montana because it's already too late. With over 3.5 million illegals, the crime wave is beyond stopping. If you're in Georgia, you're probably stewing under your breath, but you don't have a clue that it's going to get worse. In Chicago, they either take jobs or rob banks or set up drug, prostitution and theft rings. If you're in Florida, it is no longer an American city. Houston is just as bad. It grows worse in every city in America.

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Post time 4-2-2004 06:23 PM | Show all posts
and if US economy collapses, Malaysia will be brought down as well.


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