Bagaimana tubuhan boleh mati pada waktu banjir sedangkan air banyak?
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Originally posted by Acong at 23-12-2003 12:55 PM:
hehe! pandai! tumbuhan cam rumput (selain rumpair) sure mati..... :2cool:

Kalau ko rendam dlm air lama2.. mati tak cong? hihi  |
zxc This user has been deleted
zxc This user has been deleted
aku tau . itu avatar ....... mana dapat avatar tu .... |
Originally posted by zxc at 23-12-2003 06:19 PM:
aku tau . itu avatar ....... mana dapat avatar tu ....
err..... ko tau kan apa tu search engine......?! :re: |
zxc This user has been deleted
okay..ini lah nak menunjukkan bhw, setiap permasalahn sscientific tu boleh dilihat dr pelbagap perscpectives kan? so ade lagi soalan..atau jawapan yg boleh semau bagi utk soalan topik ni?....... |
pokok tu mati lemas kot.. |
Originally posted by mbhcsf at 2003-12-22 10:41 AM:
Sarah sayang, pokok or those algae and rumpai laut itu ada penyesuaian tersendiri to adapt in those quatic environment. Ada levels tertentu di mana ia boleh hidup dan ini bergantung pada compositio ...
Piring Sechi? aku gunakan ia sekarang untuk lihat kepadatan plankton. |
budak bio tau lah nie.... |
Osmosis ialah proses pergerakan molekul-molekul air dari larutan berkepekatan rendah(air banyak) ke larutan berkepekatan tinggi(air sikit) melalui membaran separa telap. Air di dalam pokok adalah hipotonik berbanding air banjir. Maknanya, air banjir tu mempunyai kepekatan yang lebih tinggi @ dikenali sebagai hipertonik. Jadi, tumbuhan yang dibanjiri itu, akan mengalami proses yang dikenali sebagai plasmolisis apabila air daripada sel tumbuhan meresap keluar daripada vakuol secara osmosis. Jika proses ini berlarutan, sel tersebut akan mati. Akibatnya pokok pun mati lah. The End. |
wow jawapan ni lebih mendalam..... Asiafever mesti power sains ni |
Ade belajar bio kat sekolah tapi tak berbakat. |
Originally posted by Asiafever at 7/1/2004 03:41 PM:
Osmosis ialah proses pergerakan molekul-molekul air dari larutan berkepekatan rendah(air banyak) ke larutan berkepekatan tinggi(air sikit) melalui membaran separa telap. Air di dalam pokok adalah h ...
inilah yg aku maksudkan sejak awal lagi.. iaitu disebabkan osmosis.... |
RasaCinta This user has been deleted
hypotonic term applies to animal systems only, and not to plant systems. 
Oxygen does not dissolve well in waterlogged soils.. therefore root cells (which cannot obtain oxygen from photosynthesis, since they are underground) are unable to respire, and hence they die.. since the roots cannot take up water, the plant dies. |
salam and greetings
therefore root cells (which cannot obtain oxygen from photosynthesis, since they are underground):re: are unable to respire, and hence they die.. since the roots cannot take up water, the plant dies.
please care to elaborate this , dear? how's that? the root cells obtaining o2 from photosynthesis? well do they have chloroplasts, then?:re: |
RasaCinta This user has been deleted
many thought that roots died because floods denied them the ability to undergo photosynthesis (or deprived them of carbon dioxide). memang roots tak buat photosintesis pun.
okay, tinggal dulu pasal roots ke hapa. ramai yg tahu pasal chloroplasts in green plants. consider tang oxygen lak.
roots need oxygen dari tissu2 yg buat photosintesis..for respiration. tau makan je la..ahaks. i hope sesaper leh faham cos i'm trying to say that initially the roots die bcos no oxygen is obtained..pastu plant lak mati pasal roots takleh respire lagik. 
PS: mbhcsf ada jawapan dia tak? i jus write briefly..pendapat masing2 |
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