bluezink posted on 25-10-2014 02:52 PM 
Akuudah nonton ini cerita,...yg best ttg adegan battle tank , lumayan, momtop jempol...ttpi/cuma yg ...
tu rambut dia memang dia copy dari SS Nazi Haircut....SS diaorang ada guide untuk mengunting rambut...

"Shaved from the neck and tapered up to the top above the ears all the way around. The hair was usually very long on top, combed (& slicked) straight back from the forehead. If parted, the part is very high on the head."

SHORT CUT or FULL CROWN HAIR CUT In this hair cut, the clipper is used on the sides and back of the head, starting at the left temple, continuing around the head, and finishing at the right temple. There is no absolute rule as to where the clipper taper should end for this may vary with the individual wish. There is little finger work required on this style of hair cut; however, it helps to even up the rough spots and to shorten the hair on the top of the head.
sumber :
