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Author: bluezink

[2015] THE WALK (21/10/2015)

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Post time 29-10-2015 09:30 AM | Show all posts
cramp perut n kaki aku tgk cter nih....cter best, x slow x laju ..... mmg cter psl die je n somemore psl WTC..
paling x bleh blah scene lelaki misteri tu....sng giler watak die...hahahahaha
supporting actors develop ngan watak memasing...
aksen english-perancis die kekdg mcm xjd tp pelik dgr...bguih la gordon ni bw watak nih
bleh la bg 4/5

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Post time 30-10-2015 02:25 PM | Show all posts
aku mmg peminat citer based on true story..

ok lah jalan citer semua...klimax citer ni masa dia start projek nk jln kt 2 tower tu

agaknya kawan dia yg gayat tmpt tinggi tu..lepas tolong Phillipe ni hilang gayat kut..

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Post time 30-10-2015 10:22 PM | Show all posts
best cite nih! iols nak tgk 3D tapi dah tak ditayangkan... kecut perut jgk la tgk lagi2 bila camera tunjuk bawah masa Philippe tu berjalan atas wire

suka tgk JGL berlakon. lagi rembes bila tgk dia ckp french part paling best of course la masa diorg kat atas WTC tu. tapi part yg iols paling suka masa Philippe bagi salute kat atas wire. tgk dia duduk, baring.. ulang-alik atas wire tu mmg kecut perut lah. sampai terangkat2 kaki

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Post time 30-10-2015 10:27 PM | Show all posts

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Post time 30-10-2015 10:34 PM | Show all posts
Edited by elamor at 30-10-2015 10:44 PM

Did Philippe Petit really get the idea to walk on a high-wire between the Twin Towers while reading a magazine at a dentist's office?
Yes. The real Philippe Petit was inspired to attempt the feat, which he nicknamed "the coup," after seeing an artist's rendition of the Twin Towers (pre-construction) in a newspaper at a dentist's office. The Walk movie true story reveals that he indeed tore out the page under the cover of a sneeze and hid it beneath his jacket as he walked out of the office, still battling a toothache that he'd have for another week. In real life, this happened in 1968 when Petit was 17, roughly six years prior to when he actually performed the stunt. The movie significantly condenses his preparation time. -Man on Wire Documentary

Did his girlfriend really support his dream of being "the most glorious high-wire walker in history?"
Yes, but she expressed more hesitation in real life than she does in the movie. Annie Allix, portrayed by Charlotte Le Bon in the movie, did help to provide Philippe with moral and logistical support, starting with his high-wire stunts at the Cathedral of Notre Dame in Paris and the Harbor Bridge in Sydney. However, when it came to crossing between the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center, Annie says she was a bit frightened. "It was inhuman to want to go and walk up there, 450 meters high," says Annie. "This was all becoming demonic. I just want to say: 'Stop!'" Annie didn't come over to New York until Petit's second attempt to execute his plan (the first attempt failed). -Man on Wire

Did they really wear disguises?
Yes, Using an ID that belonged to an American who worked in the building, Petit made fake IDs for himself and his accomplices. Like in the movie, they posed as contractors hired to install an electric fence on the rooftop. Previously, they had also posed as tourists, construction workers and white collar employees. As in the movie, Petit even pretended to be a journalist with the French architecture magazine Metropolis.

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Post time 30-10-2015 10:43 PM | Show all posts
How high were the actors when filming The Walk?
Though certain vertigo-inducing parts of the movie might look perilous, the actors were only ever about 12 feet off the ground. "We built a beautiful set of the top two stories," says Joseph Gordon-Levitt, "and then surrounded that with green [screen]." The rest of the Twin Towers was added digitally. -CNN

Gordon-Levitt had visited the original observatory in the summer of 2001, just months before the September 11 terrorist attacks. "It was touristy but I wanted to go do it. I remember it distinctly," he says. "It felt more like being in the sky than being on a tall building." To fully understand the distance Petit walked, Gordon-Levitt returned during the making of the movie and walked the distance between the two pools of the World Trade Center's memorial. -The Hollywood Reporter

How long did Philippe Petit spend on the wire?
The man on the wire, Philippe Petit, spent approximately 45 minutes balancing himself 110 stories in the air, performing tricks and eluding police officers who waited at both ends of the cable to arrest him. He made a total of eight passes. -Daily Mail Online

Did Philippe Petit really lie down on the wire, and also perform other tricks?
Yes. Much like what is seen in the movie, during the 45 minutes he spent on the wire, Philippe Petite walked, danced, knelt down and saluted, and lied down on the wire.

Was Philippe Petit really arrested?
Yes. After finishing his high-wire performance between the Twin Towers, Philippe Petit was arrested and jailed pending a psychological evaluation. The Walk movie true story confirms that New York City eventually dropped the criminal trespassing and disorderly conduct charges against Petit in exchange for him agreeing to perform a high-wire walk several feet above Turtle Pond (formerly Belvedere Lake) in Central Park for children. -Daily Mail Online

Did Petit's girlfriend Annie really go back to France after his Twin Towers walk?
Yes. "We became inseparable," says the real Annie Allix of getting to know Petit. "In fact, my life was completely consumed by his. And he never thought to ask me whether I had my own destiny to follow. It was quite clear I had to follow his." The movie doesn't show the immediate effect the sudden fame had on Petit. Before he reunited with his team, including Annie, he had sex with a random admirer in the crowd who wanted to "welcome" him to New York.

In real life, Petit wasn't as eager to take Annie to New York with him as he is in the movie, stating in the Man on Wire documentary, "Annie has been angling for an invitation to New York, using tenderness, blackmail, threats, insults and tears." The real Annie actually didn't come to New York until later, after Petit's first attempt failed and he wanted her there for support.

Did actor Joseph Gordon-Levitt learn to walk on a high-wire for the movie?
Yes. Joseph Gordon-Levitt trained directly with his character's real-life counterpart, Philippe Petit. They engaged in an elaborate 8-day workshop. "By the end of the eight days, I was able to walk on the wire by myself, and continued to practice while we shot," says Gordon-Levitt. "It's actually very fun, if painful." -The Hollywood Reporter

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Post time 2-11-2015 09:07 AM | Show all posts
I bagi 4.5 bintang tuk cite ni...
tgk dlm IMAX 3D, mmg satisfaction to the max...

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Post time 2-11-2015 10:19 AM | Show all posts
Sejam pertama aku tertido

Then sejam kedua lagi masuk part dia mula berjalan

Atas cable world trade centre tu aku da mula

Berpeluh satu badan..aku lak yg seriaw..haha

I give 3.5/5

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Post time 2-11-2015 10:30 PM | Show all posts
dengan muka polis pengiring tu skali dia pilih pelakon yang seiras dengan watak sebenar

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