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Author: endus

tolong weii ....wife aku diganggu ...

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Post time 2-1-2016 06:48 PM | Show all posts ... ralysis-phenomenon/

How many of you have at one time or another woken up unable to speak or move? If you have, you are not alone.

The classic definition for this phenomenon is called sleep paralysis. It may last a few seconds, several moments, or occasionally longer and usually occurs right before you are about to fall asleep or wake up. Many people report feeling a “presence” that is often described as malevolent, threatening or, evil, and usually experience a tremendous amount of terror.


The presence is usually seen, felt and even heard. People also report unique experiences like the sensation of floating or being outside the body. They believe the phenomenon to be an extremely spiritual one.

In the modern medical world, these experiences are defined as hypnagogic and hypnopompic hallucinations (0), which is often the explanation when conventional modern views of spiritual experience is combined with medical ideas that label direct spiritual experiences as psycho-pathological. It is well understood that sleep paralysis coincides with physiological mechanisms in the brain. What is not well understood are the strange experiences individuals have when experiencing sleep paralysis. The discussion of spiritual experience as an explanation for a bizarre and complex phenomenon that little is known about has been suppressed thus discouraging discussion of it in modern society.(1)

Beginning in college and graduate school I was particularly interested in the beliefs of ordinary people, especially the ones that were treated as nonsense in the academic world. The academic world treats spiritual belief in general that way. I was interested in alternative medicine at the same time for the same reason. Right from the beginning I was convinced that ordinary people are smarter, are more sensible than they’re given credit for by scholars, and that traditions that are wide spread and deeply held probably have more rational basis, and more observation built into them than the theories that I was taught in graduate school. I couldn’t believe that all the beliefs of ordinary people that are not part of the academic worldview were nonsense.

I have the impression that the academic world might be a little to narrow, and that regular people might have something to offer about it (sleep paralysis) through their experience and what they believed about things. There are beliefs that are based on experience that have been dismissed as superstitious beliefs that bear much more investigation, these are experiences that are built into the spiritual traditions all over the world. In the modern western world, for at least the past one hundred years these phenomena have been explained on the basis of psychopathology. So the discovery that those experiences are common and that they occur among ‘normal’ people, that they are not in fact indicative of any type of disease has tremendous importance for medicine. This isn’t a new phenomenon, we erased the knowledge of these experiences from the cultural repertoire – Dr David J Hufford, Ph.D, Professor Emeritus, Penn State Medical School (1)

Right from the get go, almost all scientific approaches to the phenomenon of sleep paralysis assume that the experiences that stem from it are hallucinations. Rather than coming from the standpoint of complete neutrality, most studies completely shut out the idea of any reality behind ‘hallucinations.’ Just because there are measured biological and chemical activities during the sleep paralysis phenomenon does not mean there is a causal relationship between the two. There are other things we must take into consideration and as quantum science is showing us, there are definitely worlds within our world that we are not able to perceive easily yet. There is definitely a non-physical aspect to science in general that we are just beginning to wake up to.The day science begins to study non-physical phenomenon, it will make more progress than it made in all the previous centuries of its existence – Nikola Tesla

Spiritual Experience

Modern scholars have found spirit and spirituality hard to define, and as mentioned earlier usually places these topics within the circle of ridicule amongst the scientific community. Many reading this probably have a good idea of the terms that fit under the umbrella of “spirit” or “spiritual.” They involve out of body experiences, visits from entities not of this world, near death experiences, frequency, vibration and more.

It’s important to realize that many experiences people have within the “spiritual” realm occur when one is fully conscious, awake and alert and not during what sleep researchers call sleep paralysis. It’s quite possible that our level of scientific understanding is not advanced enough to explain certain phenomenon, so sometimes they are grouped into the category of hallucinations when they are really phenomenon we do not understand and cannot yet explain in a scientific manner.

At the same time, some of the phenomenon described that arise from sleep paralysis could very well be hallucinations, although I don’t believe this to be the case. I am very open to the idea that what is experienced for some during ‘sleep paralysis’ is indeed intertwined with the true nature of reality we clearly do not yet fully understand. The point is we don’t yet know for sure, and for the scientific community to assume and label them as definite hallucinations and as a figment of the imagination is limiting.

Scientific evidence for out of body phenomenon isn’t prevalent, but it’s hard when most scientific phenomenon is suppressed. I’m referring to developments within the world that are classified for the sake of national security.Recent leaks from the NSA were responsible for the very first public disclosure of a black budget, and the Canadian government was recently outed for the muzzling of scientists(2). This coincides with the remote viewing experiments that involved the intelligence community and Stanford University, among others. (3)(4)(5)

It’s interesting that there is also science and official research behind these types of phenomenon that give further credibility to it. It is even more interesting that it is within the hands of the intelligence community, extremely classified and washed away in secrecy, just like the experiments conducted at Stanford University. Among the varied hallucinations associated with sleep paralysis, out of body experiences and vestibular motor sensations represent a distinct factor.(6) Remote viewing is the ability of individuals to describe a remote geographical location up to several hundred thousand kilometers away, this phenomenon has been proven time and time again, and shortly after its publication the program was instantly shut down by the department of defense.

We have many examples of phenomenon that would fit under the “spiritual” umbrella, and who are we to say that the experiences that occur within sleep paralysis are not indeed real phenomenon. Sometimes, ideas and concepts can be a threat to power, to control and to the overall perception humanity has of reality as a collective. If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change. If the planet changed the way it looked at this phenomenon, surely it would contribute in one of the biggest paradigm shifts the planet has ever seen, and this is exactly what is continuing to unfold on planet Earth today.

The ridicule of these phenomenon is a level of social control. Scholars, academics and elite intellectuals in general constantly describe these things as if not indicative of insanity, them being primitive, and being the product of a lack of education. These concepts in the realm of anthropology and history are taken to be are product of imagination – Dr David J Hufford (1)

My Experience With Sleep Paralysis

When I was a child, I remember having a number of lucid dreams. They seemed so real and I felt one hundred percent conscious during the experience. I was able to do whatever I desired whilst dreaming. My first experience with sleep paralysis didn’t occur until I was a little bit older. The very first time it happened I remember suddenly waking up from a loud bang, a bright flash of light (although my eyes were closed) and a loud ringing in my ears. I had the ability to open my eyes, but I couldn’t move my body. It’s almost as if my brain was awake but my body was still sleeping. I was terrified, and the reason I didn’t open my eyes is because I felt the presence of two beings on my left side, and two beings on my right side and I didn’t want to see. Whether they were there or not, I don’t know, whether I was dreaming or not, I don’t know.

Keep in mind that experiences like this occur when people are totally conscious, driving down the street, going about their everyday lives away from the time of sleep. Many people have totally consciousness experiences with phenomenon that seem to be beyond our understanding, they are not paralyzed and they are not asleep. I have also had totally conscious bizarre experiences away from sleep, that might contribute to my bias of my experiences within sleep paralysis being more than just hallucinations. This particular experience I had during sleep lasted approximately five minutes I would say, until I totally regained consciousness

Another time, again I woke up in the middle of the night. I could open my eyes and I was totally aware of my surroundings. I was on the road in a hotel room by myself, I could see the TV, I could see the lamp in the corner of the room as well as the chair. I could not turn my head but I could look around. Although my eyes felt heavy, I could indeed open them. I couldn’t move and was pretty scared, I remember thinking “not again, why is this happening to me.”

I saw a dark shadowy figure come through the window, it seemed about 5 feet tall, I was on the left side of the bed and the window was in the right corner of the room. It came across the room, across the foot of my bed to the left side of my head. It put its mouth up to my ear and started to whisper rapidly. I could not understand what it was saying, but it was whispering extremely fast.

I had a few other experiences after that, and after I woke up from these experiences which were pretty scary, I started to desire more because I realized that although I couldn’t move, my consciousness was still there. I was still awake, alert and able to perceive the environment around me. The next time it happened, I assured myself that I would not react in fear, and that I would instead embrace the experience and try to “play” with it, explore and use this state of consciousness for further discovery about a potential world we are not able to experience, but are.

The next time it happened, I reminded myself to stay calm, enjoy it and see what happens, this time I actually wanted to communicate with whatever I perceived to be there, or was there. When I did this, nothing presented itself. I still couldn’t move, but didn’t try to jolt myself out of it. I tried to float out of my body and was successful. I fully floated out of my body, but could only go so far, about one meter. I tried to go further but it was as if I was still attached to my body. This was a very cool experience, unfortunately after I decided to not react in fear, and play around the with experience, the experience stopped, and I never had it again.

These type of phenomenon are definitely intriguing, and nobody, including researchers within the scientific world should dismiss the experience one has while experiencing sleep paralysis as completely false. The scientific community should be comfortable in a place of neutrality, instead of characterizing a phenomenon as false without any evidence to suggest that be the case. They don’t have to ridicule it. I hope I’ve provided enough information within the article, as well as adequate sources for you to further your research if interested.

If you have experienced this phenomenon, I’d love for you to share your experiences within the comments section.


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 Author| Post time 2-1-2016 08:10 PM | Show all posts
chazey replied at 2-1-2016 12:39 AM
Tapi aku masalahnya laki tengah tido kat sebelah pun boleh2 aku kena tindih. Motif? Ka itu sleep p ...

err ....tapi bagaimana pula mata tertutup ...tapi badan bergerak seolah melawan sesuatu ....mohon detail kan apa maksud sleep pralysis tu ...

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Post time 3-1-2016 10:26 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
ni pengalaman aku la kan pasal tido kena tindih atau sleep paralysis ni..aku 1st time kena masa study time dip..masa tu tgh tido pastu terjaga nak solat zohor.disebabkan terlalu mengantuk ingat nak sambung tido lagi sekejap.pastu bila nak bangun balik x boleh..memang struggle nak angkat tangan pon x boleh..macam sedar x sedar..walaupon mata pejam suasana nampk real.aku boleh nampak roomate tengah solat..memang masa tu dia tengah solat..1st time kena ingat aku ni dah mati.memang nak menangis time tu sbb ingat dah mati..

pastu masa anak tgh membesar nak masuk 2 tahun terlalu kerap aku kena.masa tu kan anak aktif mungkin sebab terlalu penat disiang hari..aku jenis tidur terlentang..cuma bila aku tido kena tindih mesti aku mimpi hantu dulu or mimpi seram2..confirm bila tersedar sebab terkejut terus badan keras x bol3h bergerak..lagi aku melawan nak bangun lagi badan aku rasa sakit macam berdengung satu badan.memang telinga bingit bunyi berdengung..lama2 dah biasa just relaxkan badan,baca ayat qursi dan takbir dalam hati..insyaAllah lepas.masa x boleh bergerak aku sedar keadaan sekeliling.suami aku tido kat mana anak aku tido kat mana..aku sedar aku baca ayat kursi x mau..bila sebut allahu akbar memang terus mau bergerak..bila tersedar confirm2 aku takut teramat sangat..

last2 aku search kat tenet puncanya,rupanya sleep paralysis ni..sebab letih ada kemungkinan jugak.bab mistik x tau la aku sebab x pernah nampak2 apa2.aku jumpa satu tips dia kata bila tidur letak bantal atas badan kita.bantal kecik pon jadi la..jngan tidur terlentang tanpa apa2 atas badan.x pon kalau tidur mengiring peluk satu bantal.alhamdulillah memang sejak tido malam aku x pernah kena dah..cuma mimpi seram2 pastu badan letih teramat tu slalu la...lama dah x kena tindih cuma baru semalam kena sekali sebab tido tengahari terlupa peluk bantal..

alamak terpanjang plak karangan aku.

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Post time 3-1-2016 01:03 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
endus replied at 2-1-2016 08:10 PM
err ....tapi bagaimana pula mata tertutup ...tapi badan bergerak seolah melawan sesuatu ....mohon  ...

Tak tau la endus. Ada forumner tepek panjang lebar artikel pasal sleep paralysis kat atas tu. Aku dah mengalami semua yang dikatakan dalam artikel tu termasuk rasa seperti floating out of body experience katanya. Aku kalau takleh gerak memang akan berusaha melawan.

Pernah terlelap dalam flight Air Asia dan tetiba mengalami kejadian ni. Boleh rasa lak tu macam ada benda merayap start dari hujung kaki, pelan2 'lumpuhkan' aku, sampai aku takleh gerak sepenuhnya. Yang ni betul2 aku tatau sains ka hantu ka penyebabnya. Cuma yang aku ingat masa aku takleh gerak tu aku dengar macam bising sangat orang2 di sekeliling aku. Lelaki, pompuan, bergelak ketawa macam sedang berpesta gitu. Sempat gak aku fikir eh apsal kapal ni bising sangat. Bila dah boleh gerak jah terus aku toleh kiri kanan carik sapa yang bising, tapi mana ada. Senyap sunyi jah. Terus aku bingung memikirkan apa yang dah jadi kat aku seblom tu. Tatau la halusinasi ka hapa namun kejadian itu tidak mematahkan semangat aku untuk naik Air Asia.

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Post time 4-1-2016 12:30 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Aku pun ada kena gak. No satu elak tido terlentang. Tidolah mengiring. Kedua kalau kena gak kebanyakan fokus nak ronta seluruh badan nak try to get up. Jadi bapak aku pesan jangan waste energy but fokus untuk gerak satu jari je. Jari kelingking for example. Once dah satu je jari gerak, insyallah boleh 'escape'. So fokus gerak satu jari.

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Post time 4-1-2016 01:25 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
sy pun dlm minggu ni dah 3 kali kene tindih..awat eh..
salu la jgk sblm ni kene dh lama xkena...ngu ni start kene tindih mlm  tu sy nmpk bnda putih terbang dr ktil romate kt sblh..bnfa tu trbang camtu naik ke ats....pastu nk tido trus kene tindih..bkn tindih yg mcm benda yg tindih tu nk melepaskn geram camtu...mcm rse pipi kene tampar...
kali ke dua kene lps sy umpat psl romate...
erk...xthu la hntu btl ke sleep paralysed

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Post time 4-1-2016 08:53 AM | Show all posts
aku pernah kena skali. dkt 20 tahun yg lampau. baru abis blaja. masa tu dok umah 2 tingkat. quarters lama atas bukit, tingkat bawah batu, atas kayu. ketinggian 1st level dlm 5m. rumah berjauhan ngan quarters lain. banyak pokok2 besar berbelas meter ratusan tahun. dekat ngan kwn kubur2 n jirat cina.

sepertimana saranan mat maslan baru2 ini. time tu, siang aku jadi kerani, malam aku jadi tutor kat kolej. start kul 9 sampai kul 11. abis class, lepak makan/minum/dating ngan lecturer, kedebak kedebuk, sampai umah dlm kul 1. aku tido mmg x pernah tutup daun tingkap - kuak seluas luasnya, pakai langsir jarang. tingkap x de grill. hujung katil rapat ke tingkap. alarm clock atas rak buku sebelah tingkap. time tido mmg aku akan off semua lampu n lock pintu. kalau terang, aku x leh tido, mesti ada selimut at least utk tutup kaki.

suatu hari, tired sesangat - sbb buat 2 kerja, balik umah, masuk bilik, lock pintu, baring jap, x mandi, pastu terlelap - kaki menghala ke tingkap.

dlm kul 3, ada rasa mcm something atas badan. time tu x pakai selimut, n still ngan baju keje + jacket ngan jeans. aku bukak mata sket, x nampak apa kecuali cahaya alarm led merah seblah tingkap n samar2 pokok kat luar. terasa mcm ada kepala atas dada n ada rambut mengenai dagu n mulut aku. badan dia atas badan aku. x de bau. berdasarkan saiz, aku confirmed bukan meow atau musang atau haiwan lain. jantina, x dpt dipastikan. suhu badan dia sprt manusia normal. dlm hati ckp sengsorang.. 'owhh sh*t.. amenda lak ni.. kang kalau aku gerak dia gerak laakkk..' - so, aku x gerak. jari aku je aku gerakkan sket. rasa mcm ada rambut kat jari - 'demm.. aku x mo gerak'. rambut panjang, halus dan lembut.

mula la teringat buah mulut makcik2 jiran tetangga pernah citer pasal maya karin flyingfox dari pokok ke pokok. seblum nie aku mmg x ambik port. yelah, darah muda, mana mau mix ngan makcik2. kalau aku mix ngan group makcik2 tu, mungkin aku dpt usha dira abu zaha. tapi, time tu aku kerani je. gaji rm700, bwk ss, pakai henfon motorola batu bata clip kat tali pinggang, org lain pakai butterfly biru atau nokia pisang. aku nk saving pun payah. so, x sepadan.

jantung aku berdegup kencang, dada berdebar, badan berpeluh mencurah2, walau bagaimana pun aku cuba control, hopefully dia x perasan n dia x gerak. just imagine kalau dia gerak atau dia angkat kepala atau dia start nyanyi ke, ngilai ke..

last2, dlm sejam aku terlelap. bangun pagi, dia dah x de.

pagi tu aku vacuum bilik, hajat nk cari prove kalau2 ada rambut panjang tertinggal atau apa2 kesan lain - tapi x jumpa.

pengajaran: sehingga hari ini aku nyesal sbb x at least try usha zira - success atau x, tu blakang citer.


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Post time 4-1-2016 11:46 AM | Show all posts
aku pn slalu kna...latest dua hari sblum nk kna msti aku rsa x sdap ati..pstu akn rsa mcm renjatan ckit...msa tu dh ngntuk x brani nk tdo tkut kna trtidur jgk..pejam je mata trus xleh gerak.. msa tu laki aku tgh men xbox.. duk struggle aku cba gerakkn kaki biar kna laki aku...last2 dpt sbut allah dgn kuat br laki aku prasan...pstu aku x brani nk tdo...tnggu laki aku siap men game skit lg..skali trpejam lg...trus kna lg...xtau nk ckap sleep paralysed ke gangguan..mngkin 2 2...

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Post time 4-1-2016 12:20 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Utk TT pastikan setiap malam sebelum tido ..sampah bekas makanan dibuang, terutama kalau ada sisa2 tulang..sbb tulang tu makanan jin.

Nampak mcm remeh kan..
Tapi menda2 gini la yg selalu org terlepas pandang

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Post time 4-1-2016 12:41 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Melayu relatifnya sgt lemah jiwa or psychology. Kenalpasti root cause @ masalah yg sedang dihadapi & selesaikan masalah tu insyaallah segala tindihan/ histeria dpt diatasi.
Mcm tt, tak mustahil isteri tu ada simpan rasa bersalah utk kesilapan lama dia. Bwk dia jumpa psikiatric utk ubat masalah jiwa dia. Dan amalkan berwudhuk sblum tidur & baca ayat kursi, 3 kul sblum tidur...

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Post time 4-1-2016 01:49 PM | Show all posts
ghulam replied at 1-1-2016 10:42 PM
Sebelum tidur baca 3 qul 3x. Hembus pd tapak tgn sapu seluruh badan. Pastu baca ayat kursi.

Amalk ...

betul2...amalkan selalu


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Post time 4-1-2016 01:50 PM | Show all posts
basuh kaki sblm tido....baca 3 kul,ayat kursi,ayat amanar rasul,bismillah 21x...dan berzikir selalu...smbil nk tido

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Post time 12-1-2016 03:52 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Aku pernah time zmn blajar kt hostel dlu..mimpi kot tapi rasa mcm real.time tido tetiba susah napas n xleh gerak.atas aku, aku nmpk bnda tgh tindih.rambut ala mop, muka buruk amat.mslahnya muka kami ngadap rapat dh boleh cium. Lepas mcm tersedar badan dh basah dgn peluh.suasana bilik dh gelap.tidur ptg time bangun tuh dh maghrib rupanya.terus bukak lampu n chow lpak bilik member.dia kejut suh smyg mahgrib sekali tuh ja.pada tt, aku rasa kalau tak berulang abaikan..dan ikut nasihat bca 3qul sblom tido.sunnah tuh.. + ayat kursi..aku sjak amal bcaan tuh mmg dh susah nak mimpi2..tidur lena ja

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Post time 13-1-2016 01:17 AM | Show all posts
Malam-malam aku selalu kena kacau dengan laki aku

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