Istana Bawang 5 (Kate vs Meghan): The Arrival of Sussex Baby
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Edited by icha80 at 8-5-2019 09:59 AM
Fans harry megain gila mcm idola jugak |
234126 replied at 8-5-2019 05:05 AM
This should be a sticky note on every new thread because i know it can be exhausting repeating inf ...
Yup...agree with you.tepek je semua gambar or link dekat page 1 every thread supaya tak pening cari rujukan.mcm dlm thread artis,peminat n haters club tu. |
Ini lah yg dikatakan "RIVACY" sangat tu, my foot!!
Memang dia sengaja buat camni, tengoklah, semua perhatian kat dia sekarang
huehue replied at 8-5-2019 09:48 AM
I paling menyampah orang nak over over buat illustration mcm ni. Nak nak pasal MM pula. Nak termunta ...
Anak sapa la.dirembat letak.dlm pix tu..
Owlknight replied at 8-5-2019 06:48 AM
Ohhh. I read somewhere juga kata PA ni memang jenis playboy and party goer. Dia pernah sampai ke L ...
kisah PA ngan ex wife dia Sarah tu mcm nie. Dorg nie kahwin sbb suka sama suka, dia spare je kan. Before dia kawin dgn Sarah yg kena intro oleh Diana nie, ex gf PA ni sis bekas aktress yg berlakon soft porno namanya Koo Stark. Tp BRF sgt la x berkenan PA nak berkahwin dgn pompuan x senonoh ini so apa lagi, terpaksa berpisah.
Sarah ngan Diana ni rapat. Bapak si Sarah ni major tentera kemudian dia bekerja dgn Prince Philip dan Prince Charles as polo manager kat istana. Diana made friend ngan Sarah. Bila Andrew nampak Sarah yg diperkenalkan oleh Diana, dorg berkenalan, bercinta pastu berkahwin.
Tapi sbb PA kan dia kan pilot in airforce, masa dorg kawin tu dia diarahkan ke Falkland Island, jauh nuun kat Amerika Selatan. Tp manage la juga dorg dpt Princess Beatrice dan Princess Eugenie.. Happy family dorg nie, x ada cerita psl dia pergi ke kws2 gatal until Sarah x tahan dah. Jumpa laki sekali dalam berbulan2. Itulah the breaking point of the family. Last2 Sarah pun cari la bf utk mengisi kekosongan. The breaking point bila paps dpt ambil gmbr Sarah kena sucked toes oleh someone in public, x jauh dr swimming pool. Itulah penyebab cerai dorg.Cheating!
Bila bercerai, Prince Andrew dah bebas utk date with so many.. models, pelakon dsb. Yeap mungkin dia joined kwn kwn dia ke sleazy clubs to meet up women. Either yg mmg ok or yg kena bayar for sex like, someone mcm Meghan Markle yg offer sex for payment kat kapal layar atau kat sleazy house like Soho.
that is why PA ni x suka betul si meggot ni kat brf.mungkin dia pernah melanggan kwn kwn meggot. who knows kan..
dani-rox replied at 8-5-2019 06:51 AM
Tourre strikes again
now you call it buku bertemu ruas hahahaha
mrh scobie hahaha |
pujanggacinta replied at 8-5-2019 07:16 AM
overnyer siap panggil US broadcast
privacy yg dimaksudkan adalah...
dia mmg dah plan awal
why not using UK punya broadcasters, bbc, channel 4, sky tv dan banyak lagi.
Kalau baju pun dia x support product British, apatah lagi media utk interview. So sad kan, Brits have to pay tax utk dia bersenamg lenang nak hidup di UK, dia ikut suka dia je buat sesuka hati. |
Edited by eva at 8-5-2019 11:31 AM
dani-rox replied at 8-5-2019 07:24 AM
Gayle King dah selamat balik US lepas dpt exclusive pics and interview dgn kapel suseks. akhirnya ...
wait Dani.. how? mcmana dia dpt pic baby? exclusive dgb the sussex, dia touch down 5 May, Meggot beranak 6 May, si Gayle King balik US on May 6. Why so rushy?
takut kena cekup je sbg accomplice meggot? Org kata Gayle King yg deliver the baby.. maksud I doa tukang bw baby |
judicata replied at 8-5-2019 07:27 AM
sebab kita banyak membaca la membawang... membawang berilmiah bahahahaha takkan la nak saja2 reka ...
yeap.. dont think they can do all the digging kan sis..
kita digging sampai zmn dia x dikenali...
I masih ingat I bc about her having abortion.. wooow.. sbb laki x boleh bg service bdn cantik mcm hollyweirds, terus abort baby.. sabar je la |
kosukeconan replied at 8-5-2019 08:59 AM
ada i tgk..
pw & kate kena soal, mmg mcm tu la jawapan normal kan?
utk tunjukkn yg diaorg ni 'ok ...
good saying and diorang pandai sorok chaos dlm istana kan? Emotions x nampak langsung hahaha last masa william scarfkan si meggot je maybe dah tak tahan agaknya. William malas nak layan
Patut la queen bagi award kat kate baru2 ni. Sebab kate pandai sorok her emotions and play along well dgn queen and she bukan kaki menceceh release story hal dlm istana. |
huehue replied at 8-5-2019 09:17 AM
Iols copy paste je dari link ni https://the-charlatan-duchess.tumblr.com/post/184725357504/royal-tea ...
Wah i really have to take a seat just tak boleh snack. PP memang have a temper and i thought so he will go ballistic kalau hal istana ni kena pijak2 dek meghan. Queen jenis yang tenang macam william they balas halus. Nasib juga PP mengamuk if not takda proof yang BP ni tak bersekongkol langsung bcse they pun kept in the dark and harry went rogue on his words.
Damn it harry. Baru nak kesian kat dia but yeah screw you harry buat atuk nenek mcm tu. Biadap. |
Fazzbulous replied at 8-5-2019 09:47 AM
Dia sebut mother and baby are doing fine...dia tak sebut 'my wife' punnn...
So BRF pun announce mother and the baby. Bukan mcm kate mother and HER CHILD. Kan? |
DandelionW replied at 8-5-2019 10:05 AM
Yup...agree with you.tepek je semua gambar or link dekat page 1 every thread supaya tak pening car ...
iol mampu suggest je since thread 4 tapi so far tiada apa2 hehehe |
So kalau royal doctor tak witness the delivery, masih lagi ke baby ni valid masuk succession line? Ni yg depa kata tempering with succession line kan? Kalau terbukti bukan baby PH la. |
234126 replied at 8-5-2019 08:31 AM
i still have faith kat DD and TP because perut meggot is a dead giveaway and the birth announcemen ...
sabar... lets enjoy the game..
US hantar broadcaster.. yg hantar tu salah seorg backers dia, Opera Winfree hahaha..
and.. jeng jeng jeng.. you will never believe this, Hillary Clinton Congratulate Meghan Markle okeh for the arrival of the bb.. haaa.. bc la pd sugar sugar semua. korang kata kan kami delusional about her backers and you dont even know siapa Meggot tu... And Trump as usual, no well wish pun utk Meggot.
I never heard berjuta juta tania dari Abgail Spencer, Amal dan george dan byk lagi. Bukan ke dorg ni kwn2 dia.. the Clooney lari okeh sebelum dia nak melahirkan bb.. ha.. see the pattern and enjoy.. x tau mcmana la brf dealing dgn meggot.
Konahhh replied at 8-5-2019 08:32 AM
James Hewitt ke sis? I thought dengan dodi hahahaha ketinggalan sungguh iols ni -.-"
Dodi tu tunangan dia.. masa sebelum meninggal tu mmg Dodi dah proposed dia.. ramai speku x mo dia kawin sbb nnt William bakal ketua Anglican Church kat UK maknya jd muslimah walaupun si Dodi tu liberal Muslim.
James Hewitt tu dlu dia punya skandel. Org mati mati ingat tu bapak Harry. |
kosukeconan replied at 8-5-2019 08:42 AM
Kesian la meggot
hari ni masih kecoh pasal met gala kat us
hari ni kecoh lg pasal liverpool buat e ...
wooow..tq tq |
I mmg hooked dah dgn issue MM ni dari haritu. Gigih habiskan istana lama before join istana 4. Mmg recently pagi pagi buka forum tengok cerita MM ni sambil scroll tumblr .
Iolls baca gosip yg PP naik angin tu mcm i tengah tengok drama betul betul walaupun hanyalah imaginasi i semata mata sedangkan source gosip sendiri kata not confirmed.
234126 replied at 8-5-2019 08:54 AM
They masih buat degil going against queen’s instruction.queen dah reject the idea tetap degil nak b ...
as for me, I rasa ini tunjukkan how jeleknya perangai meggot |
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