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yup takder smaug ...takder necromancer....cian Ben..hehehe |
hironakamura76 posted on 12-6-2013 07:26 AM 
yup takder smaug ...takder necromancer....cian Ben..hehehe
aku tengok kat Youtube comment, diaorang kata Smaug ada rupa Benedict. Tang mana pon aku tak tau 
Azog is back!

tambah lagi...
+tauriel -> seorang elf yg mmg tiada dlm buku asal The Hobbit...interesting
+bard the bowman
+beorn aka skinchanger!
hmmm, hanya Necromancer x tunjuk...
Last edited by minyak on 12-6-2013 10:49 AM
hironakamura76 posted on 12-6-2013 08:31 AM 
rasanyer tang mata ..macam sepet sikit...
haha.. tengok betul2 memang ada sama tang mata dengan mulut ..
agaknya diorang akan tunjuk tak behind the scene cam mana Ben all suit up buat motion kat green screen macam Andy Serkis buat Golum.. tak dapat bayangkan, oh Ben
Ha_Neul posted on 12-6-2013 01:18 AM 
- Smaug didnt speak T___T
- Legolas is back
- that annoying Kate from Lost is there
beautiful villain dlm fast6 tu sape? luke evans ke gina carano? 
annehuda posted on 12-6-2013 09:57 AM 
beautiful villain dlm fast6 tu sape? luke evans ke gina carano?
op cos la Luke Evans.. ekekeke... aku kebelakangan ni dah terbiasa cakap mamat2 hensem dari UK ni sebagai beautiful.. tapi memang bukan beautiful ke 
Ha_Neul posted on 12-6-2013 10:01 AM 
op cos la Luke Evans.. ekekeke... aku kebelakangan ni dah terbiasa cakap mamat2 hensem dari UK ni ...
die beautiful ala ala bad boy skit. cubalah skrub skit muka tuh takdela macam busuk sgt. mcm british actors lain kan ala ala preppy gitu.
errrrkkk dah start fangirling dah kite ni 
aku agak scene dragon tu pn last2 jgk nnt  |
Legolas nampak fake giler.. anyway banyak yg nampak terlalu CGI.. mungkin sebab dia target 3D viewing. Moga2 akan nampak cantik kat 3D dgn HFR dia.
meanwhile.. all around the world... Tolkien fanboys start bitching about alterations of the book in the movie .. Last edited by Ha_Neul on 12-6-2013 10:44 PM
hironakamura76 posted on 12-6-2013 11:35 PM 
errk... iols pon ada tempek Darkness reference ni kat benang Abe Ben sebelum tengok benang ni
great minds think alike 
luke evans jadi Bard the Bowman dalam the hobbit..
dalam FF6 jadi antagonist..

aku expect dragon smaug mati dalam siri akan datang nih..
kena panah dengan bard the bowman..
untuk last siri the hobbit, kemuncaknya Battle of 5 armies..
mesti lagi epic dari Battle of the Pelennor Fields (LOTR) yang guna the dead army..
kronologi middle earth..
Last edited by capiloton on 13-6-2013 12:06 PM
spoiler alert from wiki:
March 15, 2941: Thorin Oakenshield meets with Gandalf the Grey at the Prancing Pony in Bree, the Quest of Erebor begins
July 2941: Bilbo Baggins obtains the One Ring; the White Council drives Sauron out of Dol Guldur
October 2941: Esgaroth is attacked by the dragon Smaug, who is consequentially killed by Bard the Bowman; Thorin Oakenshield, Fíli, and Kíli killed at the Battle of Five Armies along with Bolg son of Azog; Dáin II Ironfoot becomes King of The Lonely Mountain; Town of Dale reestablished by Bard
June 22, 2942: Bilbo Baggins returns to Bag End
agaknyer, lepas the hobbit ni, depa akan buat lagi tak frachais LOTR ni?
kat timeline dia, macam2 leh di amik sebagai filem.
rasanya buku dia pun ada byk lagi |
hasell posted on 13-6-2013 12:55 PM 
spoiler alert from wiki:
March 15, 2941: Thorin Oakenshield meets with Gandalf the Grey at the Pr ...
aku rasa dah takde kot sambungan lepas the hobbit trilogy..
tapi aku teringin gak nak tengok middle earth masa first age dan sebelummnya..
ada Melkor.. dari bangsa Ainur (holy ones).. kira nya Ainur adalah dewa2 middle earth..
Sauron pun salah sorang dari Ainur.. dan dia cuma leftenan jer kepada Melkor..
Melkor ni kepala kejahatan di middle earth.. Sauron tukang sambung jer..
musti syok kalo peter jackson buat semua yang ada dalam timeline of Arda..
siri the hobbit dan LOTR semua nya dalam 3rd age..
ada lagi ages yang lain..

capiloton posted on 13-6-2013 03:50 PM 
aku rasa dah takde kot sambungan lepas the hobbit trilogy..
tapi aku teringin gak nak tengok mi ...
hmm... memang nampak macam menarikla cerita2 awal middle earth ni.. macam seswai je buat filem epic lagi. terpaku aku dengan begitu detailnya Tolkien menulis cerita.. macam betul2 sejarah lak.
hasell posted on 13-6-2013 12:55 PM 
spoiler alert from wiki:
March 15, 2941: Thorin Oakenshield meets with Gandalf the Grey at the Pr ...
"Kíli killed at the Battle of Five Armies" hahaha... mesti ramai fangirls meroyan 
kenapa legolas cgi? orlando bloom tak berlakon sendiri? adakah sebab rupa dah lain?
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