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Author: putra_bengal

All ABout Sugar Glider

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Post time 11-11-2009 03:08 PM | Show all posts
glider cepat tul ko nyer dah bunting.. aku nyer x bunting pun

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Post time 11-11-2009 07:25 PM | Show all posts
glider cepat tul ko nyer dah bunting.. aku nyer x bunting pun
baby77 Post at 11-11-2009 15:08

Alhamdulillah rezeki aku gitu....

Yg jantan tu bile yg betina 'abih pantang' asyik menenggek jerrrr....
Tu yg bunting cepat tuh... non stop....

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Post time 14-11-2009 12:53 AM | Show all posts
ish2 nak kena bg tonkat ali ni..

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Post time 14-11-2009 07:08 AM | Show all posts
ish2 nak kena bg tonkat ali ni..
baby77 Post at 14-11-2009 00:53

Owner lama SG tu cakap kalau nak galak si jantan tu mengawan, bagi pellet yg khas... Ianya besar macam biji buah mata kucing, tp kecik sket...
Tp since aku beli dr dia SG ni, mula2 jer aku bg the pellet, kemudian aku tak bagi dah, tapi still active mengawan...
Pellet tu pon ntah kemana agaknyer si bibik aku simpan, ntah2 dia dah buang...

p/s - Camner ko pun yer butik??

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Post time 16-11-2009 07:42 PM | Show all posts

Basic Sugar Glider Information


Sugar Gliders (Petaurus Breviceps) began to gainpopularity in the United Statesas pets in 1994 when they were imported from Indonesiaand New Guinea.The original animals offered for sale in this country were wild caught and farfrom being tame. They had a darker color than the domestically raised babiesfamiliar to most of us. The sap of acacia trees that sugar gliders consume inthe wild caused this darker color. Most sugar gliders offered for sale thesedays are domestically raised babies, gray in color and much tamer than theirwild caught counter parts. Sugar gliders are tree dwelling marsupials, this isthe order of animals that carry their babies in pouches. They reproduce atabout 7-9 months of age and mothers have from one to two babies at a time.Sugar gliders are very easily bred in captivity, the gestation period is 16days at which time the baby glider (s) crawl to the mothers pouch and attachthemselves to a nipple. This is where the baby (s) stay for the next 8 weeksuntil they are ready to be weaned. Most sugar glider breeders keep one male toevery two females in a breeding cage. You should be able to see a bulge in themothers pouch if she is carrying young. Be very gentle when you check yourfemale gliders for babies so you do not dislodge them from the nipple. We havefound the easiest way to determine the sex of a sugar glider is to look for apouch opening on the gliders abdomen. If your glider is a female, she will havea ½” opening (pouch) on her belly, if there is no opening, the glider is amale. When breeding sugar gliders it is recommended to increase their proteinintake. Most sugar glider diets have a recommended protein of 25% to 30%.However, it has been determined that a higher protein content is beneficial notonly for breeders and babies, but for all age sugar gliders. The recommendedamount of protein content in your sugar gliders diet should come close to40%-45% especially if they are young or you are going to breed them. Sugargliders feed on fruits, insects, eucalyptus sap, nectar and invertebrates inthe wild. In captivity we recommend a high quality pelleted diet such as,Exotic Nutritions' Premium sugar glider diet along with fresh fruits andvegetables three times a week. If you feed foods other than a nutritionallycomplete pellet diet, then you should supplement with ‘Gliderade’ nectarsupplement, Glider Booster vitamin and mineral supplement and Glider-calcalcium supplement. If your sugar gliders are fed a nutritionally completepellet diet, supplements are optional because the pellet diet already containsthe necessary nutrition, but if your sugar glider is fed a variety of foodsalong with the pellet diet, it is necessary to supplement. First, if a sugarglider arrives to you in a box it may be ‘growling’ when you open the crate itcomes in. This is a completely natural sound that all sugar gliders make whenfrightened, he will settle down and quiet down in a day or so. Be patient andyour glider will respond.

Provide a warm quiet place for your sugar glider to get used to his newsurroundings Offer some Gliderade and a few raisins or a piece of apple withhoney on it the first night. If this is a baby glider put a bowl of Baby GliderFormula or Berrysand Bugs diet in his cage. Provide a warm Glider Nest Pouch for your new sugarglider. They love hanging pouches and will immediately go in it and make anest. The second day that the glider is home with you, take him out of the cageand start the bonding process. Sugar gliders are known to ‘bond’ with theirowners, if you keep your glider with you, either in a shirt pocket or in aGlider Carry Pouch they will bond to you in a matter of a week or so. Adultgliders that need retraining can be put through the same ‘bonding’ process withexcellent success. Check to make sure your glider is eating and drinking (freshwater daily). I prefer a small open water dish rather than a water bottle. Takenotice that your glider is active, sugar gliders are known to become verylethargic when their sugar intake is below normal. This happens more often whena glider is exposed to stressful conditions. If your glider shows signs oflethargy try to get some ‘Gliderade’ and or honey into him. Consult the breederif possible and keep it warm and quiet. Most gliders come out of this state ina matter of a day or so if they get some carbohydrates into their system. Ifyou start your glider on the baby formula, introduce pelleted glider diet aftera 4-week period and take a week or so to make the transition. Remember to keepa supply of sugar glider pellets available at all times for juvenile and adultgliders, and offer fresh fruits Do not leave the fresh foods in the cage morethan 12 hours or they will get rancid. Lastly, if you give your gliders treats,make sure they are low in fat, nuts are a sugar gliders favorite food but willput too much fat in his diet if given on a regular basis. Keep your gliderswell fed with these recommended foods and they will live a long healthy life(up to 15 years). Cages for sugar gliders come in a multitude of sizes. Therecommended minimum size is 14” wide x 14” deep x 30” tall for a pair of sugargliders. The bigger the better, just remember it may be more difficult removingyour sugar glider from its cage if the cage is very large. All cages shouldhave an open bottom and a layer of aspen bedding placed there. The cage musthave a maximum wire spacing of ½”. As mentioned before, a hanging nest pouch isa must, many glider owners attach a hanging pouch on one end of the cage and ahanging basket on the other end to give your gliders a choice of sleepingareas. A climbing branch for your glider is also a welcome item along withceramic feed and water dishes. The cage should be cleaned a minimum of onceweekly. Remember, if at all possible purchase your sugar glider from a reliablesource. If you purchase from a pet shop, have the owner keep the glider in hisstore for a few days for observation before you bring him home. Do not accept asugar glider straight from the shipping carton if possible. Let the glidersettle in at the store and begin feeding and drinking, then bring him to hisnew home. Nutrition is of utmost importance in the health and well being of asugar glider. Provide the correct foods and cage to your sugar gliders, andthey will bring you years of pleasure.



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Post time 16-11-2009 07:45 PM | Show all posts
Basic Sugar Glider Information


Sugar Gliders (Petaurus Breviceps) began to gain popularity in the United States as pets in 1994 when they were imported from Indonesia and New Guinea. The original animals offered for sale in this country were wild caught and far from being tame. They had a darker color than the domestically raised babies familiar to most of us. The sap of acacia trees that sugar gliders consume in the wild caused this darker color. Most sugar gliders offered for sale these days are domestically raised babies, gray in color and much tamer than their wild caught counter parts. Sugar gliders are tree dwelling marsupials, this is the order of animals that carry their babies in pouches. They reproduce at about 7-9 months of age and mothers have from one to two babies at a time. Sugar gliders are very easily bred in captivity, the gestation period is 16 days at which time the baby glider (s) crawl to the mothers pouch and attach themselves to a nipple. This is where the baby (s) stay for the next 8 weeks until they are ready to be weaned. Most sugar glider breeders keep one male to every two females in a breeding cage. You should be able to see a bulge in the mothers pouch if she is carrying young. Be very gentle when you check your female gliders for babies so you do not dislodge them from the nipple. We have found the easiest way to determine the sex of a sugar glider is to look for a pouch opening on the gliders abdomen. If your glider is a female, she will have a ½” opening (pouch) on her belly, if there is no opening, the glider is a male. When breeding sugar gliders it is recommended to increase their protein intake. Most sugar glider diets have a recommended protein of 25% to 30%. However, it has been determined that a higher protein content is beneficial not only for breeders and babies, but for all age sugar gliders. The recommended amount of protein content in your sugar gliders diet should come close to 40%-45% especially if they are young or you are going to breed them. Sugar gliders feed on fruits, insects, eucalyptus sap, nectar and invertebrates in the wild. In captivity we recommend a high quality pelleted diet such as, Exotic Nutritions' Premium sugar glider diet along with fresh fruits and vegetables three times a week. If you feed foods other than a nutritionally complete pellet diet, then you should supplement with ‘Gliderade’ nectar supplement, Glider Booster vitamin and mineral supplement and Glider-cal calcium supplement. If your sugar gliders are fed a nutritionally complete pellet diet, supplements are optional because the pellet diet already contains the necessary nutrition, but if your sugar glider is fed a variety of foods along with the pellet diet, it is necessary to supplement. First, if a sugar glider arrives to you in a box it may be ‘growling’ when you open the crate it comes in. This is a completely natural sound that all sugar gliders make when frightened, he will settle down and quiet down in a day or so. Be patient and your glider will respond.

Provide a warm quiet place for your sugar glider to get used to his new surroundings Offer some Gliderade and a few raisins or a piece of apple with honey on it the first night. If this is a baby glider put a bowl of Baby Glider Formula or Berrys and Bugs diet in his cage. Provide a warm Glider Nest Pouch for your new sugar glider. They love hanging pouches and will immediately go in it and make a nest. The second day that the glider is home with you, take him out of the cage and start the bonding process. Sugar gliders are known to ‘bond’ with their owners, if you keep your glider with you, either in a shirt pocket or in a Glider Carry Pouch they will bond to you in a matter of a week or so. Adult gliders that need retraining can be put through the same ‘bonding’ process with excellent success. Check to make sure your glider is eating and drinking (fresh water daily). I prefer a small open water dish rather than a water bottle. Take notice that your glider is active, sugar gliders are known to become very lethargic when their sugar intake is below normal. This happens more often when a glider is exposed to stressful conditions. If your glider shows signs of lethargy try to get some ‘Gliderade’ and or honey into him. Consult the breeder if possible and keep it warm and quiet. Most gliders come out of this state in a matter of a day or so if they get some carbohydrates into their system. If you start your glider on the baby formula, introduce pelleted glider diet after a 4-week period and take a week or so to make the transition. Remember to keep a supply of sugar glider pellets available at all times for juvenile and adult gliders, and offer fresh fruits Do not leave the fresh foods in the cage more than 12 hours or they will get rancid. Lastly, if you give your gliders treats, make sure they are low in fat, nuts are a sugar gliders favorite food but will put too much fat in his diet if given on a regular basis. Keep your gliders well fed with these recommended foods and they will live a long healthy life (up to 15 years). Cages for sugar gliders come in a multitude of sizes. The recommended minimum size is 14” wide x 14” deep x 30” tall for a pair of sugar gliders. The bigger the better, just remember it may be more difficult removing your sugar glider from its cage if the cage is very large. All cages should have an open bottom and a layer of aspen bedding placed there. The cage must have a maximum wire spacing of ½”. As mentioned before, a hanging nest pouch is a must, many glider owners attach a hanging pouch on one end of the cage and a hanging basket on the other end to give your gliders a choice of sleeping areas. A climbing branch for your glider is also a welcome item along with ceramic feed and water dishes. The cage should be cleaned a minimum of once weekly. Remember, if at all possible purchase your sugar glider from a reliable source. If you purchase from a pet shop, have the owner keep the glider in his store for a few days for observation before you bring him home. Do not accept a sugar glider straight from the shipping carton if possible. Let the glider settle in at the store and begin feeding and drinking, then bring him to his new home. Nutrition is of utmost importance in the health and well being of a sugar glider. Provide the correct foods and cage to your sugar gliders, and they will bring you years of pleasure.



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Post time 18-11-2009 10:27 AM | Show all posts
Owner lama SG tu cakap kalau nak galak si jantan tu mengawan, bagi pellet yg khas... Ianya besar macam biji buah mata kucing, tp kecik sket...
Tp since aku beli dr dia SG ni, mula2 jer aku bg the ...
glider Post at 14-11-2009 07:08

so far ok aku nyer butik.. cuma aku skang agak busy la plak.. sian kat aku nyer sg.. glider mana nak cari makanan tue

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Post time 18-11-2009 08:33 PM | Show all posts
so far ok aku nyer butik.. cuma aku skang agak busy la plak.. sian kat aku nyer sg.. glider mana nak cari makanan tue
baby77 Post at 18-11-2009 10:27

9/10 sumber rezeki dr bisnes...
Yg penting kepuasan customer perlu dipenuhi....
Quality perlu sentiasa dijagai...
Customer kena sentiasa dihargai...
Janji pada customer hendaklah ditunai...

Barulah customer loyal & bawa potential customer yg baru...
Anyway Congrat & GOOD LUCK Bro...

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Post time 19-11-2009 09:28 AM | Show all posts
9/10 sumber rezeki dr bisnes...
Yg penting kepuasan customer perlu dipenuhi....
Quality perlu sentiasa dijagai...
Customer kena sentiasa dihargai...
Janji pada customer hendaklah ...
glider Post at 18-11-2009 20:33

tq glider.. ni makanan viagra sg apa???? geram lak aku tgk dia x mengawan2. mandul kot

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Post time 20-11-2009 01:18 AM | Show all posts
Selama beberapa tahun aku pelihara sugar glider ni, aku tak penah tau pulak ade makanan khas untuk nak mengawan.. setahu aku makanan khas untuk ibu glider yang tengah mengandung ade la..

Ape pon, aku nak pesan kat semua supaya kita tak berperangai mengalahkan binatang.. kita pelihara glider sebab minat kita dan kemampuan kita untuk menjaganya dengan baik.. Dia nak mengawan ke beranak ke semua tu kuasa Tuhan.. tak salah nak mengharap, tapi jangan la komplen.. rezeki kita la kalau glider tu beranak..

kat sini aku kongsi sket ilmu aku.. tak semua glider yang tinggal berpasangan boleh menghasilkan bayi.. ade sebab2nya.. antaranya seperti berikut:

1. Persekitaran tak sesuai - mungkin tempat tu terlalu bising atau cerah.. maybe korang asyik pindah2kan dia je.. glider tu kena la rasa selamat dan selesa untuk memulakan keluarga.. hehe..

2. Umur - glider kena capai umur matang untuk membiak.. kalau umur dia baru 4 bulan pon korang dah harap dia ade baby, baik pegi mimpi je..

3. Pasangan tidak sesuai - mungkin glider tu rasa pasangan dia tak sesuai.. so diorg takkan membiak.. lagi satu, betul ke korang check ade 1 jantan 1 betina.. kalau glider korang semua betina confirm la takkan ade baby.. tah pape...



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Post time 20-11-2009 02:11 AM | Show all posts
tempurung kelapa biasanya digunakan oleh breeders yang bukan bertujuan untuk 'membela' tapi membiakkan sugar glider.

lori Post at 21-8-2009 08:18

no offense..
tapi ini tuduhan palsu..

Breeders tak semua guna tempurung..
Ada mass breeders yang guna tempurung sebab tempurung lebih murah dan maintenance pon senang..

Kalau pakai tempurung warna glider akan bertukar kepada coklat akibat kotoran daripada tempurung tu..
Walaubagaimana pon, ini bukan la sebab utama kenapa tempurung kelapa perlu dielakkan kalau boleh..

Bagi saya, nak keluarkan glider dari tempurung tu memang susah..
So mereka yang tengah nak bonding dgn glider tu leceh la..
takkan nak goncang2 tempurung sampai terkeluar binatang tu..

Lagi satu, tempurung yang tak licin adalah tidak selamat untuk glider..
Pergi beli kat petshop tu...

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Post time 20-11-2009 06:55 AM | Show all posts
no offense..
tapi ini tuduhan palsu..

Breeders tak semua guna tempurung..
Ada mass breeders yang guna tempurung sebab tempurung lebih murah dan maintenance pon senang..

Kalau pakai tempuru ...
bonai Post at 20-11-2009 02:11

Ko ker yg mula2 bukak this thread?
Tp pasal post @ credit ko cuma 2 jer?
Reregister ker?

Dlm sangkar SG aku ade 2 tmpt dia tido... 1 tempurung & 1 lg kotak plastik berbentuk rumah... Tp memang SG akan tido dlm tempurung sebabnya tempurung tu dlmnye gelap..
So SG aku memang kalernya coklat berbanding anak dia yg kalernya kelabu2 sket...

Tentang makanan utk merangsang SG mengawan tu aku pon tau sebab DIBERITAHU oleh ex-owner SG aku... Dia yg recommendkan... Aku pon tak tau mana dia dpt info tp itu yg dia bg pd SG dia. SG dia tu dulu kawan dia yg bela hampir setawon tp tak branak2... so bile dia bela, dia bg that food & nampaknya berhasil merangsang SG & menghasilkan babies SG... Mase aku mula2 nak beli kat dia, ade 7 ekor SG termasuk induk/parentnyer, itu tak termasuk yg terlepas.. so kirenya menjadi gak SG dia...

So dlm real market skrng you don't surprise there any many supplements @ foods for your pets, either you know/aware of it or not... & Bile you are not aware, then pls don't deny it at all, go surf & search... Tak semua benda dalam dunia ni kita tahu... & technology @ innovation created every second...



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Post time 20-11-2009 04:36 PM | Show all posts
salam .........nak join bleh.

kalo bg mkan ayam rebus ari2 bleh worm tak nak dia mkan mcm2 dah buat celup yogurt,potong pala picit kuar isi perut tak kat mulut hampeh tak di mkn nyer pn.
tak de la bnyk bg ayam nyer.......... ada la sebesar jari jer.

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Post time 20-11-2009 05:12 PM | Show all posts
hehehe.. mungkin sg aku ni terlebih cahaya kot sbb aku letak kat luar... aku nyer sangkar 3ft n ada satu tempurung satu bonding. bukan per kekadang teringin gak nak main ngan baby sg ni.. aku bela sg ni just hobi n sbb anak aku suka main ngan sg.. pantang nampak pasti anak aku menjerit2.. tue yg aku suka tue

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Post time 20-11-2009 07:46 PM | Show all posts

bg pendapat aku... bg ayam tu blh... tp jgn hari2... sg ne cepat bosan... tp klu bg ayam, jgn aym jew, kena bg dgn buah dan sayur yg sesuai dgn sg.

ne aku serta kan nutritional percentage bg diet sugar glider setiap hr.
1. proteins   30-50%
2. vegetables   40%
3. fruits  20-30%
4. carbohydrates   15%

biasa nya sg ne akan mkn dlm sehari lbh kurang 1/5 dr berat bdn dia.
jd ko agak2 lah... jgn bg byk sgt... membazir pulak.


sweet sugar gliders (M)

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Post time 20-11-2009 07:53 PM | Show all posts
salam .........nak join bleh.

kalo bg mkan ayam rebus ari2 bleh worm tak nak dia mkan mcm2 dah buat celup yogurt,potong pala picit kuar isi perut tak kat mulut hampeh tak di mkn nyer ...
seantero Post at 20-11-2009 18:57

Pelik plak SG tu tak nak makan worm...
My SG pantang jumpe worm, memang habis dimakannya... tangan kanan tgh pegang worm yg disuap dlm mulutnya, tgn kiri plak standby pegang sekor lg worm..

Kawe tak pernah plak bagi ayam rebus...
Kawe belom sempat nak rebus2 ayam then bg SG... senang bg fruits jer...

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Post time 20-11-2009 10:34 PM | Show all posts
tu la pasai nye sg aku ni tak mau langsung dia mkn worm......jeles aku tngk orang nye sg mkn worm.kan nye aku nak sangat bagi mkn ayam tu tapi apa kan daya nak gak bg protien kat dia.kalo bab buah ni bg je lah buah pa pn pulun habih nya.takat la ni dok bg lai,rbutan,anggur apple je la....dengaq kata anggur tak bleh bg........ terus tak bg dah.tapi kalo buah lai wallaweiiii memang dia suka.sayoq blm try lg ....nak bg sayoq pa aaa.

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Post time 21-11-2009 12:52 PM | Show all posts
233# glider

Saya pelihara glider dah bertahun-tahun..
Saya jumpa ramai orang dan pelbagai breeder dengan macam2 ragam...
Kita kat sini adalah untuk share info dan bertukar pendapat..
Pada pendapat saya memang tak wujud sebarang jenis makanan untuk mempercepatkan proses mengawan tu di Malaysia..
Setahu saya mass breeders atau miller memang gunakan dog kibbles atau makanan anjing untuk glider mereka kononnya kibbles tu boleh mempercepatkan proses persenyawaan.. ahh mengarut!!

Dipendekkan cerita, aku tak buat sebarang andaian secara melulu..
Aku sentiasa berjumpa dengan orang2 yang pelihara glider bertahun2 dan membelanjakan lebih dari rm100 seminggu untuk glider mereka..(ini bukan breeders)..
Aku boleh tunjuk semua jenis makanan yang aku bagi kat glider aku, aku boleh buktikan semua ramuan dalam makanan tu selamat untuk glider, aku boleh tunjuk kat mane nak beli, ape brand dia dan berapa harga dia..
Tapi kenapa makanan yang kononnya boleh stimulate glider untuk beranak ni mcm takde sebarang info?
Maksud aku kau tak cakap pon brand dia ape, nak beli kat ne ke...

Sugar glider bukan benda baru di Malaysia..
Tapi tak semua kedai jual barang sugar glider..
Contohnya kat Petaling Street ada kedai binatang jual glider..
Dia cakap dia ade vitamin untuk glider...
Vitamin ni penting la bla bla bla..
Rupa-rupanya dia repackage vitamin untuk hamster dlm botol2 kecik pastu jual rm8 satu..
Habis tu orang yang tak tau ape2 dan hanya DIBERITAHU oleh dia main percaya je..

Untuk aku approvekan  benda alah ni, aku nak details...
Bagi aku nama product, aku leh google...
Aku tak takut mencuba beb..
Ko boleh call Pet Shack dan tanya berapa banyak product yang Pet Shack import dan cuba ke atas glider2 aku sebelum dijual di pasaran...

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Post time 21-11-2009 12:56 PM | Show all posts
239# seantero

Bagi ayam boleh, dia provide protein kepada glider..

Tapi ingat, hanya bagi bahagian dada ayam sahaja.. rebus dan bagi diorg makan begitu je...

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Post time 21-11-2009 07:32 PM | Show all posts
kalo kiat mix kan .....ayam,sedikit buan n sayur bleh tak wat gitu.......pendapat


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