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Author: miss_lavander

[UPDATE] bukan hanya tudung Neelofa ciplak #pg12

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Post time 25-9-2014 12:29 AM | Show all posts
solstice posted on 25-9-2014 12:22 AM
Sbb ada yg cakap lofa dah jual berkoyan2 tudung tu
Tu yg rasa pelik kalau lofa gi beli berkoyan2  ...

dia beli first time tu byk kot
just nak pakai jah
but then dia npk cantik, dia pon reproduce sndri

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Post time 25-9-2014 12:32 AM | Show all posts
btw xkan neelopak nak ngaku dia ciplak kan
jatuh lah martabat dia as businesswoman yg mjadi pojaan ramai

gud luck lah designer nih
x rasa dia boleh mng

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Post time 25-9-2014 12:48 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
tengah_bosan posted on 24-9-2014 04:04 PM
designer ni adik pada BFF aku.

dia dah buat lama dah tudung ni. dari awal tahun lepas.

Awak BFF aimie ke? Apa khabar dia skrg? By the way zharin hariz was my favourite student. Dia seorang yg bercita2 tinggi dan tau apa dia buat. Bila jd mcm ni kesian jugak ada yg hencap dia pulak.

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Post time 25-9-2014 12:53 AM | Show all posts
kosukeconan posted on 25-9-2014 12:29 AM
dia beli first time tu byk kot
just nak pakai jah
but then dia npk cantik, dia pon reproduce snd ...

Mebi lah
Kira re tepek sekejap je lah kut
Next batch yg berkoyan2 just copy design
Which is sama cam sastra yg copy design irg lain terdahulu
Tu yg nk dengar citer side lofa pulak ni


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Post time 25-9-2014 01:26 AM | Show all posts
cikiciku posted on 24-9-2014 11:08 PM
Tengok entri oh bulan .. Tajuk.. Pesan neelofa untuk bakal anak... Pastu tengok komen.. Caption kat  ...

khen..bukan isu besar sgt pn tp cam funny la certain ppl (bukan neelopa je) suka copy karya org len then act n take credit mcm snirik yg tulis..pdhal blambak jah org komen puji tulisan lopa, xde plak die nak nafikan tu bkn tulisan die..bangga dpt pujian? die x tau agaknya org bleh google jah carik source asal  

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Post time 25-9-2014 01:42 AM | Show all posts
aku xsokong penciplakkan2 ni

cumanya aku nak tanya, ramai je org beli borong kat memane kedai mahupun jalan tar lepas tu gunting label tepek label sendiri.. aku nengok banyak boutiques buat camtu..

sama la cam boutiques tudung yg terkenal hari ni, korang agak masa dorg bertatih dulu camne..? mestila memborong jual barang org, pastu upgrade label sendiri etc.. so bila dah gah nak saman cam sadis gak bila kenangkan ko asalnya bertatih dpd bawah lebih kurang gitu..

kedai kain beso pun ngambik kain kat china ada brand company tu selambe aje mengaku dorang punya siap ada own label..

so persoalan aku, kalau ada org pertama yg jual t shirt plain tetiba kedai sebelah t shirt plain gak cuma letak brand sendiri, kena kecoh gak ke..? huhu

unless benda tu not common, susah nak buat, 1 malaysia memang xde, nak tiru pun payah & tetiba ada sebijik lain brand.. cth macam baju dpd designer terkenal, then tetiba melambak kat jalanan baru la rasa marah.. ni maafla cakap shawl dia xde ciri2 unik yg buat org lain xterfikir nak buat jugak pun, setakat sarung dah siap jahit semua org pun penah terfikir idea tu even adaptasi dpd tudung sekolah yg diapply kembali kat shawl.. pun designer byk inspired design mat saleh ye, bukan dpd idea sendiri setulen2nya..

so kalau sorg jual peplum ada sequin kat lengan, harus ke tetiba serang org yg jual peplum yg serupa, sedangkan pioneer peplum pun org lain.. masing2 meniru gak

hanya pendapat ajela~~~ peace no war

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Post time 25-9-2014 02:17 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
tdung serupa nie pna dpt dr org blik umrah masa form 2, now i dah 25 tahun.. xtau la sape tiru sapa...
*serius serupa...and lain skit je.. Last edited by obses_budak on 25-9-2014 02:21 AM


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Post time 25-9-2014 02:18 AM | Show all posts
miss_lavander posted on 24-9-2014 03:41 AM
dulu zaman aku buat proposal, aku pernah face org copy paste content paper work aku. aku p nuntut  ...

oh...gitu ke...

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Post time 25-9-2014 02:58 AM | Show all posts
darlingangel posted on 25-9-2014 12:25 AM
I tak ikut suara hati. I kata investigate, kumpul evidence and present. Faham auntie Nourah?

saya belum tarap auntie-auntie lgik la kak laling

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Post time 25-9-2014 03:03 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
cikiciku posted on 24-9-2014 11:08 PM
Tengok entri oh bulan .. Tajuk.. Pesan neelofa untuk bakal anak... Pastu tengok komen.. Caption kat  ...

Kompem masa sekolah menengah stok malas berfikir lalu hadap nota, jawapan dari cikgu saja. Tak hairan dapat, berapa? 9A? Kaki kopi pes giturh.

Budak2 zaman now bila dapat berkoyan A dalam SPM, biasanya bukan hasil dari diri sindri tapi dari cikgu. Keke.

Kan @mommymonster82.

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Post time 25-9-2014 05:42 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
The thing is patent pun x melambangkan originality. Just as protection ja utk si pemfail patent jaga product dia regardless of whether dia yg cipta or not. Patent is just like eveything else..ada duit jalan, tak dak duit diam.

In fashion susah nak cakap who started what. Because fashion ni akan direcycle by season and akan mati by season juga.

Whatever it is, mohon lopa terus classy dlm dealing dgn perkara ni. Guna channel yang betul. I still like her anyway.

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Post time 25-9-2014 06:29 AM | Show all posts
nourahfey posted on 25-9-2014 02:58 AM
saya belum tarap auntie-auntie lgik la kak laling

then tak payah suka suka panggil i kak la. mak i  tak penah kawin dengan ayah u pun. u tu entah lagi tua daripada i.

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Post time 25-9-2014 07:33 AM | Show all posts
cikiciku posted on 24-9-2014 11:08 PM
Tengok entri oh bulan .. Tajuk.. Pesan neelofa untuk bakal anak... Pastu tengok komen.. Caption kat  ...

nie caption lofa...

hings i want to tell my future daughter . . .just be a nice person. It’s really that simple, my love. The world has plenty of people who are filled with angst and hate. But don’t be one of those people.

Be someone who can light up a room with their smile, lend a helping hand whenever possible, treat others with respect, and be comfortable enough with yourself to bring others up even if they try to bring you down . . .

Don’t be afraid to peruse your passions, try new things, see new places, set goals, fail, learn, or grow. YOU are in charge of your life story, no one else. So make sure you’re living it for yourself and it’s a story worth reading. . .

Any struggle, heartbreak, or obstacle, will also pass. You may feel like your world is crumbling all around you and you’ll never be able to move forward.

But I promise you. . . you’re strong, you’re capable, and you will persevere. You know how I know that? Because you’re one tough cookie!

Just like your mom, and her mom, and hers before that. Enjoy the ride sweetheart, it’s all part of the beautiful journey. . . .one last thing to my beautiful, smart, sensational daughter that I haven’t even met yet.

Always remember two of the most important things in your life: yourself and your family. There is no love like the love you should have for yourself and that of your family.

Never forget Allah is always by your side, He loves you more than i could love you..Remember that and you will be just fine. – your momma

nie caption dari website kat komen di oh bulan tuu...

1. You’re gonna look awkward for awhile. There is going to be a stage in your life that is filled with crooked-teeth under wire braces, gigantic pimples, and probably a horrific hairstyle that will haunt you for years. But this is a phase – and it will pass. You’ll just want to burn any photo evidence years down the road to act like none of it ever happened.

2. Being popular in high school means absolutely nothing. Being liked in high school may seem like most important thing in the world, but trust me honey, it’s not. Focus on having fun, creating meaningful friendships, and your studies. Everything else will pan-out. I promise.

3. Don’t envy the Barbie doll types. Okay, so the boy you have a crush on likes the Barbie-doll-looking thing that sits next to him in Biology class. That’s great. But let’s focus on the fact she thinks Lance Armstrong was the first man on the moon and that her goal in life is to become the star of Housewives of Orange County. Don’t be that girl. He’s not worth it. And your dad won’t like him anyway.

4. Not everyone is going to like you. And that’s not your fault. You may never give a person a reason to not like you, but for some reason they just don’t. And that is their right. What people think about you is none of your business. Just be the best version of yourself and those who are meant to be in your life will be drawn to you, and stick around.

5. You have one body, take care of it. Moisturize your skin, even if you think it’s going to make you break out, it won’t. Don’t box-dye your hair because you’re bored. Wear sunscreen. And nourish your body with the right foods and lots of water. You will thank me later.

6. You’re gonna meet some jerks and your heart will break. You will get your heart broken at some point in your life, I promise you that. And will I want to slug the snot-nosed kid who does the breaking? You bet your little butt I will! But it’s a part of life. It’s something we all will experience and we all get through. So don’t be afraid to cry. Don’t be afraid to feel mad, confused, and lost. Just know that eventually there will be someone who is going to come along and pick up those broken pieces and make you whole again. Give it time. You will find your Prince Charming.

7. Stop complaining. No one cares, baby cakes. No one wants to hear your stories about how your crush was holding another girl’s hand or how your driving instructor is a huge jerk and is going to fail you “on purpose”. I know that sounds harsh, but it’s reality. Your friends have their own problems – so just have fun with them! Friends are friends, not therapists. Come to me with your problems. I’m the best and only therapist you’ll ever need. And I won’t even charge you by the hour!

8. Just be a nice person. It’s really that simple, my love. The world has plenty of people who are filled with angst and hate. But don’t be one of those people. Be someone who can light up a room with their smile, lend a helping hand whenever possible, treat others with respect, and be comfortable enough with yourself to bring others up even if they try to bring you down.

9. Being a strong and independent woman is a beautiful thing. I will always be here to pick you up if you fall, be by your side when you’re feeling alone, and always guide you when you’re feeling lost. So don’t be afraid to peruse your passions, try new things, see new places, set goals, fail, learn, or grow. YOU are in charge of your life story, no one else. So make sure you’re living it for yourself and it’s a story worth reading. I’ll be here to enjoy every new chapter you write.

10. This too shall pass. Just like that awkward phase we talked about . . . any struggle, heartbreak, or obstacle, will also pass. You may feel like your world is crumbling all around you and you’ll never be able to move forward. But I promise you. . . you’re strong, you’re capable, and you will persevere. You know how I know that? Because you’re one tough cookie! Just like your mom, and her mom, and hers before that. Enjoy the ride sweetheart, it’s all part of the beautiful journey.

One last thing to my beautiful, smart, sensational daughter that I haven’t even met yet.Always remember two of the most important things in your life: yourself and your family. There is no love like the love you should have for yourself and that of your family. Remember that and you will be just fine.

I pinky promise. <3

Heather (PS - It's gonna be "momma" to you!) ;)

nice....paraphrasing here and there...dang! your caption are done! tapi mgkin lofa lupe nak quote kot dari website mana...hahahahah

tapi pasal isu ciplak tudung nie.. aku nak jugak dgar side LOFA...manala tau ada good reasoning di sebalik semua nie



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Post time 25-9-2014 07:38 AM | Show all posts
kosukeconan posted on 24-9-2014 11:53 PM
if kita design something, then someone ambik n kata tu original creation dia.. imho mmg unaccept ...

nampak sgt insecure. kau pun copy tudung indon, tak payah nak perasan sgt la.

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Post time 25-9-2014 08:11 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
bila lopa nak buat PC pasal tudung ni? *nyom nyom makan bertih jagung

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Post time 25-9-2014 08:49 AM | Show all posts
NAT_11 posted on 24-9-2014 05:10 PM
Tapi kalau aku jadik Lopak, memang aku saman.
Cara mamat & his mom ni memang poyo.
Ingat senang- ...

tu la.. dlm ig pn soh lofa buat pc..
kena la clear kn nama die kalo btol die tk slh.. tp nth la.. bagi i utk shawl kosong mcm mana u taw tu u punye design..
reason sbb family lofa penah dtg n beli..

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Post time 25-9-2014 09:11 AM | Show all posts
Soksek11 posted on 25-9-2014 07:33 AM
nie caption lofa...

hings i want to tell my future daughter  . . .just be a nice person. It’ ...

Dia tiru artikel omputeh ni dari num 8-10... Kalau tu dia kata ayat dy memang nampak sgt lah tipu.. Terang2 copy paste.. Cuma tambah "Allah"

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Post time 25-9-2014 09:16 AM | Show all posts
Dasar betina bangsat...
Neelofa Nakhorom...

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Post time 25-9-2014 09:37 AM | Show all posts
darlingangel posted on 25-9-2014 06:29 AM
then tak payah suka suka panggil i kak la. mak i  tak penah kawin dengan ayah u pun. u tu entah la ...


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Post time 25-9-2014 09:39 AM | Show all posts
aku tak paham neelofa ni..

dia boleh aje jumpa mana2 designer atau pembuat tudng atau baju.. bincang and jadi supplier atas jenama lofa.

napa tak buat heh

melambak2 spplier nak jadi.

ke sedara mara lofa yg buat kerja ni semua.. and then guna nama lofa.. yela sebab lofa kan bz ngan show and sebagainya...

apasal tak buat kerja betul2..pelik la...
kalau aku jadi lofa.. aku datang kedai tudung tu and lantik dia jadi supplier.. untung atas angin..


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