{ALL ABOUT ZUL ARIFFIN} : ZA's current project - Misteri Dilaila, Sangkar &
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harumanis replied at 29-3-2018 11:58 PM
Hahah....then I better stick to Harumanis Solihin. I just loveee selenga guys.....
Yg selenger tu lah slalu bijak2 kat skola dulu.. hehe |
harumanis replied at 30-3-2018 12:00 AM
Tu laaa kannn.......ntah baper kali plak takes kan....every scene tuh....harap2 baju tu ada byk he ...
Jgn ckp zill faezrul, nana tgk pun rimas. Ada org ckp tu baju yg sama masa zul acting Ti Amo.. |
Still kat set at this moment.. mesti penat eh dorang.. |
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Post time 30-3-2018 08:34 AM
From the mobile phone
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Nana_Man replied at 30-3-2018 12:08 AM
Still kat set at this moment.. mesti penat eh dorang..
Tengok pun letih....tq laa to these committted actors/actresses....they work hard to entertain us..... |

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Post time 30-3-2018 08:38 AM
From the mobile phone
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@cheesepastry isaac....malam tadi zulayda vids melintas kat ig explorer kaka.....terus kaka terobek....nak nanges rasa tengok.....sedih gak tengok ZA dulu vs ZA skang...
Tak ada nampak dh BTS ke apa2 yg nampak ZA as happy....its all werk..werk..werk....and cig...no more playful ZA....sedeyyyy.....
Nana_Man replied at 29-3-2018 11:53 PM
Tak salah i dia nyer shooting mcm rest kejap jer. Dari smlm bts zul nyer baju yg warna putih tu je ...
ZM sasqia tu housemate ke? Sasqia ngn zul xnampak rapat plk kan..zul mcm xrapat sangat dgn orang2 yang rapat ngn ira mcm family ke kwn ke..mmg jenis reserved betul |
harumanis replied at 30-3-2018 08:34 AM
Tengok pun letih....tq laa to these committted actors/actresses....they work hard to entertain us. ...
Tgk kat igs saper td yg dorang abis time subuh td. Nanti lepas solat jumaat start shooting lg.. |
Siakapjantan replied at 30-3-2018 09:10 AM
ZM sasqia tu housemate ke? Sasqia ngn zul xnampak rapat plk kan..zul mcm xrapat sangat dgn orang2 ...
Entah eh pasal housemate tu..
tapi i dgr ZA memang jenis reserved. I rasa kawan2 dia mesti outside showbiz. |
Nana_Man replied at 27-3-2018 11:15 PM
Yes!!! Tak iphone X, mesti pegang rokok.. gambar ni jer pegang perut.. hehe.. dia btl2 baca ke for ...
Byk msgs from his fans,org nak bagi job n from his special gf.Past few days senyum happy je mesti dpt tlc tu. |
harumanis replied at 30-3-2018 12:00 AM
Tu laaa kannn.......ntah baper kali plak takes kan....every scene tuh....harap2 baju tu ada byk he ...
Lupa ada sorang actor or actress citer penat berlakon ni..odd hours kena panas kena cahaya lampu.Bukan senang mcm office work.Zul i tenguk lelaki yg bijak gigih n i love men who works hard for the money. |
harumanis replied at 28-3-2018 11:47 PM
@Nana_Man kita dua je yg meroyan dalam rumah ni....yg lain2 mana ntah hilang...
I is kenot see E ...
Hihihihi kalau jumpa en solihin dan2 buat histeria. |
cheesepastry replied at 28-3-2018 11:50 AM
Sister dia zaman dulu pn mmg model brand rokok kan?
Some men r really sexy when they smoke...steamy eyes n the way they hold the cig stick.Melting uols when they blow the smoke lol. |

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Post time 30-3-2018 09:31 AM
From the mobile phone
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brums08 replied at 30-3-2018 09:30 AM
Some men r really sexy when they smoke...steamy eyes n the way they hold the cig stick.Melting uol ...
Hahah.....totally agree..... |
Nana_Man replied at 28-3-2018 01:48 PM
Dia main piano sorang2... hantu nyanyi lagu knock knock tak?
Credit pic: zulariffinfc
This movie similar with other mysterious horror movie i think.Wife dah meninggal but the hubby felt shes still alived.Hidup mcm suami isteri then mesti ada byk flashback kan...misteri2 ni is so 80s. |
harumanis replied at 30-3-2018 09:31 AM
Hahah.....totally agree.....
Mesti tgh imagine kan zul tgh smoke dgn mata2 kuyu then kuar asap rokok slow berkepul2.Lelaki smoking utk tenangkan ati n ada kwn ckp bila horny cool sikit.hahahahaha |
Rasa nak menjerit ketawa nih bila describe psl zul smoking. |

Author |
Post time 30-3-2018 10:09 AM
From the mobile phone
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brums08 replied at 30-3-2018 09:24 AM
Byk msgs from his fans,org nak bagi job n from his special gf.Past few days senyum happy je mesti ...
Siapa special gf? Ada ke? |
harumanis replied at 30-3-2018 10:09 AM
Siapa special gf? Ada ke?
Irah bukan ke special zul..Dah tenguk zul fans upload drama sengal zul.Tudung express lol mmg sengal watak zul dlm tu.Tak penah tau wujud drama tu now tgh tonton kat u tube. |
harumanis replied at 28-3-2018 04:14 PM
Hahah.....apa alasan nk bg kat incik suami....tetiba jek nak hanimun kat Frasers Hill......
Best kat situ utk honeymoon dingin jek mmg tak yah kuar bilik.Tapi malam2 serem byk pokok2 hutan tebal.Kecuali hantu muka zul hihihihi |
harumanis replied at 28-3-2018 04:17 PM
Apasal ticklish kakak @brums08?
Ticklish as in geli pusat i bila ada yg mention mungkin kakG jodoh zul. |
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