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Author: dexa

Konspirasi : USA Tipu Dunia Tentang Pendaratan Di bulan -

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Post time 1-4-2009 10:51 PM | Show all posts


Originally posted by alphawolf at 1-4-2009 15:59
Kan aku dah cakap nak menipu pun takleh banyak kali....

Dan kalau US menipu, dah lama Rusia angin satu badan. So adakah
1.US memang dapat ke bulan atau
2. US bayar Rusia untuk tutup mulut?

I think, if it is the latter , the USSR had already  played  that  issue during the Cold War....right?
dangerous move and States would be too stupid to opt for  it...

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Post time 3-4-2009 12:11 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by mbhcsf at 1-4-2009 22:51

I think, if it is the latter , the USSR had already  played  that  issue during the Cold War....right?
dangerous move and States would be too stupid to opt for  it...

Both USA and USSR were controlled by the Illuminati ;)

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Post time 3-4-2009 06:03 AM | Show all posts

Reply #402 saden's post

now you sounded more like Fox Mulder dah ni  , aren't you...haiyaa.......

[ Last edited by  mbhcsf at 3-4-2009 06:06 ]

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Post time 19-4-2009 01:20 PM | Show all posts
Bgi aku Amerika mmg byk konspirasi... Mcm2 benda yg Amerika tipu dkat dunia ni...

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Post time 19-4-2009 02:18 PM | Show all posts

Reply #405 danialarif's post

Politik sumenye camtu.

US ni plak, kuasa dunia. So tipu dunia r keje die...

Resort to listening to fellow prof's from universities, they are sincere.

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Post time 20-4-2009 09:08 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by aku_EnSeM at 19-4-2009 14:18
Politik sumenye camtu.

US ni plak, kuasa dunia. So tipu dunia r keje die...

Resort to listening to fellow prof's from universities, they are sincere.

Ya... Aku sokong sgt2

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Post time 23-4-2009 01:44 AM | Show all posts
Aku percaya manusia dah jejak kaki di bulan. Sama dengan manusia dah jejak jurang paling dalam di laut. Kedua-dua jenis penjelajahan itu berlaku pada satu era di mana semua orang nak jadi yang pertama for the sake of nak jadi yang pertama. Tak ada planning untuk berbuat lebih dari itu kecuali mungkin kalau peluang yang terbentang terlampau baik untuk dibiar atau ditangguhkan begitu saja.

US sedang bekerja untuk menghantar lagi misi ke bulan menjelang 2020. Kali ini matlamat misinya berbeza dari dulu. Kali ini mereka nak bina koloni. Bukan lama pun lagi. Wawasan 2020 kita dah jahanam, jadi kita tengok ajelah wawasan 2020 US ni. Kita boleh kata US tipu kita itu ini. Tapi itu orang politik mereka. Ahli politik ni memang selalunya penipu tak kira US ke Malaysia ke. Tapi saintis tak boleh tipu. Mereka berdiri di atas fakta. Hanya yang betul survive dalam dunia sains. Sains adalah tentang mempelajari ilmu Tuhan. Ilmu Tuhan adalah jelas yang mana satu betul dan yang mana satu salah.

[ Last edited by  paparock at 23-4-2009 01:46 ]



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Post time 11-6-2009 01:09 AM | Show all posts

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Post time 25-6-2009 01:09 PM | Show all posts
Mamat ni aku tengok dok posting smiley ajer.....abis kut pun tambah perkataan sepatah....kalau kat bod yang aku handle dah boleh kena kerat kredit nihhh

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Post time 27-6-2009 02:41 PM | Show all posts
Benarkah Neil Amstrong adalah manusia pertama yang menginjakkan kakinya di bulan ?
Benarkah Neil Amstrong Telah Benar-benar Menginjakkan Kakinya dibulan dengan selamat.
Baru-baru ini telah terungkap fakta yang mengejutkan tentang keaslian foto di NASA
Inilah bukti barunya ….

Oooh......Ternyata Pak Slamet Duluan Yang Sampe Di Bulan ..........
Bukan Neil Amstrongg.......W all aaaahh.......................


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Post time 27-6-2009 02:48 PM | Show all posts
ya la pak slamet dulu smpi bulan................

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Post time 29-6-2009 08:33 AM | Show all posts
Bukan Ayah Pin ke dah sampai dulu..siap ada bangunan pentadbiran lagi...kakaka

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Post time 3-7-2009 10:46 AM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by padlie at 3-7-2009 10:49

The fluttering flag
The planted US flag waves in the wind, which is impossible without an atmosphere.
Why it's nonsense:The flag doesn't move in any of the videos except when touched by NeilArmstrong or Buzz Aldrin. But then the lack of atmosphere and frictionstops it settling quickly, as it would on Earth. "If it moved it wouldhave kept moving. No wind is needed," says Doug Millard at the ScienceMuseum in London.

The shifty shadows
Claim:Pictures show shadows cast by objects on the surface at differentangles. There must have been multiple light sources, such as in a TVstudio.
Why it's nonsense: A low sun and unevensurface can distort the angles of shadows in images. But if there weremultiple light sources, why does each object cast only one shadow? "Themoon is an alien place and people who raise these questions simplyaren't in a position to comment about what we should expect there,"Millard says. "Only 12 guys have been there and know this stuff forreal."

The phantom photographers
Claim: Images taken of astronauts arriving on the moon and blasting off again would need someone else there with a camera.
Why it's nonsense: Armstrong'ssmall step was shot by a camera mounted on the outside of the Eaglelander. Still photos of his arrival taken from further away areactually of Aldrin, snapped by Armstrong. Remote cameras left on themoon could easily track departures.

The killer radiation
Claim: Apollo astronauts could not have travelled to the moon as a giant belt of lethal space radiation would have frazzled them.
Why it's nonsense:These so called Van Allen belts, where the Earth's magnetic fieldcollects solar radiation, would be dangerous only if people were tohang out there for several days. The astronauts whizzed through in amatter of hours, and received a radiation dose similar to an X-ray."You can pass through quite safely as long as you don't linger toolong," Millard says.

The missing flame
Claim: Therewas no exhaust flame from the lunar module when it blasted back off themoon. Therefore, it was a model pulled up on a wire.
Why it's nonsense: TheSaturn V rocket burnt liquid oxygen and kerosene on blast-off, whichprovides a fiery plume. The lunar lander ran on nitrogen tetroxide andAerozine 50, which doesn't. Its exhaust gases were transparent.

The absent stars
Space is full of stars, so why do they not appear in photographs taken on the moon?
Why it's nonsense: Theastronauts took pictures of brightly lit, shiny white objects. In theseconditions, cameras need a fast exposure time and small aperture,making it impossible to capture faint background objects. Guardianphotographer Graeme Robertson says: "They would have used a really fastshutter speed so everything in the background would just be black."

The faked footprint
Claim: The famous footprints on the lunar surface needed water to form. Otherwise they would settle out, as they do in dry sand.
Why it's nonsense:Moon dust is a different size and shape from sand and doesn't needmoisture to hold a compressed shape. Many powders on Earth can behavein the same way. Walk in spilt talcum powder and see.

The coke bottle
Claim: An Australian lady, known as Una Ronald, claimed to have seen a Coke bottle kicked across the moon during the Apollo 11 landing. It must have been filmed in a studio.
Why it's nonsense: Whereto start? Una, if she exists, saw something that the rest of thewatching world missed, and of which zero evidence survives. Hardlylikely to be the real thing.

The rock prop
Claim:A moon rock photographed on the later Apollo 16's mission is markedwith a "C". It's a prop and shows the whole thing was staged.
Why it's nonsense:The C doesn't appear in the original Nasa negatives or prints. Underclose magnification, it looks like a hair or fibre that hascontaminated a later reproduction.

The Hubble cover-up
Nasa could end all the moon conspiracy claims by using the Hubble space telescope to take pictures of the equipment left behind.
Why it's nonsense:While Hubble has sent back astonishing images - galaxies, supernovaeand nebulae - they are all very, very big. The largest piece ofman-made rubbish on the moon is the descent stage of the Eagle lander,about 10m across. That's just too small for Hubble to see.

Sumber copy paste: ... hoax-myths-debunked



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Post time 19-7-2009 09:41 AM | Show all posts
i don't believe the USA had made it to the Moon. It's all hype.

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Post time 21-7-2009 07:26 AM | Show all posts
Gambar Armstrong berjalan di bulan disiar

GAMBAR menunjukkan Armstrong berjalan di bulan.

WASHINGTON - Satu gambar baru yang menunjukkan angkasawan Neil Armstrong berjalan di bulan disiarkan sempena meraikan ulang tahun ke-40 pendaratan pertama manusia di bulan, lapor sebuah akhbar semalam.

Imej berkenaan dirakamkan oleh sebuah kamera yang berada pada kapal pendaratan bulan namun rakaman itu habis dalam tempoh singkat.

Kapal pendaratan bulan itu popular dengan panggilan Eagle. Ia menunjukkan muka Armstrong dengan jelas ketika dia berjalan di atas permukaan bulan.

Gambar itu dikeluarkan oleh Pentadbiran Aeronautik dan Angkasa Lepas Kebangsaan (NASA).

Armstrong merupakan manusia pertama menjejakkan kaki ke bulan namun kebanyakan gambar yang dirakamkan hanya menunjukkan rakannya, Buzz Aldrin.

Sebuah syarikat gambar angkasa bersejarah yang beribu pejabat di Ohio, Spacecraft Films berjaya menukar klip rakaman video berdefinisi tinggi itu menjadi gambar.

Imej-imej tersebut kini diedarkan buat kali pertama dalam bentuk buku berjudul Voices from the Moon yang ditulis oleh Andrew Chaikin.

"Ini adalah kali pertama orang ramai dapat melihatnya," kata Chaikin.

Armstrong dan Aldrin berada dua setengah jam pada 20 Julai 1969 di bulan. - Agensi

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Post time 21-7-2009 12:30 PM | Show all posts
setakat pegi bulan pun nak kecoh.. org yang tiap2 bulan, bulan datang kat dia pun xkecoh aper.. nasib baik ade ****x

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Post time 21-7-2009 03:05 PM | Show all posts
sume kene tipu ngan US la ni

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Post time 23-7-2009 01:18 PM | Show all posts
me oso dun believed they hd been there...sajee nak kasik gempak jer tuhh :pompom:

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Post time 24-7-2009 06:58 PM | Show all posts
418# LadyD
Ya betul tu... Biasa la... US mmg mcm tu...

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Post time 3-9-2009 07:09 AM | Show all posts
Gambar satelit bukti AS mendarat di bulan

PANAJI - Gambar tempat pendaratan kapal angkasa Apollo 15 milik Amerika Syarikat (AS) di bulan pada 1971 berjaya dirakamkan oleh satelit Chandrayaan-I milik India, lapor agensi berita itu semalam.

Penemuan itu sekali gus menafikan teori bahawa angkasawan AS tidak pernah membuat pendaratan di bulan.
"Imej-imej itu dirakamkan dengan menggunakan kamera yang dipasang pada satelit Chandrayaan-I. Ia mengesahkan misi Apollo 15," kata pegawai di Pertubuhan Penyelidikan Angkasa India (ISRO), Prakash Chauhan.

Misi Apollo 15 yang dilancarkan pada 1971 oleh Pentadbiran Aeronautik dan Angkasa Lepas Kebangsaan (NASA) milik AS direka untuk meneroka permukaan bulan.

Namun, projek Apollo termasuk misi Apollo 11 pada 1969 mencetuskan teori konspirasi yang mempertikaikan manusia pernah menjejakkan kaki di bulan.

Chauhan berkata, Chandrayaan-I yang dilancarkan pada tahun lalu telah menemui tapak pendaratan Apollo 15 melalui satu kawasan yang gelap di bulan.

Gambar itu dirakamkan sebelum satelit itu terputus hubungan pada minggu lalu.

worang tanak argue 1971 punyer.... worang argue 20 july 1969 tuh  hah!!!

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