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Author: cmf_rambutan

Xperia X10 Rachael

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Post time 23-2-2011 08:07 PM | Show all posts
hm...macam2 masalah android ni to open sd car ye?n mcm mane nak set sms r ...
nabil01 Post at 15-2-2011 21:44

ye ker?? ringtones aku memacam  nih.. now set lagu Thinking of you from Katy Perry..

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 Author| Post time 23-2-2011 11:54 PM | Show all posts
dah donlod x tau cane nak pakai...
nabil01 Post at 23-2-2011 11:44

sebenarnya haku pon tak tau maksud buka sd kad tu
astro yg aku cadang adalah file xplorer.... jadi ko leh copy paste, bukak folder... susun folder... kat mana ko download.. kad mana lagu2 ko simpan berada... kat mana gambar dari kamera berada... kat mana hasil2 dri app berada dan sebagainya

berkenaan save app dlm sd kad... sebenarnya version awal x10 adalah 1.6 yg hanya boleh disave dlm phone memory jerk... klu kita guna android market... secara outomatik dia akan install terus ke telefon pastu boleh guna trussss
tp klu kita download trus dari website iaitu apk file.... kita kena run secara manual dgn membuka folder download menggunakan xplorer mcm astro tadi.... boleh run dari situ
kelebihan guna android market ialah dia akan bagitau apa saja update terbaru app yg kita dah pon download....
tp klu kita load dari website developer.... takkan ada peringatan pasal update terbaru secara automatik sekiranya app itu tak pernah tersenarai dalam market......



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Post time 24-2-2011 12:05 AM | Show all posts
rambutan...saya dah ada skang ni,dah ada gak astro tuh.but mcmmane nak bg dia automatik save dlm sd card?

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 Author| Post time 28-2-2011 08:19 AM | Show all posts
untuk otomatik save app dalam sd tak buleh buat untuk X10 version 1.6.... hanya android version tertentu jerk boleh.

astro tuh adalah untuk lihat file folder... klu kita download apa2 app iaitu .apk file dari web developer atau mana2 tempat... dia akan masuk ke folder 'download' di sd card... kita boleh run dari situ guna astro.

klu kita download dari market... dia trus install ke phone dan trus guna......

app yg aku rekemen.... hancent sms.... gunakan nie sebagai default sms.. senang ko nak buat apa2.. tukar ringtone mesej dan sebagainya

adw launcher.... paling perlu kalu kite amat boring dgn UI yg datang dgn phone... boleh custom ikut suka kite dan jadikan tipon kita satu2nya design interface tipon kita berbeza ngan org len dlm dunia...

guna market untuk fine apa saja app yg kita nak... mcm nak blacklist no.. audio recorder.. picture editing... facebook chat ( walau ada kat facebook app... haku lebey suka guna go!chat)... pilih browser.. ada sprt dolphin browser(senang nak pindah antara tap).. skyfire (untuk tengok video flash)...
semua nih akan trus diinstall dlm telefon klu melalui market.......

yg penting klu guna tipon camnih kena ada unlimited data... sbb ada app yg berhubung trus dgn internet on background tanpa disedari



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Post time 1-3-2011 08:36 PM | Show all posts
camner nk update phone ni erkk...puas dh ikut arag=han yg dorg bg...still xleh gak

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Post time 3-3-2011 10:11 AM | Show all posts
bila baca korg punya komen ni...geramnya...ada phone canggih, tp x tau cm ner nk pakai....korg kt ner? klau jumpe, aku bg phone ni kt korg...korg bole bt x? smpai skrg aku x bole bt mcm mn MR. rambutan suruh buat...aku belanje mkn & minum pun ok la....

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Post time 3-3-2011 05:11 PM | Show all posts
beriya benar faqihah.haha

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Post time 4-3-2011 10:07 AM | Show all posts
Reply 424# nabil01

    ye la...geram bile baca phone diorg best2...tapi sy punya hampeh

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 Author| Post time 5-3-2011 11:21 AM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by cmf_rambutan at 5-3-2011 11:25

sapa nak mintak tolong... leh pm i ngan gambo berukuran pasport

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Post time 8-3-2011 10:34 AM | Show all posts
siap nk gambar lagi...demand betul....

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Post time 8-3-2011 12:19 PM | Show all posts
siap nk gambar lagi...demand betul....
faqihah82 Post at 8-3-2011 10:34

    ade website yg best x utk di muat turun utk game,software dn application...klau ade bg website ye.

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Post time 11-3-2011 06:37 PM | Show all posts
bukak je market.. beribu2 games.. apss.. etc ada.. & free plak tu..
archilless Post at 8-3-2011 13:26


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Post time 21-3-2011 08:19 PM | Show all posts
x10 users, pnh gune x?
mcm market jgk, tp apps brbyar yg dah free.

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Post time 21-3-2011 09:15 PM | Show all posts
Reply 431# im_cyclist

Selamat ke pakai applanet nih? Kat forum oversea ramai cakap better jangan pakai, sebab not offically android market takot ada malware etc

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Post time 21-3-2011 09:27 PM | Show all posts
Reply 432# bronches

stakat ni ok jer..
tp dh hmpir 2bln x blh msuk plak.
taw x cmne nk buat?

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Post time 26-3-2011 10:20 AM | Show all posts
Update on Xperia™ X10

I have been working with this blog for almost 1 ½ years. After lots of interaction and discussion, by far the most intense discussions lately were around XperiaTM X10 Android upgrades. We earlier stated that we did not have plans for further upgrade of the XperiaTM X10 beyond Android 2.1 éclair, which was correct at the time.

However, I am happy to inform you that this has changed. We plan to bring an upgrade to Android Gingerbread for the XperiaTM X10 to generic trade kits end Q2 / early Q3 this year. We have heard your requests all along but until today have not been able to confirm this. The great work on our 2011 products XperiaTM PLAY, XperiaTM arc and XperiaTM neo actually has enabled us to start the work in a special project bringing Gingerbread to the XperiaTM X10.

I believe this is good news to many of you out there and I am sure you have many questions around this. I’ve tried to list answers to the ones that came to my mind below. More details will come closer to launch but let me know in the comments section if I missed any questions. I’ll do my very best to find out and follow-up!

Why are you doing this upgrade?

We have listened to our consumers. In addition, the development of the software for our new 2011 range of Xperia phones gave us a solution that made it possible to deliver Gingerbread on XperiaTM X10.

When will the upgrade be available for me?

The roll-out is planned to start end Q2/early Q3 this year. Today, XperiaTMX10 is available in the market both in generic trade version and in versions customized for operators. Due to the resources available in this special project, we will focus on delivering trade versions of the software.  Regarding possible customized operators kit we will have to get back with more information on this at a later stage. But we want to be very clear already at this stage on the fact that some of you may not get this upgrade.     

What are the components of this upgrade and what are the major differences from the 2.1 version of XperiaTM X10?

In short, we plan to bring similar software and functionality to XperiaTM X10 as we have in our new 2011 Xperia smartphones. Our ambition is to provide the majority of functionality of the Gingerbread platform, as well as the Sony Ericsson specific User Experience and features. The final scope of the software is still a work in progress. We will get back with more details closer to launch in end Q2 / early Q3 this year.

Will any functionality from the previous software version disappear by doing this upgrade?

Yes – the work is still ongoing so details will be communicated closer to launch but these are the current expected limitations:

  • The current plan is that the XperiaTM X10 will get the Android standard Camera user interface and therefore features like e.g. face recognition, smile shutter etc will be lost.
  • Moxier is replaced by the gingerbread native EAS functionality.
  • Mediascape is being replaced by the media experience widgets and music player included in our new 2011 products.
  • DRM keys for protected content on your phone will be lost in the upgrade process.
  • The Sony Ericsson Backup and Restore client is not supported in the Gingerbread version and will therefore be lost.
  • Support for bi-directional languages will be reduced compared to the latest version of the 2.1 version of the XperiaTM X10.

What are the major differences between 2.3 on XperiaTM X10 and 2.3 on your 2011 range, for example Xperia arc?

In short, the intention is that the Xperia X10 will receive similar software and functionality that we have in our new 2011 Xperia smartphones. The current ambition is to provide the majority of functionality of the Gingerbread platform, as well as the Sony Ericsson specific UI and features that are not  restricted by hardware limitations (for example no HDMI out). The final scope of the software is still work in progress but we are working to minimize the differences. We will get back with more details closer to launch.

How do I get this upgrade?

The upgrade will only be available through our PC-based upgrade clients. I.e. it cannot be done over the air.

Can I go back to the 2.1 version if I am not happy with the upgrade?

No – our upgrade solutions do not support downgrading.

Will I lose any content or settings by doing the upgrade?

Yes – All your personal content and settings stored in the phone will be lost in the process. You will have to make sure that you have stored your information somewhere else. Note that the Sony Ericsson Backup and Restore client will not be included in the Gingerbread version, therefore we recommend using a 3rd party backup application if you don’t have your data stored in other places than your phone. Content stored on your memory card is not affected by the upgrade, except DRM protected content since keys will be lost.

Why have you stated before that the 2.1 version would be the final upgrade to the XperiaTM X10?

We didn’t plan to upgrade XperiaTM X10 beyond Android version 2.1 and our communication reflected this. However, that plan changed but we didn’t want to communicate this until we were sure that we would be able to deliver a good user experience with Gingerbread on XperiaTM X10.

Why didn’t you inform about this upgrade until now?

As a company we strive to be as open as possible in channels such as this product blog. We have been focusing on delivering our 2011 Xperia products on the latest Android platform for smartphones. In parallel we have investigated what of those efforts could be re-used for an upgrade of the Xperia X10. Our ambition all along has been to inform about this as soon as we concluded that we could deliver a good user experience with Gingerbread on XperiaTM X10, which we now feel confident we can do.

Why did you bypass the 2.2 upgrade?

Our focus has been on Gingerbread. The work we have been doing on Gingerbread for our products launching in 2011 has given us a solution that made it possible to deliver Gingerbread on XperiaTM X10.

Will you upgrade the XperiaTM X10 mini, mini pro and XperiaTM X8 to 2.3?

No, we have no such plans. We have had to prioritize our resources and have therefore focused on delivering the upgrade to XperiaTM X10.

Will you continue to upgrade XperiaTM X10 beyond Gingerbread 2.3?


Is the upgrade based on Android version 2.3.2 or 2.3.3?

The XperiaTM X10 Gingerbread release will be released on Android 2.3.3

What about upgrades for your new phones like Xperia PLAY, arc, neo and pro. Will users be able to upgrade to newer versions of Android when they become available?

The XperiaTM PLAY, arc, neo and pro are launched on the latest version of Android for smartphones (Gingerbread 2.3) and we plan to upgrade these to the next version of Android (beyond 2.3) available to us, subject to the Google/Android roadmap. And even if it is too early to give detailed comments around later Android upgrades for future products, the changes we have made to our way of working with Android puts us in a good position to provide Android upgrades in a timely manner.



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Post time 29-3-2011 12:58 AM | Show all posts
Reply 434# splitpers0na

    tul ker ni..akhirnya dpt gak nk pki 2.3 punyaaa...heheh

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Post time 29-3-2011 03:16 AM | Show all posts
Reply  splitpers0na

    tul ker ni..akhirnya dpt gak nk pki 2.3 punyaaa...heheh
graxier06 Post at 29-3-2011 00:58

rasenye betol kot

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Post time 30-3-2011 10:34 PM | Show all posts
xsabar jgn la hanya angan2 jerr...huhuhu

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Post time 2-4-2011 12:02 PM | Show all posts
Reply 434# splitpers0na

    saya nk tnya sket,saya br beli hp x peria x 10 ni tp masih android 1.6. bleh x upgraid 2.1 atau 2.3. bagai mn cara ye.sama ade kena buat kt kedai ke atau bleh wat sendiri. klau bleh wat sendiri tlg bg tips/cara ye..


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