Rumah Borak GPR - V159 - Seram Segenap Dimensi
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kajol77 posted on 24-9-2013 03:33 PM
aku dtg mencarii muuuuuu wooooo wooo wooo.....
kenapakah dikau pergi dari kuuu wooo wooo woooo
lil_honey posted on 24-9-2013 03:36 PM
nyelam dalam pm laa... ikan sekor je tanak byk2 ikan tamak haloba kate ko...
owhh.. tgh berskandal sambil mnyelam upanya
lil_honey posted on 24-9-2013 03:37 PM
cam ne rupa skandal sambil nyelam aku nyelam bersama skandal ka...atau aku tenggelam oleh skand ...
aku rs ko lebih pada menyelam sambil minum air bersama skandal dan sama2 tenggelam ke dasar asmaradana part 3
lil_honey posted on 24-9-2013 03:43 PM
lagi tua lagi bagus matang sikit pangai...matching la ngn aku yang kebudak budakan nih ...
apa ni jawpan xikot skema ni.. aku tanya umur ko la..
lil_honey posted on 24-9-2013 03:53 PM
20an 26 laaaa..kan ko dah tanya dulu cepuk gak kang
aku lupa dowh.. jgn kata umur org, umur aku sendiri pon kdg2 aku lupa
lil_honey posted on 24-9-2013 03:57 PM
ko mesti igt ko 20an lagi kaaaann
26 tu 20an la lagi..
lawak gile..salah masuk bilik spaaa
lil_honey posted on 24-9-2013 04:00 PM
yelaaa...tapi ko dah 30an...tak same ngn akuuu...
26...tahun depan 27 sobsss
umur xpenting.. jiwa yg pentting
skeezotone posted on 24-9-2013 04:00 PM
umur xpenting.. jiwa yg pentting
kdg ade jugak yang tgk umo...
biasalah mind setting..
umo kecik lagi..tak matang..
tapi tak semua orang macam tu...
lil_honey posted on 24-9-2013 04:03 PM
kdg ade jugak yang tgk umo...
biasalah mind setting..
umo kecik lagi..tak matang.. umo kecik lagi..tak matang.. mmg la kecik xmatang.. ko ni mabuk apa ni lil?
skeezotone posted on 24-9-2013 04:04 PM
mmg la kecik xmatang.. ko ni mabuk apa ni lil?
yelaa...aku ckp..mind setting kita..
umo dalam 25, 26 baye2 aku..selalu aku pikir diorang tak matang...tapi tak semua la aku ckp...
lil_honey posted on 24-9-2013 04:09 PM
yelaa...aku ckp..mind setting kita..
umo dalam 25, 26 baye2 aku..selalu aku pikir diorang tak mat ...
biasa la lil.. 20' is process ke arah kematangan.. masih dlm proses belajar.. hehehe
5 Ways to Create the Right Chemistry with Your Man
September 24, 2013 3:25 PM by female Magazine Malaysia
Finding it hard to get past your first date? Discover key elements to help you influence the chemistry that exists during this pivotal moment.
There’s more to it than instant physical attraction and constant flirtation during your actual date. It requires a little more effort to create chemistry with the object of your affection. Let these clear-cut tips, taken from the context of ‘Lessons From 15,000 First Dates’ by Violet Lim, CEO and co-founder of Lunch Actually help you fare better on the dating scale.
1. Positive mindset
Many single women make the gravely mistake of judging their date based on first impression. They go on a date, take one look at the guy and quickly decide that he’s not the right guy for them. By doing this, you might have eliminated your chances of meeting Mr. Right. Thus, it pays to have a positive mindset about the date and topics of conversation. Refrain from complaining, whining and making negative remarks during your date. You’ll just appear less attractive and more annoying in his eyes.
2. Responsiveness
Regardless of what activity you choose to do together during your date, showing the guy you that you’re interested in both him and the activity will certainly benefit you. Make him feel that he’s worthy of your attention by asking him questions about the topics he brings up and then listening to his answers, sharing your own thoughts and experiences about topics of discussion as well as mirroring his body language, such as making eye contact and leaning slightly forward. By being responsive to him, he’ll behave the same way towards you and would want to continue spending time with you during future dates.
3. Good conversation
If you think you’re not a very good conversationalist, you can become one far more easily than imagined. So, what makes a good conversation? It’s more about being engaged in the conversation itself rather than the topic you’re discussing about at the moment. Opt for open-ended questions that allow the other person to say more than “yes” or “no”. This will improve the momentum of the conversation. There’s a fine line between making good conversation and appearing too nosey; it really has a lot to do with your speaking tone. Give your man time to answer your questions instead of just rattling off a list of questions and hogging the whole conversation. A good conversation should have a smooth and engaging rhythm; it shouldn’t feel like an interrogation session.
4. Effective body language
Use body language to your advantage when creating chemistry with your date. These basic body language moves are simple but can definitely go a long way in securing your next lunch or dinner date.
Keep your body in an open position. Avoid crossing your arms across your chest, crossing your legs, or turning your body away from him. Your date might think you are not interested in him.
Mirror his body language. When you move in synchronization with him, he would instantly feel more comfortable with you. Thus, he’ll be more likely to open up to you.
Don’t tap your fingers like a drum, bounce your foot up and down, etc. Being fidgety can come across as being nervous or bored. These annoying habits are such a turn-off.
Stay in your own personal space. Don’t move in too close so that he becomes uncomfortable. Close in on the personal space subtly to cue him in that you’re feeling comfortable and would like to know him better.
5. Appreciation
Some of the best chemistry created between you and your date could be the result of simply appreciating who he is, how he treats you and the time you spend together. Be appreciative by saying “thank you” whenever he does something considerate for you, being specific when expressing your appreciation by telling him one or two memorable things your enjoyed during the date, smiling and nodding your head when listening to him as well as conducting yourself with class and grace to show him that you respect him and care enough about him. You can also show your appreciation by offering to pick up the tab after a few dates or treating him to coffee after the date. This indicates that you’re not just after his money and resources.
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