Author|Post time 3-1-2022 05:43 PMFrom the mobile phone|Show all posts
assalamulaikum semua…..happy 2022 guys….puasa dh abis ganti belum hikhik
org office i mengelupur ganti pose…time magrib masuk awal x nak ganti siap siap…ni mengeluh magrib masuk lambat …cehhhhh
Author|Post time 7-1-2022 07:36 PMFrom the mobile phone|Show all posts
tgk x ig live faz….kita lock kita lock bagai….teringat time
deme niaga time bulan puasa….memang hype le dia org diri je…semua dtg beli…..
moga rezeki mereka berterusan…..
Post time 9-1-2022 09:15 AMFrom the mobile phone|Show all posts
Edited by Mamisally at 9-1-2022 09:16 AM
Kancilkering replied at 8-1-2022 03:56 PM
x pasti le mums
next week kut….
Oh bkn next week kot chil.. Ada yg kt lps drama yg akan ganti drama yg nak habis now ni.
Lg satu hope Mat Kilau tyg tahun ni kat mana2 platform pun ok..
Post time 18-1-2022 06:21 PMFrom the mobile phone|Show all posts
Helokkk Fattah in promo Huawei tu. Haa.. Sesiapa yg stay nearby IOI City Mall bolehlah jumpa Fattah. Mami nampak td ada ig fan yg share abt this Huawei meet n greet session with Fattah.