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Author: alongim

Anak comelku Autistic Spectrum Disorder

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Post time 17-3-2007 09:30 AM | Show all posts
norsha duk mana?

Anak norsha 6thn ye.. Kalu norsha mampu, bleh antar dia ke private nursery lepas sek. Xpun, 2-3hari seminggu.
Cth, NASOM, SPICES etc. Kat cni dia ajar lebih focus. Private la katakan...
Kt setapak, kl nih, 1class 5kids n 2teachers. Cikgu lebih focus ngajar, pastu diorg mmg speciallist dlm ASD.
NASOM la terutamanya. Kalu SPICES dia campur..

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Post time 17-3-2007 09:35 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by jihah at 17-3-2007 09:30 AM
norsha duk mana?

Anak norsha 6thn ye.. Kalu norsha mampu, bleh antar dia ke private nursery lepas sek. Xpun, 2-3hari seminggu.
Cth, NASOM, SPICES etc. Kat cni dia ajar lebih focus. Private l ...

norsha now nie tinggal di miri, swak..mmg dah cari seluruh miri nie sekolah khas untuk asd, takde..
kalau duk area kl, selangor, mmg norsha will send to any private school yg specialize dgn asd kids sb kat sana banyak help avalaible...takperlah, ada rezeki nanti, boleh la pindah ke kl...

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Post time 24-3-2007 01:26 PM | Show all posts
My autistic child is getting better.. she started to talk wiz full sentence, but a bit slow, in a way she's trying to make proper sentence. alhamdulillah, dah pandai gi toilet sendiri. mix around wiz other kids. dah pandai make friends. But she's not staying with us, the grandparent look after her, they willing to. orang tua ni sabar lebih dari kita org muda i. tak perlah... aku la yg terpaksa berkorban sikit. surprisely she's trying to make a lot of convesation.

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Post time 25-3-2007 05:21 AM | Show all posts dah 1 week daniel in kelas prasekolah pendidikan khas...dalam kelas dia including him 5 org tapi ada 3 persons in charge, 1 ada master in pendidikan khas, srg lagi tengah buat case study dlam bidang pendidikan khas for her phd and srg lagi mmg so far inilah yg norsha rasa the best i can find for my son di miri nie..maybe kalau norsha dah pindah ke kl, i can enroll him di NASOM lak sb yg nie khas untuk autism jer...

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Post time 6-4-2007 07:23 PM | Show all posts
saya ingin mengucapkan terima kasih kpd forumer disini...
saya dapat merasakan anak saya mengalami autism....

last week saya telah bawa anak ke pakar kanak2 dan dia refer
ke  specialist khas utk children development

kalau ikut wikipedia:

# tares into open areas, doesn't focus on anything specific.
# does not respond to his/her name.
# cannot explain what he/she wants.
# language skills are slow to develop or speech is delayed.
# doesn't follow directions.
# will fuss if didn't get what wanted.
# at times, the child seems to be deaf.
# doesn't point or wave "bye-bye."
# doesn't understand the concept of pointing; will look at the hand pointing rather than the object being pointed at.
# used to say a few words or babble, but now he/she doesn't.
# throws intense or violent tantrums.
# has odd movement patterns.
# likes to spin around in a circle.
# likes being in a place well known.
# hands on ears often.
# is overly active, uncooperative, or resistant.
# doesn't know how to play with toys.
# doesn't smile when smiled at.
# has poor eye contact.
# gets "stuck" doing the same things over and over and can't move on to other things.
# seems to prefer to play alone.
# gets things for him/herself only.
# is very independent for his/her age.
# does things "early" compared to other children.
# seems to be in his/her "own world."
# seems to tune people out.
# is not interested in other children.
# dislikes playing pretend.
# walks on his/her toes.
# shows unusual attachments to toys, objects, or schedules (i.e., always holding a string or having to put socks on before pants).
# spends a lot of time stacking objects, lining things up or putting things in a certain order.
# unconcerned about - or completely oblivious to - dangers around him/her (i.e., standing in the middle of the street without worrying about getting hit by a car).

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Post time 6-4-2007 07:28 PM | Show all posts
bulan lepas semua yg list diatas tu dia ada.
bercakap hanya perkataan ma, pa atau bik
itu pun sekali dlm 3 bulan bila dia sangat
marah, sangat sedih atau sangat gembira

anak i tu dah 3 tahun 9 bulan...

start i baca last month pasal autism tu, dari forum ni
telah membuka mata i...
i dapat rasa anak i ada autism ni, tapi
mertua dan mak dan ayah saya rasa delay development aje....

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Post time 6-4-2007 07:28 PM | Show all posts
i pun try efalex tu.. dah 2 minggu..
memang huge improve...

dah 2 X anak i panggil mama.....
berpusing2 pun kurang dari biasa..
dia dah boleh renung mata i, tak alih pandangan
selama 5 second rasanya, dulu lansung tak...

terima kasih semua. Allah saja boleh balas ilmu
u all yg tak kedekut utk dikongsi..

[ Last edited by  sayang_papa at 6-4-2007 07:34 PM ]

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Post time 9-4-2007 10:01 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by sayang_papa at 6-4-2007 07:28 PM
bulan lepas semua yg list diatas tu dia ada.
bercakap hanya perkataan ma, pa atau bik
itu pun sekali dlm 3 bulan bila dia sangat
marah, sangat sedih atau sangat gembira

anak i tu dah 3 tahu ...

If you feel anak u ada problem, just go for further check-up, dont' delay. At least u tahu what's wrong with him.  Trust ur instinct.

Org tua biasalah. For them, ada budak cepat bercakap, ada budak lambat bercakap. Lagipun diaorg mungkin tak tau psl ASD.

Like my case, my son dah nak masuk 5 tahun, ASD and non-verbal. He looks normal so people tend to make judgement. My mil siap bawak my son jumpa tok bomoh bukan seorg but a few. Ada tok bomoh cakap my hb langgar kucing masa I mengandung, ada yg cakap masa I bersalin tak letak kain kuning (I pun tahu kenapa kena ada kain kuning). I ikut jelah, nanti susah pulak.

Now, slowly i dok educate my mil pasal autism. Hopefully berjaya..

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Post time 9-4-2007 04:15 PM | Show all posts

Reply #427 sayang_papa's post

As'kum sayang_papa,
betul cakap mummy. kalau u think there's something wrong ngan anak u, better pergi check up awal2. Lagi awal, lagi cepat kita boleh tolong diorang.
my daughter pun dulu cam tu la, orang kata lambat cakap je sbb dia premature. Tapi nasib peads dia prihatin and suggested to go for further check up. Waktu tu dia 3+. ALhamdulillah sekarang dia better. paham apa we all cakap ngan dia and bit by bit dia pun boleh suarakan apa dia nak. walaupun jarang2 keluar pekataan dari mulut, tapi ada la jugak and we found out actually vocab dia banyak.

Skarang dah pegi kindy tapi in a special class. but teachers dia kata dia senang, tak banyak songeh. suruh buat apa semua buat. dia pun suka pegi schl.

So sayang pegi lah buat apa yg patut. Siapa lagi yg nak tolong akan kita kalau bukan kita sendiri kan?

All the best to you.

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Post time 9-4-2007 06:52 PM | Show all posts
my son yg autism dah dekat 2 mths ikut class pendidikan khas...
and so far mmg puas hati sb dia dah hendak pegang pencil sendiri and menulis semua keje yg diberikan..
mmg dia actually takde masalah nak pegang pencil cuma selama nie dia je taknak..
even now pun kat rumah, dia still taknak.. hanya buat keje di sekolah..

cikgu dia bagitau he's a mild autism social skill dia takde problem..learning pun takde problem, semua keje cikgu bagi he's able to on this own..cuma kefahaman dia yg slow, kena keep on repeating..

tapi 1 thing i like to send to govt school is budget yg govt bagi untuk special kids, my son ari2 makan sgt mewah di sekolah...



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Post time 10-4-2007 03:41 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by mummyusuf at 9-4-2007 10:01 AM

If you feel anak u ada problem, just go for further check-up, dont' delay. At least u tahu what's wrong with him.  Trust ur instinct.

Org tua biasalah. For them, ada budak cepat bercakap, a ... tua kan, masa zaman dia mungkin tak pernah jumpa benda2 macam ni..
nasib baik my hubby bincang ngan i nak bawak jugak pi specialist..
we all pergi pun tak bagi tau mil... malas nak bagi tau....
bukan apa, macam tu la... org tua,
sekarang ni dah pergi 2 X appoinment baru bagitau. nampak dia ok ....
macam u jugak, i nak bagitau dia slow2....

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Post time 10-4-2007 03:47 PM | Show all posts

Reply #429 yatiedin's post

tq... i harap pun lepas ni progress akan jadi lebih baik

all the best to you too.

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Post time 10-4-2007 04:19 PM | Show all posts
yg latest ni lepas pi jumpa specialist, dr kata anak i
ADHD pulak....
tak pe la, i redha, lagipun baru dua kali pegi...

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Post time 10-4-2007 04:23 PM | Show all posts
yg latest ni lepas pi jumpa specialist, dr kata anak i
ADHD pulak....
tak pe la, i redha, lagipun baru dua kali pegi...

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Post time 11-4-2007 09:48 AM | Show all posts

Reply #434 sayang_papa's post

Anak mummy masa umur dia 3 1/2 tahun pernah jumpa 2 child psychiatrist. Both diagnosed ADHD & not ASD. In fact, one of them nak prescribed Ritalin, which we declined.

Tapi bila umur dia meningkat, he shows more ASD sign. Last year, bawak my son to HUKM for Autism full screening & Doctor dah confirm dia ASD. Now, my son belajar kat NASOM plus attend speech therapy & OT.

Perhaps, sayang_papa boleh pergi ke HUKM @ Child Development Centre for further screening.

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Post time 11-4-2007 05:57 PM | Show all posts

Reply #434 sayang_papa's post

cemana tu?

macam my son selain autism dia ada add..

lack of focus gitu..

i pi kat gleneagles..

therapy kat situ je..sume treatment i buat under gleneagles..

senang sket..

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Post time 17-4-2007 04:52 PM | Show all posts

Reply #429 yatiedin's post

       my son pun lepas ni switch pi Loh Guan Lye, since his ST nak pindah situ dari Island hospital........dia kata dekat LGL, it is more comprehensive sebab ada complete pakar-pakar....
      well i just follow her sebab my son dah nampak banyak improvement...... at least now he can focus on certain task.....and willing to follow instruction.....
       kalau cakap nak gi jumpa ST, mau hari tu dia tak tidor siang kat rumah baby sitter......tunggu jer kat tingkap sampai kita datang amik dier...

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Post time 18-4-2007 09:55 AM | Show all posts

Reply #437 mder's post

suka la tu nak jumpa ST dia. good for him. Dekat LGL yatie just bawak nadiah jumpa the clinical psychologist. dia pun suka la pi situ. The last visit, the psyco suruh nadiah buat coloring. Before this dia tak buat skit2 ja then nak pi main toys. but that day dia duduk color sampai habis. so it was a good session. now the psycho cakap dia dah buleh start on ST since dia dah settle down dah. heran jugak dulu apasal dia tak penah recommend jumpa ST. Dia cakap coz dulu nadiah tak buleh nak duduk and concentrate on one task so kalau pegi pun buat buang masa and duit ja. Tapi ST tu yatie bawak jumpa kat GH Alor Star ja coz dekat. Tak jumpa lagi. Baru buat appointment and the first one will be early May.
Nak tanya, how is the ST sessions conducted? The terapist tu buat apa ngan budak tu?

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Post time 19-4-2007 11:18 AM | Show all posts
     the 1st session, mainly on assesment, so she tengok my behaviour and we do some play with some toy and see whether my son can follow instruction or not......then she ask few questions on his vocab, etc...... at that point she said based on assesment, my son is 9 months delay in speech but he is highly trainable.......most important part at that time is to make him focus........
    so the 1st few session, was just to get my son to focus on the activity......initially, buat ni sat, terus nak buat benda lain........dah lama, dia dah leh complete the task before moving to the next one........ even start new task, he can say "wait" and siap angkat dua dua belah tangan.... at least he learn to be patience......
    tiap-tiap session, activity dia would be different........ sometimes matching color, sometime just do bubbling (macam akademi fantasia plak).....associate flash card, etc.......
    initially start dengan noun, once he got hold the meaning of the noun, start adding verb......
balik rumah pun kena continue........since he's a little bit on physical kalau tengah berlari then i say 'stop", then he will stop and keep laughing....most important i think if he's happy, he will remember more...
   i dun think he's quite good in making sentences yet........but i think dia nyer vocab dah improve a lot....... kalau nak makan nasik, he will say 'eat nasi' and air teh, he will say "air tea"
   one more thing...... he really looking forward every friday evening since that is his quality timee with his parent minus the baby sister.......



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Post time 19-4-2007 12:34 PM | Show all posts
tadi baca paper utusan  pasal adik yin yang hilang ari tuh. Pihak polis suruh dia buat kawad cam tuk kenal pasti orang yg pernah dia jumpa. rasa2nya dia boleh ingat ke? pasal doctor yg rawat dia kan bagitau yang adik yin ni hiperactive

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