#cucumakretis Dilambung-lambung dlm Program Hairul Hanis Junior #KekSop #489
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good article..
jolly jumper will lead to lack in coordination and muscle imbalances
panjang lagi article ni.. meols tepek yg doc komen jer based on his research. parents selalu letak infant from 5-7 months, si herol ni dari umur berapa dia letak? mmgla kalau tanya company jolly tu theyols ckp 3 months pun blh jer infant guna, but ikut suka ko la kerol bukan anak aku hahaha.. meols just share utk forumer kalau theyols pikir this is informative jer
Komen utk yg ckp anak theyols guna tapi okay n selamat jer, dah besar pun anak tapi sihat cerdas jer..
Effects of jolly jumper on spine show up later in life and not always in form of back pain. Spine houses the nervous system and if there is anything even slightly out of order the way a child's body develops can be damaged.
My cousin is a physiotherapist and she said with jumping in it before they can walk it can misalign their hips and ankles leading to problems down the road. Each time they jump and land their feet arent necessarily turned properly and their hips rotate out.
http://www.babycenter.ca/thread/ ... zzard#ixzz4OFBnQJbI |
Shadedough eh nama lisptick hz? X menariknya nama |
betul la chuols mcm keknis
Nasib ade yg agree sbb i tot mata i kero.. sbb hitam die cm stunning sgt.. kiki
apa? ada reality show senirik pulak?
abis laa dipenuhi dengan parenting tips oleh makpak anak belum setahun lagi nih
*yawnnn* |
second vid tu mmg la nampak ucop lembik2 lagi not that stable tapi lantakla kan anak ko herol, ko lagi #serdanghebat drpd doc
kulit sheols wlpun gelap tapi cantik meols tgk nampak glowing
#tipsmommynis chuols mampu
tak mampu chuols.
belum meneran
miracle_forever replied at 27-10-2016 10:48 AM
yusuf was born on 3/6/16..
ni among the first video dia naik jolly jumper
https://instagram.com/ ...
Malangnya yusuf dpt mak pak batak macam tu |
mmg sebijik esp bila senyum..part mata tu
Budakmomok replied at 26-10-2016 02:23 PM
yes sgt setuju, dulu masa rancangan lisa ebubabypedia tu ada slot anak istimewa. macamana parents ...
Lisa concern kot. Sbb anak edry ada yg autism. |
miracle_forever replied at 27-10-2016 10:48 AM
yusuf was born on 3/6/16..
ni among the first video dia naik jolly jumper
https://instagram.com/ ...
Hamagad..spine x straight lg.even anak aku 4months nk dok bumbo pon aku x kompiden lagik...xpelah.aslong as si usop tu ok.lntk kome lah...smg Allah jaga usop tu leklok dr apak mak dia yg ignorant |
mak aku kalau nmpk baby sebaya yusuf ni kita pegang tak support leher.. mmg kena bebel la..apa lagi nk biar melompat mcm tu. mcm article yg kokspin share tu.. plantar @ Babinski reflex je baby ni buat kaki mengelinjang mcm tu. bkn sbb dia nk melompat.
Edited by Peaches113 at 27-10-2016 11:14 PM
Apa kelebihan jolly jumper ek? Walker pun iols xguna. Ni kan pulak nk jumper jumper
Daripada bg yusof naik jumper, baik ler bg dia meniarap tummy time. Kasi baby explore golek2 atas toto. Letak la soft book, soft toy. |
sofiazara replied at 27-10-2016 09:00 AM
good article..
jolly jumper will lead to lack in coordination and muscle imbalances
Ikut kan kata dokter tu tummy time pon dh cukup kan
Tak pyh nk melompat2 sgt.. Tah apa yg nk dibuktikan oleh si ha ni pon tak tau.. Nk kata anak dia umor 6 bulan nnti dah boleh jalan berlari buat aksi ninja warior kah?
Yg si bini tu tgk je ke anak di perlakukan mcm tu
Ptut jiwa mak2 ni sgttttt la sensitif smpai tahap anak tido pon cek nafas ok
Ni snggup tgk anak dirisikokan mcm tu
Slalu ibu muda ni kan rjin gugel
Tak kan tak google dulu baik buruk dan tak sangka rela amek risiko utk bnda yg tak perlu ni ??
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