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lurve82 posted on 14-11-2013 12:54 PM 
gollum xhensem ke?
yeay legolas....
go Legolas go! |
dah tgk trailer ... tak sbo nak pi tgk ... |
hobbit 3 ada peperangan la bang |
hoho ya ka dik, akak tak baca novel
akak takkan baca novel selagi tak difelemkan, tapi bila dah jadi felem buat apa baca novel lagi hahaha  |
aku tak thu knp aku tertdo nk dkt 2x time tgk mubi ni.. sama ada aku yg boring tk feel mubi ni @ mubi ni yg boring.. ke aku letih ok wuteverpn... aku xsbr ngn smbungn.. |
Di Eropah ada 2 Berlin , Germany dan Madrid, Spain.
The European premiere will be in Berlin, Germany on 9 December, 2013. UK residents can be entered into a draw to win tickets to the premiere when they pre-book to see The Hobbit: DOS with Cineworld or Empire cinemas ( closing dates 25 and 28 Nov respectively). Sky TV are also running a competition for customers.
There are two additional European premieres.
On 10 December, 2013 there will be a Swiss premiere at Arena Cinemas in Zurich, Switzerland. Aidan Turner (Kili) and Dean O’Gorman (Fili) will be attending. Our friends at Warner Brothers Zurich tell us that the red carpet event will start at 6.45pm. While it’s not possible to buy tickets, there will be opportunities to win them. Watch out for the TV spots on several channels beforehand (RTL Group).
The Spanish premiere will be held in Madrid on 11 or 12 December, 2013. This will be attended by Richard Armitage (Thorin) and Luke Evans (Bard). Richard and Luke are also attending the Premios 40 Principales 2013, which is on the 12 December, making 11 December the most likely date for The Hobbit premiere.
Pelakon Desolation of Smaug akan diinterview oleh Jimmy Kimmel
dlm talk show dia 2nd - 4th December 2013.
Mond o 12/2: Orlando Bloom, Ronda Rousey, the Wild Feathers
Tu 12/3: Zoe Saldana, Martin Freeman, Toro Y Moi
We 12/4: Benedict Cumberbatch, R. Kelly
mungkin lepas siri the hobbit ni. akan di buat satu lagi siri. aku dah lupa tajuknya, tp mmg ada 1 buku dlm siri the of the ring ni. children of apa ntah.. harapnya depa buat siri tu. |
okeh. dah dpt:
side story dlm dunia LOTR
the silmarillion
the children of hurin
tp dua ni bukan original dari JRR TOLKIEN, tp dah di edit oleh anak dia. tp still cerita asal dari JRR TOLKIEN. harapnya depa dpt moviekan benda ni. al kisah camno evil power leh wujud di middle earth, belum souron jadi king of the dark |
kalo ikutkan, byk giler kisah dlm siri penjelajahan middle earth neh...tatau la brp byk lg movie akan keluar slps The Hobbit neh, tah2 uncle peter jackson dh KO dulu  |
lahh..cumberbatch ke yg jadi smaug..  |
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