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Author: juliez

[Jenayah] #KimJongNam - Kim Chol Sah Jong Nam #1290

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Post time 22-2-2017 04:56 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Xsangke dieorg gune barehands je tekup mulut jong nam, iols ingat theyols gune jarum ajaib yg boleh terbang2 tu,maybe terlalu terpengaruh film spy2 hollywood

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Post time 22-2-2017 04:59 PM | Show all posts
analogi risin ni mcm ni

cth sesesetengah org yg punyai penyakit genetik alahan pd kacang, akan mati bile makan kacang tu tanpa treatment selepasnya..

risin ni lak,sejenis protein almost like kacang tp dihancurkan dlm bentuk powder/cecair
ianya menjadi racun bila overdose berlebihan kena ke atas badan...
human body kita ni  can't resist terhadap perubahan dilakukan oleh kacang ni
sbb tu jadi racun..

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Post time 22-2-2017 05:00 PM | Show all posts
RP255 replied at 22-2-2017 04:52 PM
yang dipersoalkan sekarang mengapa officer hanya berjalan perlahan lahan sahaja
sepatutnya harus  ...

Kerana waktu itu dia bukan pekik lolong kesakitan. dia rasa pain pain saja. pedih2 saja. jadi polis bawak di pegi klinik.
scientist seluruh dunia banyak heran. Kalau poison kena lu punya kulit sudah pasti terus pekik lolong.
Tapi ini tidak. Dia masih boleh jalan lagi ma.
sampai sekarang pun tidak dapat kenal pasti itu poison. Hantar lab sampai sekarang pun tidak dapat kenal pasti ape itu poison.

ada faham?


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Post time 22-2-2017 05:01 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
dauswq replied at 22-2-2017 04:59 PM
analogi risin ni mcm ni

cth sesesetengah org yg punyai penyakit genetik alahan pd kacang, akan ma ...

Ooo.. ia disebabkan risin la kak
Since jung on dan jung nam satu keluarga, harus tahunpenyakit genetik sebab satu keturunan kan

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Post time 22-2-2017 05:02 PM | Show all posts
Voyagers replied at 22-2-2017 04:56 PM
yang tukang sembur dan orang berdekatan tu tak kena effect ke?

tak, klu ikut probability berapa byk human can resist overdosed risin tu..
sbb bila dilihat, efeknya direct kena kt kim jong nam tu..

mcm ubat anesthesia yg biasa org guna utk tidurkan org..
diorg letakkn kt sapu tangan, kena tekap terus ke hidung/mulut mangsa
supaya ade direct contact dgn mangsa...


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Post time 22-2-2017 05:04 PM | Show all posts
wana89 replied at 22-2-2017 05:01 PM
Ooo.. ia disebabkan risin la kak
Since jung on dan jung nam satu keluarga, harus tahunpenyakit ge ...

risin ni kena kt sesapa jek
yg tak de genetik pun..
asalkan overdosed..

yg penyakit genetik aku ckp tu klu sesiapa ade alahan pd kacang, mereka akn mati bile overdosed dgn kacang..
bg yg tak de alahan kacang, overdosed dgn risin, tetap mati..


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Post time 22-2-2017 05:05 PM | Show all posts
baca berita harian online, dah duta korea utara request 3 suspek NK yg ditahan polis,dibebaskan. Sepatutnya NK sebagai negara host country, TAK BOLEH N TAK LAYAK mencampuri urusan dalaman hal ehwal home country which is Malaysia. sebagai ambassador,dia sepatutnya tau international law atau ikut garis panduan Vienna Convention Diplomatic Relation 1963. dari hari itu aku tgk tindakan duta ni agaknya kena pressure teruk oleh org atasan di NK sampai dah jadi macam tak betol. takut hilang nyawa ke?

lain kali kalau nak bunuh,cari negara lain. negara orang ada peraturan,ada undang2 sendiri. Bodoh betul,tak bertamadun punya komunis. malaysia dah cukup baik bagi ruang. memang dah melampau

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Post time 22-2-2017 05:07 PM | Show all posts
MatDeghem replied at 22-2-2017 05:00 PM
Kerana waktu itu dia bukan pekik lolong kesakitan. dia rasa pain pain saja. pedih2 saja. jadi poli ...

rajin ko explain kat dia beb..hahha..

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Post time 22-2-2017 05:08 PM | Show all posts

Singapore a safe haven for Kim Jong Nam

PETALING JAYA: Kim Jong Nam, the murdered half-brother of North Korean leader Kim Jong Un, lived a “carefree” and “chilled” life in Singapore, moving around without bodyguards and travelling on budget airlines.

This was revealed in an article by the UK’s Telegraph, by a man claiming to be a friend of Kim Jong Nam.

In the article, the man, who wanted to be known only as Anwar, said he met the eldest son of former North Korean leader Kim Jong Il in Singapore four years ago.

Then, Jong Nam – who was murdered earlier this week at klia2 — was living in both Singapore and the Chinese territory of Macau.

Anwar said Jong Nam was part of a small set of wealthy foreigners who liked to “party and take advantage” of Singapore’s posh restaurants and clubs.

They met mutual friends and Anwar noted that most of Jong Nam’s friends were Japanese but his circle of friends also included “young socialites” from across Asia.

“He was extremely chilled out about his safety in Singapore. He was really carefree, really chilled. You would like him if you met him, in fact you would adore him,” he said, adding Jong Nam moved around Singapore without bodyguards and with “no obvious” concerns for his safety.

On the man himself, Anwar noted that the “easy-going” and “cheerful” Jong Nam – who studied in Switzerland – was fluent in French and spoke good English but with a heavy accent.

Anwar said he and Jong Nam connected over Paris, France, where Jong Nam’s son Kim Han-sol was heading to study at the elite Sciences Po university. Jong Nam was eager to hear from Anwar about Paris as Anwar had spent time in the city.

Anwar also said he and Jong Nam became closer after Jong Nam was diagnosed with diabetes and stopped going to bars and clubs in Singapore.

“He found out he was diabetic and he stopped drinking totally.

“That’s when our friendship became more meaningful because we started hanging out during the day. We started going to dinner,” he said, adding that Jong Nam rarely spoke about his background or native country.

Anwar said Jong Nam also didn’t talk about his family but instead spoke about the “good things” in life like fine wine, good food and travelling.

He added that Jong Nam didn’t appear to work and while he always had money for food and drink, Anwar didn’t recall Jong Nam’s life as “particularly ostentatious”. He added that Jong Nam would fly the Singapore-based budget airline TigerAir when commuting between Singapore and Macau.

“I cried when I found out about the news. What shook me was how a really nice guy — a beautiful soul — could be butchered in such a way,” said Anwar.

Kim Jong Nam arrived in Malaysia on Feb 6, and was scheduled to board a 9am flight to Macau on Monday.

While at klia2, he was approached by a woman who sprayed him with a liquid, while another woman held a cloth over his face. He asked for help at the klia2 service counter but died on the way to the hospital.

3 suspects in Jong Nam killing may have left country

Anwar kawan baik Jong Nam


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Post time 22-2-2017 05:09 PM | Show all posts
mel18 replied at 22-2-2017 05:07 PM
rajin ko explain kat dia beb..hahha..

kesian lah dia tarak faham


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Post time 22-2-2017 05:10 PM | Show all posts
dauswq replied at 22-2-2017 05:02 PM
tak, klu ikut probability berapa byk human can resist overdosed risin tu..
sbb bila dilihat, efek ...

kiranya mmg depa ade rekod kesihatan pelbagai la nih....


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Post time 22-2-2017 05:10 PM | Show all posts
MatDeghem replied at 22-2-2017 05:08 PM
Singapore a safe haven for Kim Jong Nam

PETALING JAYA: Kim Jong Nam, the murdered half-brothe ...

sonok betul anwar proudly ngaku minum arak bersama2 jong nam

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Post time 22-2-2017 05:12 PM | Show all posts
zennaya replied at 22-2-2017 05:05 PM
baca berita harian online, dah duta korea utara request 3 suspek NK yg ditahan polis,dibebaskan. Sep ...

dah negara tertutup gituh..... depa mana ade undang2.....  kutuk gomen kena jail sepanjang keturunan.....

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Post time 22-2-2017 05:14 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
MatDeghem replied at 22-2-2017 05:00 PM
Kerana waktu itu dia bukan pekik lolong kesakitan. dia rasa pain pain saja. pedih2 saja. jadi poli ...

Teknologi sains NK ni bukan sebarangan la.. well planned benda ni..
Nak cari racun pun kajian berapa lama.. pergghh.. no wonder walau miskin ada nuklear..

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Post time 22-2-2017 05:14 PM | Show all posts
dinopower replied at 22-2-2017 05:10 PM
kiranya mmg depa ade rekod kesihatan pelbagai la nih....

tak yah rekod kesihatan pun
boleh bunuh terus sbb efek racun ni sgt kuat

dlm north korea tu sendiri ade human experiment
mesti dh buat trial and error dgn keadaan fizikal body org camne, consciousness , emergency treatment (yg perisik ni study berbulan2 tu)


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Post time 22-2-2017 05:16 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
dauswq replied at 22-2-2017 05:14 PM
tak yah rekod kesihatan pun
boleh bunuh terus sbb efek racun ni sgt kuat

Dia xrasa nak terbakor ke apa??
Tengok si mati masih relax2 jer jalan.. just tepuk xsampai tiga saat pastu tidak la si mati menggeluppur pun..
Kalo basuh immediately, boleh hilang x??

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 Author| Post time 22-2-2017 05:16 PM | Show all posts
Edited by juliez at 22-2-2017 05:18 PM

KUALA LUMPUR: North Korean embassy officials have rubbished Malaysian police investigations into the death of Kim Jong-nam, saying it could not have been poison.

North Korea is also asking for the release of the three suspects who have been detained so far, including its citizen Ri Jong Chol.

"It has been 10 days since the incident happened, but Malaysian police have not found any evidence from the arrested suspects," the embassy said in a statement that was delivered by an unidentified official on Wednesday.

The statement goes on to deny that the female suspects had daubed poison on Jong-nam's face with their own hands despite police investigations claiming that they had done so.

"Malaysia has been conducting the investigation based on CCTV footage that was released to the public, (showing) that the female suspects had daubed the poison on the victim's face with their own hands.

"Then how is it possible that these female suspects could be alive after the incident?

"This means that the liquid they daubed … is not poison and there is another cause of death for the deceased," the embassy said.

Earlier Wednesday, Inspector-General of Police Tan Sri Khalid Abu Bakar said that the female suspects were instructed to wash their hands after they had done the deed, and that they knew the chemical they were using was poisonous.

Police are still waiting for the lab results to identify the type of chemical that was used in the crime.

The North Korean Embassy made no mention of two other persons of interest identified in this case – the second secretary at the embassy here and an employee of Air Koryo.

The embassy also expressed its dissatisfaction with how Malaysian authorities had conducted the case, claiming that it was "extremely insulting" to the sovereignty of North Korea.

It also claimed that Malaysia's actions had infringed international laws and customs, and at the same time, displayed "clear evidence that Malaysia takes sides with the South Korean allegations."

The embassy also said instead of targeting and pinning its suspicion on its citizens, Malaysian authorities should focus on ascertaining the cause of death and focus on the search for suspects.

The full statement by the North Korean Embassy in Malaysia:

The Foreign Minister of Malaysia has mentioned in the statement dated 20th February, 2017 that the press release issued by the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the DPRK to Malaysia on the same day was based on the allegations culled from delusions, lies and half-truths, that any suggestion Malaysia is in collusion with foreign government is deeply insulting to Malaysia, that the investigations has been conducted impartially in compliance with Malaysian laws and regulations and it is customary for embassies to cooperate fully with the host government in order to ensure that the investigation is as thorough as possible, and not to impugn the credibility of the investigation.

In this connection, the Embassy hereby states its position in response to the above statement.

1. The allegations in the press conference and the press release by the Ambassador were not culled from such delusions, lies and half-truths, but from the developments to date and the stance taken by Malaysia towards this incident. This was fully explained by the Ambassador to the Deputy Secretary General for Bilateral Affairs in the meeting on 20th February, 2017. The Deputy Secretary General made no comment on our allegations and it seemed he had no idea about the developments of the incident. In the meeting, we could also feel as if the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Malaysia had not been informed of any procedure of investigation and the mutual notifications between the Embassy and the Royal Malaysia Police, but they just had been conveying the request of the Police to the Embassy.

2. From the very beginning of this incident to date, the mutual contacts, notifications and the stances towards the incident are absolutely true as they are.

3. Malaysia has denied its collusion with foreign government and claimed that the investigation has been conducted impartially in compliance with its laws and regulations. Then, the investigation should have to be focused on ascertaining the cause of deaths and the search of suspects based on the statements made by the arrested two female suspects and the criminal evidence. However, it only targeted and pinned the suspicion on the DPRK citizens from its first step and adhered to confirming the name and identity of the deceased which were alleged by South Korea and requesting for the presence of his next-of-kin for the purpose of identification and DNA test without any regard to our confirmation on the identity of the deceased DPRK citizen.

4. This is extremely insulting to the sovereignty of the DPRK, an illegal act of infringing the international laws and customs and the diplomatic privileges and at the same time a clear evidence that Malaysia takes sides with the south Korean allegations.

5. It has been 10 days since the incident happened, but Malaysian police has not found any evidence from the arrested suspects.

6. In case Malaysia is not influenced by the groundless allegations by south Korea or foreign media, they should respect us in the investigation.

7. Malaysia has been conducting the investigation based on the CCTV footage that was released to the public and the delusion that the female suspects had daubed the poison on the victim's face with their own hands. Then how is it possible that these female suspects could be alive after the incident?

8. This means that the liquid they daubed for a joke is not a poison and there is another cause of death for the deceased.

9. Out of this, they should immediately release the innocent females from Vietnam and Indonesia as well as DPRK citizen, Ri Jong Chol, who was arrested unreasonably.

Read more at ... LKLlGxTsFat4ZQwF.99


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Post time 22-2-2017 05:16 PM | Show all posts
dinopower replied at 22-2-2017 05:12 PM
dah negara tertutup gituh..... depa mana ade undang2.....  kutuk gomen kena jail sepanjang keturun ...

stalin dh jatuh, china pun dh jarakkan diri..
ape lagi north korea leh harapkan tu? klu dulu, bolehlah diorg allied dgn soviet dan China..

sekali kena bom unexpected mcm hiroshima/nagasaki tu baru diorg nak ngaku kalah kot

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Post time 22-2-2017 05:16 PM | Show all posts
dinopower replied at 22-2-2017 05:12 PM
dah negara tertutup gituh..... depa mana ade undang2.....  kutuk gomen kena jail sepanjang keturun ...

kan,mcm barbarian country


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Post time 22-2-2017 05:20 PM | Show all posts
dauswq replied at 22-2-2017 05:16 PM
stalin dh jatuh, china pun dh jarakkan diri..
ape lagi north korea leh harapkan tu? klu dulu, bol ...

klau tgk kim jung un tu sorg je yg cukup zat pun... gemuk.... rakyat kering.....
klau ikut media luar cite... rakyat mmg tak cukup mkn.... dah la takde internet

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