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Author: sue_cinta

[MANGA] ONE PIECE - Ver: 4.0 - Two Years Later (New Chapter!)

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Post time 12-7-2010 12:17 AM | Show all posts
tak sabar nak tau apa reaksi diorang tgk Luffy kat news...

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Post time 12-7-2010 06:11 PM | Show all posts
Reply 480# sue_cinta

    kekadang terlupe...sbb byk mende piece tgk streaming, malas jugak nk kumpul...nnt harddisk crash....

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 Author| Post time 12-7-2010 08:23 PM | Show all posts
@ totally

sue kasik burn kat DVD jerk...carik yg berkualiti sket...

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Post time 13-7-2010 03:09 PM | Show all posts
spoiler...spoiler.....spoiler......sape rajin tolong tepek gmbor.....
Source: 2ch
Verification: confirmed
page 1
Chapter 592: “Yell”

Page 2
Narration: This is Grandline, Kuraikana island

Perona: Baaaawwww!!!!

Narration: Ruins of Shikkearu Kingdom
The ancient castle still stands strong even with the nation destroyed
The castle was said to be made home for a certain man since few years ago…

Perona: I can’t believe Moria-sama died!!!
Mihawk: Stop that noise. If you want to cry, do so elsewhere…
Perona: What a cruel man you are!! Don’t you see I’m in despair!?
Why don’t you instead give me some kind words and while at it, get me hot cocoa!!!
I’m a guest here!!!

Mihawk: I didn’t invite you.
Mihawk: You people just decided to live here while I was away.

Page 3
Mihawk: …besides, this article lacks credibility
Perona: What!? You mean Moria-sama dying in the battle is a lie!?
Mihawk: ….. I don’t know about his survival, but at least from what I remember,
Moria was still alive on the battlefield.
Perona: If he didn’t die in the war, why did they write such article!?
What happened to Moria-sama!!
Mihawk: ……who knows.

Page 4
Zoro: Hawkeye!!
Mihawk: It’s been a while since you left the castle… you are still here?
Looks like the boat I gave you is useless now…

Zoro: Shut up! I’ll just consider this as bunch of wooden scraps you gave me, and swim clinging on to it!
Mihawk: Why are you in such a hurry, in that wounded state of yours…
Zoro: It’s because you told me of the situation Luffy is in!! I can’t just sit around!!
I didn’t know such a huge war just went down….!!

Mihawk: Your concern of your crewmate is commendable, but these fellas are no pushovers.
They are called Humandrillus, and they are very smart baboons that mimick and learn from humans.
They are said to grow gentle if they are raised near a gentle human, but in this land….

Page 5
Mihawk: …There was a gruesome war fought only seven years ago on this land.
By the time I called this land my home, this place reeked of blood and smoke, and corpses where everywhere you set your foot on.
….in other words, these baboons grew and learned from the violent humans here, they learned how to use weapons, and became warriors of the forest.

Mihawk: Humans are superior to animals due to their intelligence and weapons.
….however when animals learn to use weapons, they become fearsome.
They make a good opponent to a over-confident brat like you.

Zoro: you talking about me?
Mihawk: Do you see anyone else? It’s already sunset.
Come to my castle. These baboons won’t come near my castle.

Zoro: Don’t you order me, you have no right!!
I’m going out to the sea!! Right now!!

Mihawk: I see… fine, do as you will.

Page 6
Zoro: Spitting on it!? Where in the hell did you learn such mundane remedy!?

Baboons: Kyaho!!

Zoro: custards…. are they making a fool out of me!?
If I keep on fighting these guys like this, it’ll take forever to get to the sea!!!

Page 7
Zoro: Oni…. giri!!!

Page 8
Narrator: This is Sky island Weatheria
The land of weather reaserch…

Nami: Let me out of here!!
Haredasu!! Get Haredasu!! I’ll return all of this!!

scientist: This little girl… how shoud we punish her!
scientist: you thieving cat!!
scientist: I won’t let you go! Who knows what trouble she’ll cause next!!
Nami: I won’t do anything, I swear! Please let me out!
scientist: No
Haredasu: heyheyheyheyheyhey
scientist: Oh, Mr Haredasu
Haredasu: heyheyheyheyheyheyheyheyheyheyheyheyhey ….hey little lady.
Nami: Don’t have to call so many times.
Hare: Look how cranky you are!

Page 9
Hare: See, in times like this… this will come in handy!
The tightened wind knot!!
Nami: I said, HELP ME!! Look, I’m in a hurry!! Do you want some beating!?
scientist: Mr Haredasu!!! Please respond!!
Hare: ……th…this is Hare…ra…su…. over…..

Hare: What!? You stole a Weatherball from the weather farm, and our research notebook as well!?
Nami: I’m a thief and a pirate. What’s wrong with me stealing!?
scientist: God, she’s a terrible human being!! We have a criminal in our lands!!
Nami: Alright, just let me go already!! I have to go in a hurry!!
I already gave you back everything I took, right!?
scientist: get away from her, she’s vicious!
Hare: What’s gotten into you!? I heard you even stole the balloon to get down to the Blue Sea!!
You have to be trained to use that thing, or else you’ll die!! Besides….

Page 10
(still waiting)

Page 11
scientists: what!? When did she…!?
Nami: Thanks! Cya!
scientists: Whaaaaaat!? She fakes a cry, takes Mr Haredasu as hostage, AND retrieved all the stolen goods!?
After her!!! The science of Weatheria must not leave our land!!
Nami: I don’t care where, I need to get down there!!
Hare: How reckless!!

Nami: Luffy, I know you’re ok…! I’m sorry!!
You were always there to support us….!!
And this is the time where we need to return the favor…!!
Hare: Little lady, your fake cry hasn’t stopped yet.
Nami: Shut up!!
Hare: Gyaaaaaaa!

Page 12
Narrator: Winter island, Land of Future “Bulgemore”

marine: It’s an intruder!!
There is an intruder in Dr. Vegapunk’s lab!!
Do not fire indoors!! Consider everything there as treasure of the world!!

Marines: Freeze!!
Franky: I didn’t expect marines to be here…!!
*aims cannon*
….no, I can’t shoot it!!

Franky: Treasure? That lab?
old man: Yes, Vegapunk, who is the leader of the marine scientist is our pride and joy
His brain is our country… no, the entire world’s treasure!
That place is where Vegapunk grew up as a youth…

Page 13
flashback cont
old man: You see how oddly shaped that mountain is?
He created that when he was a young child, to help the people living here in this country in extreme cold.
He modified the creatures of the forest to become laborers to create it… but it was never finished.
Franky: What in the heck is that?
old man: It’s an Earth Heating System that warms the entire island.
Franky: …!?
old man: But… unfortunately for him, as always, the reality cannot catch up to the brilliant plan he has in his mind.
There’s not enough technology and funds to bring it to reality.
As he cried for failing to aide his people…. our hearts surely did warm.

Franky: Ok, that’s SUPER moving!!

old man: is that so…
We are always waiting for his return.
Now that you understand, please don’t ever go back into that lab equipped with “Self Destruct Switch”
Franky: Whoa, hold it there, did you just utter the name of the most meaningless switch ever!?

Franky: Anyways, I can’t promise that. The icebreaker ship I need to get out of this island only exists in that lab, right!?
I have my own reasons !! I heard on the news that my captain just went through hell!!

Page 14
old man: Wait!! Don’t ever press…. the Self Destruct Switch!!
Franky: Why in the hell would I press that!? Why did they even make such a thing!?
flashback ends

Franky: …but geez, this is SUPER awesome.
I can’t believe he came up with this invention when he was young!?
All these plans are impossible to achieve for another 2-300 years….
I understand… as a technician, I wouldn’t want to lay a finger to this place either

Marine commander: If you damage ANYTHING in that house of genius while pursuing the suspect….
consider yourself facing penalization for criminal offense!
Marine: Yes sir!!

Citizen: An intruder in the lab!? How terrible!
Even one of those plans is priceless value!!

Franky: Hm, a pirate symbol?


Page 15
Narrator: And this… is how the terrible “Nightmare at Bulgemore” incident happened on Land of the Future.
Marine: Marine HQ!!!! This is Bulgemore!!! A terrible incident just took place here!!!

Franky flashback: Can I ask one thing…? If in a million chance that I did press the button….
is that….. my fault….?

Trivia: The failure of the Marines to get a photograph of Sanji may be a reference to his habit of being off screen doing something else while the rest of the crew are fighting, such as his sleeping through the attack of Whiskey Peak, separation from the others during the Little Garden arc, his tenure as “Mr. Prince”, his sabotage of the Maxim, and his closing of the Gate of Justice.



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Post time 14-7-2010 03:20 PM | Show all posts
wow sumer kisah nakama luffy

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 Author| Post time 14-7-2010 07:55 PM | Show all posts
@ NEW! ONE PIECE, Chapter 592 Spoiler Images

6 : Not available images!


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Post time 14-7-2010 09:52 PM | Show all posts
best episod neh..citer pasal zoro,nami,brooke and franky..
tapi zoro jumpa ngan mihawk!mesti dapat ilmu neh..

nasib dorang tak masuk new world lagik..kalau tak mesti berkubur awal..
ilmu tak cukup lagik..

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Post time 15-7-2010 02:30 AM | Show all posts
sambungan spoiler yg nie part Brooke.....

Narrator: Meanwhile, in Namakura island, the land of poverty Harahettanya
(Harahettanya is a pun, it’s like Hungrymeow)

citizen: Thank you!! The Devil King, Master Satan!!
I never thought to see the day when we would cage these long-armed bandits!
citizen: When I heard the song you wrote and played, for some reason we were filled with courage and fighting spirits!
We took up arms for the first time in our lives, and fought!
citizen: of course, we didn’t fare very well, and it was you that took them down…
Thanks to that, we have all our abducted people back!

Brook: Yohohoho I only lent my hand because you fought them yourselves.

Brook: Neither God nor the Devil would lend a hand to you if you do not fight yourself.
In an era like this… let me give you a piece of advice.
Even after I leave, you yourselves must be able to fend off the evils that may befall on your people.

citizen: ….!! How benevolent of you..!! We feel we may be able to change from now!!
Thank you ver much!! Thank you, Master Satan!!

Brook: (I hope this repaid my duty here….
…I saw a terrible, terrible news… Luffy, you are alright are you not?
Just thinking about the pain you are feeling, my heart ackes!!
…..Although I don’t have a heart!!
Luffy, we’ll sing together again!! I’m on my way! To save your heart!!)

Longarm: Damn…!! I never thought a Devil would their bodyguard!!
Longarm: We figured if we took these strange rare human beings with only one joint on their arms,
we’d make a fortune by showing them to our countrymen….!!

citizen: well now… these “longarms” with two joints on their arms….
If we make a show of them, we’d make a fortune!
Brook: Wait…Wait!! Please, stop!! You’re doing exactly the same thing what they have!!
citizen: What!? You mean to tell us to let them go!?
Brook: Don’t worry… I have made a devil’s pact with them…
(turns to the Longarms)
Listen, if you break the promise with me and practice evil deeds in this land again….
I will come and eat your hearts out!!!
Longarms: GYAAAA!!!!

Longarm: Thank you for letting us free!!! We’ll return to our lands right away!
Please spare us!! We will never come near this land again!
Brook: Yohoho! All is good with the world again…

Longarm: Alright now…. Get him!!
Brook: Whaaaat!!? Why!? How come!?
Longarm: There’s no such thing as the devil, you idiot.
Brook: Huh!?
Longarm: You’re strong, but if we tie you up like this, it’s our turn!

Longarm: If we take back this strange moving skeleton, we’d be a millionair!
Brook: Noooo!!! I have a place to return!!

citizens: Master Satan has been captured!!
Everyone, get ready to summon the next devil!!
citizen: yeah!! We can summon demons now!! With panties!

Brook: (Luffy, when you’re in pain, let’s sing! That’s what we musicians are here for! I’m coming for you right now……..)
Luffy, please help meeeeeeeee!!!!!!

The end.

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Post time 15-7-2010 02:35 AM | Show all posts
Zoro,Nami ngan Franky mmg dhntr kat tmpat yg spatunye....
cume ak x brpa paham yg laen2-Sanji,Chopper,Usop,Robin ngan Brooke.....

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Post time 15-7-2010 12:41 PM | Show all posts
mane chapter baru neh~~~!! xnk bce spoiler~~~~

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Post time 15-7-2010 01:22 PM | Show all posts
aku selalu silent reader je kat topik ni.

tp sebab td dlm spoiler nmpak zoro dgn mihawk "bertemu" balik..trus rasa nk reply..


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Post time 15-7-2010 05:32 PM | Show all posts
aku rasa mihawk jadi tok guru pada zorro

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Post time 15-7-2010 05:49 PM | Show all posts
Reply 492# sepaileman

xbest la kalo jadi tok guru..

kan mihawk da janji nk bg pedang dia tu kat zoro kalo diorg lawan..(xsilap aku la, ingat2 lupa).

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Post time 16-7-2010 02:01 AM | Show all posts
^mane de ijan..hehe..

die just janji yg die akan kekalkan kedudukan die sbg The Greatest Swordman in the World sampai Zoro bsedia nk amek gelaran tu drpd die..

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 Author| Post time 16-7-2010 04:36 AM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by sue_cinta at 16-7-2010 04:45

@ NEW! ONE PIECE, Chapter 592 : Ale

Klik di sini untuk mula membaca ONE PIECE, Chapter 592 : Ale



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Post time 16-7-2010 04:41 AM | Show all posts
Akainu ad tatu bunga!!!??

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 Author| Post time 16-7-2010 04:47 AM | Show all posts
Reply 496# kyouka

Alaa...common la tatu Yakuza gaks...ader bunga2...ader belang rimau...naga...phoenix...

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Post time 16-7-2010 05:04 AM | Show all posts

hobi waktu lapang Jeneral sorg nie boleh thn gak....
Zoro nye first training lawn ngan ngan babun....
Brooke ko wat ap tue....

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Post time 16-7-2010 10:06 AM | Show all posts
mini lebih suka kalau mihawk yg jadi sifu zoro dpd diaorg berlawan

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Post time 16-7-2010 10:10 AM | Show all posts
mini juga speku bahawa dr vegapunk adalah seorang yg amat baik..tetapi telah di tekan oleh pihak atasan untuk buat cyborg and so on

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