[V19] ALL ABOUT FATTAH AMIN **Temubual Fattah dan Fazura untuk majalah EH **Fatt
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iols turn off sikit fattah clean shave... iols akan teringat waktu dia dgn ceri... nyampah gila iols dgn 2 ketul ni waktu tu... |
Lipbalm8 replied at 1-8-2017 11:58 PM
masa ni kan rmi komen suruh heols bela balik misai n janggut... |
suzy_2912 replied at 1-8-2017 11:59 PM
iols turn off sikit fattah clean shave... iols akan teringat waktu dia dgn ceri... nyampah gila iols ...
Ha ah....dia dgn ceriii byk clean shave...bertabahlaaa...tp.td nmpk kat ig live mel..cm xbuang misaii...so still ade...yg ni clean bebenar |
Lipbalm8 replied at 1-8-2017 11:58 PM
Macam gini pun dah okay!!! Takyah clean sgt. |
Loginlogoff replied at 1-8-2017 11:16 PM
Adkh bkl menyaksikn sebatalion askar lobaks akn kembali merembess habis habisan dgn bamtah??ohhh ...
Fattah dah jd diri dia sebenar
Fattah dah sembuh dari jampi
Fattah dah semakin insaf
Antara mutiara kata lobenak |
vous_me6 replied at 1-8-2017 11:57 PM
Chuols speku pasal klfw ke?
Will fattah attend? Hehehehe
Pasti datang yach
Iolls rasa mcm tak jer coz if heols gi, they will be the limelight of the night.. gila tak #fattzura kot....
T sian lahh pulak tenggelam yg nk showcase baju2 drg....
Takleh tahan komen cubaan bunuh diri tu..haha  |
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diamondhoney replied at 1-8-2017 11:38 PM
Japanese mkn nasi pakai chopstic.. Korean biasanya pakai sudu panjang sambil hirup sup..
Korean mkn nasik pki sudu panjang sbb it's rude to angkat/pegang the rice bowl...while for japanese, mkn nasik pki hashi(chopstick) je sbb kalo mkn while holding the rice bowl tu dikira otona no mana- (adult's manner)...eh eh OT laks |
Classy73 replied at 2-8-2017 12:04 AM
Iolls rasa mcm tak jer coz if heols gi, they will be the limelight of the night.. gila tak #fattzu ...
Kalau tak gi pun..fa hantar bunga kat fazzy lepas tu dasha up kat igs hahhaha ...delulu di mlm hari  |
Iols x rasa trgugat pn kalo lobatak nk kata bamtah nk trcinlok ngan mek jan ka apa..iols x kesah pn..sukati lobatak la nk ckp apa kat ig nun..yg pasti bamtah stia pd parents dia n org yg dia syg..netizen nak ckp apa ckp la..bamtah skrg tgh mendoniaaaaa n tgh kumpul duit nak kawen jach..
Sori kalo iols nk ckp ni..utk cp iols xda rasa aura n eksited nk tgk n tnggu bts chuols..entah la..
Pape pn iols nk ckp congrats n good luck bamtah..i lap u so much..muchi muchi  |
vous_me6 replied at 1-8-2017 11:57 PM
Chuols speku pasal klfw ke?
Will fattah attend? Hehehehe
Pasti datang yach
Wah...iols like that keyaqinan |
damian_lee replied at 1-8-2017 10:24 PM
Tgk rambut pun dpt agak yg mmag heols .. LOL .. suka rambut dia skrg ...
Damian karatz gongyoo kah? So apa pendapat you as fan gy bila fattah dpt watak hankyul? |
kipasartis replied at 1-8-2017 10:35 PM
Chuols.. Eh fattzura dh ada online ye.. sape2 yg susah nk dpt eh... apa lagi.. subscribe le..
Thank you |
buailajulaju replied at 2-8-2017 12:14 AM
Wah...iols like that keyaqinan
Wahhh...kl betul telan madu la kita semua smpi kembung...sy suka 
#roadtoyangbaikbaikaje |
ddhuhazz replied at 1-8-2017 10:38 PM
Baca artikel dkt eh.. Fahrin Ahmad pon ade berlokan dlm cp horeyyyyyy i loikeee
Adakah bam fahrin jadi watak Ahjusshi Ramli?? Watak ahjusshi bf khatijah/Diana D?? |
SheDeviL replied at 2-8-2017 12:14 AM
Iols x rasa trgugat pn kalo lobatak nk kata bamtah nk trcinlok ngan mek jan ka apa..iols x kesah pn. ...
Me too....i x ase tegugat pn konon bam tah akan cinlok.... ...i trust bam tah uolss....
Classy73 replied at 2-8-2017 12:04 AM
Iolls rasa mcm tak jer coz if heols gi, they will be the limelight of the night.. gila tak #fattzu ...
Alaaa...why not...bam tah dtg time sesi kaka faz only n maybe stay for rr's session ...manede kacau org len nk showcase their collection baju |
vous_me6 replied at 2-8-2017 12:20 AM
Adakah bam fahrin jadi watak Ahjusshi Ramli?? Watak ahjusshi bf khatijah/Diana D??
Omg the namessss...awat klasik naw naw |
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