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Author: peachlily^


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Post time 19-7-2006 09:48 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by chanela255 at 19-7-2006 09:42 PM

bolehh tak ahkak jadi model utk those twiggy looks tuh?:bgrin::cak:

Jadi model? Huiiii.... nak sesangat sangat nyerr...Hahahaha <---gelak ala2 Mak Datin gile glamer...:lol

Chanela, petang tadik kita baru je mekapkan anak my hair stylist..smokey eye look. Nanti kalau dia email me the pic, Shah tempek kat sini..:bgrin:

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Post time 19-7-2006 09:54 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by sharingan86 at 19-7-2006 03:34 PM
guys,make sure to clean your brushes&eyelash curlers every week!!!!!!
gile la dia tunjuk all the bacteria yang ada dekat unclenaed brushes!!!geliiiiiii siap gerak2 lagiiiii eeeee.....
and thr ...

eii nasib baik aku tak pakai eyelash curlers..dulu pakai, sure pastu mata bengkak..mesti sb bakteria..
pakai false eyelash je skang..

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Post time 20-7-2006 08:33 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Eqal at 19-7-2006 10:48 AM
hazel....suke tgk esedo tu....kite ni x pandai2 lg pakai esedo, cam ne nih???

missy... tightlining tu sememeh x bile dh 1-2 hours gitu..Nape eqal pakai kejap je dh abis bwh mata...

sama kes la ngan reynna ni!! :geram: tapi tu bila pakai jenis pencil la.. but if pakai yg retractable tu ok la jugak.. kengkadang kat opis siap pi toilet je, sbb nak cek dah sememeh ke blom... hehehhe

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Post time 20-7-2006 08:34 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by sharingan86 at 19-7-2006 03:17 PM
skrg ni im wearing nyc punye brand,murah jugak,but i dont really like it....tapi pakai je laa sampai abis...nak jimat hehehe

im watching the tyra banks show sekarang,td tyra buat live makeup  ...

apa tajuk episode tyra banks show yg ni eh? nak try carik kat torrent ke.. heheh..

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Post time 20-7-2006 09:41 PM | Show all posts
i just went lancome makeup workshop..very interesting.
it looks easy to do makeup, but when you hands-on yourself, it is a different story

shall we share the unique, special makeup that all of us can look pretty pretty on the street ??

a few new techniques i learnt today (maybe some of you already using them):

1) use cotton bud to put on loose powder instead of brush
this will ensure your face is evenly matted, and not overly matted

2) eyeliner can also be used as a eye color highlight
if the eyeliner is slightly gloss type, you can brush some eyeliner on your hands first
then tap and blend with your fingers first, then apply on the eye area you want to highlight, maybe at the corner of the eyes.

3) blending liquid foundation.
always start from the top to bottom
and place 5 dots area on your face - forehead, both cheeks, nose, chin- and blend in circular motion.

4) liquid foundation / concealer / compact powder
put on concealer Before compact powder
put on concealer After liquid foundation
my friend told me before - use anything liquid before powder

5) put on mascara ..
go left & right motion before going outwards.
this will ensure you grab the inner eyelashes before you curl them outwards
if you just simply brush outwards, you may not be able to curl them nicely and the lashes may not curl long.

has anyone noticed which finger the makeup artist always use for blending ?
i noticed lancome makeup artist use middle finger always.

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hazel This user has been deleted
Post time 20-7-2006 09:56 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by missylees at 17-7-2006 06:25 PM
aduh..ape ni..nak blaja malas :ketuk: blaja jap,rehat lame..rehat buat ape..main2 makeup :ketuk:
kunun nak try buat makeup exotic..teringat gamba adhe (kawan mini),missy pinjam kawan mini ta ...

walaupun missy guna satu warna jer eyeshadow tu.. tetap nampak menarik..

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Post time 21-7-2006 05:34 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by reynna at 20-7-2006 08:33 PM

sama kes la ngan reynna ni!! :geram: tapi tu bila pakai jenis pencil la.. but if pakai yg retractable tu ok la jugak.. kengkadang kat opis siap pi toilet je, sbb nak cek dah sememeh ke blom...  ...

rasanye sbb cuace la..harini kat sini panas gile..mcm lagi panas dr mesia jek.. eyeliner pun sememeh.

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Post time 21-7-2006 02:00 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by missylees at 21-7-2006 05:34 AM

rasanye sbb cuace la..harini kat sini panas gile..mcm lagi panas dr mesia jek.. eyeliner pun sememeh.

weather memang factor besar. for me, using liquid liner for tightlining tahan lama sikit before dia sememeh. kalau pakai pencil type, memang cepat sememeh.

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Post time 21-7-2006 05:50 PM | Show all posts

Reply #508 ishwish23's post

Yup, guna liquid liner to do tightlining, memang tahan lama dan kurang sememeh. Me selalu berpeluh2 kat sekolah so bila buat tightlining guna liquid liner ni, boleh nampak keberkesanannya. Longer lasting.

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Post time 21-7-2006 08:16 PM | Show all posts
u all memang terrer ler buat tutorial....kita tak reti ler...sendiri mekap pun berterabur...hehehehe

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Post time 21-7-2006 09:39 PM | Show all posts
first time nak wat tutorial,tetibe mcm gatal tangan plak.takdela reti sgt pun,kalo ade nak komen silakan.pic tak amik time make-up,tp lps tu.sbb susah nak amik gambo sambil tenyeh kaler.

my pink esedo tutorial

ni sume brg yg digunekan
maybelline waikiki coral esedo
kose elsia pink duo colour
marie claire cream eyecolour pink 02
maybelline lash discovery dark brown
maybelline expert finishing loose powder matte 01
barang murah je.hihi..

ni bare tak de pape

mule2 dami curl sikit eye lashes n boh mascara selapis.then boh kaler waikiki coral tu kat sume kelopak masuk atas skali sbg highlight.gune jari pon boleh..hehe

then boh kaler kose elsia yg pink muder tu kat bhg kelopak mata je

boh plak kose elsia yg kaler pink tua tu plak.juger kat kelopak mata.jd la cenggini

pastu dami amik marie claire cream esedo tu tenyeh layerkan atas powder esedo td.juger kat kelopak.jgn overdo plak.nanti nampak glemer terlebih,kui3

ni la hasilnye bile dah siap,nampak kan sememeh tu.takpe..lps ni kite kemaskan.n boh la lagi mascara utk nampak lagi best(tak reti nak explain)lagipun dah sememeh waktu boh esedo td kan..

amik loose powder boh tepi mata sbb takmo yg tepi2 tu sememeh n berkilat kat tempat lain selain kelopak jd la elok sikit ropenye..tada!dah siap pong..kui3

close up mata dah siap

ps:abaikan kening yg bersepah sbb nak tunjuk tutorial esedo je.n abaikan gak mata yang nampak cam juling air sikit sbb tgh fokus kat lens camera.n dami skip eyeliner sbb tak suke pakai:kant:
kawan2 boley bg pendapat n komen.thanks in advance

[ Last edited by  damiqula at 21-7-2006 09:42 PM ]

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Post time 21-7-2006 09:57 PM | Show all posts
i think maybe u bole pakai eye liner kat kelopak n kat bwh mata. lg nampak cantek. n mungkin bole buat shading gelap sket kat ujung mata...

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Post time 21-7-2006 09:59 PM | Show all posts
nice dami... wra sampai skang x reti-reti pun nak pakai eye shadow ni. asyik comot jer

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Post time 21-7-2006 10:05 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by misery at 21-7-2006 09:57 PM
i think maybe u bole pakai eye liner kat kelopak n kat bwh mata. lg nampak cantek. n mungkin bole buat shading gelap sket kat ujung mata...

thanx misery(kite suke lagu ni:love kite kalo bulih nak pakai eyeliner.tapi tak reti la.sbb asik sememeh je.terus tak suke pakai.maybe lps ni boleh praktis,hihi.n shading tu wat cemane kite tau shading pipi ngan hidung je.shading esedo tu guane?

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Post time 21-7-2006 10:08 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by wra at 21-7-2006 09:59 PM
nice dami... wra sampai skang x reti-reti pun nak pakai eye shadow ni. asyik comot jer

tq:tq:ni pong comot gak.kalo tgk peach pakai esedo,respect!mahal2 lak tu esedo die.kite pakai yg murah,drugstore nyer je

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Post time 21-7-2006 10:13 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by damiqula at 21-7-2006 09:39 PM
first time nak wat tutorial,tetibe mcm gatal tangan plak.takdela reti sgt pun,kalo ade nak komen silakan.pic tak amik time make-up,tp lps tu.sbb susah nak amik gambo sambil tenyeh kaler.

my pink ...

nice color dami!!!!natural:love:
btui kata minah?/misery...kalau kasi eyeliner sure lebih stunning

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Post time 21-7-2006 10:14 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by damiqula at 21-7-2006 10:05 PM

thanx misery(kite suke lagu ni:love kite kalo bulih nak pakai eyeliner.tapi tak reti la.sbb asik sememeh je.terus tak suke pakai.maybe lps ni boleh praktis,hihi.n shading tu wat cemane kite tau ...

pakai bhg bawah je pun tak pe

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ashi_7 This user has been deleted
Post time 21-7-2006 10:15 PM | Show all posts
cantiknya dami..pandainya pakai esedo.kalau dami wat tightlining tu, mesti lagi lawa

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Post time 21-7-2006 10:16 PM | Show all posts
ahaha bg letak tone gelap la kat ujung or tulang mata tu. lg menyerlah nanti coz ko nye kelopak jenis shape mc tu. aku xtau na kdescribe shape ape la. tp slalu kalo mata mc mtu, mcm bulat je kan, kalo ko letak tone gelap kat ujung n ko tarik ke ujung sket, bole buat shape mata ko lg cantek la. series aku ckp. try la.

pasal eyeliner ni mmg byk org aad prob nak pakai eyeliner. aku ada 1 tips. utk beginner, jgn beli eyeliner yg berus dia mcm lembut tu. beli yg kat kedai slalu nye sinma atau kedai aksesori rambot ada jual. harge dia rm10. berus dia kalo tgk shape mcm pen gitu la. so senang nak apply..

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ashi_7 This user has been deleted
Post time 21-7-2006 10:23 PM | Show all posts
kite nak tanya, pasal tightlining ni kan..
teringin sangat nak try nih..tapi macam takut sikit.dahla mata ni kecik.

kalau termasuk mata eyeliner tu kan, takpe ke.

pastu lagi satu, macam mana nak cuci eekk..guna eye makeup remover ke.
lap2 je ke, ke camana.
banyak tanyala pulak seumur hidup tak pernah mekap mata, sbb mata tak cantik.hehe..mcm mata jepun.tapi tetiba teringin plak, sbb tgk lawa sangat

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