JK skrg nih dah kan main sebati ngan sifat TRAINER KOOK dia tuh.. kan main menjerit2 suh KS terjun.. lawok x hengat la mamat nih..
masa terjun kat dalam air pun nampak la gaya dia nih.. mmg mamat sport la.. HJ pun nampak byk ckp bergaya jer lebih.. last2 slip sebelum terjun air..
paling x tahan duk bg araham memacam kat SooRo.. last2 biler dia x pandai nyalakan api? SooRo, JaeSuk ngan DaeSung kan main bising.. nampak kelemahan actor sunbae-nim nih.. wakakakaaka!! x tahan aku gelak.. maknae paling byk ckp marah sampai HJ ckp, memula dia sampai dia ingatkan DS paling nice ngan dia nanti.. ruper2nyer DS paling kondem dia..
adess lawak..baru layan separuh epi 65..tak tahan sakit perut duk gelak..rest jap...mase game tuh aku rase cam tgk olimpik games pulak..yg mase pi pasar pon lawak..hyunjoon konpiden jer duk angkat tgn..dia igt lelong brg antik ker duk angkat tgn gituww...muka selamba jer.
jom kita meroyan sesama...
fo memang best..tak sangka dah lebih setahun dah..
suka sesangat dgn dumb&sumber..perangai mcm budak2..x padan dgn umo..
tp suka tgk keluarga ni sweet jer..memang selalu tease each other tp ttp gak tolong satu sama lain..
ingat gi kat ep yg shin hyun joon tu ,kat morning task t perlu ada daesung tp diaorg x kejutkan dae sbb tahu dae penat
dah lama meroyan layan FO..sampai adik me tensen jer setiap kali tgk me donlop FO..pastu duk gelak sesorang lyn fo...mesti dia pk akak dia nih dh sewess duk layan variety korea jer manjang..
nak cari aper??fo yg ep awal2 ker??ader jer..tp bukan kat rss punya youtube la..perlu search..
kalau yg xman,tu rasanya yg upload full ep dah xde dah,dah kena remove just ader sorang dua yg upload ...
lin0me Post at 10-10-2009 21:34
kalau citer xman tu dah takle search takper la...skg nie layan fo epi 21..yg pasti ada rain...x tahan ggelak sey hari jumaat hari tu...
so racun la adik sekali tgk fo..my housemate contohnya,xlama pun kena racun,sekarang asyik tanya pasal fo jer..
dah add dah...tgk mutual fren,so tau la tu mesti night..hampir sama yer nama kita
yg rain tu ader,tp x tau la kat youtube ader ke tak sbb time tu mintak dari kak ma..besar ooo..dia trus hs,1gig lebih tp demi abg hujan,sanggup gak sedut dari kak ma
@kak ma,JC,
ari ni kot kluar ss utk ep 66..kat updates rss tu dia kan dijangka kluar ari ni...
aku pon x sabar nak tau apa yg diaorg bualkan,aku mana faham hangul
okies,jap aku check pm..kenapa pm skarnag ni mcm x best jer,dulu kalau dpt pm baru,cepat jer perasan tp skarang ni perlu tekan pm tu baru tau ader pm baru ke tak..
sky..aku cuma boleh bukak pm tp bila aku nak click kat p kau sentiasa jadi page error..tunggu aku sampai tmpt keja nanti la ku reply..mana tau sbb internet aku yg lembab..
tp dari yg dpt aku baca yg b4 click kat pm tu,jawapan aku xde..sbb memang x ramai yg sanggup nak sub IC sbb diaorg ckp pada masa yg sama,ssuah org nak sub,yg ada ss tu hanya dari ep 160-162,164-168..yg 163 xde sbb org yg nak sub IC tu dia just start dari ep164,tp rasanya berterusan la sub dia kot..nak cari yg lama2,tp kat youtube jer la yg ada,kau check page 102 kat tread IC kat soompi tu...
sekian..diharap nanti kalau ada yg aku tak terbaca,lepas baca pm nanti aku rely kat pm sahaja..
The Kim Jong Kook - Yoon Eun Hye scandal, which happened several years back, was brought up once again.
The last time the scandal was mentioned, it was from KBSHappy Together, when Yoon Eun Hye talked about her scandal which occurred from once-popular variety show X-Man.
This time it was mentioned by one of Kim Jong Kook's favorite friend, Cha Tae Hyun, in SBS "Family Outing," on the episode which aired on the 11th. Well actually, "mentioned" isn't quite the word to use as it was more of "attacked."
How was he attacked? Well Kim Jong Kook, Yoon Jong Shin, Cha Tae Hyun, and Jang Hyuk had to prepare a breakfast, so they chose to go snail hunting. While they were hunting, they decided to do a "Ofcourse game."(For those of you who don't know, the "Ofcourse game" is from pastvariety show "X-Man." In the game, a person has to answer "ofcourse"to whatever question was thrown at them.) For the game, it was Chae TaeHyun VS Kim Jong Kook. Chae Tae Hyun was the first to attack, and hedid by throwing some questions at him.
He first asked him, "When you were first casted in Family Outing, you were happy, right?" Then he answered, "ofcourse." Kim Jong Kook then started the "first attack" by asking him, "When you found out that Song Hye Gyo and Hyun Bin was dating, you drank some beer, right?" Chae Tae Yeon was surprised, as he commented, "This wasn't what I was expecting,"as he thought that when he asked him a weak question, Kim Jong Kookwould attack back with a weak question as well. But as it is the game'srule, he answered, "ofcourse."
Now this is where the fun begins. Chae Tae Hyun started his real "attack" by asking him, "The reason why you keep going to US is because you have a family there, right?" Then he added a comment, "I saw your mother as well, and she looked like she was going to see your wife," to which Kim Jong Kook added, "To see a son?",which bursted some laughs. Although it is a lie, he answered,"ofcourse." Kim Jong Kook then counter attacked weakly, asking the samequestion as his previous, except it was about Tablo and Kang Hye Jung. As always, he replied back, "ofcourse."
Chae Tae Hyun then continued his story, asking, "The wife you have in US... she is currently filming a drama, right?" Then he added, "Isn't she quite busy with her current drama?... Lady..." As this question was asked, it brought back the old memories of the scandal, so Kim Jong Kook surrendered, saying, "Let's stop doing this." As Chae Tae Hyun was celebrating his victory, he apologized, "I'm sorry Eun Hye."