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Author: amazed

kaunter bantuan dan pertanyaan tentang medical & farmasi

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Post time 24-6-2017 05:55 PM | Show all posts
ayra.e replied at 21-6-2017 03:55 AM
salam..saya nk tanya pd sesiape yg arif,
kalau jari tangan rasa x boleh genggam knpe ye,
rase keb ...

dah lama ke? ada symptoms lain lagi? eg weakness kat lengan ke atau sakit kepala ke?
atau do your other digits swell up macam tu jugak?

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Post time 24-6-2017 05:57 PM | Show all posts
kak_sall replied at 17-6-2017 10:39 AM
dah start makan vitamin tambah darah dah... nasib dr swasta .... tak de le kena makan ubat yg nak  ...

ameen ya Rabb, sy baru doakan. semoga segala urusan goes smoothly.
hysterectomy tu agak common je akak.
most of the times takde complications apa pun operation tu.

Eid ul Mubarak akak

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Post time 26-6-2017 02:39 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
ipes2 replied at 24-6-2017 05:55 PM
dah lama ke? ada symptoms lain lagi? eg weakness kat lengan ke atau sakit kepal ...

ade dlm  2 bln rasanya..kepala mmg ade rasa sakit,,badan pun rasa cepat penat, jari tangan mmg dua2 rase yg sama..

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Post time 29-6-2017 01:58 PM | Show all posts
ayra.e replied at 26-6-2017 02:39 AM
ade dlm  2 bln rasanya..kepala mmg ade rasa sakit,,badan pun rasa cepat penat, jari tangan mmg dua ...

so, tgn jadi lemah ie weakness in garsping / making a fist
also ada kebas kebas ie numbness

these 2 dah cukup utk buat u pegi jumpa doctor eg a neurologist would be most helpful..
kot kot ada nerve terperangkap kat leher or at the elbow level..or even a TIA or a CVA (stroke, nauzubillah).

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Post time 29-6-2017 11:58 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
ipes2 replied at 29-6-2017 01:58 PM
so, tgn jadi lemah ie weakness in garsping / making a fist
also ada kebas kebas ie numbness

yeke,hurm..boleh sy tau tak ape penyebabnya?..jd takut pulak.harap xde apa2 yg serius.terima kasih @ipes2

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Post time 30-6-2017 10:55 AM | Show all posts
diarimerah replied at 28-9-2016 03:52 PM
ada sesiapa tahu farmasi yang menjual Spiriva Respimat di area Bukit Mertajam dan Seberang Jaya / Pe ...

farmasi belakang pacific megamall ni tak ada ke... besaq jugak farmasinya... satg ksall lalu p makan ksall tanya....sat nak kena ambik nama dia dulu....

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Post time 30-6-2017 11:10 AM | Show all posts
ipes2 replied at 24-6-2017 05:57 PM
ameen ya Rabb, sy baru doakan. semoga segala urusan goes smoothly.
hysterectomy tu agak common je ...

thanks dr...segala pandangan.. pendapat... buah fikiran dr amat2 ksall hargai dalam membuat keputusan tentang kesihatan ni...moga Allah mudahkan juga segala urusan dr dan Allah balas sebaiknya masa yang dr peruntukkan untuk kami semua.. moga diberi kebaikkan yang berganda buat dr sekeluarga... aminnn...
moga2 Allah mudahkan urusan ksall juga... nak p bila tak tau... janji lepas raya.. dah lepas raya ni... dr tu up to me je.. dia tak bagi tarikh pun...dah ready dia suruh p jumpa dia je...baru dia arrange le....time sihat ni tak rasa nak buat le.. bila sakit rasa nak buat la la tu jugak....


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Post time 30-6-2017 03:32 PM | Show all posts
ayra.e replied at 29-6-2017 11:58 PM
yeke,hurm..boleh sy tau tak ape penyebabnya?..jd takut pulak.harap xde apa2 yg serius.terima kasih ...

itulah sebabnya kita kena gi jumpa docs, takut benda yg serious
jika dia jumpa lalu take full history dan assess dan dapati ianya nothing je, maka ok alhamdulillah
if ianya serious, maka ianya dapat di ketahui di peringkat awal
tiada benda, kecuali kemalangan, yg berlaku secara tiba tiba
contohnya, mereka yg kena heart attack tu sebenarnya sgt ramai yg ada sedikit perubahan yg mereka tak tahu bahawa ianay sebenarnya tanda tanda bahawa dalam mass terdekat ni, akan dapat heart attack

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Post time 30-6-2017 03:33 PM | Show all posts
kak_sall replied at 30-6-2017 11:10 AM
thanks dr...segala pandangan.. pendapat... buah fikiran dr amat2 ksall hargai dalam membuat keputu ...

jazakillah kak_sall kerana doa doanya, ameen ya Rabb al Aalameen

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Post time 21-7-2017 08:08 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Recently my grandama was diagnosed with breast cancer and I've chosen to take on being his primary caregiver (atas volunteer diri sendiri sebenarnya malas nak lihat org tua ditolak sana sini).

so my grandma dah go through  mastectomy procedure for left breast. sekarang doctor suggest 3 type of treatment selepas keputusan makmal.either hormonetheraphy, radiotherapy atau cakap 2weeks treatment my question is: 1. any common side effects caused by this 3 treatment ? chemotherapy dah tahu..tapi radiotherapy dan hormonetheraphy saya tak tahu. long each treatment session take? saya nak buat persiapan supaya boleh bersedia dari segi mental dan fizikal. supaya masa juga boleh dibahagi.tq.

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Post time 21-7-2017 08:27 PM | Show all posts
imnotsaint replied at 21-7-2017 08:08 PM
Recently my grandama was diagnosed with breast cancer and I've chosen to take on being his primary c ...

hi imnotsaint,
am sorry to hear that your grandma has breast Ca.

answers to your questions, basing on left breast mastectomy (i am not an Oncologist, but my wife is, so these answers below are not guesses). Another disclaimer is that, I dont know the Histology and Grade as well as the Stage of your grandma's breast Ca.
''1. any common side effects caused by this 3 treatment ? chemotherapy dah tahu..tapi radiotherapy dan hormonetheraphy saya tak tahu. ''

Ans: these are for RRx of the mastectomy areas; common ones for RRx are local burns, tattooing of skin, permanent redness oevr the area, feeling generally tired and unwell; uncommon but more problematic ones are skin damage that can go on to develop ulcers, poor healing of the area and local pain. Side effects of Hormonal Rx will depend on what the therapy is; I presumed it would be anti-oestrogen, suggesting that the cancer was ER+.

'' long each treatment session take?''

Ans: RRx is delievered in ''fractions'', eg 4 sessions of 5Gray or 1 session of 20Gray etc. Each pt will have a medical physicist working out how much of the radiation that is needed. Each session will have a degree of side effects eg tiredness, nausea, vomiting, listlessness, off-food, poor taste etc. While an area is being irradiated, blood passes thru that area. This blood will get irradiated too. This blood then goes thru out the body, and the changes due to the radiation will therefore be systemic. So it will depend on how many fractions, how many grays and how well does the patient react to the Rx.

regading Hormonal Rx, the type will be useful to mknow. If tamoxifen, usually 2years (could be 5 etc)

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Post time 24-7-2017 08:34 AM | Show all posts
salam dr ipes

i nak tanya/pendapat u pasal nie: i nie dh batuk for almost 1 week ++ . kalau siang tak de lah teruk sangat . tp kalau malam dan early morning . mmg i akan  batuk dgn teruk sampai keluar air mata . tp kahak mmg tak de . ubat yg dr bagi dh almost nk abis , but batuk tu still tak ok. and fyi . my family history mmg ada asma. so i quite worried actually if i terkena the same . at the same time i also suffered from sinus .

i sejenis mls nk p klinik kerajaan coz kena tunggu lama. sometimes dada i pun sesak jugak esp lepas batuk dgn teruk. what should i do? thanks u in advance

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Post time 24-7-2017 04:10 PM | Show all posts
msamyrazi replied at 24-7-2017 08:34 AM
salam dr ipes

i nak tanya/pendapat u pasal nie: i nie dh batuk for almost 1 week ++ . kalau sian ...

waalaikumussalam amy,
kalau baru seminggu, dan hanya batuk, maybe can wait and see.
tapi if ada kahak, ada fever, maybe will need cxr and antibiotics, kot kot pneumonia
if ada darah, mandatory kena jumpa pakar at least for a ct scan

u said u ada SOB ie shortness of Breath ie sesak nafas tu..if berlarutan, really elok to see a doc

overall, asthma can be genetic, and boleh surface in young adults; batuk dia adalah nocturnal ie mlm mlm, dan u can get wheeze as well, togethre with sob. if rasa rasa mcm asthma, its good to get properly diagnosed... dan early. no delays.

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Post time 24-7-2017 04:13 PM | Show all posts
ipes2 replied at 24-7-2017 04:10 PM
waalaikumussalam amy,
kalau baru seminggu, dan hanya batuk, maybe can wait and see.
tapi if ada  ...

tq doc. any medication that you can suggest ?

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Post time 24-7-2017 04:28 PM | Show all posts
msamyrazi replied at 24-7-2017 04:13 PM
tq doc. any medication that you can suggest ?

benylin should do the trick.
or any other cough syrup.
jika berlanjutan, kena la check dgn your own doc.
hope u r not a smoker and living / working amongst them..

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Post time 27-7-2017 12:10 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Hai, I had fever last 3day consulted doctor and medicines were given.even tak larat tetap kena bangun uruskan kids dan pergi beberapa meeting.

just watched on tv tis morning about a group of scientist from uk cakap yg antibiotik tu tak perlu dihabiskan adalah alasan dia xlarat nak taip.  doc mesti kot ada baca dekat do i need to finish a course of antibiotics or stop taking antibiotics as soon as i feel better? tq

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Post time 28-7-2017 01:51 AM | Show all posts
imnotsaint replied at 27-7-2017 12:10 PM
Hai, I had fever last 3day consulted doctor and medicines were given.even tak larat tetap kena bangu ...

ye dalam radio pon sebut dan sy pon ada baca tadi, tetapi ini adalah satu dai byk pendapat dan pendapat ini bukanlah utk semua jnis infection; malah dikata opinion ini adalah merbahaya kerana tak semua pnyakit mmberitahu itself bila it is cleared from the body; also ianya tak mengambil kira typs of the disease and the types of the organism.

dlm setiap isu, ada sahaja opinion yg terbalik. not long ago ada ura ura utk buang semua lines pada jalan jalan di UK, utk biarkan tepian jalan to merge dgn jln raya. alasan nya ialah pemandu akan lebih anxious sebab jln dgn tepian (or whatever you call the verge of the roadside is in Malay) akan lebih kabur perbezaannya..ini akan membuat motorist lebih alert lalu mengurangkan kemalangan..and ini ada evidence nya.

jugak pasal berehat dihospital..dulu dulu org suka berehat dihospital..bersih dan ada monitoring.. ada kebenarannya..tetapi now we know better is a very dangerous place.

berkenaan diatas, pendapat ini adalah utk limited situations shj. jika u unwell, do finish your antibiotics.. jika u racun 100 og musuh u, 90 will die quickly..the other 10 yg tinggal adalah yg tough tough..10 ni akan membiak jadi 20..u racun lagi, akan tinggal 2 org musuh..ha yg kena racun 2nd round dan still tak mati ini lah yg super tough. kalau u berhenti meracun, depa dua ni akan bunuh kita

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Post time 2-8-2017 04:49 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
hai.. me again.

about my grandma. dah buat mastectomy, b4 tis doctor cakap mungkin akan chemotherapy, radiotherapy atau hormonetheraphy..

tapi hari ni the doctor just tell us no treatment for my nenek, coz faktor umur. some says cancer treatment can be more challenging or complicated bila umur tua.betul ke? maybe bcoz older adults are more likely to have chronic health conditions, such as diabetes or heart disease,tapi nenek saya sihat je.  Even kalau org tua tu  healthy, tp  body will most likely respond differently to treatment than a younger person’ it true?

some says age is not the main factor untuk tentukan layak ke x layak dpt perubatan.. or actually the doctor trying to say nenek awk ni dah tak da harapan so biar bawa balik shj?memandangkan dh xda sebarang rawatan next appointment will be on mcm tu je ke? tengok biasanya yg muda akan diperiksa je sentiasa lagi2 lepas operation untuk pantau adakah merebak ke itu ini ke.

so what should i do? waiting for the next appointment atau apa ?

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Post time 15-8-2017 05:43 PM | Show all posts
imnotsaint replied at 2-8-2017 04:49 PM
hai.. me again.

about my grandma. dah buat mastectomy, b4 tis doctor cakap mungkin akan chemothe ...

eh sorry tak perasan input ni
awak tag la so that i know to reply

jap nnt sy will reply fully sbb ni baru nak masuk opd

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Post time 24-8-2017 08:42 AM | Show all posts
Assalamualaikum dan pg
xtaw nak explain camner
hmmm ok kepala akak ni sebelah kanan belakang dlm 3 hr ni rs sakit mencucuk, bukan berdenyut2 tp cam kena cucuk so bila sakit tu cam kena sandar kepala pelan2 then akan hilang dan rs sakit mencucuk tu xde lama mana. Sakit tu cam few seconds. Akak x pergi jumpa Dr lagi atas alasan penat sgt bila jumpa Dr swasta dia bg pain killer jer, kang lain yg rs sakit lain yg dia tazkirahkan akak cam bp akak yg kejap tinggi kejap rendah dan juga suh akak buat itu ini yg akak dah buat. Last2 yg mmg tgh sakit walau dtg kejap2 itu x diendahkan. Begitu juga klu ke klinik kesihatan yg dekat tempat tinggal, scenario yg sama akak akan lalui.
Itu yang akak post pertanyaan akak kat sini utk dpt penjelasan atau ada ke artikel yg akak blh baca. Klu ikutkan dari kata2 dr yg dulu bila akak gie jumpa, diaorg kata tu migraint, betul ke. Now kat malaysian cuaca mmg tgh panas semula.
Mohon pencerahan Dr   

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