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Author: juliez

[Jenayah] #KimJongNam - Kim Chol Sah Jong Nam #1290

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Post time 22-2-2017 06:15 PM | Show all posts
dauswq replied at 22-2-2017 06:08 PM
bang ikick
aritu dh beritahu ianya risin..
sejenis racun diperbuat drpd kacang..

ok lah, persamaannya racun dari bahan organic lah........untuk menjawab persoalan matdeghem tadi, sebab kenapa pusat racun negara tak dapat trace kalau substance yang pelik2 ni.....must be dari racun bahan2 organik lahkan???

maklum lah I bukan org kimia...

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Post time 22-2-2017 06:16 PM | Show all posts
juliez replied at 22-2-2017 12:22 PM
Iols bukan fans kdrama tegar. I pilih2 tgk. Last aritu goblin. Lepas goblin tatau nak tgk apa  ...

Reply 1988

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Post time 22-2-2017 06:20 PM | Show all posts
Kim Jong-nam's body targeted in morgue break-in, say police

Malaysian authorities seek to question senior North Korean diplomat and man connected with Air Koryo, while dismissing claims that assassins were duped

Kim Jong-nam, left, and Kim Jong-unPhotograph: Shizuo Kambayashi, Wong Maye-E/A

Oliver Holmes, south-east Asia correspondent
Wednesday 22 February 2017 08.32 GMT

Malaysian police investigating the murder of Kim Jong-nam say attempts were made to break into the morgue where his body is being held and have demanded to question a senior North Korean diplomat.

The announcements by police chief Khalid Abu Bakar throw further suspicion on Pyongyang over the apparent assassination of the exiled half-brother of the North Korean dictator, Kim Jong-un.

Khalid said another man wanted for questioning was linked to North Korea’s state airline, Air Koryo. Both he and the high-level embassy official remained in Malaysia, he said.

“He’s the second secretary of the embassy ... they’re not in custody, they’ve been called in for assistance,” Khalid told journalists at a press conference.

“We knew there were attempts by someone to break into the hospital mortuary. We had to take precautions. We will not allow anyone to tamper with the mortuary,” the Malay Mail quoted him as saying.
Kim Jong-nam, who lived most of his life outside his home country, died from a seizure en route to hospital nine days ago after complaining that a woman had sprayed chemicals on his face at Kuala Lumpur international airport.

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Kim Jong-nam killing: CCTV footage appears to show attack on North KoreanMalaysian authorities have arrested four people: a Vietnamese woman, an Indonesian woman, a Malaysian man and a North Korean man.
Khalid said police “strongly believed” four suspects who fled Malaysia on the day of Kim’s death had gone to the North Korean capital.

The detained Indonesian woman has said she was duped into playing a role in the killing, believing she was part of a television comedy prank.
But Khalid disputed that on Wednesday, saying the suspects were “trained” and had even practised the attack at different public places, including a major mall in downtown Kuala Lumpur.
“Yes, the two female suspects knew that the substance they had was toxic. We don’t know what kind of chemical was used,” he said. Samples from an inconclusive autopsy were sent away for lab tests.
                                                                                        [url=]Revealed: Kim Jong-nam was gripped by fear and paranoia, says friend[/url]                                            
                            Read more            

“They used their bare hands,” he said, adding that they were instructed to wash their hands afterwards.
The killing has led to a diplomatic altercation between North Korea and Malaysia, which until now was one of the few countries keeping open relations with Pyongyang.
North Korea’s ambassador, Kang Chol, was summoned by the Malaysian foreign ministry on Monday after he accused police of deception.
He had demanded that no autopsy take place and the body be released immediately. Kuala Lumpur refused both requests so police could continue their investigation, and have called for a family member of Kim Jong-nam to come forward to claim the body.
Reuters contributed to this report

ade perkembangan baru.. tang yg highlight merah

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Post time 22-2-2017 06:22 PM | Show all posts
lkick2113 replied at 22-2-2017 06:15 PM
ok lah, persamaannya racun dari bahan organic lah........untuk menjawab persoalan matdeghem tadi,  ...

aku pun bkn org kimia..
tp boleh faham based knowledge dlm kimia yg sedia ada

rasenye tak kira dr organik atau kimia, depa still dpt trace component yg campur aduk dlm darah based on the chemical compounds..
dan deduce dr situ adalah risin = racun ikan buntal tu


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 Author| Post time 22-2-2017 06:24 PM | Show all posts
dauswq replied at 22-2-2017 06:20 PM
Kim Jong-nam's body targeted in morgue break-in, say police

Malaysian authorities seek to questio ...

Mesti semua staff dkt IPFN dok terketar2 tunggu bila nak habis kes. Sure dorang pun risau dgn their safety. Kang tak pasal2 di cari NK utk tempered evidance

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Post time 22-2-2017 06:25 PM | Show all posts
dauswq replied at 22-2-2017 06:20 PM
Kim Jong-nam's body targeted in morgue break-in, say police

Malaysian authorities seek to questio ...

gile la diorg ni bilik mayat pun ko nak terjah.... ingat undang2 mcm negara ko ke apa...

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Post time 22-2-2017 06:26 PM | Show all posts
@juliez katenye bersembunyi di dalam embassy north korea
ikut protokol venna convention klu tak silap, hosting country tak leh serbu embassy wlpn ade waran tangkap
Exclusive: North Korean suspects in Kim Jong-nam murder 'hiding' in Pyongyang's embassy in Kuala Lumpur

Hyon Kwang Song, left, and Kim Uk Il
22 February 2017 • 9:51am
Two North Koreans suspects in the murder of Kim Jong-nam are believed to be "hiding" inside Pyongyang's embassy in Malaysia, security sources have told the Telegraph.

Tensions between the two countries are high following the killing of the half-brother of Kim Jong-un, North Korea's "Supreme Leader", at Kuala Lumpur International Airport last Monday.

Kim Jong-nam was killed in Malaysia

On Wednesday, Malaysian police stated Hyon Kwang Song, a senior North Korean diplomat who works at the North Korean embassy in Kuala Lumpur, was still in the country. He holds the rank of second secretary at the embassy.  
The Telegraph can reveal that Malaysian officials believe the 44-year-old is holed up inside the embassy in the west of the capital.

"Hyon Kwang Song is the supervisor of the whole plot," a senior Malaysian security source who did not want to be named told the Telegraph. "His role was to supervise all arrangements and report to the ambassador. He is hiding in the embassy."
The second North Korean suspect, Kim Uk Il, is also being sheltered at the North Korean embassy, Malaysian officials believe.

Khalid Abu Bakar addresses journalists in front of a screen displaying the details of a North Korean Airlines employee Kim Uk Il, who has been identified for questioningCredit:AFP

The 37-year-old is employed by Air Koryo, North Korea's state-run airline and co-ordinated with four other North Korean suspects at the airport, the source said.
Khalid Abu Bakar, Malaysia's inspector general of police, said: "The Malaysian police will issue a warrant of arrest if the North Korean side does not hand over the two suspects."

Khalid Abu Bakar addresses journalists in front of a screen displaying the details of North Korean embassy officer Hyon Kwong-song, identified as a suspectCredit:AFP

The North Korean embassy in Malaysia did not respond to a request for comment.
A third North Korean suspect on the run, named by police as Ri Ji U, is also believed to still be in Malaysia. He is not thought to be inside the embassy, police said.
Four other North Korean suspects in the plot are back in Pyongyang, IGP Khalid, said.

Watch | CCTV appears to show attack on Kim Jong-nam01:17

An eighth North Korean suspect is in custody. Ri Jong Chol, who was arrested on Friday evening, lived in Malaysia for more than three years without working at the company registered on his employment permit or receiving a salary, it was reported on Wednesday.
The two women - one Vietnamese, one Indonesian - who are believed to have carried out the fatal assault using a fast-acting poison were trained to wipe toxin on Mr Kim's face, then wash their hands, IGP Khalid said.

Suspects arrested, clockwise from top left: Doan Thi Huong (Vietnamese), Muhammad Farid bin Jallaludin (Malaysian), Siti Aisyah (Indonesian) and Ri Jong-chol (North Korean)

"Yes, the two female suspects knew that the substance they had were toxic. We don't know what kind of chemical was used," he said.
"They used their bare hands," he said, adding they were instructed to wash their hands afterwards.
Police have stepped up security at the morgue where Mr Kim's body is being held after an attempted break-in earlier this week, IGP Khalid said.
Malaysia has denied North Korea's request for the body to be handed over to its embassy directly.


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Post time 22-2-2017 06:27 PM | Show all posts
juliez replied at 22-2-2017 06:24 PM
Mesti semua staff dkt IPFN dok terketar2 tunggu bila nak habis kes. Sure dorang pun risau dgn  ...

antara ummah yang pening kepala adalah duta NK, harus la heshe kena all out pertahankan, or else???
tak pasal2 kena panggil balik then lenyap terus.
tu yang sekarang sampai tahap merapu dah permintaan heshe.

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Post time 22-2-2017 06:29 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
dodolgemok replied at 22-2-2017 03:56 PM
Ketegasan ketua polis negara lah. Maksudnya yg dulu tu acah2 nak berdiplomasi. Yg kes ni pulak sga ...

Itu karektor masing2, boleh check kes isu adik aminurasid, TS khalid jd KP selangor. Lain org lain ragam

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Post time 22-2-2017 06:29 PM | Show all posts
maknanya pegawai diplomat tu tak dpt ditangkap kerana bersembunyi dalam embassy north korea tu...

smpi bila dia nak bersmebunyi tu?

tp klu dia kuar pun, bukan kita leh main tangkap
sbb dia ade diplomat immunity

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Post time 22-2-2017 06:31 PM | Show all posts

update tajuk suspek diplomat masih terkurung dlm embassy north korea..

@spiderman80 @seribulan  @perangsivil  @Muntz

mintak highlight tajuk benang


Ok, noted, Mod Dauswq :)  Post time 22-2-2017 09:58 PM

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Post time 22-2-2017 06:33 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
kittycomel replied at 22-2-2017 04:03 PM
Why at msian airport? Why not at spore airport ? Cz they know level of security on our country mcm ...

Cik kitty brp kali evaluate security level antara m'sia dan spore airport? 2.33 seconds je benda ni, kt mana2 pun boleh buat.

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Post time 22-2-2017 06:33 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
RP255 replied at 22-2-2017 04:33 PM
kalau tengok video pembunuhan itu, meskipun sudah diberitahu yang dia disapu racun oleh agen korea ...

Mne u tau at the 1st place org tu kne racun?

JN pn blh jln lagi...xde plak rse x lrt or x blh nafas ke ape...kira klu  kt triage tu kne waiting gak la...


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 Author| Post time 22-2-2017 06:35 PM | Show all posts
Changa replied at 22-2-2017 06:27 PM
antara ummah yang pening kepala adalah duta NK, harus la heshe kena all out pertahankan, or else?? ...

Duta NK paling lawak dah gone mental habis

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Post time 22-2-2017 06:35 PM | Show all posts
breakfrequency replied at 22-2-2017 06:33 PM
Cik kitty brp kali evaluate security level antara m'sia dan spore airport? 2.33 seconds je benda n ...

dia bukan cik kitty lah

bro gak tu..seorg doktor klu tak silap

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Post time 22-2-2017 06:35 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
RP255 replied at 22-2-2017 04:43 PM
mesti jadi VVIP dahulu baru boleh dibawa ke hospital dengan segera

sepatutnya apabila siapa sah ...

Owh cr u to get attraction ..acting like a bimbo!

Gud luck

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Post time 22-2-2017 06:42 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
dinopower replied at 22-2-2017 04:34 PM
ambo tak stuju.... kite kena slhkan MAS dlm hal ini... kenapa tak jaga airport btul2......
ini me ...

Dodol lgi xsetuju. Ni semua salah dapig sebab memperdaya pihak epot utk menghipnosiskan amoi vietnam dan indon utk meracuni kim jong nam tersebut. Lanjiao dapig


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Post time 22-2-2017 06:43 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
RP255 replied at 22-2-2017 04:40 PM
pengadu siap buat gambaran lagi
ditutup kepala dan disapu racun kimia yang berbahaya

      peserta raja lawak 2017 ke deme

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Post time 22-2-2017 06:44 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
juliez replied at 22-2-2017 04:28 PM
Thanks for explaining. Letih dah nak menjwb. Some how these ppl yg otak memasing mmg asyik nak ...

Dodol tgok cara tanah air handle this case kalini lebih tampak teratur, profesional dan tegas. Moga selesai tanpa talak tiga dgan north korea

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Post time 22-2-2017 06:45 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
dauswq replied at 22-2-2017 06:35 PM
dia bukan cik kitty lah

bro gak tu..seorg doktor klu tak silap

Nama kitty comel ni rebutan gadis2 biasanya. Maafkan kecuaian hamba

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