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Author: fly_in_d_sky

The Apprentice 3 ~ Sunday TV3 Repeat Thursday 8TV ~ NO SPOILER!!

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Post time 18-6-2005 06:32 PM | Show all posts
Networth tak paham's a sony advertisment not representing some neigbourhood...magna literally follow the concept, a E rating game, lot's of scenery, point for winning and the most important, it's a new PS2 game...

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 Author| Post time 19-6-2005 11:34 AM | Show all posts

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Post time 20-6-2005 12:26 AM | Show all posts
Sian plak tengok Audrey, macam kena buli jer.

Patut ker John stay? Sebelum

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Post time 20-6-2005 02:01 AM | Show all posts
[quote]Originally posted by GAMEOVER at 20-6-2005 12:26 AM:
Sian plak tengok Audrey, macam kena buli jer.

Patut ker John stay? Sebelum

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Post time 20-6-2005 02:12 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by JUSTcircle at 20-6-2005 02:01 AM:

aku ingatkan audrey bwk angie masuk tok protect dia..rupernyer nak blame sekali saper2 yg bhgn pemasaran..x ker audrey cari masalah tuh?

aku rasa mmg audrey ni lemahla..suruh buat keputusan pu ...

Tapi kalau ikutkan betul gak aper yg Audrey wat tuh.

Sumer yg dia suruh wat keje tu sumernyer dah pernah jadik project manager.

Takkan nak kena suap satu

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 Author| Post time 20-6-2005 08:23 AM | Show all posts

In the suite, candidates from both teams gathered around to discuss what had just happened down in the boardroom. Chris and John recounted how they had each told Trump that Audrey was the weakest person on their team. John believed that Net Worth (Street Smarts) would be better off without her. But just then, the front door of the suite opened and Audrey entered, along with Craig. Audrey walked right past the group without saying a word. Kendra said that Audrey looked as if she felt abandoned by her team. In a whispered interview, Audrey said that it really hurt when the others call her a "weak link." She said that being treated as incompetent made her sick to her stomach. Angie declared her team "completely dysfunctional," "completely crippled" and "out of control."

Later that night, Angie talked with Audrey out on the balcony. When Chris came out, Audrey laid into him and said defiantly that she did not come to New York to be treated as a child. Then, with emotion building, Audrey revealed painful memories as she told Chris that her parents both went to prison and her childhood was taken from her. As she held back tears, she said that everything was taken from her. Audrey revealed that when she was seventeen she was homeless and lived out of a car. She declared that she could have taken the easy way out and married rich, but she wanted to earn her way to success through work. She said that she may be beautiful, but even that tormented her as a child. She said that other girls hated her because of her beauty. And she admitted that she had wanted to scar herself so the other girls would stop hating her. John came out and things only got more heated. Audrey accused John of claiming that he was better than her. She told John that she couldn't care less what he had to say and told him to shut up. John's attempt to butter Audrey up with a complement backfired. He said that Audrey would make more money than anyone else in the suite because she was "gorgeous" and a "sweetheart." Audrey took that as an insult to her intellect. She cursed John out and stormed off. In an interview, John claimed that Audrey was too immature to work with. He suggested that she come back in ten years when she might be ready.

The next day, the candidates met with Donald, Carolyn and Ashley Cooper, the chairman of Trump's golf club in Bedminster, New Jersey, who would be filling in for George for the week. Trump told the candidates that he loves golf and building golf courses - and now the teams would get the chance to build their own golf courses too

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 Author| Post time 20-6-2005 08:27 AM | Show all posts

Episode 7

Trump is wrong! ~ It's not business, it's "Personal-NESS!"

Oh forget it! I can't even commentate on this episode the way I was originally asked to by the folks at NBC. Sure Stephanie redeemed herself as PM and Magna earned the most money and won with a golf jungle-themed course and Net Worth lost. But Audrey, well Audrey, you gave new meaning to being a PM as well as the Webster's Unabridged Dictionary. Which is why this week just has to be different.

You see, it would simply be just too unfortunate not to acknowledge the true "brilliance" of this entertaining masterpiece when the commentary spoken by our "street thugs" was just too brilliant in and of itself to possibly overlook. This is why I felt that rather than a typical recap of this episode, (which in my opinion has to be one of the all-time greatest episodes in Apprentice history), we have to give out "The Brilliant Commentary Awards of the Week" instead!

Warning: Audrey, if you are reading this, you may want to click out of this screen right now. I am so sorry, but you've officially given our own president a run for his money and in so many ways. It's okay though, you're not alone. Also, please remember, this isn't "personal-ness"! You just happen to have inspired the awards in the first place and will be taking the most home!

Now, let's get started shall we? Cue the orchestra please - and like any great awards show, we're going to begin small and finish big. Drum roll please

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 Author| Post time 20-6-2005 08:29 AM | Show all posts

Episode 7

Market What You've Got

Once again we see that the tasks on the Apprentice 3 almost always come down to marketing. They're about creating a compelling product, or a unique distribution channel, a successful pricing structure, creative and targeted promotion or a combination of two or more of these four elements of marketing. And, just like last week, I'm afraid that the college kids of Team Magna are learning from past mistakes faster than Net Worth. Either that or Net Worth's team chemistry is so bad that all thought and potential creativity is lost in the bickering and gamesmanship.

Also, just like last week, Magna identified their potential market. This time instead of using the knowledge of their market to create a compelling message, they took a sales strategy right to the potential buyers. By working out cross-promotional deals with other kid-oriented businesses in the area, they effectively guaranteed themselves some customers and used their promotional dollars in a most effective way. We have a kid's product that we're trying to sell

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 Author| Post time 20-6-2005 08:32 AM | Show all posts

Making Effective Presentations

揂t one time or another, every manager will have an opportunity to make an important presentation to peers and senior executives. How they perform in these situations can significantly influence the trajectory of their careers,

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 Author| Post time 20-6-2005 08:37 AM | Show all posts
Episode 7 : "Mini Golf" : Chelsea Piers

The Magna Corp / Books Smarts

Project Manager:  Stephanie

Management Style: "We want to attract people, specifically children and parents. We incorporated everything into one idea, the safari, because we knew kids love animals, and it would be the best way to sell our venue," Stephanie said.

Miniature golf theme:  Safari Sunday.

Biggest obstacle:  Getting customers in the door without giving too much of a discount

Turning point:  Kendra and Erin successfully negotiated exclusive cross promotions with other Chelsea Pier attractions.

Result:  A lush jungle miniature golf course populated with friendly animals-- and a bounty of customers.

Net Worth / Streets Smarts

Project Manager: Audrey

Management Style: "I really want to be project manager because I feel that I am capable of utilizing all of your skills in the way I see fit for this task to become complete. Because in the end, it's about winning and making money, and that's it," she said to the team.

Miniature golf theme:  A circus-themed course.

Biggest obstacle:  The constant tension between Audrey and John.

Turning point: Audrey alienated the men of Net Worth by refusing to make decisions as project manager.

Result:  A playful circus miniature golf course staffed by a dubious bunch of clowns.

source :

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 Author| Post time 20-6-2005 08:45 AM | Show all posts
Magna traveled by limousine out of the concrete jungle and into the lush greenery of Bedminster. In an interview, Alex set the scene: "Magna Corp arrives at Trump National, and the golf pro greets us. He opens our door for us. And in the background I hear this, um, this thumping."

Mr. Trump's personal helicopter could be seen approaching over the horizon. Erin described the sight in an interview: "Donald Trump is the Mack-Daddy of the United States. Aside from flying out of the heavens on his own, he came in the most grandiose possible way."

Donald, Cristie and Ashley stepped out of the chopper and greeted the awaiting Magna candidates. "This is Cristie Kerr," Mr. Trump introduced. "Cristie is one of the greatest players in the world, so she's going to be playing with us today. We'll all learn how bad we are at golf when we play with Cristie."

Out on the driving range, Erin took a few swings. In an interview, she addressed her flawed form: "I don't play golf. I never have played golf. I was a cheerleader." Back at the range, Donald asked her how she was fairing. "I'm learning," she replied sheepishly. Admitting to Mr. Trump that she doesn't play golf, Erin took a few swings under his watchful eye. "That's a very delicate swing," the mogul observed. "A very, very delicate swing."

As the group made their way through the stunning course, they found themselves stopped in a fairway. To make the round a bit more interesting, Mr. Trump offered up a tantalizing challenge: "Anybody that puts it on the green from here, gets $1000." Bren lined up over the ball and took a shot. His drive looked so good, Donald jumped up from his seat to watch it fly. The whole group watched with anticipation as the ball sailed toward the pin.

Cristie yelled, "Get up! Get up! Get up! Dang!" Bren had just missed, landing the ball in the greenside bunker. Cristie teased Mr. Trump, saying, "He was scared. He got up." Mr. Trump replied, "No, I got up 'cause he hit the crap out of it."

The clubhouse at Trump National Golf Club in Bedminster, NJ.

Magna stands at the clubhouse entrance of Trump National Golf Club after out-dueling Net Worth on the mini-golf task.

Kendra takes in some welcome advice at Trump National.

Erin celebrates after making a brilliant shot at Trump National Golf Club.

Bren addresses the ball on the driving range at Trump National after Magna's victory on the mini-golf task.

Erin and Stephanie get tips from golf pro Cristie Kerr after Magna's victory on the min-golf task.

Focus on form: Alex concentrates on his swing while golfing at Trump National.

Mr. Trump describes Erin's swing as 搗ery delicate

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Post time 20-6-2005 10:33 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by JUSTcircle at 20-6-2005 02:01 AM:

aku ingatkan audrey bwk angie masuk tok protect dia..rupernyer nak blame sekali saper2 yg bhgn pemasaran..x ker audrey cari masalah tuh?

aku rasa mmg audrey ni lemahla..suruh buat keputusan pu ...

rasanya betul audrey pilih angie utk cover die...
tp angie salah anggap...ingatkan audrey nak kenakan die...
mmg la audrey kene cakap angie ni terlibat jugak dlm marketing...
takkan nak kta "saya bawa angie utk protect saya"...
rasanya la....

audrey nih kurg sabar je....sayang...
sama mcm Jen M yg byk cakap....

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Post time 20-6-2005 10:45 AM | Show all posts
mcm melampau je

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Post time 20-6-2005 04:37 PM | Show all posts
sedap je bila DT dah fired audrey dia kata "sekurang-kurangnya org tak kata saya amik yg lawo2 je..":p:lol

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halfelven This user has been deleted
Post time 20-6-2005 04:49 PM | Show all posts
ehhh nampak lawa plak kendra nih main golf

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Post time 20-6-2005 06:09 PM | Show all posts
[quote]Originally posted by GAMEOVER at 2005/03/27 02:12 AM:

Tapi kalau ikutkan betul gak aper yg Audrey wat tuh.

Sumer yg dia suruh wat keje tu sumernyer dah pernah jadik project manager.

Takkan nak kena suap satu

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perakgirl This user has been deleted
Post time 20-6-2005 07:25 PM | Show all posts
sedihnya kisah silam audrey.
rasanya dlm meeting room lebih gerun mengadap carolyn b'banding DT,soalan yg diberi tu sampai tak dpt nak dijawab

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 Author| Post time 20-6-2005 08:42 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by perakgirl at 20-6-2005 07:25 PM:
sedihnya kisah silam audrey.
rasanya dlm meeting room lebih gerun mengadap carolyn b'banding DT,soalan yg diberi tu sampai tak dpt nak dijawab

apa soalan nyer??

Use magic Report

Post time 21-6-2005 10:44 AM | Show all posts
based on last sunday nyer show, memang menyampah kat JOHN, CHRIS & CRAIG...memang harap JOHN kena fire cepat...meluat plak nengok muka mamat nih...

bg saya kedua2 team nyer konsep bagus...practikal & boleh menarik ramai org cuma NET WORTH  lemah di bhg promosi & marketing...

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Post time 21-6-2005 03:17 PM | Show all posts
John awal2 dah kata, audrey lebih baik jgn jadi project manager, lebih baik chris sebb die takde personal problem dgn sesape.

aku setuju audrey out n john stay.

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