btul tok..
nak tau region mana, check product code
atau nak agak2 pon blh...
tools>setting>general>personalisation>language>phone language
tgk bahasa apa yg disenaraikan... |
okeh, region code rupanya... |
apsal undefined action................. |
Reply #526 100yenshop's post
ape tu yen  |
aku lupe n73 ade update fw ekkk |
v 4.0812.4.2.1
n73 aku laju
wow |
Reply #529 Ax's post
aku nak apdet gaakkkksssss!!!!!!!!!!! |
Reply #529 Ax's post
ni yang terkini kan?
aku punya pon V 4.0812.4.2.1
bulan 3 punya firmware..hum..takde baru lagi ker  |
V 4.0812.4.2.1
yup, mmg latest ..
tp sirius bukak inbox dh laju kembali |
Reply #532 Ax's post
dah siap update semlm...selamattttt  |

Nokia N78 "over-the-air" software version 11.043 released - 23 June 2008
This "over-the-air" software release will not be available through the Nokia Software Updater application, but is available directly through your Nokia N78. The release includes improved stability with Bluetooth (headsets and car kits) and music (playback over a long time and content refresh). This release also includes optimized Camera performance and Naviscroll sensitivity improvements.
Technology innovations mean the size of this "over-the-air" update is approximately 2 MB. To get this software through your Nokia N78, click Menu > Tools > Utilities > Device Manager. Select Options > Check for updates and follow the on-screen prompts. Remember that you can also use Wi-Fi to download the update.
Nokia provides this software free of charge. However, costs for downloading may be charged by your network operator or service provider. Please contact them for information about pricing.
As with all software releases, note that your mobile service provider, operator, or carrier may not have approved this release. Nokia produces many different variants of each product (for different countries and languages) and not all variants have the latest Nokia device firmware. It is our priority to update all variants as quickly as possible.
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Reply #534 100yenshop's post
kecik jer update 2mb..so aku rasa dirmware tak kena reset ni, just update jer |
Reply #532 Ax's post
botol..inbox laju dah
aku tak install pun sms accelerator lagi ni |
Originally posted by Ax at 16-6-2008 03:10 PM 
v 4.0812.4.2.1
n73 aku laju
camne nak update?
nak jugak melaju kan n73 aku.. |
oppps... ada kat pg 1 rupanya
nak try dulu... |
Reply #538 srikuzie's post
Reply #539 Ax's post
mendalam maksudnya tu  |
Balas #540 sixfullbar\ catat
Ramai juga pakai N73 ni ye!....baru 10 bulan aku pakai tapi dah mimpi nak tukar N95 8gb pulak
Skrin N73 kecik sangat ... tak puas aku tengok map bila berGPS...bole buta mata kalau lama2!! |
Reply #542 baba838's post
| |