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Author: Rhyno

American Idol Season 10

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Post time 10-3-2011 08:49 PM | Show all posts
tahun ni dorang takde kuarkan studio version ke? kalo ada meh ler kasik link mana nak sedut
HideGulz Post at 10-3-2011 20:27

    Ko nak sedut sapa punya lagu.......Scotty ke

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Post time 10-3-2011 08:53 PM | Show all posts
Ko nak sedut sapa punya lagu.......Scotty ke
alyssasarah Post at 10-3-2011 20:49

    sesapa yg berkaitan. ape ko kesah?

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Post time 10-3-2011 09:03 PM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by AuReusium at 10-3-2011 21:21

Ai rasa, persembahan pada kali ini sgt2 berkualiti tinggi. kebanyakkan perserta mempunyai vokal yg menakjubkan! if not all, most of em.
ai sgt gembira.

Mari kita lihat bagaimana mereka perform against nostradamus. Ai akan namakan Aureusium Eyes.


AuReusium Eyes - Part 1 of 2


1. Lauren Alaina – Any Man of Mine by Shania Twain

catchy tp forgettable.. ai teruja nak tgk how naturale' talent dan voice mcm dia ini, akan cuba meyakinkan utk vote dia
but hmmm ai tak convince... kalau sebiji2 dia ikut, ai tak yakin nak vote.. sb lagu ini terkenal dgn sweet tone shania twain.
tone lauren ini tone hmmmm

Bagai di jangka, nothing special dgn persembahan Lauren mlm ini. Good Vocal but nothing wow to me. Very expected given by the song.
What else can she does against what should she does. She did nothing . Zero and close case. period.

Rate: MMMMMmmmmm

2. Casey Abrams – With A Little Help From My Friends by the Beatles

Fit him well... hopefully dia ada unsur dramatic sket.. dan ubah sket jadikannya dirinya...
hmm kena pakai instrumental pelik2 lah dia ini

God! as expected. This song does really fit him well. It's him! .

And he did a lot of dramatic and classy elements. So joyous watching him. Lurvely adlib.... Energetic

Tampil sgt2 kemas. Wow! American Idol 10 really has started!.

Rate: I like!!!! Ahhhhh...

3. Ashthon Jones – When You Tell Me That You Love Me by Diana Ross

tak payah dgr.. sahih good bye or bottom 3

As expected. She did nothing. Very typical styling every end of the phrase..

She did nothing.    Karaoke.

Rate: Boooo

4. Paul McDonald – Come Pick Me Up by Ryan Adams

secci... dia song akan jadikan dia lebih secci

As expected. This song menjadikan dia sgt2 secci and sensual.. So jazzy.

His tone menyelamatkannya...  

Rate: I like ...mmm ok...

5. Pia Toscano – All By Myself by Celine Dion
it's either shine or die.....
kalau dia pilih senduk2 dia akan die...

yes it's either shine or die.

To me, dia sgt bijak buat improvisasi towards the song.

Dia buat dramatical belting masa di pertengahan dan di akhir (kind of ).

But masa di tgh2 itu seharusnya di panjangkan lagi, dan at very end should do stuff like simple vibrato, or fading voice at least... but
she do just flat belting and quite not berjiwa..... so sgt2 pelik as if no kesimbungan with the song, and the song itself turun nilainya.
But ai faham , ai rasa maybe her breathing tidak sampai, or her line terlalu panjang  that she should consider a word to stop, like masa 'by myself' stop seketikaa to breath.. then  find opportunity to blast with 'Anymoreeee' eeee
then music stop biar suara dia ke hujung..  lepas tu, dia hela nafas yg di sengajakan, sambil merenung ke pentas dan berduka.......then only sambung lagi with lagu and her next phase of singing.. i do think it would be a better vocal careography.

Her ending was just nice... Lurving it and classy.
All in all still ok.

Rate: I like, but could be better!

6. James Durbin – Maybe I’m Amazed by Paul McCartney

whatever... still he will sail through...

Personally i believe , he can sing anything.... yes he prove me rite.

Betulkan... Nicely done. Bak kata sape juri lelaki itu, he slayed it!.

Lurve his high register and his falsetto..

God! doncha think, he is gojezzzzz.. beautiful outfit! but dia pakai bandana di lengan???? motive nak tiru adam AF?  

I lurve this musical arrangement ... so beautiful kalau play over and over again masa driving ....

Rate: I like and nicely done.

7. Haley Reinhart – Blue by LeAnn Rimes
boring..... boleh ready bottom 3...

Yes boring. but whenever she 'BluuuuuuEEeeeeeeeeee'... sgt classy.

falsetto disconnected, flassetoo, disconnected.   and on... vey nicely done, well balance and consistent.

Lurving it.. A lil growling as well at certain part.

but just like I predicted before... boring... she could choose other song  that u know...

Her outfit, emmmmmm....  her earing.... hmmm.. her hairdo, wow, i wonder how long does it takes to finish it?

Rate: Hmmm beautiful but boring...

At this half...
I love Durbin, Casey, Pia err I love all of them...
but I quite not like  Ashton and Lauren.

That being said, am truly believe Lauren will selamat.

End part one ...........

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Post time 10-3-2011 09:23 PM | Show all posts
kt mana nk dgr studio version ni?kat youtube xde pon..

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Post time 10-3-2011 09:49 PM | Show all posts
Review ai sebelum bermula lagi.....

AuReusium eyes - Part 2 of 2


8. Jacob Lusk – I Believe I Can Fly by R. Kelly

ai yakin dia akan dapat stending ovation!!!!!
napa? tak percaya?

God!! he ai kira just amazing!!! Beast!  er... Mega Beast!  So big lung and pipe there!!!!. Suprasonic!

His high, very high register over and over again especially from the middle towards the end, so marvelllous!

Acrobatically amazing!!

It is  just after 1st verse, the transition of the note sgt2 weird and awkward. Too apparent and has no kesinambungan with ealier verse. He was too, fell flat many notes.

Steady outfit errr with merah jambu neck tie?  His ending sgt2 solid! dan meletup! meledak!! it's ehhhh..... Beast!!!!

Ai kira dia lebih diva dr Fantasia Barrino...doncha thin' so.?

But what makes me wonder dgn transition of the lines mcm tu, takkanlah vocal advisor dia tidak perasan??? lantas biarkan shj???

Those musician around masa kat studio even rehearsal just keep their mind and mouth shut?? weirdddd!!!

I do personally feel that, this is sgt2 weird..  possible tak Jacob kena hijack? sabotage?

Or else he will be really superb and deserve standing ovation

But all in all, I do feel this was a very well done and good job!

Rate: Superb!!! Stellar!

9. Thia Megia – Smile by Michael Jackson (his version)

akan dapat pujian tinggi!! ai yakin

beautiful outfit... nice hairdo....    very beautiful at begining.. like fairytale...
when it's get jazzy and teringat lagu Diva Element 5 pula  ngeeeee. and errr. start lost focus and got pitchy...
uols perasan tak,   microphone nya sangat2 aneh!!!!

hmm, ai tak notice dia dah habis nyanyi... nicely done... and beautiful. but.. ai rasa I akan get bored dgn dia..
No super sonic range.... hmmm ai hampa.....sbb given that this song may suit her very well, but she missed it....
Next kalau dia selamat, dia seharusnya berani keluar dari comfort zone.. hey go more and try more of higher a note or two...

Rate: Ok, beautiful but

10. Stefano Langone – Lately by Stevie Wonder

alamak.. lagu yg sgt bahaya? ai takut my prince akan jadi bobot 3.

hopefully dia akan perform sambil x pakai baju... so boleh selamat

This is very much waited and anticipated performance....  Who else folks, It's Stefano D' Prince and Charminggggg.

mmmmm... errrrr  It's him... eeemmmmmmmmmm

Ehhh It's him.... yes Stefano.......

ahahhhh?  mmmmmm.....


God! he has nice fizik... nice bod and all. cute face... dreamy tone....
nice outfit...   nice singing masa mula2... nice vibrato....
great arrangement! lurving it!!!! Pop!!
Eh, Great!!!he did many improvisation.!!! make it modern and relevant!!!
younger generation will lurve him so much!!!
His higher register and beliting sgt2 goosebump!!!
and beautiful styling toward the end...
Classy.. lurving it..
'Now I knew that i don't have to be worry about him.. He owned it, in his very own way....Musically GENIUS!!!!
what elese can u see dear....
Bravo! Bravo!
p/s: does anyone here knows, berapa tinggi dia?

Rate: Lurving it!!!! Lurving it! lurving it! the best! the best! the best!!!!!!

11. Karen Rodriguez – I Could Fall In Love by Selena

young .. nice

Uols perasan tak, dia ni mcm pelakon malaysia yg mix arab tu.. lupa pula nama dia.. betty apa tah. tp ada word betty.
dulu selalu berlakon la ni dah tak dengar nama dia sampai ai pun lupa.

beautiful dress,,, earing ,... nice start!.
tone and good voice control!. luvly tone!.  her high register agak lemah...
well she did try her very best, but.. nothing wow me.. i thot dia akan jadi sehebat penyanyi yg selalu di compare dgn Celine Dion, but I lupa...eddysheddy suka penyanyi ini, tp ai lupa nama penyanyi ini.
No grandeur anyway

Ahhh ai dah ingat Lara Fabian!!! i thot she will be as good as Lara Fabian.. but she is not... she can go....
i know many of you maybe tidak tahu siapa lara fabian.. watch this...

Rate: Mmmmmm.

12. Scott McCreery – The River by Garth Brooks

fit him nicely.. tachin... peple will lurve him.

nice outfit and styling.... look gojezzz and young.. teen!

nice tone!!! delicious... he sang it very well to me ( dunno much about country thingy)..... very heavy tone....that people will lurve it!calming..
tho with limited vocal range ( for me),  no doubt dia akan selamat at least for now
Rate: Cute performance

13. Naima Adedapo – Umbrella by Rihanna

dah ramai sgt org bawa hat lagu ni.. weoll nak tgk apa lainnnya... or else bye bye
bobot 3

nice outfit... nice dancing at starting...  nice music arrangement !
Oh God when am almost sure that she will copy, then dia nyanyi ala2 afro raggae  gittew... agak pitchy in the middle before..sgt2 ketara
Different!  hmm got improvisation there to make it more modern and not copy.
I treasure her effort.... but.. hmmm I think not as good as her peers neway....

Rate: Well, creative but i'm quite not like it...why?

End.. Ai rasa , ai prefer  Ashton, Karen Rod, Naima and Phia to be the bottom... My favorite? , the rest other than these four


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Post time 10-3-2011 10:30 PM | Show all posts
wpun org kata jacob tu best .... adeh menanah ler telinger aku dengar dia jerit2. time dia nyanyi aku terpaksa slow volume TV. takut pingsan dengar dia jerit

rasanya untuk jadi penyanyi yg baik tak perlu jerit2 kay!

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Post time 10-3-2011 10:35 PM | Show all posts
My Ranking

1. Pia
2. James
3. Casey
4. Scotty
5. Lauren
6. Jacob
7. Stefano
8. Naima
9. Haley
10. Thia
11. Karen
12. Paul
13. Ashton

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Post time 10-3-2011 10:51 PM | Show all posts
p/s: does anyone here knows, berapa tinggi dia?
AuReusium Post at 10-3-2011 21:49

mau tempah baju melayu utk dia kah...?


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Post time 10-3-2011 11:16 PM | Show all posts
tak suke langsung dgn jacob.tone biasa2 dan konon2 hebat laaaa bleh tarik tggi2??
aku suke casey,stefano,casey n haley.smua simple tp cool.xperlu kot melebih2 mcm jacob tuh

p/s:hi smua

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Post time 10-3-2011 11:17 PM | Show all posts
wpun org kata jacob tu best .... adeh menanah ler telinger aku dengar dia jerit2. time dia nyanyi ak ...
santubung Post at 10-3-2011 22:30

couldnt agree more

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Post time 11-3-2011 12:08 AM | Show all posts
tak suke langsung dgn jacob.tone biasa2 dan konon2 hebat laaaa bleh tarik tggi2??
aku suke cas ...
shuffeak Post at 10-3-2011 23:16

    dari situ jelas trait secara agak2 psikologinya menunjukkan u ni sukakan kedamaian dan ketenteraman, tidak suka gaduh2.... suka ehwal yang teratur, dan kalau boleh suka merancang sesuatu dulu sebelum pergi ke tmpat2 tersebut berbanding impromtu...    betulkewrr?    

welcome to the club


Fan Stefano D' Prince!
1. AuReusium
2. serafina
3. jetfora
4. shuffeak
5. mee_maggie
6. seroja

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Post time 11-3-2011 12:59 AM | Show all posts
perghh naima punye performance..... nie la baru prooofessionalll ...memang natural !

pia amazing.... muka cantik...suara dahsat... cuma lagu rancak tktau boleh bawak ke dak...

james durbin ...? hmmm.... mcm langit ngan bumi la nak compare dengan adam... cuma dia ada style tersendiri...kawalan vokal ? average jek...

casey .... memang mantoppp ! artistik

karen sgt cantik..... tp lagu salah pilih...ampehh...

scotty the cowboy.... memang sedap suara nya....loikee

stefano.... suara unik.... energy best


the rest..... nti sambung

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Post time 11-3-2011 01:35 AM | Show all posts
i think, season ni talent dia lebih outstanding than before. diverse and we have almost everything served.

i think kendra would hve been a better choice than ashton. ashton is just okay. talented, but typical black singer. but her tone is light, so bile dia belt tader power sgt. plus her range is not that impressive. Jacob has better range than her. in fact, Jacob is perhaps one of the most outstanding black singers yang  pernah masuk idol.

like it or not, Jacob HAS the voice. for those yg ckp, jerit2 tak semestinya terbaik, true but that is what we call as advantage. tell me, why Whitney was so popular back then? Mariah..aretha..patti labelle, celine ..what do they have in common? you have the answer. itu yang buat dorg special.

if you dont have the range, you really need one heck of a tone. kalau tone tader, range pun tader, dont sing.

i dont think james is amazing. because he is quite similar dengan Adam Lambert. and in terms of control, Adam hands down. Scotty, well, hes being Scotty.

Stefano n Naima gave life to the show. Naima was unexpected. Stefano's rendition of Lately was pretty cool. tak pernah lagi dgr org tackle lagu tu camtu.

Pia could have been better. The thing is, she has  the voice but takleh consider  paling hebat lagi. I perasan, bile die nak belt, rasa mcm stress sgt.but her lower register memang uber lovely. but Latoya's All By Myself is still the best la. Effortless.

Casey was great. the rest yang I tak mention, was good but forgettable.

bottom 3 i think ashton, thia, n lauren perhaps?

yang patut kuar..ashton.

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Post time 11-3-2011 07:50 AM | Show all posts
SMcCreeryAI10 Scotty McCreery
sittin in the makeup chair getting ready for tnight. haha. y'all ready to see all of us dancing around that stage?
2 hours ago

ooo.. malam ni ada nari-nari...

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Post time 11-3-2011 08:28 AM | Show all posts
wpun org kata jacob tu best .... adeh menanah ler telinger aku dengar dia jerit2. time dia nyanyi ak ...
santubung Post at 10-3-2011 22:30


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Post time 11-3-2011 08:38 AM | Show all posts
rehearsal group song


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Post time 11-3-2011 08:39 AM | Show all posts
From Joe’s Place Blog:

My sources are telling me that American Idol Contestant (And MY Personal favorite) will not be in attendance for tonight’s Top 13 Results Show. He will be back in the Hospital again. I have not been able to accurately determine what is wrong with Casey – however Casey is making no big deal about his health situation. Not since Season One’s Christina Christian has a contestant missed a results show because of a hospital stay. Christina got voted off that night. Let’s pray that the same fate does not happen to the amazing Casey Abrams.

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Post time 11-3-2011 08:42 AM | Show all posts
UPDATE: It seems that whenever Casey gets stressed out he has stomach bleeding – not sure if it is an actual bleeding ulcer (though that’s what it sounds like).  Casey has been staying in a separate room from the other Idols so he could rest.  To my source, Casey is NOT making a big deal out of this at all.  Poor kid.  Nineteen years old and a bleeding ulcer.

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Post time 11-3-2011 08:58 AM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by hakunamatata at 11-3-2011 14:11
tahun ni dorang takde kuarkan studio version ke? kalo ada meh ler kasik link mana nak sedut
HideGulz Post at 10-3-2011 20:27

dh selamat sedut studio version top 13...tgh layan naima adepapo nyanyi ni.

boleh sedut di ---> sini.

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Post time 11-3-2011 09:38 AM | Show all posts
Reply 539# hakunamatata

Thanks babe

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