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Author: fly_in_d_sky

The Apprentice 3 ~ Sunday TV3 Repeat Thursday 8TV ~ NO SPOILER!!

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Post time 21-6-2005 03:33 PM | Show all posts

  • menyampah pula tengok mamat-mamat Street Smart... kata orang lain childish, tapi dia org juga yang childish, sampai personal matter menganggu tugas dia orang... nampak sangat macam dia orang nak buat silap dan blame Audrey.. paling menyampah kat John lah... selama ni aku respek dia... tapi sekarang, huh... menyampah gila.. sepatutnya dia fikir pasal team, bukan pasal masalah dia dengan Audrey... walaupun dia tak kata macam tu, tapi tindakan dia menunjukkan dia buat macam tu... hampehlah John... sekarang aku suka pula tengok Book Smart... aku tengok macam dia orang enjoy pula buat task.. :bgrin:

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Post time 21-6-2005 07:00 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by meow_tompok at 2005/03/27 03:17 PM:
John awal2 dah kata, audrey lebih baik jgn jadi project manager, lebih baik chris sebb die takde personal problem dgn sesape.

aku setuju audrey out n john stay.

abis tue, kata bisnes-bisnes, personal-personal lah...nampak sgt si john  tue tak profesional...

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Post time 21-6-2005 08:52 PM | Show all posts
aku pun meluat tgk si john tu...hopefully dia kena fired la next week...

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Post time 21-6-2005 09:11 PM | Show all posts
John nih aku tengok macam ader iras hero citer Dodgeball.

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Post time 21-6-2005 11:39 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by eddysheddy at 20-6-2005 06:09 PM:

tul tue aku setuju sgt ngan ko...tak puas hati betul dengan keputusan DT semalam..carolyn pun aku tak sangka dia tak kisah tentang audrey yang cam diperkecilkan oleh john tue...

kalau nak ca ...

audrey 22.., chris baru 21...
chris lagi muda dr audrey...

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Post time 22-6-2005 08:41 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by eddysheddy at 2005-6-20 06:09 PM:

tul tue aku setuju sgt ngan ko...tak puas hati betul dengan keputusan DT semalam..carolyn pun aku tak sangka dia tak kisah tentang audrey yang cam diperkecilkan oleh john tue...

kalau nak ca ...

Masalah Audrey dia cuma kurang aktif defend dalam boardroom...kurang petah sikit berbicara...

" Sekurang saya tak pilih yg lawa saja"...seolah seolah Trump saja nak buktikan yg dia nie tak bias la...

"you lose control of your team" - memang team member tue tak boleh nak control....

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Post time 22-6-2005 08:08 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by LueLackX at 2005/03/27 11:39 PM:

audrey 22.., chris baru 21...
chris lagi muda dr audrey...

oh ye ke? terima kasih coz ingatkan aku...but ni membuktikan yg john tue sajer cdgkan chris jadi pm semata-mata nak sakitkan hati audrey...aku yakin mmg john tue tak respek ngan org yg lebih muda...lagipun rasanye john pun pernah bertekak ngan chris...

apakah kata-kata "mengapa saya perlu respek pada org yg berumur 22 tahun?" tak memadai utk menunjukkan siapa diri dia sbnrnye?

n sebenarnye dulu akupun suka ngan john masa task memula dulu..tapi sejak insiden ni..menyampah plak!

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Post time 22-6-2005 08:19 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by fly_in_d_sky at 2005/03/27 08:42 PM:

apa soalan nyer??

But Carolyn asked, if almost every team member failed, where was the leadership?

inilah soalan maut carolyn pada audrey...camner nak jwb?..sori yek..soalan ni pun saya paste kat awak nye post..

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 Author| Post time 23-6-2005 11:53 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by eddysheddy at 22-6-2005 08:19 PM:

But Carolyn asked, if almost every team member failed, where was the leadership?

inilah soalan maut carolyn pada audrey...camner nak jwb?..sori yek..soalan ni pun saya paste kat awak nye post..

hmmm killer question
x prasan lak .....
neway thanks .......

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Post time 25-6-2005 11:19 PM | Show all posts

tadi tgk apprentice 1.. :nana: omarosa kene fired.. :lol padan muka.. ntah pape masok waktu org tgh bincang.. hehe..

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 Author| Post time 26-6-2005 04:32 PM | Show all posts

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Post time 26-6-2005 11:51 PM | Show all posts
john keluar :clap:

sape suru over sangat... :bgrin:

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Post time 27-6-2005 12:07 AM | Show all posts
bagus.. john kuar gak.. menyampah aku tengok dier tue... macam tak menghormati perempuan.. pandang rendah je kejenyer... sesuka ati jer dier kater nak jadi bapak ayam erin ngan stephanie.. poyoz.. pastu asyik mencelah jer time orang cakap... padan muka kau kuar, john.. suker aku..

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Post time 27-6-2005 12:13 AM | Show all posts
Kengkonon ader pengalaman pasal muzik.

Haram aku tak nampak kat maner pon pengalamannyer.

Dalam boardroom nampak bodo ker John tadi.

Yg Erin kena sound plak jgn banyak cakap.

DT suruh cakap terus geleng kepala :lol

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 Author| Post time 27-6-2005 12:31 AM | Show all posts

Up in the suite, Chris reported back that his "boy" John was under fire in the boardroom. Tana asked Chris what he would do if John were sent home and Chris said that he didn't know. The door to the suite opened and everyone craned their necks to see that John, Craig and Angie were back. Chris jumped up and gave John a big hug as the rest of Net Worth cheered. Audrey was gone and John suggested the team was better off for it. He said that they were lean, mean and ready to go.

The next morning, the candidates got a call from Trump's office and were told to meet The Donald in the boardroom - but before they arrived, each team had to choose their Project Manager. The twist? The Project Manager selected may not have been Project Manager before. The choice was easy for Magna since Kendra was the only person left who hadn't been Project Manager. On Net Worth, neither Chris nor Craig had led the team. Craig said that he didn't really care about the position and commented that the job was just a title. It turned out that it wasn't a title that Craig would have to worry about for the moment as Net Worth drew names out of a hat and Chris was elected to be their leader.

Both teams met Donald for an early-morning meeting in the boardroom. Trump said that since both groups were down to five candidates, it showed that neither book smarts nor street smarts was better than the other. Then Trump announced it was time for a corporate restructure. As Project Manager, Kendra had to pick two people to send to the other team. She gave away Stephanie and Erin. Chris had to do the same and sent away Tana and Craig. Kendra's team was still called Magna and Chris' team was still Net Worth. With the two newly organized corporations ready to go, Trump explained their next task - they would produce a live music auction for FUSE TV to benefit The Elizabeth Glaser Pediatric AIDS Foundation. Each team would be randomly given five of the biggest artists in the music industry. They would have to negotiate with each group or artist for a personal experience to be auctioned off during the live segment. The team that raised the most money would win; the losers would be back in the boardroom where someone would be fired. George and Carolyn would be along to observe.

The new Net Worth, with Chris at the helm, had to meet Barenaked Ladies, Gene Simmons, New Found Glory, Simple Plan and Fat Joe. Chris told John he wanted him to meet with the artists because John had a music background. Chris asked John if he needed him to come along and John said no; he could handle it. But John said he would be happy to take along Erin and Stephanie because he needed as many hot girls as he could muster, a comment that didn't sit too well with the women. Chris and Angie headed out to the FUSE studios to start with the production of their segment.

As John, Erin and Stephanie headed out, John told the women that the first thing on the list was to ask each artist to play a gig at the winning bidder's house. When Stephanie suggested the idea of something extra, like a small part in an upcoming music video, John shot it down. John did suggest something that the women could do: giggle and pretend that they didn't know anything about the music industry when they met with the artists. In an interview, Stephanie said she wasn't happy. She said that John didn't respect women and saw them as just a pretty face.

When John, Stephanie and Erin met with New Found Glory, John kept cutting off the women when they tried to speak. In an interview, Stephanie said the negotiations turned into the "John Show." And when John took over the negotiations, he tended to offer up the same idea for the personal experience where the artists would play a 45 minute set at the winning bidder's house. John guaranteed that it would make the winning bidder the "coolest kid on the planet." But the bands didn't see it that way. One member of New Found Glory called the idea "kinda boring" and another said, "It's really not that cool." When the three candidates met with Barenaked Ladies, John again pitched doing the 45 minute set at someone's house. And when they met with Simple Plan, John pitched this same idea once again. A Simple Plan member said that all the music contests offer this same prize and he wondered if it was special enough for the charity auction. John said that the team would be happy with anything. In an interview, Stephanie said she was surprised at John, who had a background in music. Stephanie called John's ideas boring and said that she was "embarrassed" during the meetings.

Finally, John, Stephanie and Erin met with Gene Simmons. But when John tried to open with a story, Gene shut him down. Instead, Simmons wanted to listen to the ladies. Simmons told the group that he would soon be releasing a special CD box set. John threw out the idea of going to dinner and the CD release party with Simmons as the experience for the auction. Simmons asked if that would be enough - he said he wanted his personal experience to garner the highest bid of all. But instead of asking for a more extravagant experience, John told Simmons that anything he offered would get a high bid.

On the new Magna, Kendra, Tana and Craig went to meet with their artists, who were Lil Kim, Lil Jon, Moby, Eve and Jadakiss. Kendra left Alex and Bren to work on the production of the auction. Kendra, Tana and Craig met first with artist Lil Jon. While Tana may have looked a bit out of place with Lil Jon and his crew, she jumped right into the hip-hop world, using lingo she might not have ever used before ("We be talkin'," for example) Tana even asked to hold Lil Jon's special, diamond encrusted signature cup, which generated the idea of auctioning off the experience of being Lil Jon's cupbearer for a day. Craig quickly added that the person could also have a cameo appearance in the artist's next music video. Lil Jon thought it was a lot to ask for - but he agreed to put the experience up on the auction block. Kendra thought Tana and Craig did such a good job that she let the two negotiate the rest of the personal experiences without her. When Craig and Tana met with Eve, they asked for an experience that would involve a small part on Eve's TV show as well as lunch with her. Eve liked the idea and another experience was set. Next, Tana and Craig convinced Jadakiss to let the highest bidder travel around the world with him on tour. With Lil Kim, the duo got her to agree to having the highest bidder spend a week with the artist -- and Tana promised that somebody would really "diggity that." Finally, Tana and Craig got Moby to agree to take someone on tour for a week. The winning bidder would travel first class and even appear onstage and play a set with Moby.

With the personal experiences set, it was time for the live auction segments to air! For Magna, Tana and Craig co-hosted their eleven minute segment. Tana threw around more vocabulary that she might not use every day, like "in the hizzy" and "booya." Trump, who watched the segment from his office, thought Tana did a good job. Kendra nervously watched the live bidding results and wondered if it would be enough to win. For Net Worth, Chris and Erin co-hosted their live segment. Two of their musical artists made guest appearances: Tyler Stewart from Barenaked Ladies and Gene Simmons, who put a wet finger into Erin's ear. Trump arrived at the TV studio and met with the teams to hear the results of their bids. George announced that Net Worth had brought in a total of $11,325. But Carolyn said that Magna's total was $21,654, which was attributed largely to the week-long experiences the team managed to secure. Trump said that for this task, everyone had received the reward of helping raise a lot of money for a worthy cause. But then Trump added that Net Worth would meet him back in the boardroom where someone would be fired.

Up in the suite, the members of Net Worth talked about who might be the one to go. In an interview, John predicted it would be either Chris or him. But John added that he had come up with all of the personal experience ideas and Chris had contributed nothing. Angie said Chris considered John such a good buddy that she worried he might sacrifice himself for John. But Chris said that he and John had an understanding - if they had to, they would go after each other in the boardroom.

After the teams sat down across from Trump, Carolyn and George at the boardroom table, Angie said that Chris did a good job as a leader. Trump said he was surprised that Chris was so cool on TV. Trump was even more impressed with Erin's performance on the small screen. When asked why his team lost, John said that the other team was lucky. But Carolyn disagreed, saying that Magna secured two week-long experiences with artists and Net Worth only auctioned off single night events. George asked Chris why he wasn't involved in the negotiations with the artists. Chris said he was needed on the production end of things. He said that you had to have a successful TV segment or there would be no bids. And, Chris added, he trusted John to handle the negotiations. George told John that he hadn't asked for big enough personal experiences. George complained that John started too small by asking the artists to play for just 45 minutes at a party. George added that the team squandered a perfect opportunity with Gene Simmons, who said he wanted to offer a personal experience that was better than all the others. Erin and Stephanie said that John didn't let them speak - even worse, they said, he talked about himself too much with the artists. Finally, Chris chose to bring John and Erin back in with him.

After the candidates left the room, Carolyn said John could have done better in the negotiations but that Chris could have done a better job managing his team. It bothered George that Chris delegated the negotiations. George felt Chris should have been there. When John, Chris and Erin returned to the boardroom, Erin said that John wasn't a good negotiator. George challenged Chris by asking him if he avoided the negotiations to stay out of the line of fire if his team lost. Chris forcefully stated that he was the best negotiator at the table. But then Carolyn asked why Chris didn't go out and negotiate. Chris repeated his belief that John could handle working with the artists and that he needed to oversee the critical production end of the task. Chris was so forceful that George told him not to raise his voice at him. Chris apologized and ratcheted it down. All three candidates did agree on one thing: Chris could not have done both the negotiating and the producing. Trump told Chris that he was very disappointed in certain things that he had done. But Trump turned to John and said that he really let Trump down by doing such a terrible job negotiating. "John," he said,
"you're fired."

source : The Apprentice 3 Official Site

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 Author| Post time 27-6-2005 12:35 AM | Show all posts

Episode 8

Sex sells, male chauvinism doesn抰匸/b]

Now, I抦 hardly what you抎 call a 揻eminist

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 Author| Post time 27-6-2005 12:36 AM | Show all posts

Episode 8

Aim for the Sky

Mama V. (my mother) always told me 揂im for the sky and if you hit a skyscraper on the way up

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 Author| Post time 27-6-2005 12:39 AM | Show all posts

Managing Emotions in the Workplace

"Emotions must be managed the same way as time, equipment, funds and other resources," said Edward T. Reilly, president and CEO of American Management Association. "Too often, uncontrolled emotions are the product of excessive stress. Left to grow, fiery emotions can actually fuel the feelings of stress, leading to further angry words and unproductive activity. We can't always control feelings of stress, but we should make an effort to control the disruptive emotions that they may trigger," Reilly said. He offers the following advice:

# Pay attention to your emotions. They cause you to focus on what is happening around you and they put you in touch with how you are responding to a particular situation. Don't ignore your emotions hoping the situation will go away. It won't.

# Realize that emotions are a part of the workplace. Some emotions, in fact, are critical to business success. Enthusiasm, for example, can produce workers who are more productive. But employees who let their negative emotions run rampant can hurt themselves and the company.

# Determine the source of your feelings. Is the anger or distrust caused by a bad experience in the past rather than something that is happening now? Could it be stress? Talk about feelings-yours and the other party's. Try to identify what triggers you, understand your responses and develop behaviors that allow you to be more objective.

# Express your feelings in a non-confrontational manner. This can be done by using "I" messages, where you say, for instance, "I feel angry because

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 Author| Post time 27-6-2005 12:43 AM | Show all posts
Book Smarts / Magna Corp

Project Manager: Kendra

Management Style:  "I'm looking to prove to Donald Trump that I am a great leader, and I am not flying under the radar," Kendra said.

Celebrity donors:  Lil' Kim, Lil Jon, Moby, Eve, and Jadakiss

Biggest obstacle:  Tana's cornfed attempt to be "hip" threatened to distance the celebrities from the team.

Turning point:  Tana and Craig negotiated week-long experiences with Lil' Kim and Moby.

Result:  A goofy, fun auction segment, which garnered huge bids on the two week-long experiences.

Street Smarts / Net Worth Corp

Project Manager: Chris

Management Style:  "The main focus of this is getting the people to bid as much money as possible," Chris said.

Celebrity donors: Barenaked Ladies, Gene Simmons, New Found Glory, Simple Plan, and Fat Joe

Biggest obstacle:  John's disrespectful and unprofessional attitude towards Erin and Stephanie threatened to undermine the group's negotiations.

Turning point: John, Erin, and Stephanie's failure to aim high when negotiating with the musical artists.

Result:  An 11 minute live television segment that spotlighted prize packages such as a private performance from Barenaked Ladies and a party with Gene Simmons, and collected solid bids across the board

source :

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Post time 27-6-2005 08:32 AM | Show all posts
Padan muka JOHN.....

Kalau Trump fired Chris jugak...memang trump nie ada masalah....

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