kalo nk g honeymoon (budget) kt mana yg harus pergi ye,,,...hehehhee...any idea?? pergi sana 5 hari 4 mlm...otai2 bole kasik itenerary x hehehehe...
tiner Post at 17-2-2010 19:06 
Please email to me,i will help you,,
pak isme/isme
email/Ym: [email protected]
info : [email protected]
mobile: +62 81 338 614 174
Phone: +62 361 7988081
terimakasih.. |
Post Last Edit by yantohood at 18-2-2010 00:29
kalo nk g honeymoon (budget) kt mana yg harus pergi ye,,,...hehehhee...any idea?? pergi sana 5 hari 4 mlm...otai2 bole kasik itenerary x hehehehe...
tiner Post at 17-2-2010 19:06 
mohon ditengok di PM package yang saya cadangkan thks... |
542# yantohood
thanks yantohood..! |
kita akan ke bali pd hujung bulan july...pd masa tu peak season ke or x? Cuaca mcm mana?? |
kita akan ke bali pd hujung bulan july...pd masa tu peak season ke or x? Cuaca mcm mana??
syafiq78 Post at 19-2-2010 08:36 
1st July onwards da start peak period. |
ler ye ke...nape plak peak period ek...bukan nye cuti sekolah pon hehhee... |
dkt bali ni ada ke kedai kain mcm kat bandung tu? huhu~  |
540# tiner
hai, bali welcome you for honeymooner in bali. we have great idea for you n if you need good view and romantic place , we will be happy to take u arround bali. just contact me at :
email : [email protected]
phone : +6285237405997
if you need more in do not be hesitate to contact me my address above.
available :
very good car
tour guide with good balinese history
good price only IDR.350.000
halal food |
547# cmf_fatt
di bali ada banyak macem kain, nanti saya show ke ibu macem mana kain yang ibu butu*kan
dengan harga murah n bisa tawar lagi
email : [email protected]
phone : +6285237405997
if you need more in do not be hesitate to contact me my address above.
available :
very good car
tour guide with good balinese history
good price only IDR.350.000
halal food |
544# syafiq78
halo syafiq, juli cukup ramai pelancong ke bali, untuk cuaca sangat bagus summer season. sunset/sunrise available on the beach
jadi tak usah kwathir dengan cuaca,
email : [email protected]
phone : +6285237405997
if you need more in do not be hesitate to contact me my address above.
available :
very good car
tour guide with good balinese history
good price only IDR.350.000
halal food |
505# kodokke
saya ada turis dr malaysia, kalau ibu berkenan , ibu bisa gabung sama dia
saya jemput di airport yeeee
email : [email protected]
phone : +6285237405997
if you need more in do not be hesitate to contact me my address above.
available :
very good car
tour guide with good balinese history
good price only IDR.350.000
halal food |
518# AreYou69
do not worry about the tour itinerary
saya ready to help you, when you are in bali, you can go any where where you want to go
good time until you puas arround bali
email : [email protected]
phone : +6285237405997
if you need more in do not be hesitate to contact me my address above.
available :
very good car
tour guide with good balinese history
good price only IDR.350.000
halal food |
Hi semua...
Alhamdulillah Aphink pon udah sampai ke BAli.. Sebelum pi aritue memang jadi pembaca setia kat thread nie..abis umah lama semua diselongkar..hehheehe
Thanks sesangat kat semua forumer kat sini atas info2nya yang sangat membantu....{:1_151:}
4 hari 3 malam di Bali memang rasa x puass...Besst sangat. RAsa semua tempat nak pegi tapi tuelah masanya terhad..huhuhu. MAsa di BAli Aphink gunkan khidmat jejaka hitam manis & berlesung pipit sebagai tour guidenya..saper lagi kalo bukan yantohood...xixixixi. Thanks yer atas khidmat 3 in 1 nya (tour guide, potographer & pelayan anak2..xixixixixi). Agak2 yanto ingat lagi x kat Aphink & family ?
InsyaAllah bulan 6 nie nak pi BAli lagi..Time for Lovina...   |
sapa lagi jejaka yg itam2 si tampuk manggis....yantohood namanya..rasa nak gi lagi ke Bali.. |
551# pcorazon2002
saya dah ambik dgn Pak Isme. Tapi saya dua orang saje, mau cari teman same jugak gabung untuk transport, |
Ade siape nag pi on 25/2/10 to 27/2/10 tak, boleh PM saya |
tak sabar aku mengire hari. Duit indon dah tukar dapt IDR 1 juta = RM 358.5. |
| |