lemon tu letak satu sudu ikut sukatan cuka tu jugak kan...
err... ai letak soda bikarbo ...
airwickss Post at 30-5-2011 05:41 
Haah, ikut resipi tu - 1tsp soda bicarbonate mix with 1tsp lemon/vinegar. mmg akan buih byk.
Ni ada sikit info beza soda bicarbonate n baking powder:
Bicarbonate of soda is a pure leavening agent. It needs to be mixedwith moisture and an acidic ingredient for the necessary chemicalreaction to take place to make food rise. Because it needs an acid tocreate the rising quality, it is often used in recipes where there isalready an acidic ingredient present, such as lemon juice, chocolate,buttermilk or honey.Baking powder, which contains bicarbonate of soda, comespre-mixed with the acidic ingredient for you – so all you need to addis the moisture. The acidic ingredient most often used in baking powderis cream of tartar. You can make your own baking powder: simply mix twoparts cream of tartar with one part bicarbonate of soda. Baking powderhas a neutral taste and is often used in recipes that have otherneutral-tasting ingredients, such as milk. |