skg ni update berkonsepkan OVER THE AIR
mostly model yang guna feature pack 2
klu xde wifi, mampus nak update..................:@ :@ :@ :@ :@ |
Reply #566 musang_pulut's post
adeehhh..leceh la gini....abis tu..mcmana..ko nak update gak ke musang? |
Balas #567 tok_hoi\ catat
aku tgk kpd 2 bnda ni. 1. Hackable fw. 2. Nokia maps update
Keduanya saling berkait. Klu blh hack skalipun, nokia map x blh instal jgk. |
bab x bole hack tu yg aku kecewa....sbb nokia map bergantung pd hack ni..baru bole ber 'nokia map'...tggu je la review dr mana2 user dr web lain yg dah update...klu bole hack baru aku nak update...klu x aku remain fw ni dulu jer...nokia dah makin alert dgn mende2 mcm ni....leceh tul |
simpan dulu la update tu smpai ada new method yg blh hack latest fw ni...
termasuk nokia maps yg compatible |
nasib baik n73 takde update baru
kalau tak tak boleh hack
six: Hp aku hacked hehehe.. |
Reply #571 DewaGanaZ's post
aku pinjam ko nyer detail ek dewa....biaq depa senang baca... 
V30.0.018 available for update thru NSU

Changes/improvements made from MCU SW 20.0.016 to latest version 30.0.018
New features:
Maps 2.0 (e.g. Pedestrian navigation, Traffic info, Multimedia city guides, satellite imagery)
Full N-Gage
Nokia Search 4.0 with Google plug-in
Share on Ovi
Enablers for 揅omes With Music |
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* Nokia Maps 2.0 built-in.
* Full N-Gage client.
* Nokia Search 4.0 with Google plug-in.
* Share online 3.0.
* Enablers for Comes With Music.
* Download! application updated (v 3.1.50)
* Upgrade to Music Player.
* Update for Flash Lite 3 (improved viewing of sites like YouTube)
* Current consumption improvements (for e.g. WLAN scanning)
* New baseline for VoIP (with significant error corrections)- first thing i want to mention - startup time decreased to 15-16 sec.;- first thing i
* On the desktop there is 搒hare online |
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berapa harga n95 8gig skrng ni eh? |
Reply #575 stfunewbiez's post
aku just update nokia n95 8g aku...
skang aku nak try hack nokia maps dia...
will update later... |
Selamat meng 'hack'...semoga ko berjaya.. |
update dari aku...
aku rasa cam dh berjaya je hack fon aku ni...
sbb dgn selambanye aku bleh install unsign app..
cam nokia maps 2.0
http://forum.cari.com.my/viewthr ... page%3D1&page=1
tp still xleh free navigate la nokia maps 2...
terpaksa aku pakai garmin je la camni... |
aku dah berjaya hack handphone aku...
aku pakai latest nye firmware baru update smalam...
skang dh bleh guna noki maps 2.0 dgn voice navigation skali free...
thanks pada suma yg ajar cara nak hack kat forum ni... |
Originally posted by marx_drug at 4/10/08 05:26 PM 
aku dah berjaya hack handphone aku...
aku pakai latest nye firmware baru update smalam...
skang dh bleh guna noki maps 2.0 dgn voice navigation skali free...
thanks pada suma yg ajar ca ...
la..x best la nokia maps tu...aku dah buang dah..pakai garmin lagi best..huhuh
tapi memang comfom v30 leh hack |
aku pun pakai garmin gak...
nokia maps tu alternative je... |
Nokia N82 Version: 30.0.019
Walaupun n82 latest firmware dah dibubuh pelindung untuk dihack tapi mgkin nokia terlupa yang N82 ada feature UDP (User DataPreservation).
Kalau pengguna masih ingat, bila korang update fw sebelumnya, korang tak perlu buat backup sbb N82 dah ada feature UDP.
Korang boleh manipulate UDP feature ni dgn hack dulu N82 korang sebelum update. File installserver.exe akan remain berada dalam N82 selepas diupdate. Walaupun N82 korang dah guna latest Version: 30.0.019 korang still blh install Unsigned Files & View/Edit System Files & Folders Through ActiveFile.
Cara2 nak hack
1. Run Hellocarbide
2. Pindah installserver.exe ke c:\sys\bin
3. install activefile
Langkah 2,3 kena guna file yg aku attach ni:
Selamat mencuba.... hehehe
Use at yr own risk.................
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