Let me tell you a tail … oops ... I mean a tale of happiness. This is how it goes … a young puppy asked his mother "Where is happiness?" The mother replied "It's on your tail." So the young puppy keeps on chasing after his tail, going round and round. But after a whole day of trying, he failed to get the happiness that was on his tail. Then he told his mother about it and his mother smiled and said "Son, you don't really need to chase after your happiness, as long as you keep going with whatever you have, your happiness will always be with you."
I am sure you see the wisdom of the above tale … you don’t have to chase for happiness, keep moving with whatever you have, live within whatever you can afford and happiness will always be following right behind you. Don’t be blinded by chasing for materialistic possessions. When you see a relative buys a big house, doesn’t mean you have to own a big house too. When a colleague uses the latest IPhone, doesn’t mean that you have to get one to match. When your neighbour buys a new car, doesn’t mean you have to drive a better one to show.