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Author: Terong Pipit

Family of beheaded American blame US govt for not helping him!

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Post time 13-5-2004 05:05 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Sephiroth at 2004-5-13 08:48 AM:
Stupid remarks from the family of the victim ... it was the Victim's choice to go to Afghan to help some ungrateful creatures there, NOT Bush's.

And it is the choice of those animals' who behead ...

Since when you've turned into an American ass-kisser, boy? Since when it was Bush's business to "free" Iraq from the tyranny of Saddam Hussein?

Since it's not even your distant relative's victim, the least you do is shut the **** up.

One good Karma deserves another, one bad one deserves another as well.

I find it unfortunate that your statement have made you no different from "terrorist" Muslims due to your "extremist" interpretation of karma.

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Post time 14-5-2004 08:42 AM | Show all posts

I may not be able to fly over there and educate anyone or the millitant or do anything to fix this mess but i think i have responsible to educate you people to realise that you cant blame all muslims for all the mess!

Wrong ... WHAT ever you say here, it doesn't matter. Whatever it says in Al Quran, it doesn't matter anymore. Do you know WHY?

1. Your own brethen showed us that they themselves who claims to be Islam are KAFIRS.

2. Your words are USELESS because we are dealing with Kafirs here and you cannot do anything to help.

So don't bother educating us, we are not the one who needs to be educated here. ;)

what are you trying to say here? karma thingy again? well too sad that innocent civilian like Nick Berg had to face the punishment and I feel sorry for him...i hope by now you read my message very clear that my religion has nothing to do with the mess. Dont blame the religion when someone does something that against the religion because most religions teach us to do the good deeds ..same goes to ISLAM!  

Hmph ... your religion teaches you to do good deeds for yourselves and your brethen, NOT for us.

As for Berg ... ... beheading_family_dc

[Qoute ]

CBS reported on Thursday that Berg was questioned by FBI agents who discovered he had been interviewed before because a computer password he used in college had turned up in the possession of accused Sept. 11 conspirator Zaccarias Moussaoui.  [/qoute]

Maybe our friend, Berg is not such a innocent person after all.

by ariyamusafir

First of all, it is in Iraq, not Afghan. Second, if Bush did not wage this illigitimate war, what you have to say???

I know it is in Iraq, I have already corrected that mistaken before when was pointed out by Wicked.

if Bush didn't wage this war, someone else who fed up with your attitudes WILL.

Don't simply think you "people" are such an innocent ones here ... YOU are NOT. Example set on Muhammad when he waged war against others is enough and being a good Muslim means continuing that war.

Muslims are irresponsible creatures - they say they are sorry only to return another day to repeat the same mistake over and over and over again. Guess what ... the rest of the world FED-UP with them.

When Portugist sail to the east and start colonialising, their term is for Gospel, Gold and Glory. Remember the enslavement of the Blacks in America?? Those whites wearing white hood claiming to be christians and accusing the blacks to be the devil. Also, I think you have not heard of the term White Man's Burden have you???? It was refering to the burden of the white, as Christians to educate non-christians about Christianity. So you can't blame both. Its religion is good but it is the people and not all people.

Portugis came here for Spice, English came here for the same thing and then their attention turn to tea.

This *****s have put economy and material gains before religion. Hell ... they themselves are lousy Christians, how could they teach others about God?

BUT ONLY Muslims launched attacks on others for Religion sake. They are the only one send troops to attack, take over and spread Islam by sword.

Hell ... take this war for example, even those who are not involved are learning about Islam just so they could understand why things are like this and whether the "oppressed people" which Muslims potray in the TV is true or false. Waging war and behaving like saints are two of your tools. ;)

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WICKED This user has been deleted
Post time 14-5-2004 10:38 AM | Show all posts
Wrong ... WHAT ever you say here, it doesn't matter. Whatever it says in Al Quran, it doesn't matter anymore. Do you know WHY?

1. Your own brethen showed us that they themselves who claims to be Islam are KAFIRS.

2. Your words are USELESS because we are dealing with Kafirs here and you cannot do anything to help.

i've received your hate-message here. the hatred you have to us muslims. No point of me educating you people because it doesnt work!  if you think they are my brethren,  why should I betray them and side someone like you who take me as your enemy? is that your perception toward us muslims, tell me how much hate do you have for us muslims?. Do you want me to hate you in return just because you hate me as a muslim? Do you want me to change my mind and support the terrorists for all this while i never support them? If hate is what we have for one another, there'll never be a peace in this world!

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Post time 14-5-2004 11:05 AM | Show all posts

i've received your hate-message here. the hatred you have to us muslims. No point of me educating you people because it doesnt work!

Hmph ... your education of your own species is not working, you want to educate us? Hmph ... sorry ... you're not worthy to teach me anything. ;)

if you think they are my brethren,  why should I betray them and side someone like you who take me as your enemy?

If you want to DIE with them, It's Fine by me. Less one creature to listen to.

is that your perception toward us muslims, tell me how much hate do you have for us muslims?.  

What do you think I'm doing here? Declaring my love to you? :lol How am I suppose to measure my hatred (if any) toward your species?

Do you want me to hate you in return just because you hate me as a muslim?  

Your choice ... I really don't give a damn.

Do you want me to change my mind and support the terrorists for all this while i never support them?

Once again, that's your choice and I really don't give a damn. ;)

If hate is what we have for one another, there'll never be a peace in this world!  

You ask US to compromise with you while You don't do anything equal in return. That's fair?

You say you want peace from US but you do not do anything to promote peace. That's fair?

You don't know your boundary and thinks that everything under the sun belong to you. That's fair?

And finally, you willing to attack/ promote others who are crazier than you to attack just because he or she wants to do something he/she likes. That's Fair?

Peace flew out of the window when Moses lead your species out of the desert 5,000 years ago. From that time till now, only thing we are supposed to be expecting from your kind was destruction and mayhem, NOT PEACE for YOU ARE TOOLS OF DESTRUCTION ... PUPPETS FOR GOD TO DESTROY THIS WORLD AND END THIS AGE AND BEGIN A NEW ONE.

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Post time 14-5-2004 11:10 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Sephiroth at 14-5-2004 11:05 AM:

i've received your hate-message here. the hatred you have to us muslims. No point of me educating you people because it doesnt work!

Hmph ... your education of your own spe ...

HEY Sephiroth... we dont undermine yours and please dont undermine our religion, your self hatred is not going anywhere and only seeding war here sooner or later, pls respect others.... are you gonna be Debmey no.2?

So far we still trying to respect you, but if you dont respect yourself then go ahead... we will be glad to entertain another clown... OK?

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WICKED This user has been deleted
Post time 14-5-2004 11:11 AM | Show all posts
someone ever asked me whether you and debmey are the same person but i doubt it..not until you show how much you hate us muslims! even if you are two different persons I think debmey must have a big influence on you.

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Post time 14-5-2004 11:24 AM | Show all posts
by kid

HEY Sephiroth... we dont undermine yours and please dont undermine our religion, your self hatred is not going anywhere and only seeding war here sooner or later, pls respect others.... are you gonna be Debmey no.2?

So far we still trying to respect you, but if you dont respect yourself then go ahead... we will be glad to entertain another clown... OK?

Hmph ... I didn't come here to get your respect. Make sure you understand that part.

Non-Muslims have pride and it exists whether you give them respect or not. That is why Indian and Chinese (non-Christians) managed to create cultures and heritage which others (like Westerners) learn from and respect back.

Your respect is worth the scrap that stuck on the bottom of my shoes. :agr:


someone ever asked me whether you and debmey are the same person but i doubt it..not until you show how much you hate us muslims! even if you are two different persons I think debmey must have a big influence on you.  

Debmey and Me the same person? Hmph ... you really not that stupid, are you?

There is two difference between us :

1. I never LIE.

2. I never back away from a fight and ALL my statements are based on some sort of proof which I usually paste (in form of link) to back my statements.

One more thing ... Debmey NEVER supported Islam for anything. Go and ask Kenkid who supported him when he was writing the history of Muhammad?
Me or the people who PM him, warning him to not continue for fearing non-Muslims will use it to attack them back.

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WICKED This user has been deleted
Post time 14-5-2004 11:35 AM | Show all posts
Debmey and Me the same person? Hmph ... you really not that stupid, are you?

knowing what type of person debmey is ... im not surprise if debmey dares to do something like is not only me who have doubt whether you and debmey are the same person but someone else too until u've proven me that you guys are totally different persons. people can lie or hide their identity on the net, isnt it? I must say Debmey has a big influence on you then!

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Post time 14-5-2004 11:41 AM | Show all posts

knowing what type of person debmey is ... im not surprise if debmey dares to do something like is not only me who have doubt whether you and debmey are the same person but someone else too until u've proven me that you guys are totally different persons. people can lie or hide their identity on the net, isnt it? I must say Debmey has a big influence on you then!  

Up to you to believe what you want ... personally, I think you are just trying to say something stupid about him so both of us could end up fighting.

I already stated the differences between him and me and it is an obvious ones also. Here's another ... I don't have ANY other Multinicks in this forum save for ONE which is obsolete now. Believe that or not, your choice.

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Post time 14-5-2004 11:44 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Sephiroth at 14-5-2004 11:24 AM:
Hmph ... I didn't come here to get your respect. Make sure you understand that part.

Non-Muslims have pride and it exists whether you give them respect or not. That is why Indian and Chinese (non-Christians) managed to create cultures and heritage which others (like Westerners) learn from and respect back.

Your respect is worth the scrap that stuck on the bottom of my shoes

You are talking about pride and respect back but your behaviour show that you dont have any :lol  .... (another clown?)

You talk about Indian and Chinese have pride and culture/heritage as if Malays have no pride and culture/heritage... your posting obviously racist, do you know what Malays think about the people like you? ....(remember some of Muslim here are not Malays)

My conclusion... you are either a small kid or pathetic grown-up ... go figure out

[ Last edited by kid on 14-5-2004 at 11:47 AM ]

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Post time 14-5-2004 12:06 PM | Show all posts
Portugis came here for Spice, English came here for the same thing and then their attention turn to tea.

This *****s have put economy and material gains before religion. Hell ... they themselves are lousy Christians, how could they teach others about God?

BUT ONLY Muslims launched attacks on others for Religion sake. They are the only one send troops to attack, take over and spread Islam by sword.

Hell ... take this war for example, even those who are not involved are learning about Islam just so they could understand why things are like this and whether the "oppressed people" which Muslims potray in the TV is true or false. Waging war and behaving like saints are two of your tools.

Your double standards applied to Muslims is pathetic. So, Christians who killed in the name of religion are bad Christians while automatically you generalise all Muslims and the religion itself for terrorist acts?

You're only emotional against Muslims just because these atrocities were committed at present. You failed to take account that Christians too committed the same atrocity in the past.

Need I remind you the Spanish inquisition? Need I remind you the Salem witchhunt?

The Christians have been responsible for genocide for centuries, including Red Indians in America and various pagan groups including Wiccans. These were "heretics" deemed bound to hell for not believing in the gospel of Jesus Christ.

And before you accuse me of defending Islam, as you know I'm an infidel, both Islam and Christianity are guilty for it's crimes against humanity.

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Post time 14-5-2004 01:09 PM | Show all posts
all humanity are guilty, not just muslims or christians.
just like wat the bible said.

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Post time 14-5-2004 01:09 PM | Show all posts
by John Lennon

And before you accuse me of defending Islam, as you know I'm an infidel, both Islam and Christianity are guilty for it's crimes against humanity.

EXCUSE ME ... Who the f#$K are You? :agr:

I don't remember answering any crap from you for your attitude sucks.
And I sure as hell didn't accuse you of anything either.
And I don't give a damn what you want to be ... you can be a freaking communist for all I care.

So do me a favour and go play with yourself. :agr:

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WICKED This user has been deleted
Post time 14-5-2004 01:26 PM | Show all posts
Seph..why angry at John Lennon just because he has said something that very fair for both of us? I think John Lennon has contributing something  for the peace of the world.  He has played a good role to be a middle person to stop a fight between two people from different religions. dont you feel embarass with  someone infidel like John Lennon, he doesnt have religion to side with but he has a very valuable thought that we should consider, and debmey at last you admit that all humanity are guilty, not just muslims or christians and I hope by now you shouldnt blame ALL MUSLIMS for what certain muslims had done and I hope by now it is very clear to you that not all muslims are bad as what u've imagined.

[ Last edited by WICKED on 14-5-2004 at 01:32 PM ]

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Post time 14-5-2004 01:42 PM | Show all posts

I think John Lennon has contributing something  for the peace of the world.

If that's your opinion about him, Fine ... give him a noble prize for all you care. Just don't expect me to put him on my shoulders and parade him around.

He has played a good role to be a middle person to stop a fight between two people from different religions. dont you feel embarass with  someone infidel like John Lennon, he doesnt have religion to side with but he has a very valuable thought that we should consider, and debmey at last you admit that all humanity are guilty, not just muslims or christians and I hope by now you shouldnt blame ALL MUSLIMS for what certain muslims had done and I hope by now it is very clear to you that not all muslims are bad as what u've imagined.  

Yes he does ... he is anti Christianity. No matter how bad any other religion maybe, in his eyes, Christianity will always be the worse.

I won't change my opinion about Muslims, and my views about them (that they are here to bring chaos and destruction) is simply based on Hindusm.

In their scriptures, it is said that a race of GIANTS lived with Humans and this people, despite of been taught about God, always return back to their bad habits - womanizing, drinking, killing, etc. They are known as Asuras.

And there is a thread here which stated that your ancestor - Adam were a Giant. And I believe someone stated the same is stated in Al Quran.

So mix the two statement and you get a logic conclusion ... You are descendant of Asuras, the race of Giants from the East. You and I have no relationship, we ain't brothers or sisters, we ain't worshiping the same God and we ain't going to the same destination when we die.

ONLY one of us is saved and I have already accepted damnation for being wrong, just in case I am wrong. What about you?

Even in our genetics and society, you could see the difference ... non Abrahamic followers are calmer, more spiritually focused (but most of the time, worship all kind of things), peaceful and trustworthy. They willing to work hard for their share of the world. Can we say the same about your race? Your society?

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Post time 14-5-2004 01:50 PM | Show all posts
Looks like my post smacked him nicely.;)

Nothing to refute? You could just ignore my post instead of "acknowledging" me by telling me to **** off.

Seph..why angry at John Lennon just because he has said something that very fair for both of us? I think John Lennon has contributing something  for the peace of the world.  He has played a good role to be a middle person to stop a fight between two people from different religions. dont you feel embarass with  someone infidel like John Lennon, he doesnt have religion to side with but he has a very valuable thought that we should consider, and debmey at last you admit that all humanity are guilty, not just muslims or christians and I hope by now you shouldnt blame ALL MUSLIMS for what certain muslims had done and I hope by now it is very clear to you that not all muslims are bad as what u've imagined.

Oh my, I'm flattered but I'm biased and have ideology just like you two. Unfortunately from my side, religion is capable of very good things as well as very bad things.

Too bad for us malaysians we still lag very far in terms of a decent debate. You guys should avoid ad hominems and  strawmen as much as possible when debating.

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Post time 14-5-2004 01:55 PM | Show all posts
Yes he does ... he is anti Christianity. No matter how bad any other religion maybe, in his eyes, Christianity will always be the worse.

Pot calling kettle black?;)

I won't change my opinion about Muslims, and my views about them (that they are here to bring chaos and destruction) is simply based on Hindusm.

In their scriptures, it is said that a race of GIANTS lived with Humans and this people, despite of been taught about God, always return back to their bad habits - womanizing, drinking, killing, etc. They are known as Asuras.

And there is a thread here which stated that your ancestor - Adam were a Giant. And I believe someone stated the same is stated in Al Quran.

So mix the two statement and you get a logic conclusion ... You are descendant of Asuras, the race of Giants from the East. You and I have no relationship, we ain't brothers or sisters, we ain't worshiping the same God and we ain't going to the same destination when we die.

ONLY one of us is saved and I have already accepted damnation for being wrong, just in case I am wrong. What about you?

Even in our genetics and society, you could see the difference ... non Abrahamic followers are calmer, more spiritually focused (but most of the time, worship all kind of things), peaceful and trustworthy. They willing to work hard for their share of the world. Can we say the same about your race? Your society?

So there it goes. There is no avoiding no matter how subtle that religion always ****s each other up in the name of "truth".

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Post time 14-5-2004 02:06 PM | Show all posts
by John Lennon

So there it goes. There is no avoiding no matter how subtle that religion always ****s each other up in the name of "truth".

Religion is about living a proper Life, Moron ... NOT how one should attack and kills another. ANY part of religions which states to attack another person, and I will reject it.

Which is why I don't condemn Al Quran (for I have my own reasons) but condemn Muhammad and his conducts. For me, a person who was born a human are entitled to make errors like a human, whether he is a Sage, Prophet or Nabis.

Then again, what the hell do an Atheist know about God and religions? ;)

[ Last edited by Sephiroth on 14-5-2004 at 02:08 PM ]

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WICKED This user has been deleted
Post time 14-5-2004 02:08 PM | Show all posts
i guess seph is angry at we muslims after debmey pasted the link about sikh no wonder he shows his hatred to us. ... ge=4&sid=hYPuji

On behalf of every muslim i like to apologise you for what had happened to those sikhs in the past but John Lennon has stated something that not only muslims killed people in the past..christians too during spanish inquisition. I can see debmey plays a bad role as an agitator to our malaysian society. He forgot that muslims also became the victims during that spanish inquistion and yet he only blames muslims for all those killings.

[ Last edited by WICKED on 14-5-2004 at 02:13 PM ]

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Post time 14-5-2004 02:28 PM | Show all posts

i guess seph is angry at we muslims after debmey pasted the link about sikh no wonder he shows his hatred to us. On behalf of every muslim i like to apologise you for what had happened to those sikhs in the past ...

GOD!!! You really don't understand anything do you? :geram:

What happened to the Sikh is IN THE PAST.
What happened at May 13th is IN THE PAST.
What happened at Kampung Medan is IN THE PAST.

Do you think I'm a type of person who dwell in the past? What I want to know is WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO DO NOW? As far as I considered, your opologize means nothing because it will not bring back the dead or erase the hurt. It may reduce your karma or even make you a better person, but in the end, it is up to you to make amendment.

I know you are powerless because you are just one person. And there was another person last time (a lady forumer, forgot her name) who said that she will teach her kids how to respect others and maybe that will ensure peace. That's fine by me because that's her personal resolution.

... but John Lennon has stated something that not only muslims killed people in the past..christians too during spanish inquisition. I can see debmey plays a bad role as an agitator to our malaysian society. He forgot that muslims also became the victims during that spanish inquistion and yet he only blames muslims for all those killings.  

Do you think that if I'm a person who dwell in the past, I could easily forgiven Christians for what they did?

They attacked India because they considered them infidels, they poisoned young men with opium just so they could send silver and gold coins to their homeland, they forced Japan to open its doors and destroy the Samurais which existed for hundreds of years, they forced Siam kings to become their pets and destroyed Burma altogether. Their sins are worse than yours.

And guess what ... look at their society now. Their children are sick mentally and spiritually. They don't know what God is even if God come down and smack them in the head. They don't know what good or bad conducts are (which explain why even priests could sin) and their society is slowly turning to that of an animals'. They do not escape their past sins. Their children WILL face it and suffer for their actions.

As for Lennon ... I really don't care what a guy who fashion himself after a dead guy could want to say. Like he said, I should just ignore him, like God will ignore them who ignores Him.

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