I think it's okay to ignore grammatical mistake if a person tries to communicate. Afterall, we are not native speakers of English.
But in a formal context and situation, can't help myself to be a grammar 'Natzi'. Hehe.
But come to think of it, in the case of Malay language, to what extent do we bother grammatical mistakes made by other people?
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i voted yes too cause i believe that if we practice good grammar be it english or bahasa, we will reduce our communication error and at the same time increase our confidence.
sy percaya, ramai orang more engage to handphone because they refuse to be ridicule when they converse. some people can't even differentiate when to use there, they, their. |
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i vote for Yes.
but in the method of communication area, if people can understand it, then it's okay.
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I voted 'yes' sebab that's what I typically do in my line of work. |
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Omeyya replied at 2-10-2017 02:36 PM
I vote 'no'
*p/s: thank you supermod seribulan for the credits
Same here..no jgk |
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I vote No.
TAPI I always find that it's important to be perfect in grammar especially in official matters. Tak kisahlah English or BM, both must be in grammatical error free.
Untuk English, saya selalu ingat pesan my ex-boss, kalau tak pandai sangat English and takut ada banyak errors by chance, just write in brief and staright to the point. Tak payah nak berbunga sangat bahasa. Lagi panjang nanti lagi banyak salah.
As for me, I will be a grammatical nazi to my own works. Siap beli software nak check my write-up. Untuk jadi nazi org lain punya writing tidak la...
As for social media, tak kisah sangat asalkan paham. Tapi kalau dah menaip English confident level tinggi sangat macam budak weechat tu mmg mengundang hencapan laa... Grammar mmg ke laut, penggunaan perkataan pun hancur... Totally broken. |
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I vote no....tp i sll betulkan dlm hati je klu ada salah ejaan ke grammar ke Even ayat skalipun as long as I faham apa yg dia ckp dh la...nk lebih2 pn takut kena cop belagak pulak wpun kadang2 hauk jgk English i |
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i think im on the fence..
i can be a grammar nazi bila melibatkan kerja and official matters. in both english and malay. but selain tu i dont really bother.
and i do know the difference between there, they're and their |
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Yes at work especially when it involves official documents. Or even emails to external parties.
Kalau grammar tak betul, the other party may have a different understanding. |
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Im sort on the fence as it depends on the situation..As long as i can understand what the other person is saying then im good especially if i know that person is struggling to talk to me..practice makes perfect, right? |
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No. Tapi akan bertukar menjadi Nazi kalau ada orang cakap "that's mean / it's mean" bila sebenarnya apa yang dimaksudkan ialah "that means" or "it means". Malaysian suka sangat cakap org kejam. LOL. Lagi satu bila orang cakap "Congrates". Other than that kadang-kadang je betulkan spelling and pronunciation orang kalau salah. |
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voted yes & no
ikut keadaan sometime jadi yes/ sometime jadi no (grammar iols pon so-so je) tp gigih nak betulkan bila anak (3tahun) salah ckp
most of the time no - ignorance is bliss kekdahnya
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On the fence.. Tpulang pada orang tbabit. Kalo org itu poyo, gud2 ha, pepaham la.. Hahahah |
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tak tau nak kobarnya... mane2 pun ok..
I voted- on the fence because it differs based on situations. It definitely a yes when it comes to a published books or articles or in a formal setting but beyond that, nope. |
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Category: Belia & Informasi