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Author: fly_in_d_sky

Sejarah Sukan Olimpik

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 Author| Post time 6-6-2004 06:57 PM | Show all posts

The Olympic Torch Run for the Games of the XVlll Olympiad, Tokyo 1964

General Information
Journey Olympia - Athens (runners), Athens - Okinawa - Miyazaki - Chitose - Tokyo (aeroplane), Tokyo - Stadium (runners)

Beginning of Relay 21 August 1964 11.00 AM
Distance (km) 26,065
End of Relay 10 October 1964 3.30 PM
Runners 870

Technical Characteristics
Caption: "XVIII Olympiad Tokyo 1964" - with the Olympic rings. The combustion tube is composed of stainless steel.
Fuel Two-component ignition material
Manufacturer Nikkei Yanagi
Composition Stainless steel and aluminum
Colour Silver
Diameter 4 cm

Weight 826 g
Length 64.8 cm

Philatelic Items

Posters: Official poster with torch bearer.
Commemorative plaque with a picture of a female torch bearer with the inscription "HATA".

<image are not available>

The Olympic Torch Run for the Games of the XlX Olympiad, Mexico 1968

Beginning of Relay 23 August 1968
End of Relay 12 September 1968
Type 4

Technical Characteristics
Caption: "Mexico". A simple form which has the caption on the handle and a silvery ring with doves.
Composition Steel
Colour Black, silver, brown
Weight 837 grams
Length  71 cm
Diameter 11 cm

Philatelic Items
Mexico: Series commemorating the arrival of the Olympic Fire in Veracruz on Oct. 6th 1968.
Poland: 10 and 5 zloty, Torch relay Olympia - Mexico City.

Posters: Commercial posters with torch bearer symbols referring to mythological motifs of the prehistoric era.

<image are not available>

The Olympic Torch Run for the Games of the XlX Olympiad, Mexico 1968

Beginning of Relay 23 August 1968
End of Relay 12 September 1968
Type 3

Technical Characteristics
Caption: "Comit

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 Author| Post time 6-6-2004 07:02 PM | Show all posts

The Olympic Torch Run for the Games of the XX Olympiad, Munich 1972

General Information
Journey For the first time since the Olympic Summer Games of Berlin in 1936 the Olympic Flame was run over land: Greece - Turkey - Romania - Yugoslavia - Hungary - Austria - Germany.

Runners, horsemen, cyclists, motorcyclists and rowers were used to bring the Olympic Flame to Munich.

Beginning of Relay 28 July 1972
End of Relay 26 August 1972
Distance (km) 5532
Total number of torches 5917
Runners 6000

Technical Characteristics
Caption:"Spiele der XX Olympiade M黱chen 1972" and Olympic rings on the handle. The logo of the Games was on the combustion tube.
Fuel 24% propane, 76% butane, in an aluminium cartridge
Manufacturer Friedrich Krupp H黷tenwerke AG
Composition Stainless steel
Length 75 cm
Colour Silver
Weight 840 g

Philatelic Items
The Olympic Flame of the Games of Munich 1972
Hungary: Block issued in 1969, 10 florints, Apollo with motif

Posters: Torch relay posters in eight colours and in seven languages, 17,500 prints in total
Certificates: Commemorative certificates matching the poster in colour and design

The Olympic Torch Run for the Games of the XXl Olympiad, Montreal 1976

General Information
Journey The torch was carried by runners from Olympia to Athens, then brought to an "ion receiver", where the flame was converted into electronic energy. A sound generator then used the electricity created and produced a coded signal. The signal was then transmitted to a satellite "Intelsat" and from there all the way down to a station on the ground in Canada, which retransmitted the signal to Ottawa. In Ottawa, the signal was changed into an optic signal thanks to a laser beam and fibre optics, and was finally used to light the torch. Then the flame was run all the way from Ottawa to Montreal and from there all the way to Kingston by car, runners, canoes, bikes, rowing boats and horses.

Beginning of Relay 13 July 1976
End of Relay 17 July 1976
Distance (km) 775
Total number of torches 1250
Runners 1214

Technical Characteristics
The handle is covered with catalyzed, oven-dried black urethane.
Fuel The fuel was composed essentially of specially treated olive oil.
Manufacturer Queensway Machine Products, Toronto, Ontario.
Composition Aluminium
Length 66 cm

Colour White, Maple, Black
Weight 540 g

Philatelic Items
Greece 25 drachma, with illustration of ancient torch bearer and the Montreal torch and emblem.
Canada 8 cents, Flame Relay stamp with cancellation

Application forms: Printed matter

Posters: Olympic Torch Poster, Olympic Poster
Certificates: Certificates signed by the President of the OCOG and the HOC
Coins: 5$ coin, Canada with flame dish
Miscellaneous items: Flame Bearer抯 Guide

The Olympic Torch Run for the Games of the XXll Olympiad, Moscow 1980

General Information
Journey Olympia - Athens - Sofia - Bucharest - Moscow
Moscow - Leningrad - Tallinn
Moscow - Minsk
Moscow - Kiev
Runners, cyclists, horsemen, and trains were used to bring the Olympic Flame to Moscow.
Beginning of Relay 19 June 1980
End of Relay 19 July 1980
Distance (km) 4915
Total number of torches 6200
Runners 5000

Technical Characteristics
Caption: "Moskva Olimpiada 1980" ( Moscow Olympiad 1980). Plate formed with the Games logo and the Olympic rings, and the caption on the handle.

Special reserve lamps. Two lots of flame dishes with a burning time of 1 and 24 hours.
Diameter 240 and 750 mm
Inscription: Olympia-Athens-Sofia-Bucharest-Moscow
Designed by Alejandr Sergeyev
Fuel The fuel was a liquid gas mixture of butane and propane.
Composition Aluminium alloy, gold plated. The handle is silver plated whilst the upper part is gold plated.
Colour Silver, red, gold
Weight 560 g
Length 56 cm

Philatelic Items
USSR: 4 and 2 kopeks, Torch given from hand to hand

Posters: Pictures of the torch on Olympic posters. Each participant received a souvenir poster.
Certificates: For the participants and organizers
Miscellaneous items: Stickers, pennants

The Olympic Torch Run for the Games of the XXIII Olympiad, Los Angeles 1984

General Information
Journey Olympia - Athens (helicopter), Athens - New York (Olympic Flame transported in a special White House aeroplane).

The USA Run:
New York, Connecticut, Rhode Island, Massachusetts, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware, Maryland, Virginia, West Virginia, Ohio, Michigan, Indiana, Illinois, Kentucky, Tennessee, North Carolina, Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi, Arkansas, Missouri, Kansas, Oklahoma, Texas, New Mexico, Colorado, Utah, Idaho, Washington, Oregon, Nevada, California.

Beginning of Relay 7 May 1984
End of Relay 28 July 1984
Distance (km) 15,000
Total number of torches 4500
Runners 3636

Technical Characteristics
Caption: The leather handle features a metallic ring and the caption "Games of the XXIII Olympiad Los Angeles 1984" with the Olympic motto "Citius Altius Fortius" and the picture of the Memorial Coliseum.
Fuel Propane
Manufacturer Turner
Composition Aluminium, bronze, leather
Length 95.50 cm
Colour Brown
Weight 1200 g

Philatelic Items

Special torches: One safety lamp

Printed Matter:
Torch Relay Start Invitation
Torch Relay Route Map
Torch Relay Brochure
Operation Instruction Brochure

Torch Relay Poster
Olympia Poster by Martin Puryear

Torch Relay Certificates

Miscellaneous items:
Instruction brochure for the torch bearers
Pictogram for the torch relay
Olympic Eagle (mascot) with the torch

揋olden Eagle

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 Author| Post time 6-6-2004 07:25 PM | Show all posts

The Olympic Torch Run for the Games of the XXlV Olympiad, Seoul 1988

General Information
Journey Olympia - Athens (runners and boat), Athens - Cheju (Korean Airlines DC10 aeroplane), Cheju - Seoul (runners, ships, horses, motorcycles, motor vehicles, bicycles)

Beginning of Relay 23 August 1988
End of Relay 17 September 1988
Distance (km) 15,250
Total number of torches 3300
Runners 20,899 (including escort runners)

Technical Characteristics
Caption: "Games of the XXIVth Olympiad Seoul 1988". The torch has a leather handle with the caption at the top of the handle. The Games logo is on the top of the torch together with a Korean drawing.
Fuel Mg, P, MnO(2)
Manufacturer Korea Explosives Co. Ltd.
Composition Copper, plastic, leather,
Length 48 cm

Colour Brown
Weight 740 g

Philatelic Items

An official poster
Hodori, Olympic Mascot with torch
Torch Relay postcard, Korea;
Pictogram of the torch relay

Audio-visual media:
Video recording of the lighting ceremony and the torch relay, made by Lisa Delpy, George Mason University of Arlington, Virginia, USA

The Olympic Torch Run for the Games of the XXV Olympiad, Barcelona 1992

General Information
Journey Olympia - Athens, Athens - Piraeus, Piraeus- near Empuries (by the Spanish ship "Catalunya"), through Spain.

Beginning of Relay 5 June 1992
Distance (km) 6307
End of Relay 25 July 1992
Runners 10,448 (including J.A. Samaranch)
Type 1 and 2
Total number of torches 6500

Technical Characteristics
Type 1
Caption:" XXV Olimpiada Barcelona 1992" on the handle with the Games logo

Type 2 (Bowl)
Caption "XXV Olimpiada Barcelona 1992"
Type 1
Aluminium, plastic and metal

Type 2
Marble, Metal
Colour (Type 1) Polychrome, (Type 2) Silver
Length 150 cm

Philatelic Items
Olympic Issue. Victory, Olympic Torch, Cobi, 25 June 1992

Special torches:
A torch made of silver and ivory by the Greek jeweler Illias Lalaounis was used to light the flame by the focused rays of the sun in Olympia.

Special security lamp designed by Andr

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 Author| Post time 6-6-2004 07:44 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by 蝯z坞悬衻 at 6-6-2004 06:43 PM:
sape tau..mana nak d/load olympic mp3 theme..

yg aku ingat start dari la 1984..

atara lyric die.." will teach and we will learn"

dan juga 1988 di seoul , k ...

Koreana - Hand in Hand (written by: Giorgio Moroder)
From the album "1988 Seoul Olympic Games"

Hand in hand Koreana
[Official Seoul 1988 Olympic Games Song]

See the fire in the sky
We feel the beating of our hearts together
This is our time to rise above
We know the chance is here to live forever
For all time

Hand in Hand we stand
All across the land
We can make this world
A better place in which to live

Hand in Hand we can
Start to understand
Breaking down the walls
That come between us for all time

Everytime we give it all
We feel the flame eternally inside us
Lift our hands up to the sky
The morning calm helps us to live in harmony
For all time

Hand in hand we stand
All across the land
We can make this world
A better place in which to live

Hand in Hand we can
Start to understand
Breaking down the walls
That come between us for all time

Hand in hand we stand
All across the land
We can make this world
A better place in which to live

Hand in Hand we can
Start to understand
Breaking down the walls
That come between us for all time

Hand in hand (Breaking down the walls between us)
Hand in Hand (Breaking down the walls)

mane nak dptkan lagu theme Olympic ...
payah skit tp per2 pun Fly try cari ...
kalau ada, Fly pm Dude ...

pasal lagu Olympic tahun '84
penyanyi dia Philip Glass - The Olympian - Lighthing of the Torch

[ Last edited by fly_in_d_sky on 6-6-2004 at 08:33 PM ]

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 Author| Post time 6-6-2004 08:21 PM | Show all posts

masuk bab muzik Olimpik

The Olympic Anthem
The poem "Ancient Immortal Spirit" touched so many hearts and represented so well the Olympic ideal that a decision was made to adopt it as the official anthem of the Olympic games.

The Olympic anthem, "Ancient Immortal Spirit"

The Poem that Was Treasured as a Song
The Olympic anthem began as a poem written in 1893 by one of the best known and loved Greek poets of the 20th century, Costas Palamas (1859-1943).

Palamas's poem was set to music in 1896 by the Greek composer Spiros Samaras (1853-1917) and introduced at the first revived Olympics in Athens that same year.

Today, the Olympic anthem is sung in many languages. Because the lyrics have to follow the music, translations vary. The legacy of this Hellenic song now reaches far beyond Greece.

"Ancient Immortal Spirit"
The English version below is a fairly faithful translation of Palamas's Greek poem:

"Ancient Immortal Spirit"
Ancient Immortal Spirit, chaste Father
of all that is Beauty, Grandeur, and Truth,
Descending, appear with Thy presence
Illuminate Thine Earth and the Heavens.

Shine upon noble endeavors wrought
at the Games on the Track and in the Field.
Crown with Thy eternal evergreen branch
The bodies, making them stronger and worthy.

Dale, Mount, and Ocean, with Thy Light
as a white and purple temple, brighten!
To Thine Temple, to Thy worship, come all.
O Ancient Eternal Spirit!

The Official Anthem
Throughout the years, many different versions were played and sung at the Olympics. Finally, in 1958, the International Olympic Committee adopted one version as the official anthem of the Olympic games.

The loose rendition of Palamas's poem that appears below is the English version that has been sung at every Olympic games since 1958:

Immortal Spirit of antiquity,
Father of the true, beautiful, and good,
Descend, appear, shed over us Thy light
Upon this ground and under this sky

Which has first witnessed Thy imperishable fame.
Give life and animation to those noble games!
Throw wreaths of fadeless flowers to the victors
In the race and in strife!

Create in our breasts, hearts of steel!
Shine in a roseate hue and form a vast temple
To which all nations throng to adore Thee,
O immortal Spirit of antiquity.

The Olympic anthem is played as the Olympic flag is raised during the opening cermony.

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seek1u This user has been deleted
Post time 7-6-2004 12:49 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by fly_in_d_sky at 6-6-2004 07:44 PM:

Koreana - Hand in Hand (written by: Giorgio Moroder)
From the album "1988 Seoul Olympic Games"

Hand in hand Koreana
[Official Seoul 1988 Olympic Games Song]

Se ...

thanks fly..lagu hand in and tu aku dah dapat..cuma thanks kat ko pasla bagi lirik

yg aku nak carik sekarang yg 84 punya olympian tu..kalau dapat.sound ek..:bgrin:

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 Author| Post time 7-6-2004 01:35 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by 蝯z坞悬衻 at 7-6-2004 12:49 AM:

thanks fly..lagu hand in and tu aku dah dapat..cuma thanks kat ko pasla bagi lirik

yg aku nak carik sekarang yg 84 punya olympian tu..kalau dapat.sound ek..:bgrin:

hmmm lagu Olimpik tahun 84 kat L.A
Fly dah cari kat net .... tp tak jumpa
Izzie dah try gune kazaa tak?
maner tau ...
hmmm byk gak yg Fly tak tau pasal sukan Olimpik nih ...
pas ni nak korek2 pasal juara Olimpik dr tahun ke tahun

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seek1u This user has been deleted
Post time 7-6-2004 02:35 AM | Show all posts
aku jumpa hand in hand tu kat kazaa la fly..

tapi yg 84 la punya theme songs tu langsung takdela

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Post time 7-6-2004 04:33 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by 蝯z坞悬衻 at 7-6-2004 02:35 AM:
aku jumpa hand in hand tu kat kazaa la fly..

tapi yg 84 la punya theme songs tu langsung takdela

Yang ini ke?

Los Angeles 1984 S LP The official Music of the XXIIIrd Olympiad Los Angeles 1984 LP also on CD 12 Songs including Reach out from Giorgio Moroder (Main Song)

1. Bill Conti

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 Author| Post time 7-6-2004 12:09 PM | Show all posts
[quote]Originally posted by fleurzsa at 7-6-2004 04:33 AM:

Yang ini ke?

Los Angeles 1984 S LP The official Music of the XXIIIrd Olympiad Los Angeles 1984 LP also on CD 12 Songs including Reach out from Giorgio Moroder (Main Song)

1. Bill Conti

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Post time 7-6-2004 12:14 PM | Show all posts
citer lak pasal nadia comaneci

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 Author| Post time 7-6-2004 04:40 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Lindsay at 7-6-2004 12:14 PM:
citer lak pasal nadia comaneci

pasal Nadia Comaneci dah ada cite skit
try selak page2 yg lepas ....
tak byk citenyer
insya allah ada masa ..... try dig new info

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seek1u This user has been deleted
Post time 7-6-2004 04:54 PM | Show all posts
[quote]Originally posted by fleurzsa at 7-6-2004 04:33 AM:

Yang ini ke?

Los Angeles 1984 S LP The official Music of the XXIIIrd Olympiad Los Angeles 1984 LP also on CD 12 Songs including Reach out from Giorgio Moroder (Main Song)

1. Bill Conti

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seek1u This user has been deleted
Post time 7-6-2004 05:01 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Lindsay at 7-6-2004 12:14 PM:
citer lak pasal nadia comaneci

tak salahh aku nadia comaneci ialah owang romania

owang pertama dapat perfect 10 dalam olympic games masa tahun 1976 di montreal , kanada

dilatih oleh bella kerolyi..yang kemudaian melatih mary lou retton apda olympic di la pada tahun 1984

mary lou retton pun dapat perfect ten..dan menang acara individu keseliruhan..

nadia comaneci kemudain defect ke amerika..ada berita cakap die kawin ngan bart connor , gymnast amerika masa olimpik 1984

ada aku baca kat website dulu , kata dia kawin ngan bella kerolyi, ex coach die..tu je ada owang cakap mary lou retton yg kawin ngan bart connor:gila:

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Post time 7-6-2004 05:05 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by 蝯z坞悬衻 at 7-6-2004 04:54 PM:

thanks for the effort fleurzsa..
tapi yg lagu aku minat tu..
part chorus die..ada wording camni :
olympiad, will teach and we will learn..
olympiad..olympiad...bla  ...

Ha ah ye ...kalau check satu persatu lirik semua lagu dlm album tu... mesti ada yg tally...

Saya rasa lagu2 theme Piala Dunia saya lebih ingat drp lagu2 theme Sukan Olimpik ni... naper ye...

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seek1u This user has been deleted
Post time 7-6-2004 05:10 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by fleurzsa at 7-6-2004 05:05 PM:

Ha ah ye ...kalau check satu persatu lirik semua lagu dlm album tu... mesti ada yg tally...

Saya rasa lagu2 theme Piala Dunia saya lebih ingat drp lagu2 theme Sukan Olimpik ni... naper ye...

kalau rajin..tolong cek kan ek..hehe..thanks

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seek1u This user has been deleted
Post time 7-6-2004 05:12 PM | Show all posts
ni album rasmi olimpik 1984 di los angeles

ni lak lagu olympian yg fly cakap..tapi after aku dah d/laod midi lagu ni, aku rasa..bukan ini lagu yg aku cari..

klik link kat bawah utk d/laod midi lagu olympian ni

lagu yg aku cakap tu..bersemangat bila dengonya..lagu ni slow je:hmm:

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seek1u This user has been deleted
Post time 7-6-2004 06:01 PM | Show all posts
rasanya aku dah dapat tajuk lagu tu..

tajuknya OLYMPIA..tapi tak leh confirm lagi

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 Author| Post time 7-6-2004 06:22 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by 蝯z坞悬衻 at 7-6-2004 06:01 PM:
rasanya aku dah dapat tajuk lagu tu..

tajuknya OLYMPIA..tapi tak leh confirm lagi

tau tajuk tp tak tau sapa menyanyi ..........
tahun 84 ... mmg tak aware pun sapa nyanyi
sebb tak minat ......... ;) ;) masa tuh

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seek1u This user has been deleted
Post time 7-6-2004 11:57 PM | Show all posts
aku dah dapat sumer infonya..even nama penyanyinya

tp kena tunggu esok untuk finalised..:ah:

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