Is God comprise of One, Two Or Three. One God BUT TWO
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Originally posted by sonny~~ at 3-7-2004 12:05 PM:
btw TRUTH8, u should try rebutt me response. bro deb***sfe should also try rebutt TRUTH8 n SONNY with HARDfacts from the bible if he can :hmm:
Originally posted by Truth.8 at 2004-7-3 12:44 PM:
the fact remain that Jesus is God according to Bible verses. U do not defend ur faith according to the Bibel verses.
anyway, will coming with my verse "God says to another Yaweh" TWO ...
u r lyin. theres no bible verse that says jesus is god. likewise none of the verses that u paste say jesus is god. me defense is simple. the bible only teaches god is ONE n not 2 in 1 or 3 in 1. n SONNY sticks to that teachin that god is ONE N ONLY ONE not 2 in 1 or 3 in 1 ![](static/image/smiley/default/smile.gif)
peace |
Originally posted by Truth.8 at 2004-7-3 12:48 PM:
u r lyin. ur rebutt is based on makin assumptions, puttin 2 n 2. thats opinion not HARDfact bible verses. read ![](static/image/smiley/default/smile.gif)
Originally posted by Truth.8 at 2004-7-1 01:06 PM:
Page 9 (cont'd)
The Bible does not disclose a relationship between the
Father and the Spirit or the Son and the Spirit because such
relationship does not exist!
Jesus under the Fath ...
Because Jesus Christ is declared as the Almighty and
the Great God (see Rev. 1:8, Titus 2:13), He is equal to the
Father in ability, power, intelligence and knowledge.
However, Jesus places Himself under the Father (1
Cor. 15:28). The plain words of Jesus in John 10:29 and
14:28 reveal He is subordinate to the Father.
there u go makin assumptions. trinity says god = jesus = holy spirit. nonetheless twoness says socalled god jesus wanna be subordinate to god the father.
inother words, trinity n twoness r fraud in plain english.
when jesus says he wanna be subservient to god, thats exactly wot he means ie he as man wanna be subservient to god as much as we as man wanna be subservient to god.
jesus prays to god before his crucifiction. right? god dont pray to another god n god dont pray to HIMSELF. right? hence jesus is man not god. trinity n twoness r mere assumptions by man ![](static/image/smiley/default/smile.gif)
peace |
Originally posted by Truth.8 at 2004-7-1 01:15 PM:
page 10 (cont)
Mediator (Heb.9:15, 1 Tim.2:5). One Lord the Mediator
and One God the Father makes two persons !
The Divine Organization with a one High God and
one Med ...
Paul writes in 1 Cor. 8:6, " . . . . .yet for us (Christians)
there is but one God, the Father, from whom all things
come and for whom we live ; and there is but one Lord,
Jesus Christ through whom all things came and through
whom we live " {NIV).
Paul is inspired by Spirit of Christ to enhance the
Shema of Israel. The Shema of Israel declared " Hear, 0
Israel : The Lord our God, the Lord is one " (Deut.6:4,
NIV}. While the Shema was understood to be Unitarian in
nature by the majority of ancient Israel, the new Shema -
Lord. One God, one Lord does not mean three beings or
one being but TWO GREAT GOD BEINGS !
there u r. u've proven beyond reasonable doubt god is ONE not 2 in 1 or 3 in 1. as proven in the verses u've pasted - god the father is 1 means theres only ONE god not 2 in 1 or 3 in 1, the lord is 1 means god not jesus is 1. no bible verse says jesus is god ![](static/image/smiley/default/smile.gif)
peace |
Originally posted by Truth.8 at 2004-7-2 12:13 PM:
Page 11 (cont'd)
Just think, if the Holy Spirit were a person like the
Father and Christ, why is He not sending His greetings as
the Father and the Son do ?
In 1 John 1:3, apostle John writes, " our fellowship is
with the Father and with His Son Jesus Christ " {NKJV).
the very verse debunks ur twoness belief n bro deb***sfe's trinity belief. wot u posted subsequently is mere assumptions not words from the bible. the verse says exactly wot it says that father is god n jesus is his son. likewise we r god's children. we r god's creation thru sperms n eggs while jesus is god's creation thru miracle. simple ![](static/image/smiley/default/smile.gif)
peace |
Originally posted by Truth.8 at 2004-7-2 12:24 PM:
Page 12 (con't)
The first chapter reveals the glorified appearance of
Jesus Christ. He is declared as Alpha and Omega on
several occasions. This unveils His eternity - He was there
to ...
none of the bible verses that u've pasted specificially say jesus is god neither did ur pasted verses say jesus claims hes god. mark u, u can say the word lord is jesus n u can therefore assume jesus is god. but ur assumption is wrong. god is the lord n hes god. jesus can be lord but hes no god. jesus never says hes god. read ![](static/image/smiley/default/smile.gif)
The 10 Commandments - Exodus 20 (verses 1 to 17)
1 And God spake all these words, saying, 2 I am the LORD thy God, which have brought thee out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage.
3 Thou shalt have no other gods before me.
4 Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth. 5 Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them: for I the LORD thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me; 6 And shewing mercy unto thousands of them that love me, and keep my commandments.
7 Thou shalt not take the name of the LORD thy God in vain; for the LORD will not hold him guiltless that taketh his name in vain.
Originally posted by Truth.8 at 2004-6-30 11:29 AM:
no problem me will post more and more BUT makes sure u come with Bible verses not view & adding words.
i am quoting verses and verses.
indeed u r quotin verses. but u dont understand the verses as they r. u're makin assumptons from the verses to make ur twoness stick :no: |
Originally posted by Truth.8 at 2004-6-30 05:33 PM:
i hve quote Bible verses to defend my faith but u write based on ur views and opinion. Did not Christ says" Men should not live by bread along but every WORDS that procees from GOD.&quo ...
u may be quotin bible verses but u dont wanna understand em. u wanna make assumptions from the bible verses to keep ur twoness stick. btw n as it is trinity is down the drain ![](static/image/smiley/default/smile.gif)
peace |
Originally posted by Truth.8 at 2004-7-1 12:16 PM:
Me hve not finished the twones yet and u coming with ur views, opinion and adding ur words to suit urs. me need verses to defend ur faith.
wait still me finished until the words THE END ...
me ONE N ONLY ONE GOD doctrine is simple. the bible says i am the lord thy god (read the 10 commandments) n o isael theres only one god (ur cut n paste verse). hence me belief is as the bible preaches per se. me dont make assumptions like u or bro deb***sfe to make twoness or trinity stick :no: |
Page 13 (cont'd)
The final revelation of the Bible 7 the Book of
Revelation - makes it clear and definite the Holy Spirit IS
NOT A PERSONAL BEING like God and the Lamb !
The theme of God and the Lamb runs constantly
throughout the book of Revelation. In the holy city - New
Jerusalem - there is the THRONE OF GOD AND THE
THRONE OF THE LAMB (Rev.22:l,3).
God the Father has a throne, the Son of God has a
Revelation 22: 1 explains everything you need to know
about the Godhead : "And he showed me a pure river of
water, clear as crystal, proceeding from the throne of God
and of the Lamb."
Apostle John sees TWO THRONES : God is One
Person sittmg on one Throne and Christ is the other Person
sitting on the other Throne. The Holy Spirit has no Throne !
The Holy Spirit is not seen as a person but as a river of
water of life coming out from the Two Thrones. The Book
of Revelation explains it in crystal-clear fashion : There are
Two God Beings and the Holy Spirit is the Power of life
issuing from Them.
The Book of Revelation also makes it clear personal
salvation is found only in TWO INDIVIDUALS : God and
the Lamb (7:10).
The verdict : THERE IS NO TRINITY !
Those who teach a triune-God or one-Person God are
adding or subtracting from the word of God ! They say
three or just one when the Book of Revelation and the rest
of the Bible says TWO!
cont/.... |
Page 14
The Book of Revelation warns that those who add or
subtract God's words and Christ's doctrine will lose their
share of eternal life - they will have their names blotted out
from the book of life and will have no place in the eternal
holy city - New Jerusalem (Rev.22:18-19).
Glimpses of a Two-Person God in the OT
Although much of the Old Testament reveal a single
Deity called Yahweh (the Eternal One), there are places
which hint the God of Israel actually comprised of two
The patriarch Abraham knew there were two Members
in the Godhead. He had face-to-face encounters with the
One whom he called the Lord and the Judge of all the earth
who was also Melchizedek (Gen. 18:25-30). From
Melchizedek, Abraham learner there was another great
Personage called God Most High (Gen. 14:18-20). This
knowledge was passed from son to grandson. When
Abraham's grandson, Jacob, was in great peril, the God
always did the work of a Messenger came down as a
Human to wrestle with Jacob. Jacob overcame Him and
would not let Him go unless He blessed him. Jacob never
forgot this encounter for the rest of his life and when he
was old, Jacob prayed to this Great Being invoking Him as
the Angel and asked His blessings on Ephraim and
Manasseh (Gen.48:16). Jacob understood this Angel was
no ordinary angel but a Divine Angel who was a
Representative or Delegate of the Elohim Family.
[ Last edited by Truth.8 on 3-7-2004 at 02:36 PM ] |
" Dan sesungguhnya "Kami" telah menciptakan manusia dari tanah liat kering (yang asal) dari lumpur hitam yang di beri bentuk. Dan "Kami" telah menciptakan jin, sebelum itu, dari api yang sangat panas". Surah Al-Hijr:26-27
Abviously more than One God!. |
Originally posted by Einard at 3-7-2004 08:16 PM:
" Dan sesungguhnya "Kami" telah menciptakan manusia dari tanah liat kering (yang asal) dari lumpur hitam yang di beri bentuk. Dan "Kami" telah menciptakan jin, sebelum itu, ...
of course the word "Kami" meaning We. God the Father and Jesus . One God but TWO.
[ Last edited by Truth.8 on 4-7-2004 at 03:43 AM ] |
Originally posted by Truth.8 at 4-7-2004 02:06 AM:
of course the word "Kami" meaning We. God the Father and Jesus . One God but TWO.
Surah Al-Hij
26. And verily We have made man from ringing clay, which was in reality black smelling mud.
27. And We have made Jinns before from the smokeless fire.
[ Last edited by Truth.8 on 4-7-2004 at 03:43 AM ] |
Conclusion? Muslim = Christian? Christian = Muslim? |
Originally posted by Einard at 4-7-2004 07:02 PM:
Conclusion? Muslim = Christian? Christian = Muslim?
it depend. Most Christians believed One God BUT Two. Jews and Muslims believed One, when the Bible says TWO ,Let US make.... and the Koran says We.....
Originally posted by Truth.8 at 2004-7-3 02:23 PM:
Page 13 (cont'd)
The final revelation of the Bible 7 the Book of
Revelation - makes it clear and definite the Holy Spirit IS
NOT A PERSONAL BEING like God and the Lamb !
The theme ...
The verdict : THERE IS NO TRINITY !
Those who teach a triune-God or one-Person God are
adding or subtracting from the word of God ! They say
three or just one when the Book of Revelation and the rest
of the Bible says TWO!
bible dont teach no trinity. neither did the bible teach twoness. the 10 commandments specifically says theres ONLY ONE GOD not 2 gods in 1 twoness god or 3 gods in 1 trinity god.
wot u do all this while is refusin to understand the bible as it teaches per se. u quote verses n makin assumptions to make ur twoness stick ![](static/image/smiley/default/smile.gif)
peace |
Originally posted by sonny~~ at 6-7-2004 11:14 AM:
bible dont teach no trinity. neither did the bible teach twoness. the 10 commandments specifically says theres ONLY ONE GOD not 2 gods in 1 twoness god or 3 gods in 1 trinity god.
just wait what the Bible says : God says to another Yaweh.
then u know twoness or oness.
me going slow by slow to educate our friends here. cannot be hurry lah...after they lost. |
Originally posted by Truth.8 at 2004-7-3 02:30 PM:
Page 14
The Book of Revelation warns that those who add or
subtract God's words and Christ's doctrine will lose their
share of eternal life - they will have their names blotted out
fr ...
Glimpses of a Two-Person God in the OT
Although much of the Old Testament reveal a single
Deity called Yahweh (the Eternal One), there are places
which hint the God of Israel actually comprised of two
the keyword 'ere is HINT. u're sayin god hints to say hes 2 in 1. right? whereas god REVEALS hes ONE N ONLY ONE GOD. as it is, REVEAL is stronger word than HINT. no god almighty teaches mankind thru makin hints. he gonna say outright hes ONE N ONLY ONE not hintin hes 2 in 1 twoness or 3 in 1 trinity. get that right
even 10 commandments dont make hints. it says outright GOD IS ONE OR THOU SHALT NOT KILL ETC. no hintin business. hintin is only for u n bro deb***sfe who wanna make assumptions to make twoness n trinity stick ![](static/image/smiley/default/smile.gif)
peace |
Originally posted by Truth.8 at 2004-7-4 02:06 AM:
of course the word "Kami" meaning We. God the Father and Jesus . One God but TWO.
[ Last edited by Truth.8 on 4-7-2004 at 03:43 AM ]
cockeye explanation. kami may mean we. nonetheless how u know kami = we = 2 n not 3 or 4 or 5 or 1000000000000?
inother words god is ONE regardless the translation is we or us etc. follow the 10 commandments per se which says theres ONLY ONE GOD ![](static/image/smiley/default/smile.gif)
peace |
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