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Author: adlismel

Human Brain

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Post time 31-7-2004 05:28 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Agul at 31-7-2004 12:35 PM:
Still there is no guarantee we're experiencing the same thing. Do we perceive energy spectrum in the same way? You and I will never know.

Maybe u r right maybe u r not...;)

The colors of spectrum are pure, and they represent the greatest intensity possible.

When we view colors we do not have to rationalize what we are supposed to feel abouts it color.  Everybody (normal) have an  immediate emotional reaction to it.  

Color begins with and is derived from light, either natural or artificial. Where there is light, there is little color; where the light is strong, color is likely to be particularly intense.

[ Last edited by fleurzsa on 5-8-2004 at 07:35 PM ]

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Post time 1-8-2004 02:44 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by fleurzsa at 31-7-2004 05:28 PM:

Maybe u r right maybe u r not...;)

That's the gist of it.

I'm not claiming anything, as a "fact". I'm just saying that no one, in their right mind could honestly say that reality is objective (in human sense since most of us here are human being). ;) <---- supposedly be a wink, not rolling eyes.

God side of thing, I dare not venture.

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Nazra81 This user has been deleted
Post time 2-8-2004 01:17 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Agul at 30-7-2004 10:38 PM:
"If your not shocked by quantum physics then you don't understand it." - Niels Bohr

Walau saya bkn bdk Fizik tulen, saya begitu kagumi Fizik. Kwn saya yg ambil Fizik Kuantum byk bantu saya fahami Kuantum ni. Kerana itu saya jatuh cinta pada kuantum ni. Konsep kuantum byk membantu saya dlm penyelesaian masalah teknologi yg sdg saya usahakan. Saya pun hairan kenapa dlm membentuk seorg jurutera yg berjaya, para pelajar kejuruteraan negara ini tidak ditekankan dgn konsep ini & hanya menyerahkan bulat2 kpd student Fizik. Mentaliti saintis membina konsep dan teknologis mengaplikasikannya masih terlalu menebal di negara ini sehingga terdpt satu tembok yg besar utk memajukan sains di negara ni...

Inilah dilema saya sekarang...

[ Last edited by Nazra81 on 2-8-2004 at 01:19 PM ]

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Nazra81 This user has been deleted
Post time 2-8-2004 01:21 PM | Show all posts
2 perkara berlaku beberapa hari yg lps; satu sedih, yg satu menghiburkan. Kedua2nya membuatkan saya terfikir ttg topik ni.

Per. 1:
Terima panggilan dr daddy, &#8220;Kenapa ni? Mana ank daddy yg tidak terburu2 dan hidup berlandaskan keluhuran? Mana pemuzik yg berjiwa? Mana penulis penuh ihsan? Mana bakal jurutera yg punya impian kemanusiaan?&#8221;. (Merujuk kpd post saya dlm thread ni; daddy yg syorkan saya involve dlm section ni.)

Per. 2:
Seorg teman bercerita, &#8220;Kau tahu, td aku masa kelas kuantum, lecturer ajar satu konsep mcm mana nak muatkan 1 pen drive dgn keupayaan 200 GB. Dia siap ckp lg, nanti bila pen drive tu dah ada, boleh la telan je pen drive tu, tak yah belajar lg&#8230;&#8221;

Akhir2 ni, bila saya terlalu byk terlibat dgn projek2 mega, alasan saya byk yg berkiblatkan sains. Saya tahu daddy kecewa sbb dia pernah kata manusia jgn jd robot, tp jd insan. Jd, saya satukan kembali pandangan saya sebelum ini, tp dgn lebih jelas.

Tajuk topik ni, BRAIN. Dr pengalaman terlibat dlm pembangunan rawatan kanser, saya dpti pengetahuan ttg anatomi otak, fungsi dan fisiologi otak (perlukan beratus2 buku rujukan perubatan, pelajar perubatan mungkin lebih mengetahui) byk membantu. Saya pernah katakan otak membantu manusia berfungsi seperti sepatutnya sebagai fakta. Fakta ini adalah fakta sains atau dari sudut perubatan. Jika ia bukan fakta, sains dan perubatan tak mampu berkembang untuk kepentingan manusia sebab kami tidak boleh bersifat relatif terhadap semua setiap perkara. Semuanya mesti tepat krn kami mempertaruhkan nyawa manusia. Relatif individu terhadap warna misalnya, seperti Agul beri contoh, kami tidak boleh terima kerana kami perlu pastikan otak menafsir sesuatu itu secara tepat. Wujud percanggahan sebegitu sebenarnya telah lari dari konsep otak. Perbezaan tafsiran adalah lebih kpd pemahaman dan pandangan. Otak hanyalah perantaraan untuk setiap perkara; yg selebihnya, relatif atau tidak, subjektif atau tidak, objektif atau tidak, telah keluar dr konsep &#8220;BRAIN&#8221;. Bila saya renungkan kata2 daddy, terdetik, apakah yg dibicarakan oleh semua di sini? Brain (dr sudut anatomi) @ Otak? Thought? Brain sbg sesuatu yg tidak wujud secara nyata itu ke? Sebab ketiga2 perkara ini punya fungsi dan penilaian yg berbeza.  

Lantas, saya teringat pd cerita teman saya. Manusia sepintar itu&#8230; Di mana kekuatannya? Cetusan elektron pada otak? Jika manusia yg mampu mencipta perkara sehebat itu, kenapa manusia masih bingung utk memaksimumkan keupayaan CPU sendiri? Mengapa manusia juga masih terkapai-kapai dalam menilai fungsi dan peranan CPU itu? Sekali lagi, jawapannya akn berbeza2, spt nyatanya BRAIN will be as mystery as ever&#8230; (Ungkapan Marie Curie).

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 Author| Post time 3-8-2004 12:38 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by fleurzsa at 7/2004/20 11:35 AM:
Nak kongsi Teori HBDI ...

Kuadran - A
Bahagian Otak - Hemisfera Kiri atas (Otak Kiri Atas)
Fungsi Utama - Logik, Analitik, Fakta kuantitif

Kuadran - B
Bahagian Otak - Hemisfera Kiri bawah( ...

thank for the information

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PlaySpy This user has been deleted
Post time 4-8-2004 11:54 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Agul at 1-8-2004 02:44 PM:

That's the gist of it.

I'm not claiming anything, as a "fact". I'm just saying that no one, in their right mind could honestly say that reality is objective (in human sense since m ...

agree.agree. bab Tuhan jgn talk lbh2.

agul, nak tanya lil bit; kau minat agul ke? nazra & kwn baik dia minat thp bpk cipan kat agul... brp puluh kali 2 org tu tgk aku pun tak tahu...

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Post time 4-8-2004 03:31 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Nazra81 at 2-8-2004 01:21 PM:
2 perkara berlaku beberapa hari yg lps; satu sedih, yg satu menghiburkan. Kedua2nya membuatkan saya terfikir ttg topik ni.

Per. 1:
Terima panggilan dr daddy, 揔enapa ni? Mana ank daddy y ...

Memahami realiti dalam konsep holografik tak bermakna kita mengabaikan konsep materialis sepenuhnya dalam kehifdupan seharian.

Kita masih terikat dalam undang2 tertentu. Graviti tetap berfungsi walaupun kita tak tahumenahu tentangnya. Kalau nak guna konsep reduksionisme, kita semua ni cuma tindakbalas antara partikel. (tapi macam tak best pulak bunyinya)

Memanglah seorang doktor kena bersikap praktikal dalam merawat pesakit. Pengetahuan doktor tu sendiri masih belum mencukupi tapi tugasnya terus diteruskan. Sbb itulah dipangil medical "practitioner". They continue to practise medicine, even on imperfect ground.

Apa yang aku tulis mungkin  lari sedikit dari aspek klinikal otak. Pendapat peribadi aku kalau nak bincangkan ttg aspek klinikal ni lebih sesuai kalau masuk ke S&M atau Medical board.

Mungkin juga apa yg aku tulis ni lebih sesuai kat thread marquez yg berkaitan dgn kupu2 tu.

Berkaitan fakta tu, sebenarnya (bagi aku, YMMV) ianya tetap sesuatu yang relatif, tidak boleh tidak. Secara praktikal ada pola tertentu dlm pemerhatian. Jadi secara efektif kita boleh anggap ia satu fakta. Tapi elok juga kalau kita fikirkan apa hakikat sebenar fakta itu.

Berkaitan dgn komen awak tentang otak itu satu fakta, bagaimana anda boleh pasti?

Do you "know" that, or do you come across that knowledge through personal experience (which I believe you have told us about). Do you have "absolute knowledge" that I exist? Is there a possibility that I'm just a figment of your imagination?

Bagaimana dgn mimpi? Bagi kebanyakan org mimpi itu benar bagi mereka pada masa itu. Tak ramai yang sedar mereka itu bermimpi. Bagi aku  pendengaran, penglihatan, rasa semuanya masih berfungsi pada masa itu. Adakah ini bermakna ianya suatu yg hakiki?

Antara definasi fakta:

1. Fakta boleh ditakrifkan sbg konsep dimana kebenarannya boleh dibuktikan;

2. Ia juga boleh ditakrifkan sbg sesuatu yang diketahui sebagai benar melalui pemerhatian;

3. Sesuatu dakwaan, yang mungkin benar atau mempunyai bukti yang mencukupi (fahami konsep bukti dahulu).  Kadang2 fakta digunakan utk sesuatu dakwaan. Ini tidak bermakna ianya benar (mungkin benar) tetapi ada bukti yang mencukupi dalam situasi itu;

4. Maklumat tentang kejadian yg berlaku atau telah berlaku.

Ada banyak lagi tafsiran ttg fakta yg kdg2 bertentangan.

Tapi secara asasnya ada (pemerhati) dan kejadian yg diperhatikan.

Satu soalan, adakah masa itu fakta? Is there such a thing as absolute time?

Maybe we really mean different thing when talking about facts.

Maybe I'm just cracking up

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Post time 4-8-2004 03:35 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by PlaySpy at 4-8-2004 11:54 AM:

agree.agree. bab Tuhan jgn talk lbh2.

agul, nak tanya lil bit; kau minat agul ke? nazra & kwn baik dia minat thp bpk cipan kat agul... brp puluh kali 2 org tu tgk aku pun tak tahu...

korang saling mengenali ke? Ko ckp pasal apa? Cite ultraman ke? Aku amik agul sbg avatar sbb dia bukan "boy scouts" mcm otromen lain.

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Post time 4-8-2004 04:22 PM | Show all posts
Pandangan aku, "semuanya memang relatif". Walaupun ianya hanya konstruk minda, tak bermakna ianya tidak wujud. The "mind construct", matters. In short, it exist.

How do you prove 'it exists'? Apa jaminan yang kewujudan ini benar-benar wujud?

I'll do my best to play by the rules of whichever reality I'm currently in.


When I'm "dreaming", I play by different rules (fly, creating object, etc.). There is preconceived notion (which may be right or maybe wrong), which I get from my environment or experience (or experience of others experience). Learning which one is really and which one is not is a great learning experience (knowing more). Exploring the possibilities.

But how do you know that to 'know' is really TO KNOW?

Life is all about advancement.

This is an assumption, yes? Maybe an evil genius planted this suggestion to you?

When this is stilted, trouble will follow. If we posses a little bit of honesty I think we can see that "all of us a role is always forever seeking more "life". If not, discontent will follow.

Unless, you as a brain in a vat has been 'shown' a movie about life and discontent, and this idea has lodged itself in your brain?

Those who become a hermit or dervish is the same too, they want to experience more love. It has always been, it will always be. More joy, more knowledge, more fulfilment, more happiness, etc. Life is dynamic, not static.

Again, all assumptions. Can you prove that joy is real? experience is real? that hermit or dervish are not just nonsensical words created by an idle mind (which might not even exist)? Maybe YOU are creating this argument yourself?

It is also my personal belief (read: faith)牋that we are here for a reason.

But didn't you say you don't want God to be in the picture? Which is it now? Are you justifying the realness of reality by invoking God? (Like Descartes?)

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Post time 4-8-2004 04:23 PM | Show all posts
Saya pun hairan kenapa dlm membentuk seorg jurutera yg berjaya, para pelajar kejuruteraan negara ini tidak ditekankan dgn konsep ini & hanya menyerahkan bulat2 kpd student Fizik. Mentaliti saintis membina konsep dan teknologis mengaplikasikannya masih terlalu menebal di negara ini sehingga terdpt satu tembok yg besar utk memajukan sains di negara ni...

Mungkin kerana kita mewarisi etika revolusi industri yang ghairahkan pengkhususan. Lagipun dari segi politik dan kuasa lebih mudah untuk mengawal manusia yang melanggan etika ini.

Akhir2 ni, bila saya terlalu byk terlibat dgn projek2 mega, alasan saya byk yg berkiblatkan sains.

Alasan berkiblatkan sains tu cemana?

Semuanya mesti tepat krn kami mempertaruhkan nyawa manusia.

The funny thing (to me, at least), is that in the end we still die. Kalau sains benar-benar logikal, tentu ada yang sudah bertanya, why bother?

[quote]Relatif individu terhadap warna misalnya, seperti Agul beri contoh, kami tidak boleh terima kerana kami perlu pastikan otak menafsir sesuatu itu secara tepat. Wujud percanggahan sebegitu sebenarnya telah lari dari konsep otak. Perbezaan tafsiran adalah lebih kpd pemahaman dan pandangan. Otak hanyalah perantaraan untuk setiap perkara; yg selebihnya, relatif atau tidak, subjektif atau tidak, objektif atau tidak, telah keluar dr konsep 揃RAIN

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Post time 4-8-2004 04:36 PM | Show all posts
Pendapat peribadi aku kalau nak bincangkan ttg aspek klinikal ni lebih sesuai kalau masuk ke S&M atau Medical board

Bak kata Keanu Reeves, WHOA! Cari ada board S&M... how...liberal...

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Post time 4-8-2004 05:26 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by marquez at 4-8-2004 04:22 PM:

How do you prove 'it exists'? Apa jaminan yang kewujudan ini benar-benar wujud?

One answer Marquez... plain faith. I have no way to know if it really is. However, what I really mean is that it exist and effectively is "real", if only personally. Yet, when this stage is over it might just feel like a dream.


It's more fun that way.

But how do you know that to 'know' is really TO KNOW?

I can think of no way TO KNOW. It is only faith and assumption, which may or may not be entirely correct.

This is an assumption, yes? Maybe an evil genius planted this suggestion to you?
Unless, you as a brain in a vat has been 'shown' a movie about life and discontent, and this idea has lodged itself in your brain?

Of course it is an assumption. One that come to me from a genius (who doesn't found anything new). If he is evil, that's just the topping of the cake.

However, I would like to add that I've starting to found the truth of this statement, working through my life, all the time (through my personal perception, of course). When I think about what is happening around me, I found this much to be true.

Again, all assumptions. Can you prove that joy is real? experience is real? that hermit or dervish are not just nonsensical words created by an idle mind (which might not even exist)? Maybe YOU are creating this argument yourself?

Have you really tried to consider that we're actually doing what we do to experience. After successfully completing a big project which have taken all your resource, do you feel anything? Why do people want to have a lot of money? Probably they want to feel free, secure. How futile is it to work hard for anything and in the end you doesn't feel anything.

I cannot prove anything to you, nor do I wish to. I repeat, I do not claim to know and I have no way of knowing.

But didn't you say you don't want God to be in the picture? Which is it now? Are you justifying the realness of reality by invoking God? (Like Descartes?)

Now there it is... I think you might have misunderstood what I really mean. I don't say anything about not wanting or wanting God to be in the picture. What I'm really saying is that I do not want to claim anything on behalf of God. I'm not God and I do not pretend to know how God think (if that's a correct word). The reality I know is fom my perspective, not God. (I believe that's the only real reality)

Actually I can answer all your question (except the last one) using only one word. Faith.

There you go...

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Post time 4-8-2004 05:28 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by marquez at 4-8-2004 04:36 PM:

Bak kata Keanu Reeves, WHOA! Cari ada board S&M... how...liberal...

Kau suka ke?

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Post time 4-8-2004 08:16 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Agul at 2004-8-4 05:28 PM:
I cannot prove anything to you, nor do I wish to. I repeat, I do not claim to know and I have no way of knowing.

Aren't you undermining your own arguments here?

I mean you are arguing but:

(i) you cannot prove anything
(ii) you do not wish to prove anything
(iii) you do not claim to know
(iv) you have no way of knowing

Like, wassup dude?

What I'm really saying is that I do not want to claim anything on behalf of God. I'm not God and I do not pretend to know how God think (if that's a correct word). The reality I know is fom my perspective, not God. (I believe that's the only real reality)

Ok. One more question: when you say faith, do you mean faith in God, or just faith that things are real?

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Nazra81 This user has been deleted
Post time 4-8-2004 08:28 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Agul at 4-8-2004 03:31 PM:

Memahami realiti dalam konsep holografik tak bermakna kita mengabaikan konsep materialis sepenuhnya dalam kehifdupan seharian.

Kita masih terikat dalam undang2 tertentu. Graviti tetap berfun ...

Saya bukan pengamal perubatan, saya hanyalah pengamal teknologi yg menggunakan fakta sains ttg fungsi otak bg membina sesuatu yg boleh membantu menyelesaikan masalah mausia.

Itulah saya katakan di akhir post saya sebelum ini... ttg pengertian yg berbeza...

Mungkin sebenarnya kita sdg membayangkan atau melihat otak dan fakta ini dr sesuatu perkara dan sudut yg yg berbeza. Melihat keindahan otak ini dr sudut falsafah mmg pemahamannya tak semudah memahami fungsi otak dr sudut teknikal shj... Mungkin ada yg sdg memperkatakan ttg akal atau minda. Sbb bila membaca post2 awk, saya seolah2 membaca ttg minda dan akal atau dimensi keempat otak... Dari sinilah saya perasan titik percanggahan pendapat kita. Di sebalik semua itu, saya masih boleh menerima pendapat awak dan cuba memikirkannya dr sudut yg berbeza.

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Nazra81 This user has been deleted
Post time 4-8-2004 08:34 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Agul at 4-8-2004 03:35 PM:

korang saling mengenali ke? Ko ckp pasal apa? Cite ultraman ke? Aku amik agul sbg avatar sbb dia bukan "boy scouts" mcm otromen lain.

Saya dah berapa kali kantoi dgn mamat sorang ni. Dia dpt detect saya masa buka web ERA. Saya mmg guna nama betul. Dia mengenali saya dr jauh, tp forum ni mendekatkan kami sbg sahabat. Kami teman sekuliah yg baru mengenali secara lebih rapat. Dah lama dia tak masuk forum, tp mcm biasala, setiap kali masuk forum, mesti jaja nama saya.

Actually, malu nak ngaku, saya mmg suka avatar awak. Agul is my fav ultraman.

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Nazra81 This user has been deleted
Post time 4-8-2004 08:39 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by marquez at 4-8-2004 04:23 PM:

Alasan berkiblatkan sains tu cemana?

Selain daddy, kwn baik saya pun ada tegur. Alasan saya selalu dtg terus dr hati, on the spot, tak pernah nak fikir2, tp spjg 2 @ 3 minggu lps saya byk letakkan sains sbg alasan yg kdg2 hati sayapun mcm nak menolaknya. Thanks to daddy and my best friend, I'm back.

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Nazra81 This user has been deleted
Post time 4-8-2004 08:46 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by marquez at 4-8-2004 04:23 PM:
The funny thing (to me, at least), is that in the end we still die. Kalau sains benar-benar logikal, tentu ada yang sudah bertanya, why bother?

Mungkin ahli sains sukakan cabaran. Dr sudut sainsnya, adalah satu kelebihan jika dpt mencari ruang utk memanjangkan umur manusia. Saya ada belajar psl faktor2 panjang umur ni masa tahun satu dulu, subjek apa, saya pun tak ingat.

Sbg seorg Islam mungkin tak wujud perkara begitu kerana hidup dan mati telah ditentukan. Namun Islam juga mengajar manusia supaya jangan kalah sebelum berjuang. Berperanglah dgn penyakit, lawanlah penyakit, berusahalah walau sehingga nafas terhenti. Sebagai seorg Islam, saya letakkan alasan ini dlm usaha saya.

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Post time 4-8-2004 08:48 PM | Show all posts
Sori, masih tak berapa paham,berkiblatkan sains sebagai contoh buat sains untuk sains ke? Sains untuk manusia ke? Sains utk Tuhan ke? Sains untuk kaya raya ke?

Sebelum ni kiblat sdri kat mana (saya tak maksudkan dalam konsep keagamaan)... dan krisis yang diceitakan ni cemana pulak supanya? Spiritual?

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Nazra81 This user has been deleted
Post time 4-8-2004 08:50 PM | Show all posts
[quote]Originally posted by marquez at 4-8-2004 04:23 PM:

Mengapa agaknya? Kita letakkan sesuatu yang sama di dalam kompartmen yang berbeza-beza kerana kita匸/quote]

Mungkin manusia sentiasa mencari perbezaan dan kelainan. Lagipun manusia mmg dicipta utk berbeza. Fingerprints antara manusia pun berbeza antara satu individu dgn individu, apatah lagi, perkara yg lebih rumit, yg abstrak dan melibatkan pemikiran.

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