ei ganas nye aku tgk ikan2 laut dalam ni...ya allah kalu la aku ditakdirkan nampak depan mata boleh pengsan shiot....takutnyes.... |
yes think hidupan laut dalam as 'x-files' as planet kat outer space. file sci-fiction just mengandaikan kewujudan hidupan2 berupa binatang yg x terfikir akal and ganas.. but betul ke?
some also tunjuk.. ade makhluk baik yg sangat tinggi peradaban dan tamadunnya.. hmmm. God is Great.  |
Russian scientists begin trial exploration of world's deepest lake
from AFP couple days ago informed this news:
Russian scientists leading a submarine expedition to probe the world's deepest lake on Thursday carried out test dives ahead of the start of the operation next week, reports said.
The trial runs at Lake Baikal lasted two hours with two submarines diving to a depth of around 420 metres (1,386 feet), the Russian media reports quoted the organisers as saying.
On Tuesday, the expedition will begin in earnest with the submarines attempting to descend 1,637 metres (5,402 feet) to the bottom of the lake which has a unique ecosystem and has never been explored.
The expedition is being organised by Artur Chilingarov, a pro-Kremlin member of parliament and an Arctic explorer who led the team of scientists that planted a flag at the bottom of the North Pole in August last year.
Previous missions have only descended hundreds of metres.
Scientists will collect samples at different depths and hope to document the effects of global warming on the lake, as well as drawing the attention of the Russian government to the need for greater environmental protection.
The mission at Lake Baikal -- a UN World Heritage site which contains around a fifth of the world's freshwater reserves -- will carry out dozens of dives by the Mir-1 and Mir-2 mini-submarines. |
Balas #14 guynextdoor\ catat
aku penah tgk gak citer ni... |
tempat jin berlindung tue |
seram tengok rupa ikan tu.....huhuh  |
ikan2 kt dasar laut menakutkan |
Close up of a dead snail fish--its deeper-living relatives were caught on camera
A species of s ...
cmf_eddie_world Post at 11-7-2011 17:04 
comel |
Manusia dah pijak kaki kat bulan
Tapi dasar lautan .. tak explore habis lagiiii |
tertarik dgn citer spongebob yg jtuh dlm ke laut jmpe ikan pelik2....pgasas cter spongebob ni pakar laut |
Tempat tinggal Spongebob ngan Patrick kot ?   |
selalu terpikir benda apa yang ada kat dasar laut dalam tu..
we never know  |
Tempat tinggal Spongebob ngan Patrick kot ?
MrFreddDurst Post at 22-9-2011 20:33 
.......dan jugak tempat Mr Crab berniaga krabby patty  |
ada penduduk alien dlm laut tu. penah dgr kapal angkasa keluar dr dalam laut |
ish...kuatnye ikan ikan tuee |
buruknya ikan2 yang ada kat dalam dasar laut..mcm dalam citer cartoon |
ada penduduk alien dlm laut tu. penah dgr kapal angkasa keluar dr dalam laut
shanshero Post at 3-10-2011 00:59 
sumber? |
Nalsya@ sumber aq dpt dr kes2 bermuda triangle. Nelayan kawasan sekitar pnh terlihat piring terbng yg muncul dr dasar laut. Malahn atlantis juge dikatakn tesembunyi didasar laut. Dalam discovry chnle baru ni ttg documtry ufo alien bandar atlantis dikaitkn dgn ufo |
Aku tetiber teringat yg sungai air tawar ditemui di dasar laut.. tapi still belum kategori laut dalam sbb diver leh pi sana..
just nak nyatakan betapa agungnya ciptaan tuhan air masin dan tawar tuh langsung x bercampur..
makhluk2 laut dalam.. seriously aku mmg seram.. dgn mata2 and gigi2 dorg.. giler seram...
and aku tetiber teringat satu kisah nabi Sulaiman di mana Allah tunjukkan dia sorg makhluk Allah ni yg tinggal di dalam laut.. dia hanya hidup mengabdikan dirinya kat situ.
Allah bagi dia balasan sbb sangat taat pada ibu bapa? saper ingat kisah nih?
Rasa2nya hamba Allah tu ada lagi x? masih lagi x kat dasar laut tuh? agak2 dalam mana? hurm.. Wallahhu'aklam..
Kuasa tuhan.. x der sapaer yg leh pertikaikan dan persoalkan.. |
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